Applications :: Safari Quit Unexpectedly?
Jan 3, 2008My Safari always quit unexpectedly. At least once a day. Do you have similar problem?
View 24 RepliesMy Safari always quit unexpectedly. At least once a day. Do you have similar problem?
View 24 RepliesLately I have been noticing some applications, most memorably Safari and Pages, quitting unexpectedly. I'm just in there and boom, out of nowhere, it quits. Has anyone else had this problem or know what may be causing it? I am on a brand new 15" i5 MBP running Snow Leopard 10.6.4. I was going to switch back to Chrome from Safari, but since other apps are doing it too. I'm thinking it's not just the web browser's fault but the fault of something else on my computer.
View 17 Replies View RelatedOn Safari, it keeps giving me error messages saying "Safari Webpage Preview Fetcher has quit unexpectedly" and "QTKit has quit unexpectedly". Sometimes every few seconds. I tried using a "MultiSafari" v.4.0.5 and it does the same thing. I suspect it is because of deleting the contents of the Caches folder (which I do regularly, but never had problems with).
View 2 Replies View RelatedI'm running OS X 10.6.8 Safari version 5.1.4.I updated my macbook today per the update suggestions and now safari gives me this error every time I try to open it:
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I am having intermittent problems with MacBook Pro Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2GHz with 6GB RAM (yes, six GB) and a Seagate 500MB/7200RPM Snow Leopard OS 10.6.2
Mail will quit when I try to add an attachment
If I go to the Finder from another application, the Finder quits and windows disappear. If I select "new finder window" finder repeatedly quits. After 10 or fifteen times (usually I just restart) I can get the finder window to stay open.
Using Safari and selecting a file to upload causes Safari to quit. Firefox works fine.
I have done a clean install. Problems persist intermittently.
Any advice on how I can fix this?
Today I did my software updates and then shortly after I received this notification 'safari quit unexpectedly while using the RainbowSix.png plugin'. I am unable to find this plug in in applications or Internet plug ins.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Safari has been quitting unexpectedly over the last few days. I have emptied cache but still doesnt work. Below is the crash report.Â
Process:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Safari [3374]
Path:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â /Users/USER/Desktop/
Identifier:Â Â Â Â
Version:Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â 5.1 (6534.50)
Build Info:Â Â Â Â Â WebBrowser-75345000~1
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
This is what pops up: "Problem Report for Safari" "Safari quit unexpectedly while using the .LinrenSoundRecorder.tmp plugin." 'Click Reopen to open the applicaion again. This report will be sent to Apple automatically. It randomy exit's me out of Safari and pops up.
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1
For the past week my safari has been closing randomly while having safari open for lengthy periods of time (which I usually do) with the message "Safari quit unexpectedly while using hte .PictureOrganizer.png plug-inÂ
I tried to find the specific plug-in to deactive it by searching through my Internet Plug-Ins library through Finder, but I am unable to find the specific plugin labeled PIctureOrganizervÂ
how to stop safari from quitting due to this plug-in? or a way to find it and delete it somehow?
Im on a Mac OS X Lion version 10.7.3. Iv'e got safari version 5.1.5. Everytime i wake up my mac after I put it in sleep, and even sometimes when I'm not even using my mac, safari quits and i get this error message: safari quit unexpectedly while using the .FaxMailNetWork.png plugin.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Has anyone seen this error before? This is happenning everytime I use Safari for longer than 15 minutes. I'm running on version 5.1.5. Mac OS X, version 10.6.8.
Safari, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I cannot enter system preferences. I saw where one person was advised via a discussion board to entern this ~/Library/Caches/ via the Go in the menu bar. It did not work for me.Â
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
My safari is really slow and quits all the time but what it's strange is it started like 3 days ago, before it was pretty normal and fast.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
When I click on this it won't open and comes up with 'quit unexpectedly'
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I can't get Safari to launch. I keep getting the error message that Safari unexpectedly quit. I am using OS X 10.4.11 and Safari 3.1.2. Firefox works. I tried launching Safari with another user and the same thing happens. Do you know what the problem might be?
View 7 Replies View RelatedI did a software update a few days ago - it required me to do a Safari update. Since then I am unable to use safari. When I open Safari, it gives me a msg saying that Safari quit unexpectedly and will send report automatically to Apple. I have tried many things on the web. Deleted the application, and reinstalled. I tried from the original app installation DVD. I have also cleared the cache folder under library.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
safari quit unexpectedly
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I am getting the message "Safari quit unexpectedly while using the IDAntinDialerV.tmp plug in". How do I solve this issue? A baseball bat has already been considered......
imac, Mac OS X (10.5.3)
Error occurs everytime I try to access info on a website. Appears I can pull up any problem as long as I don't click on a link. As soon as I do, receive the error. Have updated my software and disabled java as recommended.Â
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
My Safari session terminates with the error message, "Safari quit unexpectedly while using the .PrimeTimeMath.tmp plugin"Â
This started around 2 weeks to a month ago and happens few times daily. I was NOT able to find any thing over the internet with this error message.
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Safari version 5.0.5
I installed Lion OS X on my iMac and was happily working on this morning within Safari for email. Tried to open iTunes and it wouldn't and was then notified that there were 5 system updates which I installed. After that I can no longer get Safari to open - notification says "Safari quit unexpectedly."
iMac (24-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
i have a mac book about 4 months old and i recently been getting this error while on the internet.the application safari quit unexpectedly
View 4 Replies View RelatedI did a software update, and now Safari, iTunes, and just about every other application (software updater, pages, etc.) won't launch!When I click on them I get an error message "The application quit unexpectedly".I just got my macbook, and it doesn't work
View 4 Replies View Relatedim having issues with my internet is randomly crashes saying safari quit unexpectedly while using the plug-in how do i resolve this issue i've updated the software but still it keeps happening
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
All applications quit suddenly when I click on print or press command+P. I tried everything to solve the problem including:
1) Uninstalled and reinstalled printer driver software.
2) Removed and readded the printer in printer setup utility
3) Reinstalled the whole operating system (Tiger) and installed all the updates.
4) Then it occured to me to test the printer using other user accounts in my computer and it works fine on other accounts! So the problem is just in my user account!
I have the new MBP. I'm running OS 10.5.6 2.53 ghz intro core 2 duo 4 gigs of ram. I have enough to run it. I had issues installing it. It told me I needed 1 mb to run it. so I drug the folder into the mac HD. When the base game works perfectly. I have all the expansion games. Which works on my IMac running the same thing & my old MBP. When I install the first expansion pack & launch it the error reads. The application the sims 2 quit unexpectedly & it says the same thing when I want to relaunch.
View 1 Replies View RelatedCannot submit reports to apple either. I uninstalled the plugin and re-installed it from an Adobe support page. Problem continues.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
Safari quit after update. Restored via Time Machine, lost all Applications. What a have I done?!
iMac (20-inch Mid 2007), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
one day i open adium, pass 10 seconds and quit's now happend all the time i download adium again and the same thing happendseems when i connect my facebook account to adium, Crash, here it's the report of the crash
View 1 Replies View RelatedInstalls fine, box pops up in the middle of the screen & gets as far as "loading interface" then quits.
View 1 Replies View Related