OS X Mavericks :: Desktop Icons Are Randomly Blinking?
Jun 4, 2014
I just replaced the original 750GB drive on my MacBook Pro with a SanDisk SD6SB2M512G1022I SSD. It's much faster, and I still have tons of open space.
But every once in a while the desktop folder icons disappear and then reappear. What could be causing this? Is there something wrong with the drive? Could the copying process have corrupted something in Mavericks?
I Fired up my computer this morning and the icons disappeared, also the applications folder. I rebooted. Same thing. Rebooted again. random icons appear, never the app folder. Rebooted. The trash can icon is broken apart and scattered along the dock. No other icons. What should I do?
I've noticed that my caps lock light keeps blinking randomly. It usually happens in groups of blinks every 5 minutes or so. It started doing this after I upgraded to snow leopard. Why is it doing this?
On my desktop the little disk image icons are coming up when i open certain applications. I wanna make them disappear, but still be able to see ipods, cds, and external drives.
Also(somewhat irrelevant), occasionally when i open firefox, it asks me to drag it in the applications folder, but it's already there. please help. its so annooying
i am a tad stumped by this issue i'm having right now with my new imac. i noticed one day that none of my desktop aliases show any longer. in fact if i go to the desktop folder through finder my files and such show in there however none of my aliases nor those files show on the actual desktop. another thing i've noticed is that whenever i now try to drag and drop anything to the desktop whether it be a URL from safari or an alias i made in finder the dragged item simply just drags itself back to where i pulled it from.
Powered up my Imac today..goes through the usual gyrations get to a blue background but no icons present..not locked just no icons and cannot pull down any menus..
ran disk utility off off OSX cd..it fixed some block count on a .pub file but still get same thing after restart..
Okay, I'm having some problems with my Powerbook. Yesterday, I upgraded Firefox. When re-opening after the upgrade, I had a kernel panic. I restarted my computer and figured I would be good to go. Well, after logging back in, I found that Finder was acting up and I no longer had any desktop icons. Now, clicking the Finder icon in the dock will open a new Finder window just fine. If I go to the Desktop from there, all my icons are still there. So, I decided to restart my computer and see if that made a difference.
How does one arrange icons from left to right a Windows. I would like the Mac disk icon in the upper left of the window followed by app and file icons to appear in alphabetical order from left to right. I know it will go vertically and then to the next row.
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2008), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), late 2008
They're still accessible through finder, but now I can't drag-and-drop anything (at all) to the desktop. It was fine a minute ago before I shut down and rebooted my laptop. Restarts and switching users does nothing. I'm using Mac OSX Lion 10.7.4.
Anyone come across a problem where all the desktop icons disappear? I also cannot right click on my desktop to bring up a contextual menu, my machine appears to be running faultlessly apart from that. I have run Onyx to reset permissions and have checked the disk but cannot seem to find anything wrong.
The computer was working fine before the update. Now, it blinks the active screen when I try to load anything. I can't use my softwares or browse on network.
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4), Latest update with Safari 7.0.6
I Was skyping with a friend went to do something came back i was signed out of skype and my computer froze i restarted then it gave me a blinking file witch means failing hard drive so i put in my old hard drive that i knew works and still gives me a blinking file macbook pro 08 running on mavericks osx and something been running down ram for awhile to where it was not usable i had to keep running memory clean ...
Have had my imac for about a year and just recently my hard drive changed from "c:" to "+++++". I changed it to read "hard drive" and then a few days later it changed again to "5+". Why is it doing this?
Does anyone know if there's a way to lock my desktop icons (so my curious kids don't mistakenly - or not so mistakenly - move stuff around or into trash). My desktop is kept fairly simple (icons for the various HDs and folders for homework). We've also had the issue of items going *poof* from the dock - which is an easily fixable issue - but a little bit of a nuisance to have to retrieve from time to time.
I have a mac ibook G4. Okay all the icons on my desktop have vanished, including my hard drive icon. I cannot access finder. I cannot open CD's when I put them in the computer.
I've noticed in the February desktops thread (in the Pictures category) that some people have their drive icon names appearing beside the icon rather than beneath it. How do you do this? Also, some of the photos show the size of the drive as well as how much space is left. How do you do this? See this post for what I'm talking about. [URL]. Also, in that same post, what the program is that shows the currently playing track on iTunes?
I recently purchased an ADC to DVI adapter for my G4. I'm connecting a 20'' Gateway Monitor. First everything was okay. But the icons on the desktop were stretching a little. So I changed the resolution and the monitor went into a sleep mode. I restarted the computer, and the Apple logo appears but the monitor falls back into sleep mode. WTF? I disconnected, reconnected, tried about everything. I connected the monitor to my Dell and it works fine.
I've tried everything posted here... terminal, filezilla, Finder view options, etc. Nothing has worked. After startup, my desktop icons all move to the right. This just started happening a couple of days ago. I'm on OS 10.6.3.
How could i arrange the icons on the mac desktop? I know I can right click and arrange it by name and size. But how do I put an icon in the middle of the screen? (or somewhere else)
got a new 27 inch mac and icons will not appear on destop for example icon of a flash drive i put in, its on the left of the finder window but not on desktop as all my past mac have. Also downloaded drop box and that icon is not showing up as it should there to drag into applications folder. Im sure its a simple setting but I just cant find it!
I've got an external HD hooked up to my iMac and it has some software on there that brings up a CD icon on the desktop.
Is there a way to hide just that specific icon?
I know you can go to Finder and uncheck so that it doesn't show CD/DVD icons on the desktop...but that would mean anytime I pop in a CD it wouldn't show up and I don't want that, just want to hide the specific App icon.
Is there some way to turn off the resizing of Icons on the desktop? I am getting tired of accidentally resizing my icons and moving the icons from where I am used to seeing them.
So i dropped my macbook last week and turned it on and the screen is just grey, so i bought an external monitor and hooked it up and everything works fine except when i turn it on all I see is my desktop picture, no icons or anything. What could be the problem and is there a way to fix it?
Attached is a picture of the desktop, the new drive icons are a result of a new drive partitioned out. I would prefer not to see them on the desktop but want to see the Macintosh HD, what method would I use to do this. [IMG]file:///Users/MBB/Desktop/Picture%201.png[/IMG]
i downloaded firefox and skype because i love them so but when i dowloaded them it added icons to my new purrrty desktop....and i want them to go away!!! these are the only things i have downloaded in fear that i wont be able to get the off, but i know theres a way! well i went to yahoo answers and look at some question and ppl were saying put the icons in the APPs and thats it..but when i did that it jus made a copy...so i tried to delete the one on my desk top and it just took it away all together.
yesterday I wasn't able to click on my desktop icon in finder so I thought its just something silly. I turned off the computer and went to work. When I came back, I turned it back on, to realize that all icons are gone except my HDD, TM HDD and Windows HDD. Everything else is gone.
I entered the time machine and all back ups are gone too except today's and yesterday's. On yesterday's back up I do have the desktop folders and icon untouched but not on todays.
I tried permission, PRM reset, Onyx maintenance and cleaning but nothing is working. When I put a file name in the finder to find it it doesn't find it.
My desktop icons keep moving after reboot to the right hand side and arranged by name. Now: I have tried resetting the the views options, changing the grid size, changing the icon size, repairing permissions in the disk utility. I have tried all these, with reboots in between and in differing orders.