OS X Technologies :: Apple-script: Display Dialog While Doing Shell Script?
Mar 19, 2012
I'm making an applescript app for my company, and had a question.The functionality of the app is working great, but there is a certain step which can take up to several minutes.This can give the user the feeling that nothing is happening and things are stuck. Is there a possibility to display a dialog as long as the action (shell script) is running?Something along the lines of "Now performing action X.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 23, 2012
I would like to run a script when a user selects log out from the apple drop down to ask the user if they backed up their data before it allows them to log out. I created a script that prompts you and then brings you to the logout screen but do not know how to get it to run, or something similar to run, when you select log out. Obviously, I do not want it to run when the user has already logged out. The other option I see that could work would be to change the message, "are you sure you want to quit all applications and log out now?" which I cannot figure out how to do.
AppleScript, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 27, 2012
What i am trying to do is create a program that lets the user have a small conversation with the computer but i don't want to use "else" and list the possible inputs seperatley and have to write the same thing over and over again. does anyone know of a way i can list possible inputs together and have them lead to the same result?
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Mar 1, 2012
Any sample script to collect the information from Mac OS such network, hostname, Mac OS version.. so on?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Aug 7, 2012
I want to create a Folder Action to run the following shell script on all files with extension .vcs:
sed '1d' >reminder.ics
The job of the Folder Action is to take any Calendar item files downloaded from TVGuide.co.uk, remove the first line and then save them as .ics files. The reason for this is that the files are automatically generated with a carriage return on the first line, which BusyCal (being strict about these things) doesn't like. It then rejects the whole file.
I have tried doing this with Automator but the result didn't work.
If it's possible to have the Folder Action retain the original file name (ie. everything pre-extension) that'd be a bonus.
Mac mini (Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 4, 2012
I have an 13" MBP that I ordered new in April, 2012. It is running Lion. I have an external monitor that is capable of 1440x900 resolution. I have an external keyboard and trackpad hooked up, and I like to close my MBP up and stick it in a BookArc. I want to be able to have the internal display disabled and to have the MBP only allow me to put windows on the external display, so long as the lid is closed. I also want to be sure that I am taking advantage of the resolutions available on my external monitor, which are higher than those supported by the internal display (specifically 1440x900).
This doesn't seem to work because I either have to allow the MBP to continue to draw my desktop across both screens (internal and external), OR use the "mirror displays" mode, which restricts my resolution of my external monitor. This means I either forgoe the additional resolution benefits of my external monitor, or I end up with windows that fall off-the-cliff, so to speak, because they are drawn in the portion of the desktop that would be shown on my internal display (which is closed).
I've read the community support pages on using the MBP with an external monitor, most relevantly, this page. It simply recommends using the "mirror displays" option. However, this option, as I mentioned above, doesn't allow me to make use of the additional resolution, and my external display looks bad. how to keep the 13" MBP in closed clamshell position, with the internal display disabled, and use my external monitor at resolutions higher than those allowed by the 13" MBP but which are available to my external monitor when not in "mirror displays" mode?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3), External display (1440x900)
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May 11, 2012
I want to erase a bunch of ancient floppy disks before dumping them and the drive, and I'd like to script an automated solution that will ensure that the media I'm erasing is in my floppy drive, and I'm not blasting one of my Hard Drives by mistake. I'm hoping that my script will be able to trace from the drive to the floppy to ensure that I've got the right target, else quit before doing any damage. The names of the floppy disks themselves are varied, but the name of the drive itself is stable and known. Disk Utility shows the name of the drive (Y-E DATA USB-FDU Media) and the name of the particular disk volume in the drive at the moment. I can find the floppies in the /dev/disk# special file, but I haven't found the drive itself.
I think Disk Utility automatically appends "Media" and maybe "USB-FDU" to a string that it pulls from somewhere, but I can't find that source. how/where Disk Utility digs up the info on the drive itself?
Mac Pro (Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Dec 13, 2008
I just purchased a new Canon Inkjet printer and like my old Epson, the print dialog box is very limited. My only options are to change paper size or landscape mode. I'm unable to choose the number of pages, copies or print quality, etc.
How do I get a full featured print dialog box to display?
As an aside, in the printer/fax prefs I ink supply levels are unavailable as well.
