OS X :: How To Prevent Users From Running An App
Jul 7, 2009
here at school (where i also work in the IT depo), people have been Playing WoW(even staff members) when they are not supposed to(which is anytime). We have been able to combat it on windows in the form of software restriction polices, but have no solution for the macs.
Is there a way to block wow.app? or better yet also be able to block all .App's from an external drive?
I really dont want to use parental controls and select the dozens of other "ok" apps.
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Feb 10, 2009
i'm the admin of a mac lab at my university. users use one specific user account - is there a way to prevent this user from opening .dmg files? people can run apps right from a mounted dmg and i've caught a couple of people trying to download torrents here. though they don't have permission to move an app into the applications folder, they can simply run it off the desktop.
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Apr 7, 2010
Is is possible to prevent users to restart/shutdown a computer from the Apple menu in Mac OSX? Is it possible to create some kind of a special group that will have rights to restart/shutdown computer? I have a mac here with many users. From time to time people restart the computer without any particular reason disturbing work of others. I need to find a way to prevent user from doing it deliberately.
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Feb 10, 2012
I am trying to set login policies for network users on a 2008 Mac Pro running 10.7.3 and failing miserably. Let me start by saying that I am doing this successfully with 6 other laptops and another Mac Pro (2011 version) with absolutley zero issues. However no matter what I do I cannot seem to get this 2008 Mac Pro to work. The system in question is connected via WiFI (as are some of the other systems). I am using the mac address of the WiFI (as I am on the other systems) and have tried managing this system individually and in a group each of which fail.
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May 2, 2012
I'm in IT at a shop that is 98% Mac based. At this point in time, we would like to use Lion Server to provide Time Machine backups and software updates to our users. The environment is as follows: We are all using laptops, connecting to our network and the internet using wireless only. The mini has an ethernet cable attached and wireless will not be enabled for it. All Time Machine backups and software updates will be done wirelessly. The backups will be mostly text files, although in some instances there will be large amounts of said files. Of course I will limit and exclude certain folders and file types from backup and I would like to have the user do their first backup via firewire/thunderbolt so the largest amount of data will not be pushed over the air. I'm currently running tests with a few users doing just Time Machine backups to the Mini and all is going well, but I'm curious as to how many people I will be able to place on one Mini before it becomes too much. We have about 70 users now and could be close to 100 by the end of the year. We are a company that will continue to grow too. Anyone have thoughts or experience with a large user base doing backups to a Mini like this? How many users could I fit on each Mini? Would I be better off just going for the Mac Pro?
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Feb 13, 2012
Today when we started trying to add users to our server (we use it only for afp access at this time), we noticed that new users belonging to a group "storage" were unable to login from client machines via afp (clients both 10.7.2 and 10.6.8).
When we tried editing the users accounts to change which groups they belonged to, it would appear in workgroup (and server preferences) that the changes would take but there was still no access.
As a test case, we modified an existing user who had no issues logging in to belong to a diffenent group and have different sharepoint access. The changes looked good in workgroup and server prefs, but when the user logged in, he was only able to acces his old sharepoint and not the new one (and since his permissions to the old were removed, he shouldn't have access to that sharepoint).
Also, for some reason users cannot be deleted within workgroup manager any more. The login used was the diradmin account.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 22, 2012
I am currently am MBA student and must create projects using power point/ keynote, very often. Many of the power points/ keynotes created by students are informative but lack the ability to hold an audience’s attention (boring). Since I have this wonderful Macbook pro, I would like to create a dynamic keynote presentation which would include clips of audio and video files (I already know about converting keynote to power point). The only problem is, the videos I want to use in the keynote presentation are not able to be manipulated in iMovie (due to their format), and if they where able to be manipulated in iMovie, I’m not sure that PC users would be able to properly view them.
What video format (including embedded audio) is able to be viewed and heard by both OSX Lion users and Windows users? If this is possible, can anyone suggest a safe application that I can purchase from the apple app store that will allow me to convert video files (including embedded audio) so that it can be viewed by both Lion and PC users? Preferably one that does not need access to the internet in order to convert the files ( I’m on the go allot and use an air card for internet access), but I will take it if this is the best option. If the app store does not have this type of application, is there a place that I can download a safe one?
MacBook Pro
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Aug 30, 2010
It is "unlocked". Every time I click it, it just stays unlocked and won't actually lock. For example, I can't lock it on the "Energy Saver" prefpane, but I can lock/unlock on the Accounts prefpane...
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Sep 18, 2010
I'm using my MacBook for a wedding slideshow that will run on continuous loop for about 4-5 hours. I am a little concerned about overheating from running so long. What can I do to prevent overheating? I thought of The SMC fan control app, but don't know what the settings should be..
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Feb 19, 2008
Is there any way to prevent a user from printing? I've got a child who keeps printing.
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Dec 14, 2008
Is there any Terminal commands that will do this? I use Spotlight all the time - to load documents to loading applications. However, I hate how it makes any DVD's in my drive spin up. I never search DVD's, so turning this off wouldn't be an issue.
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Mar 5, 2009
I would like to connect one of those Master/Slave Powersplitters to my Macbook Pro when I'm at home.
However, this has given me an issue.
When I choose Sleep, the Macbook goes to sleep, and a few seconds after the the splitter will turn off my screen, speakers, Printer and all other accesories.
But as soon as this happens, The Mac wakes up again.
For simplicity at home I have one USB connected to the mac, that goes to the built in USB hub of the screen.
I tried to disconnect everything from the hub leaving only the hub connected.
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May 25, 2009
Is there a way to prevent a certain app from appearing in the dock when its active ?
