OS X :: Protecting Folders And Files?

Feb 21, 2009

The Mac is now used by all family members and even some visitors. I'm aware of the guest and separate account capability but this is time consuming to jump in and out of. This also prohibits access to the general iTunes library and photos of one user etc etc. Is there a way to simply protect certain folders within one user account eg I have a folder in the main account with each of the families names. Mine contains all my work, My wifes all hers etc etc. 2nd question E Mail. I have all the e mail coming into two seperate e mail addresses on the main ser account eg My Mail and my wifes mail to two mac addresses. Is there a way to simply password protect these without too much difficulty.

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OS X :: Terminal Usage For Protecting Folders And Files?

Nov 22, 2008

I was asked by a friend who has just bought a new macbook if you can password protect files and directories. I explained how you can do it through terminal quite easily in some pictures (here if anyone wants to know how).

But is there another way, without needing some extra software from a 3rd party?

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OS X :: Unable To Access Folders / Folders Are Locked After Transferring Files From External Hd

Aug 28, 2009

I bought a Seagate Free Agent Go Flex External drive. I transferred all my files from my previous external HD. When I went to access my folders on my external HD, the folders are all locked, with Sharing and Permission section in the Information "Everyone: Read" only! I can't change any of the information or move things! All of them are locked and "read only." I know how to change it, but only manually, individually. I have several hundreds of folders and I don't want to manually change all of them to "Read & Write." Is their a way to let me re-set the folders to "Read & Write" easily??

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OS X :: Moving Files To Folders Then Viewing Recent Files?

Aug 23, 2009

So i've just started using Mac and i've downloaded a few tunes into the downloads folder and then moved them to music. I cant remember what the file names were so can no longer find them. Is there a way to organise the files in the music folder to show the most recently added? If not what do you recommend

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OS X :: Password Protecting One Folder?

Jan 30, 2009

I have one folder in my user folder that i would like to password protect so it can not be opened without a password. is there a way to do this?

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MacBook Pro :: Protecting Your MBP With Skins?

Feb 12, 2009

I was thinking about trying out one of the bestskinsever or the zagg products but, they need to have water on them. How would you keep the water out of the keyboard, you know, when you are applying the trackpad part.

Any other skins I might be missing? Any easier things to protect my new macbook pro? I would really one of these skins but water would drip in to the keyboard part (maybe), so I'm left with what?

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OS X :: Protecting Privacy And Genius Bar?

May 17, 2010

I need to send my MBP in. Rather than giving them my user account password, I've created a new account that has admin privileges. Is that all I need to do? Or can admin accounts access all the info on the computer? I've heard horror stories here of peoples' photos being looked at, FB profiles accessed, etc.

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Applications :: Password Protecting Programs?

Apr 15, 2009

While they seem perfectly able to password protect a folder, this folder seems far from secure. In each case, the folder itself is not accessible without entering the password, but the files are visible in the finder under "recent documents".

I was hoping for a program that could securely protect these documents from casual viewing (including the "search for" section of the finder bar) while being relatively user friendly. I don't care about encryption.

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OS X :: Protecting Privacy Before Repair Visits?

Jul 14, 2009

So does anybody do anything special for this? I'm going to delete cookies from my browsers, for example.
And I have my password/accounts list in an encrypted disc image...

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IMac :: Protecting - APC Power Conditioner And UPS?

Aug 19, 2010

I have an APC H15 Power Conditioner and just bought an iMac 27'' and want to protect it against power failures. I was wondering if I could connect the power conditioner to the wall outlet and then a UPS on the conditioner. The iMac would be connected to the battery backup outlet in the UPS. Also, IF this can be done, in which outlet should I connect the UPS on the APC H15; Digital Filter or High Current filter?

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MacBook Pro :: Protecting It In Case It Gets Stolen?

Apr 18, 2012

I am looking in to getting some protection to recover and make life hard for a thief, if my MBP should get stolen.  I found several products doing a search.  They are for example: GadgetTrak Laptop Security, Hidden, LoJack for Laptops, Rest safe.with any of these products, or other ones, that you would say is a good investment and worth it.  Or possible other ways of doing so that I did not think of.  

MBP, MM, MBP - 10.6 + Windooz XP on a hard partition

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Mac Pro :: Protecting 4xWD640 RAID 0 With External Drives?

Mar 26, 2008

I have a 8-core MP 2.8Ghz with 10gb ram and Ati 2600HD. I'll someday replace the ATI with a quadro (all my application is 3d/CAD/Design) I'm installing 4 of the WD640 drives, they arrive on Friday.

I would love to order the CalDigit RAID card but after searching I finally figured out it's not available until next month.

