OS X Mavericks :: Mail / IMAP Sent Items Not Synching
Jun 30, 2014
I have several IMAP accounts which I approach from several machines (all OS X 10.9.3, Mail 7.3).
It seems that the sent items are not synched: a message sent from machine A cannot be found in the sent items of machine B.
How to solve this?
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Jul 2, 2008
but I end up with sent items in my label/folders at least when I reply. So, for example, if I label an email "important" it ends up in an "important" folder. But if I reply, then the sent item also shows up in that folder within Mail. I know that this results from Gmail's use of labels rather than folders. It's not a problem in the Gmail/webmail interface because of the threaded display. But what I'd like to do is set a filter within gmail that basically strips any sent mail of all other labels so that when working within Mail I don't get the sent items showing up in the inbox or labels/folders.
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Sep 6, 2014
I keep reading that this is necessary in Mavericks Applemail, but is it? The All Mail folder in gmail has nearly 90K messages and takes an age to load, impeding the rapid update of the current inbox.
How things can function with the show "All Mail" in IMAP turned off from the gmail side? Running both in Maverick and Yosem B2 ....
MacBook Air, OS X Mavericks (10.9), Second Mac on Yosemite B2
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Jun 30, 2014
The normal question is can I sync Apple mail database (folders) between two MAC computers. The answer is always use IMAP, but unfortunately IMAP is limited on space to store historical emails. I keep mailboxes (on_my_mac) with thousands of emails and attachments that take up a massive amount of space, well beyond any IMAP server allowances. I keep these in order to search conversations that span over many months and sometimes years.
I use GoodSync to sync my normal folders from my MAC Book Pro and my Mac Pro desktop so that I can have the same information (in real time) when working from home on my big machine or at the office using the laptop. This is great except I can not sync the email. I use Outlook 2011 but would prefer to use apple mail if I can sync the two computers (Sync'ing Outlook 2011 is even more impossible).
I also do not want to start and stop my email clients to make this happen and worry about which MAC is running mail and what direction to copy the entire folder structure just to have to follow that up with a new re-build of the index.
Also keep in mind the amount of data - Cloud based solutions are dependent on Internet connection speed (days of initial transfer time and hours to sync) and if I am on my laptop without internet connection, say on an airplane, I would be out of luck so I need the information local on each computer.
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Jun 25, 2014
Worked on iPhone. Same settings on the computer are not working. Can send, can't receive mail. What do I need to fix?
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Sep 1, 2014
Is it possible to delete message in the server using Mail configured using IMAP?
Currently when I delete the message in Mail, the server still keep a copy of it, which means it is not deleted on the server. I know that POP can do this but I still want the option of being able to access it from other computers.
My server has only a small size, so I hope that I can just delete it from my Mail instead of having to log in to the server and delete it again.
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Jun 27, 2014
For the second time in less than a month, all my older than 1 week emails disappeared from the inbox. The ones from Sent or from my "On My Mac" folders are still there, but the Inbox has only 20 or so emails. I have an IMAP account that worked great so far.
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Jun 20, 2014
I'm running mail (Version 7.3 (1878.2)). For some reason that I cannot fathom, imap accounts stopped working on June 10 or so.
I can fix this by setting the imap server to the ip address of the server, rather than its name.
I can confirm that the name is properly resolved to the address in terminal.
I'm using my own imap cyrus imap server
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Jun 22, 2014
i use both an apple mail email and an IMAP email for my business.
I have had a recurring problem with filing mail:I am trying to file all email messages onto my iCloud folders on my mail.
1. When i file mail into a folder into won't stay in the folder. It comes back into my inbox.
Furthermore, if it does file messages (which is sporadic) then the messages will go into the folder but someones a copy will also reappear back in my inbox)
2. When i delete emails: the appear back in my inbox even though i have deleted them.
I do not receive an error message when this happens, the emails just pop back up & into my mailbox
How I can do a work around to get message to stay in the folder i want them? Due to this issue my inbox has over 4000 emails in the inbox and i really need to file documents away.
