OS X :: Powerbook Wakes Mac Pro On Public Network - How Do I Set It Up In Both Sl And Xp Pro

Nov 30, 2009

I have a mac pro in my studio, hopping on some open wireless network...

I also have an old 12" powerbook.

I understand that I can have my new mac pro (Snow Leopard) sleeping, and have my powerbook hooked up to it with ethernet always on... and be able to wake up the mac pro through something called wake on lan?

How do I set this up? How do i set it up in both osx sl and xp pro?

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PowerPC :: PowerBook Wakes Up With Closed Lid?

Jul 1, 2009

I just started having this issue where when i close my powerbook lid to put it to sleep, it'll fall asleep (but takes longer than usual) and then 5 seconds after it falls asleep it'll wake up.
and then i'll open it and sometimes it'll continue to be awake, but sometimes it'll go back to sleep...

I've reset the PMU and the nvram. i've also created a test user account and i have the same issue there so it seems like it's a hardware issue... which really sucks.

does anyone have any suggestions? it seems like whatever makes the powerbook realize it's closed is broken. hopefully that's a part that's easy to replace?

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Windows On Mac :: 7 Can't Get On Public Network... No Ip Address?

Jan 3, 2010

After initially installing win 7, and taking a few stabs at the correct driver for the wireless card in my mac pro (apple installed), i got wifi working with a public network.

HOWEVER, i installed windows updates, restarted, and now it's just not working again!

it says that there is not a valid ip address... my macs get on fine...

how to diagnose and fix? the win 7 dianostics do nothing.

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Hardware :: Connecting Time Capsule To Public Network?

Jan 31, 2010

So i searched everywhere i could to try and find an answer to this question, because i imagine at least someone on this planet is having this same problem, but i haven't found anything. so here i am, asking you:

Originally i had bought a Time Capsule 1TB and connected it to my internet modem and used it to create a network, then i had a AirPort express that i used solely for AirTunes to my stereo. So i had wireless backup for my MBP, N-Speed wireless internet for computer and iPhone and wireless music in my room, it was awesome.

but i just moved into a condo downtown that we are subleasing. The owner told me it had wifi so that was a selling point for me. but heres my problem, currently i have my TC and AirTunes on one network, for music and backups, but there is no ethernet connection in my condo, so i cannot directly connect it to the internet, so for internet i connect to the public wifi, and have to switch every time i want music in the living room, or want to back up., and i cant do either at the same time as i connect to the internet.

and i cannot extend the wifi in the building since it is not N. so i followed the instructions to connect my TC and AirPort to my existing WiFi, and to my knowledge, they will both connect as clients and be accessible all through my buildings WiFi. But, when i take them off their own network and connect them to the public wifi they just disappear and i have no way of finding them ever again through AirPort Utility unless i reset them.

so i was very troubled with this and it bothered me for ages, and i was just using 2 separate networks, but then i realized that every time a new client connects to the building's wifi it goes to a page where you must click 'ACCEPT" to the terms of use before having access to the network, so on my MBP i can open safari and click accept, but my TC and AirPort cannot click accept.

is this my problem? what do i need to do? can i connect for the first time to the network through ethernet from my MBP to the TC and turn off my wireless card in my mbp then click accept in safari on my mbp? or can i connect my mbp to the wifi and reset my MAC or IP address to the same as my TC or AirPort then click accept, that way the TC's and AirPort's IP and/or MAC are registered on the network and they can continue to connect without being asked to accept the ToU?

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OS X :: Time Machine On Public Network / Backing Up Is Very Slow

Mar 9, 2010

I'm on a really slow internet connection when Im on my campus vs at home. My computer trying to backup Time Machine incessantly has been going on long enough. It slows things to a crawl: I need a solution. Is there a way to tell Time Machine to screw off trying to find my Time Capsule when I'm not at home? You'd think this would be a very simple thing to implement, but a google search and a search of the forums has turned up nothing.

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PowerPC :: Powerbook G4 Can't Find My Wireless Network?

