OS X :: Getting Widgets On Desktop But Below Windows?

Aug 14, 2009

Today I figured out a cool thing that you can do in dashboard. when you click and hold on a widget, and hit the dashboard function key (F4 for me) you can then put it on the desktop. Very cool but you cant really open any windows without the widget covering them. My question is how can I get the widgets to stay under the windows?

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OS X :: How To Keep The Dashboard Widgets Permanently On The Desktop

Feb 21, 2009

Does anyone know how to keep the dashboard widgets permanently on the desktop...or is it possible at all.Leopard 10.5.6

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MacBook :: Can You (still) Do This To Move Widgets To Desktop

Jun 8, 2009

Does anyone know if this still works?


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OS X :: Using Desktop Widgets For Active Window

Apr 30, 2010

So I followed the guide here on how to permently get your widgets off your dashboard onto your desktop.


Problem is, there widgets are always on top of everything. I included a screen shot. How do I get them behind the active window or how do I put them back onto the dashboard completely?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Possible To Use Dashboard Widgets On Desktop

Mar 1, 2012

does anyone know if it's possible to use dashboard widgets on desktop.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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Intel Mac :: Move Widgets To The Desktop?

Mar 13, 2012

How do I move widgets to the Desktop?

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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PowerPC :: Putting Widgets On Ibook Desktop?

Oct 16, 2008

i have an ibook g4 and i have moved widgets from the dashboard to thedesktop once before but now i cant find out how to do it. i cant press F12 because that is my disk eject button. how can i do it!! also how do i get rid of it once they are one there?

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Applications :: Running Dashboard Widgets On Desktop?

Jun 3, 2009

i am having trouble running a dashboard widget on my desktop. i have the program deeper and i have it working all set but here is where the problem lies.

when i place it on the desktop it puts it on top of everything. thats annoying as hell. how can i put it on the bottom layer of my desktop?

for example if i was in photoshop, its on the top layer, i need to put it on the bottom.

how do i go about doing this?

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Applications :: Adding Widgets To Desktop Spaces?

Feb 11, 2010

I was wondering if anybody had a solution to this problem which involves placing a widget onto a particular Space on the desktop, I have tried opening the widgets folder when Spaces is activated to add it to a particular space but it does not recognize it. I would have thought that a solution to this would be available, but having searched the internet for any 3rd party app or solution I have found it very difficult to get any answers. I just want something that that allows me to work on different Spaces without having a widget appear all the time, except in an allocated space on my desktop.....

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Software :: Widgets, Desktop, Other Suddenly Disappears?

Feb 19, 2007

I have no idea what happened, but a lot of small stuff on my mac either disappeared or changed. I took my macbook off the charger after a nights charging, and I noticed: all my icons on my desktop were no longer there, my widgets were all gone, and all my programs gave me a setup up screen when I tried to use them. I'm not too upset because everything on the hard drive is still there, but still I'd like if anyone has a clue to as what the heck I did to cause this?

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OS X :: Trick For Widgets On The Desktop Not Work For Snow Leopard?

May 2, 2010

I did the trick to let me drag my dashboard widgets onto my desktop with the "defaults write com.apple.dashboard devmode YES" script in terminal. typed it and hit enter and then it just prompted me for the next command so that is how i know it worked. I logged out then logged back in and then hit F12 and grabbed a widget and while still holding it with the mouse hit F12 again. this trick should have allowed me to have the widget on the desktop but nothing happened. does this not work of snow leopard? am i doing something wrong here?

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IMac (Intel) :: Move Clock And Calendar Widgets From Dashboard To Desktop Screen

Sep 10, 2014

Can I move the clock and calendar widgets from the Dashbouard to my Desktop screen - not the 'Dock.

I note I can buy alternative versions for the Desktop from the app' store.


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Applications :: Turning Webclip Widgets Into Normal Widgets Or Apps?

Mar 15, 2009

Is there any way to turn webclip widgets into normal widgets or standalone apps? With or without a 3rd party app or enhancement?

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Windows On Mac :: Can I Drag Files From My Leopard Desktop To My Parallels Desktop?

Jun 22, 2009

I'm getting my Mac in a week and I would like to know it I can drag files from my Leopard desktop to my Parallels desktop. All input is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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Windows On Mac :: Sharing Screen (Remote Desktop) With Windows 7 Possible?

Apr 29, 2009

Can I take over my mac screen from windows 7? like with remote desktop or something?

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Windows On Mac :: Parallels Desktop Or VMWare Fusion For Windows 7 RC?

May 7, 2009

I'm having pretty bad difficulties with Windows 7 and Parallels Desktop. I know it's not supported yet, but some folk have it working. I can boot up, but I can't install Parallels Tools. I changed the Configuration to "Windows 2008 Server" like someone suggested in another forum, but fails to boot up.

Seems like VMWare are offering a better helping hand than Parallels Desktop - and while it is not supported yet by them, they say that if you use Windows 2008 Server Config everything works apart from sound.

So am I best giving it a bash with VMWare's Fusion? 30-day trial for free. But I'd rather try get Parallels working since I paid for it.

