OS X :: Malware Detected On Site - Adblock Feature For Security?
Nov 20, 2009
I've had my MacBook for a few months now and totally love this beastie. I run Safari Version 4.0.2 (5530.19) and I don't do a ton of surfing, just a couple of sites that I visit regularly. Is there any kind of spyware that attacks Macs? Do I need to be on top of that? The other day one of the sites I regularly visit got hit by a hacker and my browser said Malware detected and wouldn't go to the site.
Also, I think my wireless router hates my MacBook. It boots me offline with alarming regularity. Tried to upgrade to a so called "better" router but still had the same problem. Its an easy fix (just unplug till it resets) but its a real PITA as the router is in the basement. Is there any router that doesn't do this with Macs or do I just need to suck it up? And finally is there anything I can download that will remove ads on Safari? I love the adblocker feature on Firefox, but don't use Firefox on here.
I'm running OS 10.5.8 and using Firefox 3.5.7. When I Google something and click a result, 75% of the time I am redirected somewhere that was not the destination of the link. Other times I'll click a link and a giant white browser window will open behind current window taking up my whole screen. Another frequent occurrence is being directed to the site "theclickcheck". I have a registered version of MacScan and it comes up with nothing and my software is up to date. Where do I go from here?
Got a message when looking through images of things on google when I looked up a picture a suspected malware site warning poped up. Should I be concerned or do anything about it. I dont know if theres a disk clean up or not for macs.
Not sure if this has been reported; a quick search of the forums didn't pop anything.
Safari 4 seems to provide a warning when Google has tagged a website with potential Malware. I don't know if this Malware is Mac or PC but thought it was interesting. I've attached a screenshot to see what I mean.
I have had a MBP fro myself for about a year 1/2. However I am now using it for business purposes and due to this I will be using it to do remote access to many client networks and have important documents on this Mac. With this in mind, I need extra security and am trying to find the best AV/spyware/malware software for my Mac. What software is the best. I know that Macs barely have ANY viruses that are in the wild but I cannot risk client security.
ive ensured that the date/time of my computer is accurate for the certificate verification (its right down to the minute. its also set to auto update)
I don't have any odd versions of chrome or anything like that. In fact, it doesn't matter what browser it is (Google notifier, as well as OSX mail give errors as well)
The only thing thats different is im on the wireless network at an internet cafe but it never gave this error before. i dont have any network that i can connect to besides this one to test that idea until i go home
I am locked out of safari. Get a "National Security Agency warning that access to files is denied unless I pay a fine..I need to figure out how to get it off!
every time i open a site and click something it will direct me to a new site. this happens everytime without fail.. (on every site) also my web cam. I have deleted a load of stuff and randon apps iv have downloaded. i have change some internet setting but still nothing happens. seem to be ever since i down loaded the new update.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
I use IWeb to make my site with no problem. however now I'm doing another site and can't publish it (the new site). I've tried to erase my site from "sites" but cannot publish the other site!
I managed to get Site2Site VPN working between two different networks/office buildings using the guide from apple.com. One network server/gateway is and the other is, everything works, every client can see every client and every client can see every serverSo far so good.But what I can't do is ping from Mac server one ( to the other mac server on the other network ( and vice versa. The VPN Site2Site option is great and very easy to set up, I only need to resolve this last?
I just bought a macbook, and I'm a newbie. In my windows I had firefox and adblock plus and it worked just fine. Now I did some search and heard about safari adblock so I downloaded it. The problem is that i installed it several times () and I can't seem to use it. I think I did everything right: opened the install dmg file, followed the steps and that's it right? Was there anything else to do? And what about now, since I've installed it around 4 or 5 times, have i got it x5 in my macbook? Sorry for the dumb question, but I'm new to this
I have downloaded Adblock. I want to put it on Firefox. When I open the download it says "There is no default application specified to open the document "adblock_plus-1.0.2-fx+sm+tb.xpi". I can either cancel of "choose application". When I choose application, nothing comes up I can do this with. Basically I don't know what to do or how to do it. I could not find the info on Adblock.org.
I hate ads in webpages. adblock plus is a wonderful gift, but it is only for Firefox. I really like Safari on my mac and use it 95% of the time, thus I need something to block the ads on Safari. Luckily I found CSS. CSS adblock has certain advantages, it is nonaggressive and can be customized to specific websites. There are quite a few CSS adblock on the internet and they generally do a good job. However, they are more of general instead of specific. So for the small number of websites I frequently visited none of the CSS I found could block ads 100%. So I made a CSS specific for the several websites I often visit. Here is the CSS ads removal Version 1.0. To install, in Safari/Preference/Advanced/Style sheet, select the file and it is done! In the current Version 1.0, it blocks ads from...........
