Ok, so I know that this shouldn't be a problem, but I just wanted to make sure. My sister's Macbook is currently a mess and I want to do an archive and install on her system. She keeps absolutely everything on folders on her desktop. Will the archive and install keep all of her files even if they are in the desktop?
Long story short: I've been having some issues with Leopard (and it looks like it was probably my fault for simply choosing the "Upgrade" option when I moved up from Tiger), and so now I'm looking into a clean install Leopard, which according to all other indications should fix my problem. Now, my initial reaction was to go with the "Archive and Install" option, but since I've been reading more about what people have to say, I'm starting to wonder if I should just choose "Erase and Install", and then restore from Time Machine instead? ...or is there really even a significant difference in the end?
I would like to keep everything as intact as possible, which makes me think Time Machine would be better, but then at the same time I've read stories about people having difficulties with restoring from Time Machine, and losing certain applications/preferences, etc... but sometimes they say it works just fine. So I don't know. But I'd like to get some second opinions before moving forward too quickly and then possibly regretting my decision later.
I have many questions but few clear answers. What would be the benefits of doing a clean install vs. an upgrade? I have an iMac 8,1 which supposedly is eligible for a 64 bit kernel. Would I have to do a clean install or an "archive and install" to get the 64bit kernel? Also, can someone explain to me exactly what an "archive and install" is/does? From the name, I'd assume it would back up your HDD to an external storage unit, then do a clean install, but I'm probably way wrong.
One more question. If I so happen to choose to do a clean install, would Time Machine be an adequate way to restore all my data after the update? Any help or answers to any of the above questions would truly make my day. You will also be rewarded $1,000,000,000 in Happy FunTime money.
I downloaded a Zip archive file, but when I double-click on it to unzip, it turns into another zipped file (CPGZ Archive). I tried the download twice, with the same result. I don't have the Archive Utility?
I'm going to upgrade my OS from Panther to Tiger. With "Archive and install" does it compress the old system before putting it in the Bibliotech. I'm worried that I won't have enough space left on my HD to hold the two systems. For the moment I have about 8.5 GB of free space with no app's running.(after a reboot) Or can I archive the old system to my ext. HD ( How) I'm not planning to install " other languages" or "other Printers" with the Tiger install.
I'm a newbie, forgive my question but I just did an Install and Archive yesterday, but I don't know if I really should be doing a CLEAN INSTALL...
FACTS - I have an MB403LL/A (2.4GHz C2D, 2008 Early Peryn) which I use to make music with ProTools 8 LE and Reason 4.0.
- Upgraded RAM from Corsair to OWC RAM (4GB)
- Before the Install & Archive yesterday I was experiencing problems with Safari freezing up and not being able to relaunch. I believe this was due to the RAM, hence, I bought new and better RAM.
- I could not boot up my MacBook one morning, so I trouble-shot it and the only thing I could do was Re-Install the OS X.
- I did the Install & Archive with the OEM Samsung RAM and put in the OWC RAM AFTER that.
QUESTIONS - I would like to really have a fresh install of everything but not sure if there is much difference between the Clean Install and the Archive and Install? (I would just move the files I need to my external HD)
- With the Clean Install - will I be bringing my MacBook back to where it was fresh from the factory?
Should I buy the AppleCare for it? I was thinking of upgrading but there is not much difference in performance to what I have... 2.4 C2D at 4GB RAM...
I upgraded my powerbook to leopard about a year ago using Archive & Install. I just read that deleting your old archive is a good way to free up space, provided your machine is running well. I haven't had any problems. Has anybody done this that can provide any advice for or against deleting the folder?
I recently did a archive/install on my macbookpro. I was wondering what are some good things to do after this task is done. I've already installed all the updates. I repaired permissions and for some reason errors are still being found?
I had to re-install 10.3 on my G5 after the hard drive icon icon disappeared from my desktop and the finder froze. Its back to normal now after I did a clean install of 10.3, choosing the archive and install option. What should be my next step? How do I get all my stuff in the 'previous system' folder (my music, photos, etc.) to the main account? Can I somehow log in my old account with all my stuff and delete the new one I had to make? What's the easiest way to do this?
I had issues with several programs in my OSX so I did a archive and install of Leopard, then updated to 10.5.8 with software updater. Everything seems to work well, except now (since reinstalling the OSX) aperture 2 will not open. It's updated to 2.1.4 This is the text of what happens when it shuts down (before opening).