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Jun 23, 2012
Our display flickers on one side and has multicolored vertical bars running down the left side at best, or the whole screen greys out over the top of the graphical display, is physically no longer fully attached on that side near the hinge (you can press it down quite a bit after it has been closed), and the aluminum clamshell seems like it's warped. The bottom access panel has become no longer a smooth fit - it sticks up a few millimeters at the gap instead of being flat. We used to be able to hold the back left side and the screen would work, now we have been sitting it on a wooden structure with a back support and pushing it against that so we can see the screen for the past year or two. Now the flickering vertical bars are getting worse and the wooden support doesn't always work, and as an added bonus, the trackpad recently stopped working (it no longer 'clicks' and acts like it's constantly pressed down, so we have to use an external mouse with it). It's pretty frustrating because we've babied this thing (it's never been dropped or abused and has only left the house like twice, and one of those times was to take it in to see about this very problem!) and it seems like it's a manufacturing defect, but of course we never had AppleCare and this powerful expensive beast is now a desktop computer with a super hard to see screen. I've been told we need to pay $400 to get a whole new clamshell.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jul 14, 2010
Looks like Apple just established a verified Twitter account: [URL] Maybe everyone who is excited for the new Mac Pro would be motivated to let Apple know by sending them a nice tweet.
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Mar 29, 2012
I have a mid 2009 iMac that doesn't have Thunderbolt display, but has a mini-dvi port.Will the Thunderbolt cinema display 27" still work when connected to this mini-dvi port? I thought it would be better going for a thunderbolt display monitor rather than the older version, so when i upgrade my machine in the future it stays compatible.
iPhone 4S, iOS 5
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May 20, 2012
I have a shell script running on a Linux machine to generate multipart mail messages. These display perfectly in Thunderbird (PC or Mac) but the html is missing when I open them in Mac mail. Switch to plain text and they look fine, but the html just doesn't display.
I've tried Snow Leopard and Lion with the same result.
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May 21, 2012
I'd like a Terminal or AppleScript command to determine if a logged in user is using a virtual display.
The scenario is: user1 is in front of the local computer using user1 account (owns /dev/console); user2 is using using a virtual display for the local computer via ScreenSharing on a remote computer.
I know `stat -f%Su /dev/console` will give me who is in front of the local computer, but I need another command to determine if user2 is using a virtual display on the same local computer.
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Mar 19, 2012
I am currently trying to generate a report using the headers from Apple Mail. The script I have works, but I would like to be able to pull out messages that are sent to a specific recipient ( a certain distribution group in this case...).
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Mar 27, 2012
this is my second script im trying to create. What i would like this script to do is have the user input and ip and ping that address my problem lies in getting ip address from the dialouge box into the "do shell script", this is my script so far set Ip_address to ""set Dialog_1 to display dialog "Enter Ip Address" default answer "" with title "Ping"set the Ip_adress to the text returned of Dialog_1set ping to (do shell script "ping -c 2 & Ip_address & ")if ping contains "64 bytes" then display dialog "Connection Secessful"
And also how do i make a variable so if it comes back i unresponsive i can have a dialog box say "Connection Unsecessful" (I know i can do this maunally but i would like to create a script so its easier for the end user)
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 14, 2012
I manage a small deployment of different macintosh products and I currently have to run 5 different images so that the background images look right on all the various resolutions. I have been working on a piece of applescript to prompt the user on first startup to select their hardware type to apply the proper background image but I am running into a few issues. Firstly the method I am using limits me to three options and I cant seem to find any documentation on how the list function works..Second, I keep getting errors saying the files can't be found. [code]
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Jun 22, 2012
I am just starting out with applescript and could do with a pointer please. I have written a script which saves two pdf files from an active Illustrator document in the source folder of that document. The issue I am have now is that I cannot get the two files to combine into a single PDF file. The whole script is quite long and is works apart from the combine PDF part?
tell application "Finder" try open (every document file of container of file_path whose name contains ".pdf") on error display dialog "no PDF file located"
Both PDF documents open and are set as the variables docRefA and docRefb, but the acrobat command 'bring to front' and 'insert page' do not seem to be working. I get an error come up in an illustrator dialog box saying "Adobe Acrobat Pro got an error: document "84056_R1.pdf" doesn't understand the bring to front message".
Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 4, 2012
I am trying to make a script that allows me to call a number in Address Book in my Avaya Softphone app. Everything works great except that all numbers need to have "9-1" or "91" before the phone number. This is needed to access the outside line and all calling requires the country code. how to add the 91 to the script so that all phone numbers in the script have this added.
15" Macbook Pro 2.4 Ghz, Mac OS X (10.6.2)
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Mar 1, 2012
HiThe usual tale of an Applescript beginner getting lost but, I want to be able to search for a selected membership number within a Numbers spreadsheet, extract that member’s email address and send a message. I have managed to create a script that creates and sends the email but after several attempts I cannot work out how to start searching cells for a particular value and how to extract data from cells in the selected row.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Mar 21, 2012
How can I follow my link or whcih link to varify my apple id?