I am operating on OS X 10.9.3 (13D65) and all my updates are up to date!
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Sep 4, 2014
Am having several glitches with mail. I move emails from either inbox or sent to the trash and they return back where I moved them from. Trash does not always empty and I have to restart the computer to get the trash to empty.
iMac (21.5-inch Late 2009), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jul 31, 2010
Iv'e set up a Mail account and for some reasons the Sent and received items are going in the opposite folders?
Anyone any insight into what could be happening?
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Mar 18, 2012
I am migrating my mail and archive folders from Mail to iCloud. I moved 20+ folders and over 8k messages with no problem by dragging and dropping the folder from 'On my mac' section to 'iCloud' section in Mail. The last two folders were the largest with over 1.5k in each folder. Over 1200 of the messages in each went in to iCloud without a hitch. Then I got this error:
The IMAP command “APPEND” (to [mail box name]) failed with server error: Message contains NUL characters.
There are 149 messages left in one folder and 203 in another folder. Try as I might, it will not work. I tried Rebuild mailbox option in menu and exported to Mail and mbox format and then re-importing. Still does not work.
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Dec 30, 2008
My Mail application (Leopard) is sometimes incredibly delayed in downloading mail from the server. If I have Thunderbird open on the side sometimes I receive mail in it but have to wait 15 minutes before Mail gets it. Also, my iPhone gets the mail in time always, though one would think that the mail fetching system is similar to that in Mail. Does anybody else have this problem and know a way around it? It's really frustrating and I'm considering moving to Thunderbird for good.
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Jun 11, 2009
do I need a 3rd party program?
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Sep 23, 2009
Since updating to Snow Leopard 10.6.1 Mail.app has been unable to retieve IMAP mail from my OS X Leopard 10.5.x server running the standard cyrusd. Does anybody have any clues? Mail just sits there syncing the mailbox forever, it never stops. If I turn on logging to file, it just continuously FETCHes from IMAP and never ends. It's driving me mad. My iphone can get the IMAP mail from the same server absolutely fine. I added the mail account to a new OS X Snow Leopard user account, and that also failed to get anywhere. So its not corrupted data on my MBP. It doesn't appear to be corrupted data on the OS X server either, as the iPhone works.
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Sep 1, 2014
I've been using the Apple Mail app for many years, to access gmail. I almost never access gmail with a browser. But the gmail account is a POP account, which, now that I have an iPhone, is pretty frustrating.
I understand how to convert the gmail account (disable account on Mac, change account type at Google website, create new IMAP account on Mac). But this will sync my Mac to the mail Google now has. And since I've been managing the whole account from the Mac, and email deletions on the Mac have no effect on Gmail, Gmail has vast amounts of mail that I've deleted from the Mac. How do I switch to IMAP and get the server to match what's on my Mac?
MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.1)
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Aug 5, 2010
I just moved over to IMAP in Mail.app and basically not all my mail was on the server so I had to copy a load across from the previous POP3 mailbox. It is now spinning and will not receive mail at all.
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May 10, 2009
I'm on Leopard's Mail.app and I have two POP accounts and an IMAP account. I want to know how to eliminate the split between the IMAP server's email and the "On my mac" email. It wasn't there before, it only appeared after I recreated the account because someone cleared my web server and I had to recreate the account.
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Nov 2, 2009
I'm running Mail.app 4.1 on a 10.6.1 MBP. I've got it pointing to an IMAP server. All is well.
I try to point my Mail.app 3.6 on a 10.5.8 G5 PM at the same server and it can't find the To Do items. In fact it's doing something very odd.
It finds the Notes just fine but what's it doing with the To Dos?
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Nov 17, 2010
I've got an intermittent mac mail problem with my imap account.
Every now and then (a few weeks to a few months) the mailbox account disappears for a few minutes then reappears. Mail then decides it needs to download all the email again, even although all the mail files are still sitting on the harddrive.
There's about 25Gb of email. Annoyingly it deletes the email files on the harddrive one at a time when its re-sync'ing, rather than realise it's already got the emails.
