OS X Mavericks :: 10.9.4 - Time Machine HD Partitions
Aug 22, 2014
I just upgraded my OS from 10.6.8 Snow Leopard to 10.9.4 Mavericks. My iMac has a 500 GB HD & I was using LaCie 500 GB XHD as TM backup successfully for many years using FW800. I removed the LaCie XHD & will save it in case I ever need those Snow Leopard backups. I bought a new, 2 TB G-Drive to use for my Mavericks TM backup. I am planning to partition the G-drive into a 1.5 TB TM backup volume & a 500 GB volume to use with Carbon Copy Cloner.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 4 GB RAM, Win XP Pro-Boot Camp
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Jun 25, 2014
Can I create 2 partitions into portable hard disk where the first formatted as HFS+ to use only for Time Machine source, the latter formatted as exFAT/FAT32 to use to swap file from OSX/Windows ?
Time machine will use only the first partition as source, it's possible?
I need to link hard disk both to windows and to OS X systems, can I do it with these 2 partitions? FAT32 or exFAT?
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Mar 7, 2010
I have an iMac 2.4ghz with a 320g hd, that I partitioned 50/270 when I installed Leopard. I read somewhere to have the opp system partitioned and I have been kicking myself in the rear ever since. Too many apps and files want to run next to the opp system, so I'm starting over.I used time machine for a backup of the system (both partitions are showing) on my 1 TB iomega external hard drive (minimax). I partitioned the external 500/500, time machine/additional storage.So that is what I'm working with, now for the question:With my backup complete, if I do a clean install to the internal hard drive (320g) in order to remove the 50g opp/sys partition and just have one 320g internal hd; will my time machine be able to restore to a clean 320 without having the 50/270gig partition setup? If so will this be a somewhat simple process?
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May 25, 2012
One of my co-workers is upgrading his old Mac Pro to a new iMac with a 256GB SSD and an internal 2TB ATA drive. He has a Time Machine backup to run the restore from, but his account is larger than the 256GB SSD. Ultimately he wants to keep his stuff on the 2TB drive and run the OS and his account on the SSD, but I couldn't think of a way to split that during the restore.
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Jan 11, 2010
I have still another EHD/TM question and I can't quite figure out where to ask for the help I need.
I have a Mac Pro OS 10.5.8 with 2 internal drives and a large EHD that I was using solely for Time Machine Back Up. After a recent conversation with tech support at Apple, I've decided that I should have still one more full copy of stuff that is critical to me--my original photographs. I currently only have the backup copy on TM.
So, I want to take my large LaCie EHD and partition it. I want to store things as follows:
1. Internal HD #1-primary HD containing all data except original photos
2. Internal HD #2-HD that contains nothing but original photos
3. EHD (LaCie):
a. Partition #1: Second copy of original photos
b. Partition #2: Time Machine back up of HD #1 and HD #2.
It seems as if it is easy enough to do the partition but I'm wondering if there is a way to get my original photos to go into both HD #2 and Partition #1 of the EHD at the same time that I import them via a card reader.
If not, I'm wondering how I can set this up so that I don't have to remember to copy the photos from HD #2 to the EHD. Do I have to use another back up program? If so, any recommendations? Will using another program mess up Time Machine? What am I not thinking about?
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Aug 22, 2014
After months of continual Time Machine backups to my Time Capsule, an error message comes up saying that Time Capsule is busy. I've tried to delete the file and start over from scratch, but it won't let me.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9), 24-inch, Early 2008
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Sep 2, 2014
I Just reinstall the MacBookPro from zero, without Time Machine, because some App was making a mess. In this new installing, my mac have another "machine name" and "HDD name" because I can't remember the old ones, so the Time Machine don't recognise the bucks-up, When I enter from Finder in the disk of TM, I see all the backups and files, but when I enter from the App TM, It's Clean.
So how I can "Rename" the TM Bucks-up so I can restore only the file that I want not all ?
OSX 10.9.4
MacBookPro 17" i7 2.2Ghz. - SSD 512 - 16GB
OS X Mavericks (10.9)
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Jun 28, 2014
i want to back up the computer with time machine .I do not know how to do it.When i click on icon of time machine it says that " time machine not configured'.
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Jun 2, 2014
I have a external hard drive that I have partitioned with 350 gig allocated for my Time Machine back up. Its telling me "back up faile" and that I need to delet files to free up space. It clearly says in the preference panel that "oldest backup are deleted when disc becomes full. I'm pretty tech savvy and it looks like the Time Machine optiond are pretty simple. Why wont this just continue to save the latest backup over that last one? I dont need a history of backups. I just want to have one back up that I do maybe monthly.