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Aug 25, 2009
If file sharing is enabled, then anyone can drop files into a user's "Drop Box" with write-only permissions. Is there any way to prevent overwriting here? Like if two users dropped different files with the same name, how do you keep both of them?
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Dec 26, 2009
If I try to delete a folder like MOVIES say "music cant be modified or deleted because is required by mac os x"
I need that with a folder that I create, how can make that?, I need that for prevent that folder can be erased.
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Feb 14, 2012
I have a MacBook Pro 2,66 GHz with his native Matshita dvd-r uj-868 Cd/Dvd RW burner and I use both Logic Express 8 and Cubase 6 to arrange my musical pieces. Once I did all the audio bounces, how can I do to prevent the final Master CD being copied?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Apr 8, 2012
I know you can change admin passwords by just pressing the power button and command s... my brother always changes my password and I physically have to hide my computer so he won't hack it. I know people use firevault to protect files but I don't need to do that. Are there any settings I can change or software I can install to prevent hacking?
Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 17, 2012
how do i prevent certain cookies from getting on my imac 27
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Jun 19, 2009
make it go behind another window on which I click. It won't go back. Stays on top.
Windowshade lets me reduce it to just the title bar, but I'd like the window still open — and not minimized to the dock.
In the prefs I do find a box to check (or uncheck) for the miniplayer and videos, but nothing for the main window (unless I'm just duh, overlooking something—not unusual.)
Any pointers? I'm OK with Terminal, if anyone has the magic words there.
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Oct 9, 2010
Normally I have my music stored on an external HD. When I sync my iPhone the music is synced with the content of the external drive. Were I not to have the drive turned on during the sync, iTunes would delete the music on my iPhone as it would sync the "no music" on my pc with the music on my iPhone. Now I am traveling and will be away from my external HD for about a month. I would like to add some apps to my iPhone but if I do a sync I will lose all that music until I can get back home. Not what I want to have happen. Is there any way to prevent iTunes from syncing the music, i.e. just letting what's there alone and syncing the rest of the content?
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Sep 12, 2010
I have a process running prl_vm_service and it is making my HDD very noisy. I think that spotlight keep indexing this file. Because when is shut down this process my HDD become almost silent. I would like to prevent this process to startup when I reboot my iMac. Is there a way to do this. I am aware that Parralles (this process belongs to it) needs it, but still I want to prevent this process to startup.
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Aug 8, 2007
So I just got iLife 08 and I am upgrading from, I guess it's 06 (came on my mbp c2d) -anyway, I upgraded iweb, imovie and iphoto -
iphoto and iweb seem to have upgraded and it seems imovie did too BUT when I try and open imovie it keeps crashing...
I looked in the applications folder and see it made a "previous imovie" folder with my old one...
i try and open imovie 08 and it opens for a second, seems to try and load and shuts off...
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May 2, 2009
OSX has a rather annoying feature, on many commands it will spin up my external harddrive out of its sleep mode. I have to wait for the harddrive to get up to speed and during that wait i get the spinning beach ball. Its really annoying because it will do that on things totally unrelated to the external like bookmarking a webpage, going into a new tab in safari, switching between programs.
What i would like to to make it so that the external harddrive is only spun up when its actually being used! I dont want to have it going all the time because i value the quietness of my mac, at the moment its pretty much silent apart from when the external harddrive is going or the fans are going flatout. OSX 10.5.6, late 2008 macbook 2.0ghz. Western digital 1TB external hard drive on USB
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Aug 7, 2009
When I launch an app or open a window they appear next to the Dock wasting precious screen space. I can of course move them manually under the Dock to get the space back but I'm searching a way to tell the dock to always be on top of everything instead of moving it away.
I already searched Google and used numerous Apps like "Docker" and "Secrets"- without sucess.
Especially on my mothers small 17incher with 1024x768px resolution and only a couple of things in the Dock, the Dock is stealing like 20 Percent of real estate.
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Oct 14, 2009
I'm using a Finder replacement app. Is there anyway to prevent the Finder from opening at login?
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May 11, 2010
Will you recommend some hard cases for the 15" macbook pro? I already have a little ding in the top and it's devastating lol. Please recommend what cases you have and post possible pictures.I have noticed SGP cases and it looked good. At any rate, please recommend some cases.
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Jul 28, 2010
I'm trying to prevent a partitions from mounting at boot. I created this /etc/fstab file
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Mar 21, 2012
I am in china and im using a proxy to access facebook, youtube and other blocked sites. However i would like to use another browser that isn't affected by IE's internet settings because with the proxy on, browsing local websites just becomes gruelingly slow. I am using mozilla currently because there's an option to not use system proxy. Meanwhile i tried removing the proxy settings in safari not realizing the it shares the same settings with IE therefore if i remove it, it also turns off the proxy connection. i heard safari is great so if there's a work around on this then i'll definitely switch.
iPhone 4, Windows
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Jun 24, 2012
how to prevent wifi from dropping out in Lion. I did'nt have this problem when I was using Snow Lepeard.
Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Jun 27, 2014
I currently have a 2013 MacBook pro which is running on Maverick 10.9.3 and through out the last few months it kept freezing and crashing and making these weird screen during the freeze, like a bunch of parallel lines. Per day when ever I turn on my MacBook to do my homework or anything else, the Mac kept craning at least 7 times a day. I looked at every possible thing that could cause it and all the results were disappointing. I check if my storage space was almost full or I'm using too much ram at one and my Mac kept getting worse and worse. Is there any tips on what I should do to prevent my Mac from Crashing ?
My MacBook specs:
-2.9 Ghz Intel core i7
-8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
-749.3 GB of storage (638.19 GB is free )
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