OS X :: Finding Guide For Rosetta?
Sep 16, 2009can any body tell me how and where to find guide to install and use
View 3 Repliescan any body tell me how and where to find guide to install and use
View 3 Replieswell i updated to snow leopard a while back when it first came out. i've been reading that rosetta was a default for Leopard..but is now an optional install for snow leopard..
but every time i try to install microsoft office 2008 and Photoshop, the installers prompt me to install rosetta. i know that office 08' is a universal, but the installer is PPC..
i understand that its only 2.0MB to install rosetta..but will it slow my computer down or anything? can i remove it after i install it.. it was obviously not made a default for SL for a reason. and last thing, will it convert anything that runs universal to PPC when ever i open it?
After the WWDC keynote where Apple officially put PPC out to pasture, I began wondering what they would do about PPC software and applications. Specifically, if Apple is now officially supporting only Intel machines with 10.6, would it abandon Rosetta as well, thus requiring all 10.6 users to abandon apps that are not universal binary/Intel only apps?
This becomes an issue for a significant segment of the user base (including me) who still use MS Office for Mac 2004 and do not want to upgrade to 2008 for a variety of reasons including use of macros, VBA, cost, UI preference, etc. If Apple abandons Rosetta, I either have to upgrade to Office 2008 or I cannot install 10.6.
I was wondering if anybody had any info / knowledge on the Rosetta Stone language packages, having just watched Family Guy's moustache episode I feel compelled to learn Italian.
Anyone have any experience with Rosetta Stone Italian packages?
p.s. I am obviously joking about the Family Guy part - although youtube the clip -
oh and why I am here, how come none of my posts include the image I uploaded?
On my MacBookPro, 1.83 GHz Intel Core Duo, 1.5 GB RAM, Mac OS X 10.4.11, all rosetta emulated applications as Apple Works 6, Toast 6, Microsoft Office 2004, PhotoshopElements 3 and so on, suddenly have stopped working. A short flash of the program symbols ist all I get when I try starting one of them. Everything has been fine for the last three years!Before that, I noticed that I could not install the Security Update 2008-007 Intel, no matter if by software update or manually (for the download version I get only an error notice that the checksum failed, when I try to activate the .dmg). Other Apple software updates were installed without any problems.How can I repair or reinstall Rosetta (obviously has to do with that, or not?) without a complete reinstall of Mac OS X 10.4.???
View 1 Replies View RelatedAfter doing quite some research and getting great advise on this fine , I have now put together this system :
- Mac Pro 2.8 Ghz Dual, 12 GB Ram , GeForce 8800GT
- Main drive Western Digital Caviar Black 500GB (system, applications, files), using less than 200GB, big files go into external archives.
Having had a WD MyBook go bad after a couple of years, I am looking for a replacement. One priority is a longer warranty than the weak 1year offered by WD. However, since I fear that all data on this drive is lost, I also want to see if there is a better solution. Is there any advantage to FireWire over USB2.0?
One solution I am considering is an inexpensive NAS drive with two drives setup in a RAID (an example would be the Sabio Storage 2-Bay NAS Enclosure (CM200) - sold by MacMall.) Would this setup be more likely to safeguard my data?
I use CleanMyMac to clean up once in a while. its great when deleting apps and such, you just send it to the trash and it finds all the extra stuff, deletes it, and quits on its own. Same when it comes to external drives, it deletes unneeded files from those as well. Once in a while I go into it to clean log files and such, I do not understand what the Universal Binary part is. I run a MBP 5,3 model, with snow leopard. Do I need to keep those files? It says its something that has to do with powerbook.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI know there have been a lot of posts about installing additional memory - I even watched the installation video over at OWC. OWC video shows two factory 1GB memory sticks - one in Slot A of the upper riser board and one in Slot A of the lower riser board. It says to move the module from Slot A of the lower riser board and install it in Slot B of the upper riser board to make a matched pair.
But here's the question. I have 4GB of RAM - two 1GB modules in Slots A&B of each riser board from the factory (I know - I know - I should have ordered it with the stock RAM and purchased the extra at less than the exorbitant prices Apple charges - but that's another story). I want to add 4GB more (two 2GB modules):
Move the two 1GB factory modules from Slots A&B of the lower riser board into Slots C&D of the upper riser board and then install the two new 2GB modules into Slots A&B of the lower riser board (just as the OWC video implies)?
Leave the factory modules where they are and install one 2GB module in Slot C of each riser board to provide a "balanced" 4GB on each riser board?
