OS X Technologies :: Cannot Connect To VPN Server From MacBook Pro?

May 16, 2012

I cant connect to my VPN server now, terrible. Is this something to do with Apple firewall setting or patch updates recently?

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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Applications :: How To Connect To Exchange Server For Mac Mail / The Server Cannot Be Contacted On Port 443

Feb 5, 2010

I have been given the attached one-pager with screenshots of how to configure a Windows Outlook client to work with our corporate email system (Exchange).

I want to configure the Mail client on my Mac, however.

Can anyone give me a clue where these things are entered? When I add a new account in Mac Mail, and choose Exchange 2007, I don't see similar fields. My guesses so far have resulted in "the server cannot be contacted on port 443

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: Cannot Connect To VPN Service Unless Server Is Locally Logged Into

Jun 27, 2012

I work remotely a lot.  After I upgraded to Lion server, I am unable to connect to the VPN service remotely unless I physically go over to the server (mac pro) and log into the desktop manually. 

Previously, if my Snow Leopard server restarted (due to power failure, etc) and it re-booted up to the login screen, I could still logon to the VPN remotely as the VPN service would always startup (at the login screen) without a user having to be logging in.   

Now, with Lion Server (10.7.4), if the server restarts, I cannot login back to the VPN. I have to get someone to go over to the server and manually login, then I can access VPN just fine. (I do not, and will not turn automatic login on on my server due to the huge security risk.)   

How do I get the Lion Server VPN service to startup before or at the logon screen even if no user is logged in?

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OS X Technologies :: Cannot Send Message Using Server

Mar 17, 2012

Occasionally when trying to send mail I recieve the 'Cannot Send Message Using the server' message. I click 'connection doctor' and it always confirms that everything is fine. If I then try to send the email again it will send it straight away, but if I try to send another in 10 minutes time, then I'll probably have to go through the same procedure again. I've never been unable to send mail, but having to launch connection doctor most of the time gets tiresome. I've been unable to trouble-shoot as its occurence appears to be random.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Server Admin Cannot Connect

Mar 20, 2012

I'm trying to using Server admin on a remote Mac to manage our xserve. Both are running 10.6.8 and I've installed the Server Admin tools onto the mac. Both the Workgroup manager and Server Monitor work OK on the mac, but whenever I try and connect the Server Admin it always comes up with the error : "The login information is incomplete for this server or is not valid. The server failed to accept the login information you provided for <servername>. Check the name and password and try to log on again" I can't connect using the server name, FQDN, or IP address. The macs are all using OD and AD and I've tried both AD and local OD accounts (all administrative) but to no avail. DNS is working OK and I can resolve the server-name with dig and dig -x. I can screen share the server so connectivity isn't the problem. 

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Windows Cannot Connect To Mac Server

May 22, 2012

I have  problem with a clients windows laptop. It used to be able to connect to their companies mac server. But since he got back from a trip the laptop doesn't connect anymore. I can ping the server. And when I try to redo the network drive I'm prompted to enter my credentials. But whatever I enter it doesn't work.I already tried to use SERVERNAMEuser.... and also check security policies.

Windows XP

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OS X Technologies :: Copy Folder From Server To Remote?

Mar 7, 2012

Im trying to run an rsync command which copies a backup of a server services folder using a remote computer. The backup folder of services resides on the main system disk.  

AR-ADL-MBP1-John:~ john$ sudo rsync -va -e --delete ssh admin@ HD_mail/Data Store Backups /Volumes/ARINA temp

errors out with building file list ... rsync: link_stat "/Users/john/ssh" failed: No such file or directory (2) rsync: link_stat "/Users/john/admin@mail.arina.biz/Volumes/Server HD_mail/Data Store Backups" failed: No such file or directory (2)   

I've also tried to open the server in finder and run the rsync without ssh. This works for non system disks but get permissions errors on this system disk rsync: readdir("/Volumes/Server HD_mail/Data Store Backups/M-W-F/Data_Stores/mail/259F2CAC-D0EB-4348-B85F-1257F8242E87"): Permission denied (13)   

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OS X Technologies :: Cannot Connect To Secure Websites

May 10, 2012

I was going to do some homework on Google Docs, and the login page would not load! It would simply try to connect for a while, then time out.After some experimenting, I noticed this happened with all secure web pages (https://), and that non-secure websites (http://) loaded fine. This happens in all browers. I tested Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.Now, this only happens on my user account. This does not happen on my moms account, which I am currently on.We initially thought it was an issue with the parental controls, so we completely disabled them. But the problem still persists.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Technologies :: Upgrade From Snow Leopard Server To Lion?