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9)
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Jun 17, 2014
I'm running OS 10.8.5 Maverick. (On a used Mac)Processor 13 GHz Intel core 2 duomemory is 2 GB 800 MHz DDR2 SDRAM this is a 2009 machine I purchased a week agoPrevious to this machine, my experience has been, Powerbook G4-OS 10.5.8
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 25, 2014
we recently bought a new iMac with Mavericks and a Lacie 5big thunderbolt series disk. At the Lacie disk we configured as they were 2 hard dsik of 4 Tb each one and added to time machine. Today the user called saying that time machine only made 2 copies one general at 4pm and the other one at the second disk at 7pm and no more copies until 10pm.
I know that time machine makes copies every hour, every day , every month, etc; so we were thinking why it only made 3 copies in that mount of time and why it took the second disk. In the old iMac with Lion this never happened.
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Jul 1, 2014
I have two computers in different locations and want to use time machine to keep them both current. Spend about 6 months in each location and got tired of transporting the iMacs. One of the iMacs is a mid 2010, the other is brand new. When I try to restore from the new machine to the old one, it doesn't work. Keeps waiting for a permission.
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Jun 29, 2014
I have an iMac with OSX 10.0 and a NAS Drobo 5N which has a Time Machine share. It will backup my local machine fine, but how do I get a backup of the NAS folders and exclude the Time Machine folder?
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Jun 3, 2014
I'm trying to restore a file that was backed up last August via Time Machine. The file is a Pages document and indicates such when I find it in TM. However when I go to restore it it won't restore. If I double click on the file it just shows a blank document. I also tried to restore it by going directly in with Finder into the Time Capsle drive. Finder indicates it's a broken alias. I noticed a large number of my older back-up files have the same characteristic, not just this one file. However there are some files that look just fine. I've done a Repair using Disk Utility on the Time Capsule and it came back with "no problems".
iMac (24-inch Early 2008), iOS 7.1.1, Time Machine
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Jun 5, 2014
I had to restore my data from time machine by doing a full migration of all data from my back up drive.
Now that I have recovered my existing system (which did involve a full wipe of HD, internet recovery and an update again from ML to mavericks).
My restored system does not recognise the back up drive as a time machine and it would appear I cannot append any future backups to this TM.
I would have to wipe the disk and start again which I did not particularly want to do.
MacBook Air (13-inch Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.2)
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Sep 1, 2014
Today I had the biggest shock of my life, the backup of my iMac is gone from my Time Machine. The hard disk has just been replaced. I had checked before that the backups were there and all was fine. I even recovered a few files from that backup a few days ago. Today the restoring didn't go well, I ran into an error message a few times and tried a few earlier backups. Now I can't see my iMac anymore on Time Machine.
How to get things back? How can I see my iMac again on Time Machine? It would be really bad if I have lost everything.
iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.4)
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Sep 6, 2014
I'm in the midst of moving from a 2011 imac to a 2014 - I have/had 3 TM backups 1) before the 2011 crashed and was repaired - 2) from the interim 2014 imac that I restored and updated for the new computer and 3) a "carbon copy clone" of my current drive because the apple tech made me wipe the drive and start over and it failed.
My computer will be here next week and I wanted to prepare. However since the restore of the repaired 2011 NO TIME MACHINE will back up on ALL 3 drives the same error happened. It would start fine and say it needed 17-22 hours to "create new" or "inherit" and would start fine and then freeze somewhere around 15-20GB????? I left it more than 6-7 hours and the freeze remained.
Need a TM expert...... this HAS to be a Mavericks OSX issue and I do not want to wipe another drive.
iMac (27-inch, Late 2013), iOS 7.1.2
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Jun 4, 2014
I have an external hard drive where I backup my Macbook Pro. I recently upgraded to Mavericks and now I can't find old files on time machine. I am looking for a file around a certain date, but no matter what date I look at in time machine - the files and data seem to be the same.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Sep 9, 2014
I had to do a complete reinstall Mavericks and since then, some of the folders (the major ones like "documents, pictrues, etc…") are not accessible anymore when I go into time machine (they are crossed with a no-entry sign). I did a disk repair but still no more access…
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jun 22, 2014
I recently erased my Mac partition of my hard drive and got a fresh copy on mavericks. I did this believing I would then be able to restore any important backed-up files later, now all I get in time machine is this:
Everything is greyed out apart from all my files and it stays like this for about five minutes. I know all the data is on the hard drive as it says 250GB of data is on it. Is it just searching through the Hard drive and I need to give it time for the files to show up?
