OS X :: Sharing ITunes Between SL And Win7 Via BootCamp
Nov 21, 2009
I have iTunes installed on Snow Leopard, and I installed Windows 7 via bootcamp 3.0. Has anyone figured out a way for the iTunes in Windows7 to share the iTunes library on Snow Leopard. I only want read-only access from the Windows side, I don't to make any changes.
I have a Windows 7 computer and a Mac running Show Leopard on the same network. On my mac I can see the Windows machine and be able to see and play music off of that computer. The Windows machine does not show the mac at all.
I've reinstalled iTunes on Windows multiple times, turned on and off my firewall and antivirus programs and nothing seems to work.
Any ideas from the crowd? I have an Airport Extreme router too. Any settings on the router that I should be looking at?
Network file sharing has always been buggy in my windows/mac mixed environment, but I managed to live with it. It worked for 85% of the time. However, since upgrading to SL, it now works less than 5%. It keeps telling me "there was an error connecting to the server. please check ip addr, etc.......". It'd work for a few minutes after each restart and then resume its habit of annoying the hell out of me. Is this a common problem with Sl and Win 7? (BTW, win7 to win7 or win7 to vista file sharing works perfectly).
I installed snow leopard, the GM version, and after getting nice and settled I wanted to install windows 7, in bootcamp. So I create the partition, and then thats the end of it. None of the start up buttons will work, I tried holding down the X button while the mac starts up, but nothing will happen. The apple logo doesn't show up either. Right now, I booted off of ubuntu, and I'm on firefox. It seems the buttons don't work and I don't know why. Also, when I put in the windows 7 dvd, it just read:
1. 2. Choose cd-rom to boot up from: or something like that.
I just installed Windows 7 on my bootcamp partition. I have a macbook pro intel. Everything is loading fine, i ran the windows 7 update and all things are up to date. I now need to load my bootcamp drivers. I restored my Snow Leopard image file onto a portable HD. Double checked in osx and everything loaded fine.
Now, my problem is.. from Windows 7, when I plug in my usb hd, it does not load. Is there a reason why windows does not recognize the usb hd as a bootable install disc? When I am back in OSX and plug in the drive, it loads just fine. Anyone know if there is something I can do to get windows to boot the usb drive? The last resort I want to do is burn the image file to dvd.
I want to install bootcamp with using Win 7 but I have both 32 bit and 64 bit versions. Am I able to use 64 bit without problem or do I need to stay with the 32 bit version? I am using a iMac (early 2009 model) with 8 GB ram and ATI 4850 HD video 512 MB ram.
Is it possible to install Boot Camp 3.0 or higher on Windows 7 64-bit when dual booting with Leopard? What I've been reading suggests I need the Snow Leopard disc for Boot Camp 3.0+ and Windows 7 compatibility, but I only have the Leopard OEM disc.
I'm installing Windows 7 64-BIT on Boot Camp, I selected an unused partition, selected the option "Create a second partition for windows", set it's space to 131GB, inserted my DVD, which boot camp accepted, restarted, loading the windows installer for me automatically, I selected that boot camp partition, I clicked Format on it, after that was done, I click next, and it says "Windows is unable to install on the selected drive" error 0x...... (can't error code). The hard drive I am installing it on will be in slot 2 (it should be, I only have two hard drives).
I will be getting a macbook pro 13" and I want to do a little gaming, call of duty and a few other games. Would I get better performance with bootcamp in xp or Windows 7
I just got a 2.26 Ghz macbook pro 13" and I want to do a little light gaming so I am wondering what bootcamp to run.. Should I run XP or Windows 7. What will have better performance and will directx10 be that big of a difference on games COD MW2?
I have recently been having problems with OS X. It has got so bad that I can't even boot into OS X anymore. My Windows 7 bootcamp install works perfectly though. I'd like to reinstall OSX. What will happen to my windows install? Will reinstalling OS X somehow damage my Windows partition?
I have a iMac with 3.06 Ghz with 8 GB Ram. I plan on using BootCamp and Win 7 but not sure if I should try 64 bit or just stay with the 32 Bit? I have the extra Ram, 8 GB to work with and I think 64 Bit might use it more than the 32 bit version. Has anyone out there used 64 bit with 8 GB ram?
I'm having trouble updating from bootcamp 3.0 to 3.1 in windows 7 PRO 32-bit. Both windows OS and MAC OS X are fully updated. I've tried running the apple software update program and I don't get any error messages, it tells me to restart and after the restart Bootcamp is still 3.0. I've tried downloading the file and running the file. But when I go to run the file nothing happens! I've tried to re-download the file again but still no luck.
Recently got my first MBP and I love it, however felt the need to instal Windows 7 x64 to play games. There is one problem though, after trying everything and looking everywhere, or so I think, I have yet to get the built in Mic to work under windows 7 x64 to use it with skype or teamspeak.
I'm trying to install win7 on my MacBook with bootcamp but I cant get pass the start installation step. I have the burned dvd in my drive but bootcamp doesnt recognize it.