I'm running snow leopard 10.6.4 and mail 4.3 (1081). It done the same with the older osx and mail 3.6.
It happens most often when the macbook wakes up. I suspect it might be something to do with the macbook waking up and mail contacting the server before the wifi is fully talking. It'd be a bit of a pain to close mail before I close my macbook.
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May 25, 2010
i was using Apple mail 3.0 successfully on my old MBP which was running Leopard. I used POP to access and use my gmail account. I upgraded to a newer MBP but now am running snow leopard and apple mail 4.0 Unfortunately the migration assistant failed to bring across my data to the new computer and had to do it manually. I was unsuccessful in getting Mail 4.0 to set up a POP account for gmail as I had done with the older operating system's version of Mail.
I was successful with setting up IMAP (which i like less for specific reasons that I wont go into). However, even with following gmail's on line instructions, the sending of mails is temperamental. Sometimes emails get send, but almost always they sit in the "outbox" for minutes or hours, and it seems to be quite random as to when the emails are successfully sent. I cannot understand this. Usually the sending fails several times where it gives me the option to "try again" which I usually chose. I have SSL checked and am using port 933. I am using smpt.gmail.com:username@gmail.com has anybody else had similar difficulties and were they able to overcome them
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Sep 29, 2010
I had a question. Is there a way to use Gmail's IMAP with Apple Mail and configure it so that when the message is deleted on Gmail, It is not deleted in Apple Mail. I have wanted to convert to IMAP for a while but was always concerned with the possibility of Gmail servers accidentally deleting all of my emails and then would in turn delete all of them on my computer and I would have no backup copies of my emails anymore. I like to archive my emails but I like the performance of receiving emails thru IMAP over POP.
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Jul 16, 2007
I have several POP accounts setup in Mail.app and I want to change over the protocol to IMAP...how should I do this?I don't want to delete the accounts and lose all the mail...is there an option somewhere to switch the account from POP to IMAP?
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Dec 1, 2007
I erased everything in mail and resetup gmail imap and mail crashes when it connects to it before loading any messages. my other email from school works fine, but gmail hasnt worked since it worked flawlessly in the first two weeks.
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Nov 29, 2008
I am looking for a way to hide the IMAP folders that appear in Mail.app's sidebar.
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Mar 12, 2009
Setting up gmail IMAP on mail?
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Mar 30, 2009
It seems I have to change from using POP to IMAP but I'm not quite sure how.
I use Mail.app on my macbook. I have about 4 different email accounts, (2 for different employers, 1 for freelance work, and 1 personal) plus I'm in a couple of high traffic newsgroups.
All gets downloaded to Mail.app via POP access.
The newsgroup and junk emails get filtered out into their respective folders.
Other mail is filtered into other folders. Some gets to my inbox.
I want the non-newsgroup / junk mail to auto-sync with my iphone.
That means :
Appearing in the same folder in my iPhone and on my laptop
Reading mail on one device will mark it as read on the other.
Email sent from one device will appear in the sent folder on the other.
So it seems I need to change from POP to iMAP, but I'm not quite sure how to set it all up to deal with my 4 accounts and various folders. In Mail.app I have about 30 rules for filtering.
Do i need 4 different IMAP accounts?
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Apr 20, 2009
I have a laptop an desktop both set to IMAP Gmail through Mail.app. However, my e-mails don't sync as read across the computers. For example, when I use the laptop all day to read e-mails and then come home to my desktop, everything is still shown as unread in my inbox.
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May 14, 2009
Having some trouble moving some of our accounts to IMAP.
Some people have very large accounts and we keep getting the error 143 time out message. Unless i sit there for hours and keep pressing the "Get Mail" button.
Is there a way around this and why does it keep timing out?
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Oct 3, 2009
I was wondering if there is a way to configure Gmail IMAP for Mac Mail in such a way that I only get the new message (don't download whatever I have already), and when I press archive, it deletes them from my computer but saves them in Gmail?
Basically, my Gmail account is already around 6GB and I don't really want to have all of that on my hard drive
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