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Jun 4, 2014
I'm transferring Bacckups.backupdb to a new external hardrive - however, when I copy over the file structure is disrupted
So on the original drive everything is correct file structure... Backups.backupdb/MyMacbookPro/x14 dated folders
After copying to a new drive 3 of the dated folders are in the correct place and the other 11 (including 'Latest' folder) are sitting in the directory above
like this Backups.backupdb/MyMacbookPro + x11 dated folders/x3 dated folders
When opening up Time Machine it only sees those 3 dates and there seems no way of transferring the folders ...
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Jun 29, 2014
I have a question about notes. I use notes a lot and they are synched between my Mac and iOS devices via iCloud.
I can I restore a note from a previous Time Machine backup? If I open notes and then TM, it automatically opens Finder Window and the Note App is hidden...
Is there a way to have the same result as Mail, for which I can surf my old email in TM?
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Jun 28, 2014
My 2009 iMac running 10.9.3 was having problems with crashing apps and just plain acting weird. I decided to do a clean reinstall of Mavericks using my Time Machine backup. I discovered that the Time Machine Restore erases the disk during the process and that would give me the "clean" reinstall.
After completing the restore, Mail, Calendar, Contacts, App Store, iTunes, Maps, QuickTime Player, and iPhoto did not have their proper icons in the dock nor would they run. Also, all the Utilities including Disk Utility and Activity Monitor showed bad icons and would not run. Trying to open Disk Utility gives a message "You can't open the application "Disk Utility.app" because it may be damaged or incomplete." Safari, Notes, Preview and other non OSX system apps seem to be largely OK.
I downloaded the OSXUpdCombo10.9.3.dmg and reinstalled Mavericks. No change in the icons, but this time Mail did open but then crashed. I tried moving Disk Utility from my laptop to my iMac with dropbox but OSX will not allow me to replace the bad Disk Utility.
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Jun 26, 2014
I'm running OS X 10.9.3 and now that Time Machine supports it, I have two external drives set up for Time Machine backups. One (the one I've been using all along) is 750GB and has not very much space left. The second, which I recently installed, is 1TB and has approx 625 GB of space left. The reason I installed the second drive is because my first was running out of space and I would regularly get the message saying that the drive is full and older backups were getting deleted. So I'm curious, why isn't Time Machine using the space on my newly installed, second, Time Machine drive? Why is it still clearing out old backups on my original drive? Is there any way I can stop this? Or are the old backups going to continue to get deleted from my original drive until some sort of parity is achieved between the backups on the two drives?
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Jun 24, 2014
Macbook Pro 15", (early 2011) 2.0 GHz, 8GB memory
After having my WD 750GB HD crash, I decided that I would opt for a smaller (256GB) SSD drive and just put Mavericks and my apps on the new drive and keep my user files on an external drive. I've installed and formatted the new drive but I can't figure out how to install just OSX from Time Machine since the entire backup is too big for my new drive. Before the drive failed, I had installed the latest update for Mavericks (10.9.3?)
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Jul 1, 2014
After I installed maverick on my imac, my time machine backups don't work anymore!!!! I have a normal portable HDD attached to my Imac with time capsule backup from before mavericks was installed.I also has a Buffalo NAS as a second Time Machine Backup.
Time capsule does not recognise my Buffalo NAS and tells me that it is not available. It has previous backups from Mountain Lion for sure!My portable HDD keeps saying "Preparing for backup" for eternity. I can connect to my portable HDD and Buffalo NAS as a drive. What I have been doing is to copy and paste the important stuff into the drives. But it really defeats the purpose of time machine.
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Sep 9, 2014
I recently did a clean install and to my horror i can see that Time Machine does NOT back up all my files.It seems to be worst in my music library which fortunately is pretty easy to rebuild do to itunes index.
But is there any way to make sure that Time Machine does in fact back up all files?
Or is it just broken and should be avoided?
I have 1,5 year old Macbook Pro Retina 15 inches 500 GB SSD
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), January 2013 - 15''
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Aug 27, 2014
I am trying to back my imac up for the first time using Time Machine (10.9 Mavericks) however it keeps freezing at 15.17gb and won't move on from there.
I am backing up to a Western Digital My Passport Ultra drive formatted to Mac OS Extended (Journaled) and it's Partition Map Scheme is GUID Partition Table.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), 21.5 inch, 2.7GHz mid 2011 version
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Jun 17, 2014
I deleted a bunch of epubs by bringing up my time machine drive in Finder. I did not delete the epubs through time machine. I now have pointers to the epubs in time machine. How do I delete the pointers.
MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Sep 6, 2014
I couldn't fine the Logic Pro X file titles "I still get letters", so i went to Time Machine. I wasn't able to find it until i searched for it. The only problem is it shows the file, but no path and if i restore it, nothing happens. Am i doing this wrong or is my file lost forever? Ill attach a screen shot. (A lot of the files on my time machine just show up white like that)
Mac mini, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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