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Windows On Mac :: Windows Gaming On Mac - Better On Parrell Desktop OrBootcamp?

Oct 22, 2009

Better on Parrell desktop or Bootcamp? Mainly playing COD4 and GTA4

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Windows On Mac :: Why Windows 7 Folders Showing Up On OSX Desktop

Feb 11, 2010

I just installed Windows 7 via Parallels Desktop on my Mac. I used to have XP SP3 before this where I had it setup that no folders from Windows would show on the OSX desktop, but now that I've installed Windows 7, the folders from Windows are showing on the OSX desktop again. I forgot how to configure this, so can anyone please tell me how to do this?

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OS X :: My Widgets Are Not Working?

Feb 17, 2009

I just got a mac 2 months ago. I've just noticed that my widgets are not working. I also notice that "sudo rm -R" command for terminal doesn't work.

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OS X :: Dashboard Became Slower (With Only Four Widgets)

Sep 27, 2010

I make good use of dashboard. I use the calculator and unit conversion tools every day. I also have the TV program and my internet usage tracker displayed always. These are the only four widgets I have on my dashboard 90% of the time. Over the past year I've noticed the dash becoming slower and slower. Earlier this year I upgraded to Snow Leopard from Tiger hoping this might help (and help boost the computer in general) and while I have seen many improvements, dashboard keeps feeling slower and slower.

E.g. I want to do a simple sum in the calculator. I use a hot corner to activate the dashboard and the calculator is unresponsive for 5-20 seconds, same goes for the unit conversion widget. When I do this many times a day I find it frustrating and that it slows my workflow down. I've taken to my handheld calculator again but would prefer to use dashboard for ease of use. I'm running a MBP 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2GB memory and Mac OS X 10.6.4 if that helps.

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OS X :: Widgets Broken / Get Them To Work?

Nov 24, 2008

Just setting up my new MBP and have an odd problem with the widgets in that none of them 'work'. I can drag them onto the dashboard OK but they don't actually function and if I try to close them dashboard crashes and I get dumped back to my desktop .. screenshot attached.

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OS X :: Dashboard Widgets Moving...

Nov 5, 2009

So I like to set up my dashboard with 3x weather widgets, since we have microclimates here where I live and iStat pro to monitor the system.

The problem is, the weather and iStat widgets like to move when I open up dashboard. When it refreshes, the position gets somewhere else, usually lower or upper. I have to 'killall Dock' to refresh the dashboard to its original position.

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OS X :: Widgets Not Connecting To The Internet?

May 2, 2010

i have a Macbook (2009), Snow Leopard, 60GB of HD free.My widgets, including BOM (Bureau of Meteorology), Adam Internet and Fetch do neither flip nor refresh. even when clicking on the 'i' button, or the refresh icon they neither flip nor refresh.presing Apple + R, having clicked on the icons did not work either.Does anyone have an idea how to fix this problem?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Downloading Widgets Using It?

Jun 12, 2012

Everytime i click download to download a widget i am taken to the Apple downloads page. I have tried this with many different widgets with same outcome.

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IMac PPC :: Why Cant Download Widgets

Jun 13, 2012

why i cant download widgets? and every time i click download, the page will always direct me to apple store front page.


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OS X :: Using Mac Laptop Through Windows Desktop

Nov 30, 2008

I love my macbook pro - absolutely LOVE osx. But I am going to be building a windows desktop soon for gaming, photoshop, animation, etc. Can't afford a Mac Pro, so I don't have too much of an option. I'm sort of looking into running a hackintosh but I won't bring that up here b/c my guess is that we're not allowed to discuss it?Basically I want to know what my options are for using a Windows box for games and intensive tasks while using the Macbook Pro for all the other stuff (web browsing, ilife, etc.)So My options that I was considering were these:

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Windows On Mac :: Parallels Desktop 5 On OS X 10.6?

Jan 31, 2010

I�m using parallels desktop 5 on my macbook pro with snowleopard. It works ok. I need it to connect to my company�s Active Directory and for running basic Windows programs like Outlook and office 2007.

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Windows On Mac :: Parallel Desktop 5 - X86 Or X64?

Jun 18, 2010

I wanna install Windows 7 Ultimate with Parallel Desktop 5, but I have some problems. I don't know if I should install it as x86 or x64 or 32-bit or 64-bit? And also, how many GB ram should I be using for Parallels? I have the basic MBP 13" early 2010.

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OS X :: Weather Widgets Moving Down On Screen?

Jun 18, 2005

Anyone know why my weather widgets would move down 20-30 pixels from time to time on their own? I have two of them in the top left corner of my dashboard, and they seem to move down on the screen. I can't figure out when it's happening, it might be correlated with rebooting or something, but I'm not sure. My other widgets stay put, the weather widgets just seem to want to, well, go south.

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Applications :: Vista Like Widgets For Mac Dashboard?

Mar 12, 2009

I'm looking for something similar to the windows vista sidebar ( the 'widgets' on the right hand side of the desktop. The mac ones are all pretty much different sizes and it dosn't give that ' neat look'.

Also, how do I place a widget onto my desktop?

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