OS X :: Migration Assistant - Old MacBook Pro To IMac Using MacBook Pro's Time Machine Backup
May 11, 2009
I am on the edge of my seat with excitement as my new iMac should arrive tomorrow and i am just preparing things i.e. clearing desk of junk and doing a little research into migration assistant as i haven't used it before and want to get it right! so i will be migrating from my old MacBook Pro to the iMac using the MacBook Pro's time machine backup. However i have come across a potential snag; The old MacBook Pro has iLife '08 and the new one will have '09. Will i lose '09 when i migrate? any way around this?
I have an external hard drives with 3 partitions: 2 are TM backups of my two computers, and the other is just a file storage partition.Â
I am trying to migrate files onto a brand new hard drive from a TM backup. I formatted the new HD and installed OS 10.9 on it, but when I open Migration Assistant, it only recognizes the other computer's TM backup and the file storage partition, not the Macbook TM backup partition. Additionally, this partition (when I view it on my other computer) shows up with the orange USB icon rather than the green TM icon.Â
Does this mean my backup is corrupted? Is there a way to fix this without going back into my laptop and switching back to the old hard drive and wiping out the old backup and backing the whole thing up again?
I am trying to reinstall clean Snow Leopard on my iMac. I made a partition on my iMac internal HD(on the same physical drive as a system) for Time machine and ran backup.
After that I started up with Snow Leopard DVD, used Disk utility to clean old system partition and installed Snow Leopard.
But when I run Mingration assistant, it doesn't see Time Machine disk to restore. I see TM partitioning in finder and it's look OK, but migration assistant doesn't recognize it.
How I could force migration assitant to recognize backup? Or how I could migrate my setting from this backup?
I have a new imac and had parallels windows 7 preinstalled. If I use Migration Assistant with time machine to move all my stuff from old macbook to new imac, will the preintalled parallels be erased.
Just got my new MBP which I want to migrate my old one too. Is it better to ethernet the computers up and use the migration assistant or use my last time capsule back up? Or is there no difference?
Using Migration Assistant, I'm trying to transfer back-up files (whole system) from my Western Digital, External HDD to a new-to-me iMac which I've just purchased used. The External HDD has all my files (hopefully!) from my recently stolen iMac. As you can imagine, the circumstances are a bit unexpected and unsettling.
I've followed Apple's instructions for using MA with an external drive, but get hung up like others before me when it comes time for my new (used) computer to locate the disc from which to transfer the files. I've read the replies to others who have posted with similar difficulties using Snow Leopard, but resolving the issue seems to be just out of reach. Â
Original computer is now unavailable (stolen); it last ran on Snow Leopard, 10.6.3 to 6.8.New computer is used, and also runs on 10.6.8.Both computers are iMac 2009, tho slightly different versions, if that has any bearing on things.I created a temporary account on my new-to-me computer to make the data transfer, so that there wouldn't be an accounts conflict, as others have suggested.Western Digital External HDD, "My Book, Studio Edition," 1TB. I'm using the FireWire 800 port on the iMac. If I need to erase the hard drive on my "new" computer, I'll need a little instruction and hand-holding on that one.Â
Info: iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I still have my serious video ram problem set my other post. The apple store wanted $650 to replace my motherboard and the cheapest i found one online was $950, all for a machine that SL will not even support. I am limping along waiting for my i7 iMac to show (Whenever that is)
Here is my question. I am not sure if my data on tis machine is corrupted by my video ram problem so not sure I want to do the firewire transfer, that is if my machine will even last till my new one shows.
I have 2 back-ups a time machine and a super duper backup of 99% of my stuff. If I use my time machine back-up wont it wipe SL OS 10.6 off the new machine? When you do a TM back-up from disk utility from the OS10.5 leopard start-up disc, it says that it will completely wipe your HD clean.
BTW do any of you experts know if my video artifact problem is corrupting my files or just my video, while I am typing this everything looks good unless I look at my menu-bar or dock which is pretty distorted....
I'm getting a new (late 2011) MacBook Pro next week and I'm wondering which is the best method to move files to the new computer - from a Time Machine backup or Migratiion Assistant (or whatever it's called). I have an "original" MBP circa February 2006 which is running Snow Leopard (most of you might know that my current model cannot use Lion). When I bought my current MBP, I had a PowerBook G4 and used Migration Assistant with no problems but now, with Time Machine, I'm wondering if I will get a 'better' migration of files.