Mar 14, 2012

I have been wanting to buy a Mac Mini, but the one I want is a refurbished June 2010 model and comes with Snow Leopard Server.  Is there any way I can upgrade to the non server version of Lion?  I will not be using any server features, and to the best of my knowledge, the Mac Mini server does not have any hardware that does not come with the regular Mac Mini, other than the 2nd HDD.

Info:Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X Server V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Cannot Connect To Server

Apr 30, 2012

I am running multiple services with the latest version of OS X Server (10.6.8) on my MacMini (web, vpn, mail, ichat, ical, address book, etc.) . Everything has been working fine for the last year and no changes have been made to the server, settings, ISP, or DNS, with the exception of installing the latest system software updates. Now, when I try to open my websites or connect remotely via VPN I get a "cannot connect to sever" message.  All other services are still working as they should. The server is hooked up to an Airport Extreme via a cable modem with a static IP. I have tried the following thus far:

1) checked all cables and they are plugged in and seated properly.

2) restarted the server, airport extreme, and cable modem

3) turned Web services off and on again in Server Admin

4) checked the DNS via the web and my site addresses are pointing to my static IP address

5) checked the Airport's port mapping to make sure Web Service was still on

6) checked my websites SSL certificate to make sure it's current and enabled

7) tried disabling SSL

8) created and enabled a new self-signed SSL certificate  

Recent log activity shows:

Apr 29 11:38:49 xxxxxx-corp org.apache.httpd[47667]: Syntax error on line 13 of /etc/apache2/proxy_sites/0000_any_8443_localhost.conf:
Apr 29 11:38:49 xxxxxx-corp org.apache.httpd[47667]: SSLCertificateKeyFile: file '/etc/certificates/xxxxxx-corp.com xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxC96C30F1986D48D59D227F1.key.pem' does not exist or is empty
Apr 29 11:38:49 xxxxxx-corp com.apple.launchd[1] (org.apache.httpd[47667]): Exited with exit code: 1

I'm assuming the "key.pem' does not exist or is empty" part is the issue, but I am a novice and have no idea what that means.

Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.7), Server

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MacBook Pro :: Safari Cannot Connect To Server

Mar 12, 2012

So for some reason my MacBook Pro is acting weird at my apartment. When I try to connect the the internet it always comes up as safari cannot open the window because safari cannot connect to the server. However when I run diagnostics it says my internet is working correctly. I can not open websites such as facebook, google, youtube, etc. But I can open Bing and Ask.com. I have cleared my catche, deleted cookies, tried reseting my router, and nothing works. But then when I go to school I can connect to the internet and all of the other websites fine. What is going on with my computer is there something I need to do with my router at home or what?

Info:MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), iOS 5.1

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OS :: Server Admin App Can't Connect To The Server?

Feb 9, 2007

On my Xserve, the Server Admin app has quit working. It wascomplaining that the servermgr_info plugin had failed. NowServer Admin reports the following message;
There is no server available at the address you entered. Xserve Dual 1.33GHz G4
10.4.8 Server Admin 10.4.7I have tried repairing permissions; rebooting; deleting the server admin preference file; ran fsck; using the FQDN, or the127.0.0.1 or hostname.local. Nothing works to get server adminto run again. Server won't run on the local xserve, or from another machine remotely.

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MacBook Pro :: Skype Wont Log On / Unable To Connect To Server?

Oct 23, 2010

I have downloaded the new version of Skype and it just won't let me log on. It says failed to log in: unable to connect to server. I try logging in my iPhone and Pc and they're fine. I have even downloaded the older versions of Skype and it's the same error.

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MacBook Pro :: TimeMachine Cannot Connect To Server Popup When Roaming?