Options #2 seems to provide a "balanced" module location (4GB in the upper riser board and 4GB in the lower riser) so the four cores on each CPU can access an equal amount of memory for optimum performance. - but I have read that you need to install the new modules in matched pairs - but does that mean put them together on the same riser board? In the OWC video, if the two new modules were a matched pair then why wouldn't they be put one in each riser board just like the factory modules?
I am upgrading the size of my hard drive on my 2006 Macbook Pro, so I can run/upgrade the OS.
After I put the new hard drive in, which do i restore/install first? First restore my complete backup of my computer which includes the old OS 10.4.11 -or- first install the newer OS (10.6) and then throw on the entire old backup restore?
i tried searching but couldnt find much info on it. Would it be possible to put a SSD drive in the macbook?
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However I forgot the consequences..
Amongst the essential missing files include:
* iTunes library
* Pictures
The main problem is, the memory indicates the files are still on the computer somewhere; instead of 298 GB I still have 240 GB.
I've been a bit of a PC nerd my whole life. I've always been the one who fixed my family and friends computers, tinkered with downloaded games software, overclocked, etc... I always really enjoyed a new projected because of all of the research and work it would entail, and then because I knew I was working towards the end product that I wanted.
I got my new 13" MBP yesterday and just sat down with it tonight for the first time, and in about 5 hours i've installed about a dozen big programs, made a boot camp partition, and i'm finishing installing windows 7 right now...
Is there some set of instructions on removing the superdrive on the 2009 Mac Pros?
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Does anyone have a picture of how much thermal paste needs to be applied?
Ok so i am trying to install osx panther on my imac g3 and i get to the welcome to mac os x 10.3 installision screen and it wont let me click countune it froze up.
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View 23 Replies View RelatedJust wanted to let everyone know this morning I installed a brand new drive in my mac mini (320GB 7200RPM for the record)
Then booted off the snow leopard disk and did a fresh install.
The key is to go into the disk utility menu when the first snow leopard screen is displayed (I think the button is "continue" on the first screen). Once in disk utility you can format your bare drive and then upon closing disk utility the SL installer will come back and prompt you to install on the drive you just formatted.
This was using the $29 snow leopard upgrade disk for the record (and yes I already owned leopard for this machine).
SL is so far working sweet except for the lack of istat menus! They really need to get a move on and get that SL compatible version released.
is there a guide to change the MacBook Pro 15" Mid 2009 Unibody's hard drive?
View 2 Replies View Related My wife and I have been refrencing the same iTunes library from our individual user accounts in our shared folder on our unibody MacBook for over a year now. Why is it that when I add something to the library, either a purchase from the iTunes store or whatever, it doesn't show up in my wife's library automatically? It has to be added manually on her account.
Now, when she buys a song from iTunes, it downloads to her user account's iTunes music folder, not to the shared folder. Then if I want the song in my library, I have to manually add it. We're both using the same iTunes store user account. There HAS to be an easier way to do this. We both have the "keep iTunes library orginized" checked.
I have Intel 945 GNTL Motherboard with 1.5 Gb RAM, 120GB SATA HDD, 224 Mb VGA. I installed MAC OS X on my system. It installed completely but failed to load upon restart after the setup has finished. What do I need to look for running it properly.
View 1 Replies View Relatedthink this guide will be useful to anyone looking to install an SSD to accompany a larger capacity drive but is a little unsure how to tackle the cloning/file organization side of things with two drives.
View 1 Replies View RelatedBeen using a macbook with time machine on an external hard drive for about a year and have finally bit the bullet and bought an iMac with time capsule for home as well. My job involved moving around quite a bit, but in terms of backup I was wondering if it was possible to use time machine on my portable hard drive for backups when I'm away from home, and then when I get back home for a while to create a master backup on my time capsule.
View 1 Replies View Relatedhow to use them i just got a two year old mac wit a stock 30gb hardrive, i took that out and put in a case, well apple took it out and put it in a case, now i tried attaching the external to my new 80gb in my ibook but its not mounting.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am in the process of buying a hard drive for a PowerMac G4 that i just purchased. The computer doesn't have a DVD drive, just a CD. I have a copy of Tiger that could be installed but I would need a DVD drive. Would I be better off buying a cheap copy of Panther online somewhere and just using that, or buying a DVD drive and installing Tiger? Or finding another way to install one or the other on my Mac?
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Not sure whether the 3rd disc is significant or whether I should leave sleeping dogs lie.
I am thinking of buying a macbook pro soon.But all the computers at home are windows.I would like to know if I buy a mac and pc compatible external hard drive,can I reformat it to HFS+ using windows and then copy my digital files like movies, songs and photos I have on my pc to the external hard drive,and use it with mac?If yes,how?
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