That said, I need my system to start working ASAP and I don't want to wait if I don't have to.

I'm a designer, I need fast scratch so some striping needs to be involved. I also need data protection. At this capacity Time Machine isn't going to be of any use and I'd prefer redundancy anyway.

The 4 WD640s are replacing: 1 750gb 7200.11, 2 WD SE16 500GBs, and 1 320GB (Apple Stock Drive).

I would like to sell some of those drives to defray the cost of this endeavor but I'm open to keeping 1 or possibly 2 as external drives or stuffing one into the optical bay with a converter.

I want speed and reliability, of course! But really the largest motivator here is the combined drive aspect. Having so many volumes is driving me nuts.

My intention had been RAID 5 or 6 but I now know that Apple Software RAID can't do this. So now it seems with software RAID 0+1 would be the only option.

Realistically, does the cpu performance degradation outweight the speed gained from striping the drives? It's so difficult to determine bottlenecks.

Any thoughts on my best bet without/before the RAID card arrives. Can I migrate the array after installing the card without data loss?

If I just JBOD the drives can the concatenated set be broken up ever? I was thinking I could JBOD until the card came.

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OS X :: Password Protecting Excel Document In Office 08 Mac

Aug 11, 2009

How do I do it? I want the document to require a password to open. I did the tools-->protection--protect workbook/sheet thing but that didn't do it, the document could still be opened, just not edited. I have a budget sheet with all of my online account passwords I don't want accessible if the computer gets stolen.

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OS X V10.4 :: Protecting System From Flashback Trojan Malware?

Apr 11, 2012

Should I do something to protect my system from the Flashback Trojan malware?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Intel Mac :: Protecting/Locking Pages Documents On 10.5.8

Jun 5, 2012

I'm trying to put a password on a few pages documents using the 10.5.8 operating system. I realize it's sort of out of date, so that could be the problem. But i've been watching some videos that say to click on inspector, then the blank page, and then check the box that says 'require a password.' Only thing is that I don't see that box to check at the bottom of inspector.  

iMac, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Protecting One's Address Book With A Password?

Jun 29, 2012

Is there a way of protecting one's Address Book with a password?

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MacBook Pro :: Disk Utility - Password Protecting A Folder?

Mar 19, 2012

I recently purchased my first Mac Book Pro. I generally have content on my laptop which I would like to keep password protected. I use Disk Utility and create a new .dmg file, encrypt it and then password protect it. It will make a new virtual drive in which i can add my files, folders etc. and once ejected, it can't be accessed without entering the password. All was good, untill i realised that I cant delete that Virtual Drive ever. As in. if i just delete the .dmg file from finder, then that file is deleted but at the same time that space from the hard disk is lost. I can't recover it. I tried erasing the disk from the Disk Utility, but it kept recreating it.  

I made a new virtual disk on my external hard disk and then moved the .dmg to the trash, but the 3 GB that i had used to create that Virtual Disk was gone and absent. It still shows free space as watever -3GB. What did i do wrong? what is the right way to delete those virtual drives.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: How To Cut / Paste Files & Folders In OS X

Feb 28, 2006

I am a OS X newbie after using Windows for almost 15 years. One thing I am having trouble figuring out is how to cut & paste files and folders similar to what can be done in a Windows environment (i.e. cut using Ctrl-X, paste using Ctrl-v).

An example is if I want to move files from my hard drive to a flashdrive...is there way to cut and paste (i.e. move) the files? My current method is to just drag the files the new destination (which copies them) and then drag the files from the old location to the trash bin....

When I look at the 'edit' menu in Finder, the 'cut' and 'paste' options are grayed out which makes me think they are unavailable.

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OS X :: Checking Files And Folders?

Jun 19, 2008

So I have this weird occurrence when I open a Finder window and view files on one of my Mac Pro's internal harddrives.

A bunch of the Files and Folders have a Date Created of Dec 31, 1903 8:00PM.

The Date Modified is correct.

It's not every file/folder either. Mostly contained in one directory I have with client files in it.

I have:

- Reset PRAM
- Reset SMC
- Verified Permissions, Disks
- Deleted Finder's plist

So far, still happening.

Anyone have a clue as to what to check next?

I'm trying to figure out when this happened.....only noticed it today.

Could it have anything to do with sharing files from an XP machine.

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OS X :: Set Password On Certain Files / Folders?