Jul 2, 2009

Hi guys. I need some help with my Airport. I currently have a D-Link DIR-655 router. The wireless is wonderful when it works but lately the problem is the network has disappeared from my Airport list. I've tried reinstalling the software and it has temporarily fixed the problem but after a minute or so the network vanishes (but I'm still able to connect to it via iPhone). Anyone know what the problem is? I'm currently running 10.5.7 on a 15" Pbook G4.

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OS X :: What Is A Remote IP, Public IP, And Private IP

Dec 29, 2010

What is a Remote IP, Public IP, and Private IP?

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OS X :: How To Change Mac Public Folder Name

Jan 9, 2009

My public folder was name using my full name. How can I change this? Firstly, where did it get my name from? Maybe I typed my full name in at some point - I can't remember, but now i use my intials for my login name and proper short name. I deselected the folder for sharing then reselected it trying to find if it was re-nameable and in doing this my full name has disappeared but my short name or initials havent been used - so now it just says "Public" - does anyone know how to name this so when someone selects my laptop under Network it shows "Yuan's" Public Folder? Maybe if I restart the laptop or repair permissions it will correct itself - ill try now.

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OS X :: Won't Use IMail Over Public Networks

Jul 15, 2009

iMail is able to download messages just fine in my home network however, when ever I am over a public network, eg library, sb, etc, it doesn't load. I still have access to the mail within iMail but can't download or send anything?

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Software :: How To Know About Public Folders

Mar 21, 2009

if I put something in my Public folder for other users of my MBP to use, should it automatically appear in their Public folder or would they have to navigate to /Users/MyUserName/Public to see/access the data?

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MacBook Pro :: When Will The New 13 Inch Be Available To The Public

Jun 20, 2012

I want to know when I will be able to actually take home a new 13 inch macbook pro

MacBook Pro

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PowerPC :: Powerbook Battery - Significance Of Levels For Powerbook G4 15''

Nov 15, 2006

I am leaving for a week long trip and many parts of it will not be able to run the computer off of the powercord, which is a problem because I get about 40mins of wordprocessing use out of it when I run the battery alone. Can someone explain what the significance of these levels are for my Powerbook G4 15'' (Alm) 1.25GHz, namely the cycle count and full charge/remaining capacity?

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Software :: Forklift 2 Public Beta Available

May 1, 2010

Brand new rewrite from the studs at Binary Nights. They claim it's 3x faster than another other File Transfer program out there. If you doubt download and see for yourself.
I'll probably upgrade my version. I like Forklifts blend of power without the feature creep.

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OS X :: Can't Connect And Get Share Public Ip Address

Mar 28, 2009

Recently I acquired an Airport Extreme base station. I have 2 wifi networks because I am not on cable, it's an adsl service. At the moment the extreme is in bridge mode and its like the 2 networks are fused together, so the PC can access my mac's files and so on.

However, I want to be able to point to opendns' name servers inside my extremes settings, as opposed to individual computers, and wondered that if I got it to share a public ip address, would it bugger up my connectivity in any way? I'm too wuss to try it in case i can't connect.

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OS X :: How To Configure Free Public Wifi

Apr 20, 2009

While on a recent trip, my wife tried to connect to an unsecured wifi network named "free public wifi". I told her to cancel it quick since I had remembered reading something about viral ssid's named that. Does anyone know if this would affect a mac? I'm not even convinced that if fully connected, since it wasn't listed in her preferred networks pane, but I just wanted to make sure.

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OS X :: Remote Access To A Mac's Public Folder?

Jun 30, 2009

I've finished setting up a small server using the public folder on m,y mac mini running OS X 10.5.7. I'm able to easily access it and use my login to access the public folder on my home network. My question is, how can i set up a system by which remotely, I can login to access JUST the public folder on my mini. Is this possible? If not, what else could I do that would allow something like this.

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OS X :: Public File Uploads To IDisk

Sep 5, 2009

Quick question � do you know if there�s a way to let people upload files to your mobile me iDisk, without them having to enter your private account password in? Kinda like a public drop box? I know there are other services out there, but trying to see if I can do it all on mobile me, without having to sign up for additional services from other providers.

