OS X :: Can't Access - Username/password Doesn't Work?
Jun 10, 2010
A couple years ago i used my macbook for school and they installed their own administrative account, so i had 2 accounts, one for them and one for me, and i was always able to install updates and my username and password always worked until now.
i realized that their administrative account is gone and somehow got deleted! Now every time i go to install something my username and password doesn't work, and I'm 110% sure its the correct combo.
What do i do????? i cant access anything! i have everything backed up in time machine on an external, if i put my restore disk in will i loose leopard, cause that was installed after i bought my mac, and how do i re-install everything from my backup?
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Jul 18, 2009
I did a fresh install of OS X - but now when I try to use Software Update, Start Disk, Accounts, etc. It gives me a dialog box asking for an Administrator Name, and password. I never got asked that before. And when I type it in, it wont work saying it is incorrect! I entered the name and password I use on my main login screen when it starts up (which works fine). Is this the same as the Administrator name and password? I have never set up an Administrator name and password separately.
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Jun 3, 2014
The Apple Mac computer is setup with rEFIt and boots into Windows XP.I would like to boot into the Mac, however the username and password don't work. I have tried rebooting and pressing Ctrl+S, but the command line interface didn't open? URL.... apart from a full installation.I don't know if I can access the retail DVD.
Mac 10.6.8, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 31, 2012
I put in the incorrect username/password when asked to by iPhoto when i upgraded to Iphoto11, i want to send a photo from Iphoto, now it will not send as it states i have the wrong combination. Where oh where do i reset or input the correct details? Error message states username/password are incorrect...... but option to reset or change them or try again.
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Mar 15, 2012
i recently changed my password, and now it's not allowing me to enter
iPhone 3GS, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Jun 19, 2010
So, this afternoon everything was fine until a few hours ago when the internet connection inexplicably started giving problems. Before that, I was just browsing on the web. I never messed with any network configurations.
I own an iMac 27" (Mac OS X version: 10.6.3) that keeps asking for a WEP password. I write it down but the only thing I get is a "Connection timeout" message.
I'm using a SMC router (ADSL 2 Barricade G) by the way. I understand WEP isn't the best choice, but the tecnhician said it was the only way to make all three computers have internet access. With WPA, the two Windows laptops had problems conecting. I changed the client to "No WEP/ No WAP" and every computer can connect to the internet. However, this isn't the desired solution for obvious reasons.
On the Mac, I removed the old network settings. I tried the $ (and 0x) trick but it didn't work. I also removed the old network passewords from the Keychain. I know the WEP password is right, because I used it on both Windows machines when I changed the client type back to WEP Only.
Since the SMC router doesn't display the WEP password, I'll download some password recovery software to find it out. I doubt this will work, but I'm running out of options. I'm not a tech guy.
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Apr 28, 2012
Macbook Pro running Tiger. Trying to reset the admin password. This article does NOT work for me: [URL]
I select the optical disk during reboot, but the system still boots from the HD.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Dec 4, 2014
I recently upgraded my OS with the free installation for Yosemite. When trying installing Yosemite my Macbook Pro running Mavericks asked me for the user password, which I provided.Yosemite installed fine, no problems.
Now, however, I am needing to install some software on my Macbook Pro after installing Yosemite. Like before, it asked me for my password, but this time it came back as incorrect. I tried several more times and it's still registering as incorrect.
I followed the directions shown here: OS X Yosemite: Reset a login password
However, I can't follow the instructions past step 4:
4. Choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Users & Groups.
5. Log in to your account....
When I click on Users & Groups, I don't see anything that allows me to log in to my account (I'm assuming it's because I'm already logged into it?). I only see options to Change the Password, open the Contacts Card, Login Options, and change Parental Controls. When I select "Change the Password", it asks me to enter the old password, which I can't do for obvious reasons.
So what can I do to recover my existing password?
MacBook Pro, OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)
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Sep 6, 2014
My apple user name and password haven't been changed at all for a long time. I have used it to access icloud and the itunes and everything.But suddenly the password doesn't work 'on my mac.' However it still works fine when I access icloud.com from my same computer.
But when I try to "manage my account" from system preferences (icloud), it doesn't work. And also, when I access the itunes store from my same computer it doesn't work. There are no error messages-- when I type in the password and press return it just reverts to the same page in which the password field is empty.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Jun 17, 2014
I am running Mavericks 10.9.3
I enable security preference pane requirepasword on waking from sleep.
I select sleep or close lid on my MBP but nothin happens.
How can I enable?
MacBookPro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3), 2 HG Intel Core I7 8 GB Ram
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Jan 22, 2009
when surfing to websites where a username and password is required, the first time you fill in these data keychain access will ask to remember the password.
If U click 'never for this website' keychain access won't ask this again.How can I change this setting? I'm trying to autolog into facebook but it won't work.I keychain access I added it manually but it still doesn't work.
What could I be doing wrong?
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Jun 13, 2009
I have a MacBook Pro 2008. Unfortunately I forgot my username and password in my Mac, so I can't create or delete any files. Is it possibe to do something with it, or I have to reload the new OS?
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Feb 1, 2009
I've recently purchased a 2nd hand Apple Powerbook G4 A1104 and the previous user details and password are still on the system and to reset it has asked to install the Mac OS disc.The powerbook suffered minor damage to the aluminium casing causing it non-economic to repair, therefore i had successfully tendered for the item.
I don't have the disc - is there any way that the username and password be re-set without this disc?
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Apr 7, 2012
I can't login my iMac with my username and password.