I've been having recurring problems that Disk Utility, TechTool Pro, DisWarrior, and Apple Hardware Test have been unable to identify and address. So, I'm now considering a system reinstall. But I'm not clear what the best approach is. It seems that Erase & Install is more thorough than Archive & Install, yet they both seem to enable one to carry over all of one's folders, files, apps, prefs, etc.: A&I as the "archive" name suggests; E&I because it offers the option to use Migration Assistant. So how do they really differ, and when would the seemingly less-thorough one (A&I) be preferred over the other (E&I)?
So I just upgraded to my fantastic Unibody MacBook today, and it's been a pretty frustrating few hours, after making two trips to two different stores to find the right screwdrivers, I finally was able to move my hard drive from my old white MacBook to the new unibody. I booted it up and it seems to be running great, but my main concern was if I should do an archive and install since this is a totally new computer? I was reading a thread here and someone suggested that. Is it necessary if it is running fine? And also I was trying to find out if the was a way to restore my files to their original locations from the "Previous System" folder without doing it by hand? I couldn't find an answer for that last one.
I am attempting to use Archive and Install to repair my MacBook's OSX. It finished the DVD check and began installing, only to stop with an error saying some files could not be installed. I am making a second attempt, but if this does not work, should I contact Apple? I'm afraid the drive might be failing and there are important school documents I need to try and retrieve.
My 24" 2.4 GHz Al iMac has a random freezing problem. I am thinking of doing an archive and install of the OS (running 10.5.6). Questions:
1. Will an A&I keep all my present data? 2. How is it done?
I've never done it before and want to make sure I do it correctly. I did a forum search of archive and install, and nothing pertinent came up for me. I do have both installation disks that came with the iMac, so I should be good to go there.
I recently sold my 2009 Macbook due to a cracked screen, but kept the 10.5.6 installer discs. (HDD was zeroed out and I did not install OS X)
My 2007 Mac Mini is currently running 10.5.7 and iLife 08, and I would like to perform an archive and install using the Macbook discs on my Mac Mini, in the hope that I would be upgraded to iLife 09. Would this work or would I need to perform and complete erase and install to get iLife 09? I do not want to lose any data (although I have backed up).
I was just talking to a Mac friend of mine and he said that he thinks it won't be possible to do an archive and install using snow leopard. Does anyone have any information about that. He said that because it made no mention of archive and install on the dvd disk. Now he has me wondering. Is he right or wrong?
Had a kernel panic - did the restart - freezes on load in and or kernel panics again. - boot from dvd - said in disc utility " 1 HFS volume could not be repaired " error num: 52 - ran hardware test and found bad RAM stick. (does this test the hard drive as well?)- put 2 brand new RAM sticks in, passes every test.. says no hardware issues. - still hangs on load in screen (little white wind mill).- ran the utility test again, says the same error num:52 - gave in to do the archive and install and when its says SELECT DRIVE to install to, there isnt any to pick. is my hard drive fried. running : first gen.(white) iMac dual core intel 1.8ghz hard drive model : intel ICH7-M AHC1 wdc wd 1600js 40tgb0
I have a G4 Powerbook that I bought 2005. After it slowed down, I decided to perform a complete install. I backed up all my data on an external harddrive , reinstalled and it worked fine for a week. (My data is not on the external hard drive anymore because I transferred it to the laptop as I had to empty it for another back up project). So in brief, my data is not backed up anymore.
My notebook suddenly crashed, I restarted it but it wouldnt turn on. I then performed archive and install, restarted it, it asked me for my username and password, I entered them, but it didnt take it.
I then changed my password again from utilities, but it still wouldnt take it. I called apple support and they were clueless. The discs I used to perform the installation are the same ones I got with my laptop when I bought it. When I try to change the password in utilities, it would not give me an option to chose username, but only to change the password.
Im a little confused about doing an Archive and Install in SL. There is not an option to do this like there was in Tiger. I spoke to Apple Care and was told to click on Install Mac OS X icon on the install disk for an Archive and Install. After reading some old posts on this subject, this method seem questionable.
So here is my question, I have lots of stuff on my Mac that I really want to keep, so it would be backup first. I would then like to do an Archive and Install Reformat but I believe this is not possible under Snow Leopard. What is my best choice to do a completely clean reinstall of Snow Leopard ?
i'm very new to macOS can anybody tell me what happens when you perform a Install and archive on an iMac system. especially the documents, email, photo's in Aperture etc. Are they saved? I had a system crash and performed a disk check, the disk seems to be OK
Because I installed Microsoft Office 2004 from my friend's disk, I do not have the actual disk for installation. So, if I were to do an archive and install of leopard on my macbook, would microsoft office be deleted?