Apr 15, 2012

Time machine has suddenly started popping up an error message saying that it cannot connect to server while off-network on my MBP.  I use a timecapsule to wirelessly backup when I am home. At home, it connects fine, no messages, no errors.It just started doing this when I am away - previously it either silently ignored not being able to connect or made a local snapshot.  Either would be fine over popping up the message (multiple times).I've tried the following so far:1. Re-install Lion, restore user, applications, settings from backup - did after an erase of MBP lcoal harddrive to get a full install.
2. sudo tmutil disablelocal; sudo tmutil enablelocal; sudo tmutil snapshot - all worked fine

3.repaired permissions on local hard drive. 

4.verified time capsule.

5.Added timecapsule disk to privacy settings on spotlight

6.I do use dropbox - tried quiting out of it

7.Changed name of time capsule disk

MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: OS X Lion 10.7.4 Will Not Connect To Windows 2k3 Server With AFP Protocall?

Jun 3, 2012

I am having issues commecting my late 2011 model MacBook Pro to a Windows 2003 server on my internal network using the AFP protocall. I am able to connect to the server using SMB however. I have a am running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.4 operating system and the server can be found and pinged but when I try and connect to it using AFP I get the error: There was a problem connecting to the server "<my server ip address here>" The server may not exist or is unavailable at this time. Check the server name or IP address, check your network connection and then try again. 

On this network my roomate also has a late 2011 model MacBook Pro which is able to connect to the server no problem using both protocalls. He has completely disconnected his computer from the server to double check there was not at overload of traffic on the afp. The only difference in his machine vs mine is that he is running Mac OS X 10.7.2 which is pretty close in versioning. 

Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook :: Mail Program Started To (Not Connect To Server)

Sep 6, 2014

- first with one account, then all accounts. I then switched to the desktop, and after a few days, it did the same thing! Is this a virus? I can still get mail on my android phone. 

MacBook Pro (15-inch Core 2 Duo)

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Mac OS X Lion Server :: "Connect To Directory" In Server.app?

May 5, 2012

I'm trying to do something fairly simple — allow users from an external LDAP server to access services on my Lion server.  Following Apple's instructions, I can't find the "Connect to Directory" choice in the Manage menu of Server.app. I always start by turning off OD by using Server Admin to configure as "Standalone Directory". This is what I see in Server.app after doing that.

Apple's instructions say if the Manage Network Accounts option appears, you need to first set up the server to host network accounts.  So I click that option, which seems the be the same thing as creating an OD Master using Server Admin, as far as I can tell.Then I try to add a new user.For some reason, the "type" dropdown list exists, and lets me choose "Imported user from directory", even though I haven't setup any other directory server.  Of course, when I search for a username, it finds nothing.Apple's instructions say to now choose "Connect to Directory" from the Manage menu, but that option doesn't show up.  I only have what shows in the screenshot above, sans "Manage network accounts" now.  How can I get this to appear?

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OS X :: Cannot Always Connect To Server

Apr 26, 2009

I've tried a couple different DC++ clients, including "Shakespeer". However, I cannot always connect to the server's I need to (I'm certain it isn't a server issue). When I do, I cannot do a proper search, it will say it is searching but never do any results show up. I'm actually considering installing Vista for the sole reason that I can't find a proper DC++ client for my Mac.

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OS :: Possible To Connect With OSX Server Using DW8 FTP

Jan 29, 2007

I am having no luck connecting to a remote server using the DW8 remote connection in the sites definition dialog. Maybe somebody out there can help.-In DW8 I:
-Select FTP as the connection. FTP service is turned on the remote Mac Server (10.4)
- I have entered the web address (IP) 10.5..... in the "hostname or FTP" addresss field- Entered htdocs/ (root web folder) in the "folder on testing server" field
- Entered the webserver username in "FTP login" field

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OS X :: Can Connect To Ftp By Using Connect To Server

Nov 14, 2009

i am trying to connect to ftp using the "Connect to server" in OSX or even [URL]in the browser. it opens a blog for the username and password i put them in and it says it wrong when it is not.

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OS X :: Can't Connect To Exchange Server

Nov 16, 2010

Our company has gotten new email addresses from a new email provider. In Outlook it is fairly easy to set up. Everything is 'found' automatically.

On my Mac however, I have to setup an Exchange account in Mac Mail by hand. The problem is, the account won't connect to the mail server which is found through a internal ip address. When I ping that address through Terminal it works, so that ip address is ok. When I setup the mail account however it says 'The Exchange Server at '172.**.**.**' won't respond'. User and Pass are ok cause I can view my mail through the webmail account.