I had an issue with my hard disk on my imac in which I had to re-format and reinstall the OS. Since 10.7 is not available as a "rescue reinstall disk", I had to reinstall 10.6. When that finished, the install asked if I would like to transfer my stuff from Time Machine. I said "yes". Unfortunately, my time machine disk does not show up! Migration Assistant thinks my "macintosh HD" system disk is the only disk available as the time machine backup. So I skipped migration. I went ahead and did all of the OS upgrades to get back to 10.7.3. I re-connected all external disks (I have 4-the time machine disk included) and tried migration assistant again. The only disk migration assistant still thinks is available as the time machine backup is the macintosh HD system disk, not the one called "Time Machine Backup". Time machine backup is a western digital 2TB usb 2.0 disk.  I decided this morning to re-do everything again (since I still could not get my data back).the same thing is happening! Migration Assistant thinks that the macintosh HD is the time machine disk and does not see any others - even though the disk is there and mounted!Â
I'm moving from a MacBook Pro running 10.6.8 to a MBP running 10.7.5. I thought this would be pretty simple ... just attach my Snow Leopard Time Machine external drive to the Lion MBP and run Migration Assistant.Â
But when I go through the MA steps, MA does not see my TM drive. I've made sure I have the latest upgrades and have run Disk Utility's First Aid on the TM drive.Â
Ideas? I know I can try MA with other interfaces but using TM allows me to work on my old computer until my new one is ready.Â
I have an iBook G4 running 10.5.8 and a new iMac running Lion. Migration assistant will not accept Timemachine backups. I can't upgrade the OS on the iBook anymore. I only want to move my music, photos and documents. Can I do this by Firewire?
Macbook Pro (2012) hard drive died. Have full Time Machine backup on external hard drive. Installed new drive in the Macbook, installed Snow Leopard from original CD, and then did the upgrade to Yosemite. Connected the external drive with the TM archive and started Migration Assistant. It sees the TM archive drive and says "choose a volume from the list below" and does not present a list (which I presume would be a list of the TM backup dates). At this point there is no alternative to quitting Migration Assistant.Â
Trying to set up a new Macbook Air with migration assistant using a Time Machine backup of an old computer on a Time Capsule. Time Machine on the old computer shows the backup. However, Migration Assistant says that there is no volume and will not recognize the backup. What should I do?
I used migration assn't to load a Time Machine backup onto a new mac.The first TM backup after that took some time, perhaps not surprising.But the backups thereafter have all taken hours, with huge amounts of "indexing" time. Time to reload TM?
I'm transferring files from my MacBook Pro to the new iMac. I decide to use the Migration Assistant and proceed to connect both machines using the USB port. All looked nice in the beginning and the bar tab status started to fulfill indicate the advance and hours to finish. Since yesterday in both screens indicate "3 hours and 53 minutes remaining" and don't go forward. Looks like the process freeze.
I got a MacBook Air a few months ago and finally got around to migrating data from my MacBook Pro. I am seriously not happy with the results (all I really wanted was to move my iTunes and a limited few apps, and it seems that I got nothing that I wanted). I used a Time Machine backup from an external HD for the migration. Is there any way to undo the migration?
I just got a new MacBook Pro for graduation. I've decided to use my iMac as an external display and use my Macbook Pro as my main computer. My iMac has about 1TB of space while my MacBook has about 500 GB. Since I'll be using my iMac primarily as a external display I was thinking about also using it as an external harddrive so I can backup my data from my Macbook via Time Machine.Is this ok to do? Does anyone advised that I don't? I just want to make sure I don't screw up anything before doing so. BTW I also have a WD external harddrive connected to my iMac.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Main Computer
So I've ordered my new 13" Macbook Air (2.13 GHz, 4GB RAM, 256GB Flash) and I'm wondering the best way to transfer data from my 13" MBP? Which would be the best : Mac-To-Mac migration (via ethernet with the attached adapter) or Restore from Time Machine? I'm worried about compatibility issues with restoring from time machine, or migration all together, and was contemplating setting it up as a brand new machine, but that would be extremely time consuming. Also because I have iLife '09 on my MBP will that replace iLife '11 on my MBA?
I just received my refurb 1.8/SSD Air and I'm excited about getting it up and running. I'm confused about one thing. If I do a reinstall to delete printer drivers and languages, and then do a time machine migration from my MBP, would all of the drivers and languages reappear from the migration?
The Mini Has Some Great Software On it, Could i Use Migration Assistant To Transfer The Programs To My iMac Without Losing My Data On My iMac? Or is There Any Other Way?
have used migration assistant to transfer music and photo files from my mbp to imac - used network not firewire - all seamed to work - said it was complete - now cannot seam to find the files on the imac - was i a bit too hopeful that they would just pop in to iphoto and itunes? could someone let me know where they will be?
Eagerly awaiting my ship date for a new iMac (having been burned by two models with screen problems at the end of last year... another story). But I face three choices when it arrives to replace my trusty MB.
1. Use Migration Assistant to bring over apps, files, my library or everything. 2. Restore from my most recent Time Machine backup. 3. Manually re-install my apps and simply move across my files and folders.