Info:iPhone 3GS, iOS 5.0.1
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Mar 23, 2012
I'm just now upgrading from 10.6 to 10.7, and I'm having trouble with a script that I wrote that worked fine under 10.6. In part, it executes the following command: osascript -e "tell application "Finder" to set destop picture to POSIX file "<path>"" to change the desktop background image to one of two different files based on other conditions. In 10.7, this command completes with no error code, but it only changes the background of one of my four desktops. Is there a way to programmatically change the background image of all of my desktops simultaneously? Failing that, is there a way to a) find out how many desktops I have and b) loop through them, setting each of their backgrounds in turn? osascript -e "tell application "System Events" to set picture of every desktop to "<path>"" Unfortunately, that also changes only the current desktop's picture. The larger script is in Perl, so I'd prefer a technology that works well with that language, but if I have to change to a different scripting language, that's not the end of the world.
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Apr 26, 2012
I'm using the following script below using an external libarary to query mysql database on external server. works. gives results. How do I save them to do something with the. when I run it, the results of the call to the library show up in the results window. that makes sense. ie {rows:1, cols:1, record_data:{{"85016 "}}} I want to assign the results to a variable to use it later, particularly the 85016. I try "set testVariable to tell db_link to do_select(theDBCommand)" no good. Not sure how to do this.Script follows: -- links to the mysql tools -[URL]set library_path to "js_aux_scripts:mysql_objects.scptd" set app_support to (path to application support folder) as stringset DB_Library to (load script file (app_support & library_path)) set db_link to new_link("lala.yadayada.com", "user", "pass", "db") of DB_Library -- collect the job number you want to run-- Get the Numberset displayString to "Enter Job Number"set the theIcon to 1set theJobNumber to ""repeat display dialog displayString default answer theJobNumber with icon
applescript, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 23, 2012
I’ve found this script that copies the names of multiple selected files in the Finder to clipboard: try set theNames to {} tell application "Finder" repeat with i in (get selection) set end of theNames to name of i end repeat end tell set {TID, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, return} set the clipboard to theNames as text set text item delimiters to TIDend try I need to prepend to each result a string like [URL] where “folder” is the parent folder relative to the files.
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May 30, 2012
im looking for a more elegant way to list of folders in a popup for users to select at the beginning of my script and use as a path variable.the path i need to filter through to make the list is similar to the following: /Volumes/Network Drive/A/Client Name(s) starting with A//Volumes/Network Drive/B/Client Name(s) starting with B/ other folders will be created in the folder they select. The complications: All the folders i want to list are divided into folders labelled with each letter of the alphabet.Also there could potentially be hundreds of these folders once consolidated to a list The current script lists the entire file path in the popup. I want the entire path to be set as the variable but just the folder name to be listed in the popup These are the scrips i have started with but would love a better way to combine and clean up.
(*set mainList to {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J", "K", "L", "M", "N", "O", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "U", "V", "W", "XYZ"}choose from list mainList with prompt "Choose Client"set listchoice to result as text*)set the_folder to (path to desktop) as stringset with_subfolders to trueset inc_folders to true set the_files to get_folder_list(the_folder, with_subfolders, inc_folders)return the_files on get_folder_list(the_folder, with_subfolders, inc_folders) set the_files to {}
Applescript, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 13, 2012
I'm looking for an applescript to detect if a cd is inside my mac, if cd inside (possible to detect if empty?) do one thing.Otherwise do another thing.
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Jun 15, 2012
how do I use apple-script to move the cursor?a few characters (left, right, down) in a word doc?
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Dec 24, 2009
The title says it all really... Quite a simple problem that I can't find any answer to!
I've hooked up my 30" Apple Cinema Display to the new iMac 27" and the highest resolution I'm getting as an option is 1280x800... The iMac correctly detects the ACD as a Cinema HD display but limits my resolution. Why oh why?!
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Aug 14, 2009
I own 23 and 30" Cinema Displays. I like the 23 because everything is larger and easier to read than in the 30". I mostly work in Logic and love that I see lots of things on the 30" but the 23" is much easier on my eyes.Is there such a thing as a display with 2560x1600 (like the 30" Apple) but that is LARGER than a 30 inch so I can see everything bigger in Logic??? Maybe a 34 or 37"? Did a search but haven't come up with anything other than other 30" displays.
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Jun 15, 2012
if i Connect my Macbook air to the apple Cinema Display through thunderbolt is the air getting power supply through the Display?
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May 13, 2009
i have a 15 inch apple studio display which has ADC (was partnered with the cube) and I purchased a DVI adaptor so it now works fine with the DVI port on the macbook pro. I am considering a new mac notebook (not sure which yet) but as these have the new mini display port, is there an adaptor that would slot into the DVI end of my current one, so it would work with the new macbook?
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