Why can I Ping that 172 ip address, but Mail won't connect to it? Is there something the IT department should do extra to make it work?

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OS X :: How To Connect Ith A Windows DMZ Server

Mar 4, 2010

I've looked high and low for the answer to this with no luck. I've mapped a lot of my windows network shares at work on my MacPro running leopard without problems. However, I'm extremely stuck trying to connect to the last one which is located on a special DMZ (demilitarized zone) server.On my windows machine I simply use the ip method and I'm prompted for login credentials. It's important to note that the login credentials for this DMZ network share are different than my usual work domain login (the Mac uses that same login with no issues).

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OS X :: Connect To Server When Booted?

Aug 8, 2010

How can I tell my Mac to connect to a server, once its booted?

My server does appear under the "shared" category in finder so once Im booted, I have no problem accessing it but my iPhoto is also stored under there and in order for iTunes to talk with it properly, it needs that server to be connected to when I boot and I dont want to manually connect to the server every time.

Currently, the method that I have and it works is that I just dragged the particular server folder as one of my "log in items" under system preference > Accounts > Login Items.

Only issue with it is that once booted, finder opens the window as well. Its of course really no big deal, but wondering if I can just tell my Mac to connect to it, without that window popping up.

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OS X Server :: Admin 10.5 Won't Connect To 10.3x

Jan 25, 2008

Just began using a leopard machine and needed to install server admin in order to connect to our 10.3x server. I was forced to install the 10.5 version of Server Admin (10.4 would not install). I can connect using the Workgroup Manager and am able to use the Server Monitor app. When launching Server Admin. I cannot connect - receive message that no server is available at this address -- using the static IP address of our server.

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How To Connect IMac With Server

Feb 14, 2012

How do I connect my IMac with server.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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Intel Mac :: Connect 10.7.4 To Server?

Jun 7, 2012

my MAc has lost connection to our server.both the PC's are fine.. but i cant sem to connect with my MAC.

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OS X :: Can't Connect To Work Server Sbs 2003

Sep 2, 2010

I've recently bought a macbook and I love it, but am trying to connect to my outlook server and having a few problems. Firstly I can't access OWA through Safari at all, every time I type it in it says 'Safari can't find the server' - it is sbs2003, and this works fine in IE Ideally I wanted to set up access through Mail or Entourage (2008) however I've read that it is not possible to connect to exchange through this. Frustrating as I have just bought this and have a free upgrade to 2011 but only home and student so apparently this won't have outlook on here either. I have been trying to connect for days and I just can't figure out the best way to get to my emails? if you could point me in the direction of a good walkthrough that would be great.

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OS X :: Failing To Connect To Server At Login

Aug 27, 2008

I have a MacBook Air that I set up to connect to a shared drive on our university's network. I'm able to connect to it manually just fine after I've logged in, but I keep getting the following error every time I login: "Connection Failed: The server may not exist or it is not operational at this time. Check the server name or IP address and your network connection and try again."

Along with this comes a "?" in my dock, indicating the "share" drive cannot be found. I'm assuming I've pointed Leopard to an incorrect alias or something while I was figuring out how to connect to the share drive. How do I remove this instruction so the error message will just leave me alone?

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OS X :: How To Auto Connect To A Server But Only For A Certain Network

Feb 13, 2009

I use my laptop many times throughout the day, and due to classes, and studying at friends' houses, etc., I connect on average to 3 different networks a day. All of my music for iTunes is stored on a server at my house, and it easily auto connects at login when I am there. I was wondering if there was a script, or maybe even an application that would allow my laptop to only attempt to auto connect to the server when on my home network.

Obviously this isn't a dire issue, I just think it would add a little convenience to my life

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OS X :: Auto Connect To Server On Startup?

Sep 9, 2009

So at school there are a number of servers that I commonly use and access. Everytime I want to connect to these I have to manually go to the Finder then in the toolbar click 'Go' ---> 'Connect to Server' and then type in the addresses for each of them. I have to do this everytime I restart my computer. Is it possible to have some kind of thing which will make them automatically connect o them on start up?

Also it would be even better if it automatically logged me on as well so I didn't have to manually enter my username and password.

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