Does anyone know whether there's any benefit to the "cleaner" option 3? Is there any difference between 1 and 2? I feel instinctively that my prinstine Snow Leopard-powered iMac would be better off for the minimalist option, but if there are no concrete advantages, I'll let Time Machine take the strain.
Set up my 21.5" iMac last night, set up a new user "Rory" - then downloaded Migration Assistant on my PC to transfer files, music, pics, docs and my iMac has created "Rory1" since I've discovered I should've transfered docs across BEFORE I set up an initial user!Â
The only thing I'd set up on my original "Rory" mac account was downloading Flash Player and installing my email to 'Mail' - so I've hardly done a lot of configs.Â
Can I just delete the original "Rory" profile and use the "Rory1" profile that the Mac set up? ( I realise the Mac has done this because my old Windows PC user name was obviously called "Rory" as well).Â
Or, is it easier to try and get the files (transfered from the PC under 'Rory1') to the original Mac profile of "Rory".Â
It's only 12 hours since I first went to set the my Mac up so as I said, I'm hardly in that much of a pickle yet - am I?!Â
Just wanted to check if he problem was unique to my MBA (Rev B, HDD) or you notice it too ;
My Time Machine backup takes up to 6 hours to do a backup of about 30GB. And each backup size is 31.5GB everytime !!
I have the following Config - 80 GB for OSX (53GB Free) and 40 GB (10GB Free) for Win 7 on Bootcamp. Sometimes I wonder if TM making a backup of Win 7 also everytime. (Does it mean - In a way its good, that means I should be able to restore the entire hard disk from TM including Applications, Win 7 , bootcamp and all the programmes installed in Win 7 in case I have a problem ?)
But the speed should still be fast... 6 hours to do a 32GB backup is torturous specially because then I have to leave the machine alone and cannot use it.
A: an old macbook (the white one) B: a modern macbook pro (retina) C: another modern macbook pro (TBD)Â
I am giving away B now; I expect to get C in 2 months time; I keep A with me all the time.
The goal is to migrate all of the data from B to C. I have Time Machine backups of B.
Since the transition is a long time (2 months), I need to keep working on my data during this period. For this I will use A. This will generate new files, modify old ones, ...
Since A's HDD is much smaller than B's backup, I can move only part of them.
By the way, I have totally erased A and used migration assistant to restore part of my old data from B. So, when I use A now, I do it with my same account as in B (and the same I will use in C).
How do I manage my backups in such a way that, when I will get C, I can safely move all of the data I had in B plus all of the changes and modifications that I have done during the 2 month transition?
Can I just continue to use Time Machine (on A) to update the old backups? I am afraid that some mess could be created because the computers are different (before the backups were taken on B, while now on A), even the present data are different (because now A only contains a subset of the original B data, which I do NOT want to lose), the good point is that the user is the same.
When I eventually upgrade to Snow Leopard, I'd ideally like to do a fresh install (I did Tiger>Leopard as an upgrade install), but I really don't want to have to go through the hassle of reinstalling all my apps afterwards. So, would the following work as a best-of-both-worlds alternative?
1. Update my backup bootable system drive image on my external FW drive 2. Wipe the drive in my MBP and do a fresh install of SL 3. Use the Migration Assistant to automagically copy all my data and apps over from the backup drive as if I was upgrading from an old Mac to a new one
On paper at least, it looks like it ought to "just work"... but I'm wondering whether or not Migration Assistant will work between a Mac and an external drive, or does it have to be between two actual Macs?
I just bought a new Mac Mini (Late 2014, ships with Yosemite) to replace a defunct MacBook Pro (Late 2008, last ran 10.8.5). I have a local administrative user account and some server and network data that I want to migrate from the latest Time Machine backup of the MacBook Pro to the Mini. I don't want to copy anything else to the Mini. Neither Setup Assistant nor Migration Assistant will let me deselect anything though. All the check boxes are greyed out. Clicking on them does not uncheck them. This forces me to copy everything from the Time Machine backup to the Mini. Then the Mini won't restart.  It won't even boot into safe mode. It just gets stuck in a reboot-loop until I enter recovery mode, wipe the system drive, and reinstall Yosemite.Â
Info: Mac mini (Late 2014), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I set up my new air and now want to transfer my info from my macbook pro and I seem to have missed the boat and want to go back and do it . the computers are in different names with diff. passwords.
Yesterday I did a migration assistant (MacBook Pro to MacPro)to get a music file from a friends computer and what i think happened is that I migrated his WHOLE system because now my hard drive has 4.3 GB left when before it was virtually empty because I use ext. hard drives. My question is WHERE are all these files because I dont see any new files (not even the music file that I intended on migrating) but my hard drive is filled up. And if possible, can I remove all the files at once since they all came at once?
I used Migration Assistant to transfer my data from a MacBook Pro circa 2006 to a new 13" MacBook Pro, but I do not see any of the data that should have come (music, photos, fonts etc.)?