I am trying to do an archive and Install of OS X Leopard on a MBP but the installer won't allow me to do this.
I have tried the install by holding down the Option Key at bootup with the Leopard DVD in the drive. I follow all the options and then try to do an Archive and Install but when it gets to the screen with the Hard Drive icon it shows the Hard Drive icon with the Exclamation point in the yellow color. If I select options it tells me I have to erase the hard drive and do a fresh install of OS X.
I have also tried the install by booting into OS X and then selecting the OS X DVD icon and going through the same steps.
I have used Disk Utility and done both a verify and verify permissions but no errors at all are found. One odd issue is when I hold down the Option key at bootup it actually lists my internal hard drive twice. It appears everything is fine. Disk Utility finds now errors, shows it has the GUID partition table, and is formatted with OS X Journaled.
What started all of this is a couple weeks ago I started having Wi-Fi issues. Anywhere I connect to Wi-Fi it connects with the signal but I don't have internet. I'm not able to use Firefox, Safari, or Apple Mail. I posted earlier about this but was unable to fix this problem so eventually went to the Apple Genius Bar. They thought it was a simple issue and tried a couple procedures to renew IP or something like that and restoring some files. After none of that worked the guy then said it's something deeper in the OS and a Archive & Install is the best way to solve it.
When he tried this though it didn't work. He did a Verify in Disk Utility and found some hard drive errors so corrected them. Once this was done he did another Archive & Install and ran into the same problems I encountered.
Of course I'm still having this issue. His suggestion was to do the erase and said to first plug in my Time Machine Hard Drive, Do a Backup now, do the erase on the Hard Drive and reinstall Leopard, then he said Time Machine should prompt me to restore or something like that and will copy over all my stuff, documents, itunes music, dock settings, desktop, etc. Basically everything to put my computer back to where it was before. Now I do have a SuperDuper backup but since this is a mirror of the internal hard drive he said it would likely copy the problem back to my internal hard drive.
Is there a way to possibly do an archive & install? I prefer to go this route but don't know why it won't let me do it. If not, would the above suggested option with Time Machine solve this problem and would I lose any settings or data?
Another option I may try is I have Leopard on the Machine but have bought Snow Leopard. I haven't done the upgrade because one program I have, PGP, is not Snow Loepard compatible until the next version comes out. Since I haven't used PGP yet if necessary I am willing to uninstall it and install Snow Leopard but i'm not sure if the Snow Leopard upgrade will work and solve the Wi-Fi issue.
I've got a new 15" mbp that tonight I drove out with to the apple store. It was unable to mount external devices (iPods, external hd's, etc). The Genius ended up doing an archive install, saying that the mounting disks were running full throttle (making it EXTREMELY hot) but not succeeding; something in the OS had gotten stuck. So I left after he did an archive and install and tested my drive and iPod. Everything was working....I thought. Long drive back home. Open up my computer, try to adjust screen brightness...nothing. Try to adjust volume. Nothing. None of the function keys work. The eject button works, and strangely enough, the F12 button which should raise the volume also tries to eject. The pause button brings up the spaces window (showing all four spaces).
Very frustrated, could use some advice. Do I need to do an erase and install? These keys worked fine before the archive/install.
A while back there was a thread on Archive and install " Cant find it on a search " but anyways. I'd like to do a clean install of the OS and bring over the applications needed, WHY? to me the system seems to be getting bogged down , mite be me also. Question is, is that I have dual boot installed to windows for gaming. Is the new install going to hose that? and would I have to reinstall bootcamp and the whole windows thing again? I was also thinking maybe some program that would go through and clean out old unnecessary files, but that's the old windows in me coming out from years past.
I tried to archive and install, but that didn't work. I checked and it said that there is something wrong with the hard drive (don't remember exactly what, but I can find out if you need me to). I bought Disc Warrior, but when I put it in, it looked like it starts running, then the computer just shuts down. What should I do?
(Sorry if I didn't give you enough information, I'm just not really sure exactly which parts are important or unimportant)
I am wanting to compress video, audio and software into archives so Which archive application has the highest amount of compression and is a good archive app overall?