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Aug 27, 2014
My Mac won't let me print without asking me for a user name and password. I don't remember setting one up and so I can't print. How can I get rid of this?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2012)
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Dec 27, 2009
I just purchased my first ever Mac yesterday. I've wanted one for years.
I'm trying to install some programs and when I attempt to, Installer prompts me for a Username and Password.
I was never asked while setting up my computer whether or not I wanted to assign my computer with a Username or password.
The Username field is already filled in with "Apple Owner" and the Password field is blank.
Does anyone know if there is a default Username and Password and if so, what it is?
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Jan 4, 2011
Is there any way to make Safari only remember the username and not the password of a website when using Autofill? I've noticed that Firefox does this and Facebook does this in Safari when disabling "keep me logged in" (maybe a cookie feature?), and this is the exact behaviour I want.
I use 1Password and thats great, but I'd love to just type my password and automatically have the username show, and not keep having to type in my 1Password keychain's password.
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Mar 16, 2009
I have a problem connecting to the wifi from my macbook pro and my iphone. I have a D-Link DI-624 router. When there?s no password, both connect to the internet just fine. However, when I enable a WEP network key I cannot connect because it keeps asking me for a username and password, not the network key. Which username and password is it asking me for?
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Mar 20, 2009
I have a G4 Powerbook that I bought 2005. After it slowed down, I decided to perform a complete install. I backed up all my data on an external harddrive , reinstalled and it worked fine for a week. (My data is not on the external hard drive anymore because I transferred it to the laptop as I had to empty it for another back up project). So in brief, my data is not backed up anymore.
My notebook suddenly crashed, I restarted it but it wouldnt turn on. I then performed archive and install, restarted it, it asked me for my username and password, I entered them, but it didnt take it.
I then changed my password again from utilities, but it still wouldnt take it. I called apple support and they were clueless. The discs I used to perform the installation are the same ones I got with my laptop when I bought it. When I try to change the password in utilities, it would not give me an option to chose username, but only to change the password.
What can I do at this point?
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Jun 27, 2009
I have my HP photo smart printer plugged into my time capsule. I never had any issues printing with my last laptop (MBA) but i just got a new 13" MBP and can't print. MBP sees the printer on my time capsule via Bonjour, but when I try to add it to my printers i get a dialog box that says: "type the name and password of a user in teh "_Ipadmin" group to allow AddPrinter to make changes." I have no idea what the "_Ipadmin" group is and i've tried all my normal user names & passwords but it tells me they are all wrong.
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May 31, 2010
Whenever I leave my Mac for a few minutes I go back and find the screen saver running. I move the mouse the login window pops up and asks me a username and a password. How can I get rid of it! Its annoying me!
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Mar 22, 2012
Factory refurb came with Leopard already installed, didn't include disks, and never prompted me to create admin info. Really just want to install Flash... Everytime I try to install it asks me for my admin username and password. Username is always filled in as "user", but password is blank.
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Apr 2, 2012
I have had this problem since starting at my current office. (Over 16 months.) I inherited a computer from a previous staff person. Each of my computers have been Macs. (3 different computers in 16 months.) We are mostly a Mac computer office but our Active Directory and File Server are both Window PC's.
Whenever I try to log in to the file server I get the request for the my network user name and password. The window already has a user name but it's not mine. It is the user name of a previous user of my original computer (From 16 months ago.). I say original computer because I now have my thrid computer which I migrated from the first and second one. I'm sure whatever the problem it is has come along with each migration. I have looked in my Keychain Access and found the network password item for the file server. When I opened it my username and password are correct.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 27, 2012
Is there any way to connect to a share on remote server using "Connect to Server" using different username/password?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jun 18, 2012
I am trying to write a generic script that will mount a disk upon log in of a user So far I have this: (which works for a specific user:)
mount volume "smb://MyUserName:MyPassWords@ServerIAmPointingTo"
end try
I have pointed the script to my log in prefernces so it runs automatically when I log in. Is there a way to do this with a generic username/password? If I wanted to give this script to 100 of my co-workers, they would all have to modify the code to their credeintals. But is there any defaut usernames or passwords that AppleScript will take? Maybe something like: mount volume "smb://default:default@ServerIAmPointingTo" ...? My goal for this script is to have it run on peoples desktops at work to point to the same server, since I work in IT. But, I don't want to modify each script for each unique person.
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Aug 9, 2010
I was getting rid of some files of my desktop of the computer I use almost daily so it would not be huge in memory like images, and hew other items and I tried putting them in my trash so I can get rid of them, but it said well this:
I'm not the admin on this computer far from it, only a regular member.
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Apr 13, 2012
Three weeks ago I have bought and installed the new Lion Server (10.7.3) (previously Lion) on my Mac Air (via App Store), but returned it the day after through the Contact Portal of App Store. Since then my Admin Username and Password are not working anymore and the Lion Server is still existent in the system.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Apr 24, 2012
When trying to install ANY kind of software or make a change that prompts username/ password, the box shows up grayed out and will not allow me to enter any text. Can anyone give insight into what is causing this and how to fix it?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 4, 2012
Mail on my Pro suddenly says incorrect username and/or password. Resubmitting password does not help. Mail is fine on my iPad and Phone. I can also log into the mail's website with no issue. Until now mail has never been an issue on my Mac. I tried deleting and re-adding the account. Get the same message when it tries to verify the login during setup.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
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Dec 16, 2007
in tiger, whenever iChat was launched, it asked for a username and password but now in leopard, when iChat is launched it automatically logs into my account. multiple people use iChat on my computer and i just want to know if in leopard there is a setting to bring up that box that asks for sn and password like in tiger and panther. i've been messing with the preferences and i cant find anything.
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