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OS X :: How Safe Are Public Wifi Hotspots

Dec 13, 2009

I am curious to know how safe public wifi hotspots are ?

when you are at a Starbucks surfing on their network,how hard is it to packet sniff usernames and passwords ?

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OS X :: How To Disable Dropbox On Public Wifi

Apr 29, 2010

I'm at the airport where they have free public wifi. There are about 40 people's macbook hard drives online with their drop box.

How do I disable my drop box on public wifi connections? How do I make a drop box alias that doesn't have my last name on it? This seems very insecure and an invasion of privacy to me.

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OS X :: How To Move ITunes Public Folder On Ext HD

May 25, 2010

Currently my music files are in the public folder however, the itunes library file is in my music folder. I want to move all my itunes media to an external, out of space. How to I handle this situation of multiple locations during move. I don't care to have my actual music files in the public folder anymore either.

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Change Public Folder's Name

Mar 25, 2012

Currently in my network, my public folder is showed as "Public folder of AAA BBB"  from other(ps: AAA is my name BBB is my family name)

BUT i want remove my family name in the Public folder, i want something like that : "Public folder of AAA" when someone acces to my public folder in the network.

I already changed the name in User and Group panel but its still show my name+family name in the shared public folder

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Computer Wakes Up Itself?

Oct 28, 2010

I have a new MacPro set to "sleep" at midnight. The past few nights at about 1 am and 3.30am the computer wakes itself (and me) up? Why is it waking?

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OS X :: Mac Wakes Up On Its Own - Any Way To Check Log

Feb 5, 2008

My ALU iMac seems to be waking up sometimes (so not all the time) when I'm at work. I am 100% sure I set it to sleep and everyone else in the house says they didn't touch it. My work schedule is always about the same, so it's strange that 2 weeks ago it was awake when I got home, and since then 2 times more. I've checked the settings, to be sure it doesn't have a schedule to wake and sleep. Everything looks OK. No schedule whatsoever, except wake after power failure.

I've disabled that now but I don't think we had any power failures recently because iStat Pro indicates an uptime of 20 days straight, which would be hard to do without power. Now is there a way to check any logs about wake and sleep times? I'm sure there is a command for the terminal that does exactly this but I haven't found it yet. I ordered the Missing Manual to learn more about OS X but I would like to check this now because the order could take a while.

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OS X :: Mac Wakes From Sleep By Itself

Aug 21, 2010

I see my screen popping on for no reason staying on for 5 minuets or so then going back to sleep. Is this normal? I don't recall it doing this before but I have added an old p.c. to my network and got an iPad. Don't know if ether of those things have any relevance but like i said, I don't remember it happening before. From what I understand, to get spyware or malware on the computer I need to instal it. But I could be wrong. I have an iMac running 10.6.4.

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Applications :: How Am I Able To Access Passwords When Using A Public Computer

Sep 6, 2010

I've just recently came across the software 1Password and I was thinking of purchasing a copy.However, before I do I was wondering if someone that uses the software could answer this questions:How am I able to access my passwords when I am using a public computer - i.e. machines at the library? Can I log into a website to find out my passwords?I noticed there is a 1Password app for the iPhone. Is there a free version of this if you buy the version for Mac? Do I need to buy this in order to have my passwords on-the-go?piece of software.

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Applications :: How To Go From ITunes 10.1 Beta To Public Release

Nov 10, 2010

I never download betas, jailbreak, or hack anything. I went on tuaw and they had links to Itunes 10.1 beta and iOS 4.2 GM and I couldnt resist. I have been running both for a week now. The itunes beta has a BIG BUG that is driving me nuts! Whenever I try to edit a song or artist name by clicking on it, Itunes force closes.

This happens every single time. My questions is for those who are used to testing betas and early releases: Once Itunes 10.1 is officially released, will it show up as a software update that I could just upgrade to? How does one update from a beta to a final public release of an application?