Nov 17, 2009

As I mature further, the information I take in tends to get higher and higher. Passwords, usernames, information, etc etc. I've created a .numbers document with a lot of my usernames and passwords for various websites / any information I need. This file has no lock on it, so if anyone would be able to get into my computer, they would be able to get that file with a little perseverance or a little spotlight search. I've tried going to "get info" on the file and tinkering with different options there with no luck. I've googled it, and the only (somewhat) promising thing that came up was to use Disk Utility and create a disk image. It states that is best for transferring through a flash drive. Since I am updating this almost weekly, I do not think that is the best solution. Is there a program, or a setting which would enable me to set a password on a file(s) or folder(s)?

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OS X :: Cannot Create Files/folders?

Dec 3, 2009

My Macbook has been much slower than usual lately, and today it just stopped creating files. When I try and open Skype, it tells me it cannot create the users file, when i try to open itunes, it tells me it cannot create the itunes folder.

I have repaired the disk permissions and verified the disk. Verification came back okay. I'm now at a loss as for what to do. I can't download any new files (it tells me that I'm out of disk space, while I have 50 gb's free), so downloading anything to fix the problem won't work.

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OS X V10.6 Snow Leopard :: Protecting From Flashback May Require Disabling Facebook

Apr 8, 2012

It seems the cure is worse than the cold.   I read to prevent Flashback from entering my system I need to disable Java.  Only now posting comments on people's pictures stops working the moment I hit return, and posting photos complains about a storage error. So far the tests reveal no Flashback virus from Etresoft's tester on this 10.6.2 Macbook Pro.

10.7.1 iMac 5,1 MacBook Pro 3,1, Mac OS X (10.7.3), - * Links to my pages may give me compensation.

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OS X :: MAC Files/Folders Search Tool?

Jul 29, 2008

I can use to search Files and Folders on a Mac OS X system. I'm looking to search for files that contains parts of names, and specific sizes, and specific formats (.jpg, .pdf, ect..). and then while this search is going and doing it's "thing", is it possible that I can backup or copy the files to a different location from the search result?

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OS X :: Password Protect Files Or Folders On MAC?

Dec 5, 2008

Can any tell how to set passwords on files or folders on mac os x. it also can be still readable on windows xp or vista.

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OS X :: Best Way To Find Huge Folders / Files?

Sep 26, 2010

I have read these forums/google for a definitive/best way to track down the files that are clogging up your hard drive. I've tried the Smart Folder route and for whatever reason it doesn't work as well as I'd like. What is the best way to do this?

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Applications :: How To Hide Files And Folders

Nov 5, 2010

How can I hide certain files and folders on my iMac? Prefably without using a 3rd party application?

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Applications :: Saving Files In Folders?

Feb 5, 2009

In windows let's say I have a folder called "A". Let's say I am working on a project and I want to save it in that folder on my desktop. In windows you click "save as" then drill down to find the folder you want to save the file in. On my Mac it gives me the option for "desktop" but how do you pick a folder on the desktop to save a file in?

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OS X :: Files And Folders Locked In Place

Feb 28, 2009

Today, all of a sudden, all my files and folders are locked in place wherever they may be - on the desktop, in the documents folder, everywhere. I can't drag them anywhere. They're stuck.

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OS X :: Rant Over Hidden Files And Folders

Mar 8, 2009

Namely: Library and its contents. If Windows can do it, I'm confident Leopard 10.5.6 can too. None of the myriad permutations of the below Terminal command work.

# defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles -bool TRUE
# KillAll Finder
When I "search this Mac" in the Finder or querry Spotlight, I want nothing but nothing excluded from results. I am not a computer retard in danger of ruining my OS through hasty file relocation or deletion. I want my search returns to include even the most sensitive system files which, if accidentally deleted, would cause my Mac Pro to reach out through my monitor and stab me in the face.

Folder example: There are several folders called "Mozilla" on my system, and yours if you use Firefox. Good luck finding a folder called "Mozilla" using the Finder or Spotlight. You'll have to know where it is and manually navigate there.

File example: I have a file called userChrome.css buried in users/me/Library/AS/Mozilla/ext/yadaYoda, But when I search for "userChrome.css" - Mac OS peers out at me through it's glowing red eye and says, very calmly, "What are you doing Dave? I can't let you do that Dave."

Can anyone tell me how to really & truly include ALL files and folders in searches? I'll reiterate that I've tried a dozen terminal commands I found online.

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OS X :: Unable To Delete Files/folders

Mar 15, 2009

I have used my ipod to copy some files and folders from my Windows PC over to my mac. However, now when I go into my iPod and I want to delete it off the HD of my iPod, it asks for my password, the details say something about "com.apple.desktop", or something along those lines. I put in my password, it accepts the password. However, the folders and files on my ipod are not deleted after asking for my password. I try to delete again, and it does the same process all over again. Each time, not deleting these files and folders.

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