I can't get Safari to load any pages whatsoever on my bootcamp partition running Windows 7. Firefox and IE9 work fine. I've uninstalled Safari and downloaded a fresh copy and still nothing. I can open Safari and change settings etc but no page will load. I've disabled both Windows Firewall and Avast shields and still nothing. I don't understand why other browsers will work but Safari won't.
Info: MacBook Pro 15in/Mac Mini, Mac OS X (10.6.4), 2.8GHz 4GB RAM/1.83GHz 2GB RAM
Macpro 8 Core 2.4Ghz with 12Gig RAM and top ATI card. Running Windows 7 through Bootcamp (much better than Parallels 6!). Ran the Performance Benchmark and returned a score of 7.6, except for HD which was 5.3. Apparently the top score for current hardware is 7.9, so I am wondering if others have run the test, and whether this is hardware or driver related etc, and what other people are getting.....
I haven't actually done this. I just want feedback. We have a 'universal' ghost image of Windows 7 at work that we've created that works with all our computers (has all the drivers for computers we support). I'm looking to piggyback that image and just add in the BootCamp drivers. However I'm curious to know:
-Which BootCamp drivers would I be adding to the sysprep drivers folder? BootCamp 3.0, 3.1 or 3.2? -Would the drivers be enough or does Windows actually need the BootCamp software installed? -If BootCamp needs to be installed in its entirety, is there a way to have BootCamp silently install upon boot? More importantly, is there a way to install BootCamp 3.2 without having to go through 3.0 -> 3.1 -> 3.2.
I have a new MBP mid 2010 15" with the hi res screen and 500GB 7200 RPM HDD. The Bootcamp Manager keeps crashing. I have download and installed what Apple is calling BootCamp 3.2 x64 but when the app crash message comes up it say 3.1. I am out of ideas why the bootcamp manager will not run.
I installed Win 7 in bootcamp and everything was working fine. Then I started to play around with rEFIt to install Linux as a 3rd OS. I managed to install everything but since the driver support in Linux was poor, I decided to wipe out Linux + rEFIt and return to the initial setup (OSX + Win7 in bootcamp). I deleted the Linux partition and rEFIt but now, my MBP starts and I hold the option key, I can't see the Windows drive anymore. The (NTFS) partition is still there and I can access all the files from OSX but I can't boot it.
So I have a 4.0Gb flash drive, and a downloaded version of Windows 7. I don't have any DVDs, and I don't feel like waiting to get some. How can I mount the image onto the flashdrive so that it will boot and install?
I know what a horrid thing to do, but since they are offering it for 30 bucks for students I might just pick it up and install it for the rare occasions I need to boot up in windows. Question is will this version work on a Mac with bootcamp? I remember that XP required the professional version to work.
After loads of headwork I may have a perfect running Windows 7 on my MacBook Pro. I was running XP but decided for a change, installed 7 but had the issues with sound, keyboard, bluetooth etc etc tried a few things but no joy. So went to Vista instead, things worked fine but didn't partition enough space so another reinstall was needed, then came the brainwave if everything is running smoothly in Vista surely if I upgrade to 7 it should still work, ok I was a little wrong 90% of it did.
I even had sound, bluetooth issue was resolved just needed to uncheck 'allow computer to control sleep thing' just needed to sort out the keyboard backlight, eject and fn keys. So in my wisdom I reinstalled bootcamp 2.1 update, ignore the messages that come up it will install...reboot and voila all Working! I will be rigorously testing this over the next week so will post back any issues, hopefully there wont be any. By the way I am using the x86 version as my MBP doesn't support 64bit. So in short: Partition > Vista (make sure fully updated) > Upgrade to Windows 7 > reinstall Boot Camp >
I've read around saying most cases you need to update Video Drivers. Since I'm on a Mac with Windows 7 in bootcamp it's not that simple, I think? Should I just put in Mac cd to install drivers again or any method to fix a disappearing Windows 7 start bar in bootcamp? It happens every time I boot into Windows now.
I've finally installed win7 on a secondary internal hd in my mac pro. When starting up and holding down ALT i can indeed select between the two os's. However in mac the "Startup Disks" system pref's doesn't show win7. I would like to be able to restart from the system pref's instead of holding down alt but i can't if it's not viewable in the Startup Disks Pref Pane...
The restartup using bootcamp procedure takes longer then it should on my machine, a mac pro with two ssd's. Sometimes it gets hung up on the grey screen for thirty seconds or so. How can I get Startup Disks to see my Win7 hd? How can I get the grey screen part of the bootcamp startup process not take so long?
I'm thinking about buying a original Student Win7 license. It's really cheap and I think it's worth it since I (unfortunately) use Windows (Vmware Fusion) everyday to work (.NET developer). But I would like to play some games as well, but I know Fusion is not the best solution. Can I buy only one Win7 license and install in the same machine twice? One on a Bootcamp partition and another on a Fusion VM? Will I have problems activating both copies?