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Applications :: Public / Private Key SSH Authentication Failing

Nov 12, 2010

I've got an old iBook G4 that I'm using as a file server. I've set up public/private key SSH authentication on the machine. Here are the steps I've followed: Create a non-admin user account on the iBook. ('craig'). Log in on the iBook physically, and create a public/private key combination that is password protected. I was very careful to remember my password.
Add the public key to authorized_keys2, which is the file specified in /etc/sshd_config
I used a USB thumbdrive to transfer the private key to my Macbook. I tried to log in to the iBook using:

ssh -i ~/Desktop/craig/id_dsa -v

It prompts me for a password, but entering it properly does not grant access, the window just pops up again. Running in verbose mode, I see:

debug1: Authentications that can continue: gssapi,publickey,keyboard-interactive
debug1: Next authentication method: publickey
debug1: Offering public key: /Users/Craig/.ssh/id_dsa_craig
debug1: Authentications that can continue: gssapi,publickey,keyboard-interactive
debug1: Trying private key: /Users/Craig/Desktop/craig/id_dsa
debug1: PEM_read_PrivateKey failed
debug1: read PEM private key done: type <unknown>
debug1: PEM_read_PrivateKey failed
debug1: read PEM private key done: type <unknown>
debug1: PEM_read_PrivateKey failed
debug1: read PEM private key done: type <unknown>

First, it's trying to use a public key in my .ssh folder that I don't specify. Second, when it finally gets around to using the private key I suggested, authentication fails. I can post my sshd_config file if you think it will help, but I don't want to clog the tubes.

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OS X :: Setting Up Sharing Permissions For Folders Other Than Public?

Jan 9, 2011

So i wanted to set my freinds up with sharing accounts so they can access my public folder..... this is all done and working. But i wanted to also give them read only access to another folder on another drive. So ive set the permissions for the drive, folder and enclosing folder, but it still doesnt appear when they mount my share.

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Applications :: No Password On IDisk Public Folder

Oct 4, 2007

I have no password on my idisk public folder. When I connect via a web browser (safari, firefox, ie 6) it still asks for a password. I have set and removed the password countless times. I connect via: ([URL], the public as user and the password). Only in firefox it asks for the password, I hit cancel without typing anything, it asks again, I hit cancel again and then I get access.

In IE6 and safari it asks once for the password, doesn't accept whatever I type and then loads forever without ever showing me the contents. It seems there is a permission problem or so. even when I set a password it will not accept it. i turn password off and still no luck. Why do I pay 100 bucks and then I can't use the idisk public folder? Logging into the idisk itself via a browser works fine. I just can't give anybody access to my idisk public folder even when I use the recommended browsers.

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Applications :: New Entourage Version Goes To Public Beta

Jan 21, 2009

I don't know about you guys but I am excited! This new version supports Exchange 2007 SP1 with Rollup 4 or later natively! Autodiscovery, Tasks sync, notes sync and categories sync is also fully supported. The best thing is that when ready it will be available to all Entourage customers for free (Standard or Media Edition of Office)
"Say hello to Exchange Web Services; The future of Entourage!

I'm excited to tell you about the future for Entourage connectivity to Exchange Server! We've transitioned away from WebDAV, and today we are announcing the public beta of the Entourage for Exchange Web Services client. With this new client, not only are we taking advantage of the Exchange Web Services connectivity, but we are also delivering some new user features such as:
* Tasks, Notes, and Categories now sync with the Exchange Server
* Resolving names against the Global Address List now works via EWS/HTTP. This means you no longer need to be connected to your corporate network via VPN to resolve names when addressing an e-mail or meeting invitation
* Improved Autodiscover. In Entourage for Exchange Web Services Beta, the Autodiscover service keeps user account settings up-to-date after the account setup.

- It runs in the background every time that you start Entourage.
- It also runs at a server-defined interval, typically every hour, to make sure that the Exchange Server settings are always kept up-to-date"
You will need to register to get the new beta. Acceptance to the beta can take up to 48 hours..I am still waiting to be accepted to the beta. I cant wait..
It is not a new Entourage but a client that runs as a daemon on Mac every time Entourage starts!

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