As a warning to others, I was experiencing severe performance issues when I had AdBlock installed/enabled. Safari would hang from 5-30 seconds, sometimes crashing entirely. It took me a painstakingly long time to identify the culprit (AdBlock). Not only did I experience performance issues, but it did not block all advertisements - at least not the ones that AdBlock for Firefox does. For instance, when I viewed certain embedded videos, I would have to watch a one minute ad first. This did not occur when I viewed the same page/video in Firefox (with AdBlock installed).
I'm curious to know why Apple approved this extension even though it doesn't appear to work all that well. Aside from failing to block all advertisements, it undermines the stability of Safari. If that's not a reason to reject an extension, I'm not sure what is. If you're interested, here is a website that causes Safari to hang, without fail, when AdBlock is installed/enabled [URL]. If I'm the only one experiencing this issue, then my sincere apologies to the AdBlock developers!
I uninstalled ClickToFlash because whichever version I had was causing some videos not to run on Safari 5.1.5. I am trying to find an alternative, but seem to be running into an issue trying to install AdBlock or ClickToPlugin. Both seem to install fine, but don't actually work. When I go to the extensions pane and click on "Click me to show xxx's options", the page that AdBlock tries to go to [URL] or that ClickToPlugin tries to go to [URL] shows up as a blank page. I can't find any settings or other plugins that would seem to block either of these from working.
I had a SBBOD Flash crash earlier (had ClicktoFlash disabled for some reason) on a flash heavy site that caused by to have to Force Quit Safari. I had AdBlock running at the time and pondered whether it was that causing the issue, on top of the flash? Switched back to Glimmerblocker and I can't seem to get it to do what it did earlier, so am I right in thinking AdBlock is causing Safari to act a little weird (read: slower) or was it just coincidence?
Does anyone know of a reasonable alternative to AdBlock for Safari? I would like an unobtrusive ad-blocking extension that is equally effective. I understand that it will not be officially supported, but that's fine so long as it doesn't compromise performance/security. AdBlock uses way too much memory and it cripples Safari, causing it to hang/crash repeatedly. You can find the bug report here: [URL]
Over the past day or two I've realized something new in my browser, ADS! Is AdBlock not working for others using Chrome too? I never realized how many darn Ads there are on webpages these days.
I just reinstalled Leopard on my Mac after Finder kept acting weird and during the re installation of my apps I started using Safari 4 without any input managers or plugins. I was going to install them but I'm now not so sure. Safari feels quite better. Even a page full of ads feels like it actually appears faster after I click it's link. Do these things actually bog Safari down a little or am I probably imagining it due to having a fresh install? It would seem silly that blocking ads would take as long or even longer than just showing them.
I recently updated to the newest version of Safari AdBlock, and while it does block some ads, it misses many of them. Am I the only one with this issue? If so, is there a fix?
I searched this site, and can't seem to locate help; also googled my problem with little result. I downloaded and (I thought) installed Safari AdBlock (the file name is 0.4.0 RC3.pkg in the Downloads folder). I've done this probably 4 times, and I can't find any reference to the application anywhere on my computer, nor in Safari itself. There's a little open box with an emerging yellow cube in Downloads - Safari AdBlock. I double click, it installs, then it seems to end there. Can't find it. Safari still shows ads, so I don't think it's working, and I can't find AdBlock to try and amend settings.
Used Adblock in leopard and am sure there was an option for it in preferences, now running SL and I have installed the latest version of Adblock but can not seem to verify if it is installed or not and there is no option for it any more.
I am having issues with Safari Adblock. Running Safari 4.04, Adblock 0.4.0 RC3 in Snow Leopard. Also, running Safari in 32 bit mode. I have been using Safari with Adblock in Snow Leopard since it was released without issue. All of a sudden it just stopped working. Preferences say it is enabled. Restarted Safari, restarted Adblock, restarted the entire PC, checked for updates, and reinstalled Adblock. None of these things worked.
That's funny, just noticed Adblock started showing cats instead of ads - speedtest.net @ top of window. Fortunately I like cats. Main thing is Adblock is being pretty effective at blocking MacKeeper. It did let it through once or twice weeks ago but not since.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Windows 7 on BootCamp
Ads are driving me nuts and i know that i can install Firefox and then add Adblock extension but i really want to use Safari and i am looking for something like "Adblock Plus Firefox addon" but for Safari..
I have noticed from time to time Safari would go nuts and suck up 80-90% of the CPU and send the temps up and crank up the fan. I would then have to go on a witch hunt through the numerous tabs I had open and try and find the ad banner that's going nuts and close it (or just kill Safari). I started poking around and found [URL]
I'm using the Adblock for Safari extension on Safari 5.0. I blocked an ad on some website manually, and now Adblock removes all the content from the page. I can view the page when I disable the extension. For the life of me, I can't find any options in the app to edit my filters. How can I do this?