My question: is there a way to add meta tag information to an iWeb created website? I know iWeb 06 (and I assume 08) does not natively allow you to do this. Is there a workaround? If so, if you could point me to a URL that explains, in some detail, how to do it, that would be amazing....
I created a website in Iweb. When I go to save my file in Publish to a folder I get a error message reading "Publish error" An unknown error occurred. And when I pulled up my existing iweb file many of the photos were missing. The photo placeholders had Question marks in them.
As the title says, I'd like to make a website using iWeb, and then later publish it using a free service instead of what Apple provides with iWeb. What services could I use, and how would I go about doing that on iWeb?
I have a website on MobileMe which I created using iWeb on a mac I currently do not have access to. Therefore it doesn't appear listed on iWeb on this mac. How do I download it to iWeb on this mac?
Many years back, I used to have a website on freewebs (now known as web dot com). I would pay a monthly fee to host it and publish directly through their website by accessing my account online. Recently, I visited the site and found it still exists. Only that it has lots of advertisements on it since I don't pay a monthly fee anymore. Now that I have a Mac, I wanted to use iWebs to create a new website. It says I can use MobileMe to publish the website I create with iWebs. So my questions are:
(1) Will MobileMe act as my new host to which I pay the yearly subscription fee? (2) My previous host had a charge for the amount of gigabytes I published , site traffic (bandwidth), etc., what are my limits for MobileMe? (3) The main reason I was considering to purchase a MobileMe account is so I can use it as my host for a website published through iWebs '09 since they say thats the easiest way to publish. I would use the other MobileMe non-website features if I bought a subscription, but really would not purchase it unless it was for this website publishing tool. Do you think its worth it? (4) Is there anything different about using MobileMe as a website host than my previous host (i.e. freewebs)? (5) I had purchased a website name on GoDaddy which I still own. I used to redirect my freewebs site to this website name I had purchased on GoDaddy. Can I redirect my MobileMe hosted website to this website name I purchased on GoDaddy just like I used to do with my old Freewebs site? (6) I don't see anything on the MobileMe page at Apple Store giving information about hosting charges, maximum limits, bandwidth, etc. It mostly just talks about publishing photo albums, e-mail, contacts, calendars, etc. Is there anything important I need to know about using MobileMe as my sole host for publishing a website?
I have downloaded firezilla for mac and using 123-reg for my domain names and hosting but having absolutely no joy in getting the website moved across to the new host. Is there anyone out there who can help? I normally figure things out and solve my own problems but in this event I don't understand the terminology.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), website produced on iWeb
this has been driving me crazy, I've looked everywhere and the "best" answer I found was resize the window in iWeb and re-make my site. I'm not that experienced in making websites and I don't have the time to do it again (I did an spanish and english version already and made them look pretty good at least for me) On my mac it looks great, on windows not so much and it takes it a lot to load. But on iPhone or BB it suuux so I wanted to make a mobile version of it but I haven't found a software that can transform it.
Here's my situation:I created a site using iWeb '08. Many months passed and I wasn't doing anything with that particular site any longer, so I nuked the pages within iWeb and have since worked on new projects.Now I need to do some work on that old site again.I have all of the created content in a folder that had been stored on my server, but I have nary a clue how to get it all back into iWeb again.
I accidentally double-clicked on a file named "Domain" which was really a backup file of my Site. My problem is that I had backed up my site a long time ago, after which i have made many changes. Now when I open iWeb it takes me back to the original days of the site. I still have the desired folder in "Sites", but can seem to get in onto iWeb. Is there any way to put my latest site back onto iweb?
I haven't setup time machine, I publish using Easy iWeb Publisher, I don't have have a Mobileme account
I created a site with iweb 08. I did it from scratch, because when I tried to load the site that was created from 06, it totally messed up everything. I have a couple custom fonts that I used, and it looks great in iweb, but when I view the published website on another computer, the fonts are completely different, like they reverted to default. I finally got everything to work ok with 08, and now I have a font problem. If it makes a difference, I'm not using a .mac account.
I dont know whether I am being stupid or whether it is simply not possible, but I am havign issues syncing new calendars to mobileme.
On iCal I have two headings, 'On my Mac', and 'MobileMe'. Any calendar that is created under 'On my Mac', will not sync with mobileme, and is not in the cloud. I find this odd and I can't seem to figure out the problem. Any idea why this might be?
Is it possible to run 2 websites or more now with iWeb 09? I could not figure it out in 08 but I thought I read that you can in 09. This is using one MobileMe account btw.
My Wife runs a website designsed and published iwith iWeb, however all we get now when the site loads is "Closed, move your photos to icloud" This is her web address: (URL)We are both clueless in this regard and it took us a long time to get the site designed and published by iWeb.
Info: Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.5Ghz i5 750gb 7200rpm 8gb of Ram
I recently bought the domain (it's a joke with my friend) for 2 years, so I was wanting to quickly make a little website for it. So I popped open iWeb, having never used it, and immediately got to work. After completing the page, I then went to the thing on the side where you put ftp settings and stuff like that in. But then I realised I had no idea what the "server address" was in the ftp server settings part! I have looked all over the domaincheck website and in "my settings" on the website but I can't find that part out
I maintain three websites in iWeb on my MacBook.I want to transfer one of these sites to another Mac, as someone else will be maintaining it. How can I do this?
I would like to link to another page within the website without that page existing on the navigation menu on the homepage. Is this possible? I have tried using HTML but does not work. I'm new at iWeb. I have 6 navigational pages. 2 of the 6 pages will have sub pages with those sub pages also having sub pages. How do I link each sub page without creating more navigational pages on the homepage? I don't want 12 navigational pages on homepage.
I have an iweb site active on the apple server and able to be viewed online, but sadly my iweb app has be come corrupt and I have had to reinstall iweb from my disc. I would like to know if there is any way that I can some how carry on adding to my website. My site is on idisk, but sadly I did not back up to a folder nor time machine. My site is at [URL]
I designed a little site for my family reunion using iWeb. When I look at it on Safari or Firefox it looks fine. However when I look at it on MS Explorer it's all messed up. [URL] I have tried playing with the site and republishing and no dice. This is my first time doing something like this and it's driving me insane. I would assume that the greater majority of my family is on PC and they are probably using MS Explorer. Can anyone offer some advice as to how I might fix the issue?
I have a very simple website I update and publish using iWeb. The changes can then be seen immediately if I go look with Chrome or Firefox, but Safari insists on seeing the older website, before updates.
I have tried clearing the cache, resetting Safari, clearing history, erasing cookies and content, nothing works.
I cannot publish to iWeb since Mobile Me has gone up. Can anyone tell me what the problem might be? I get the message that there has been an error in publishing and to try again later.
I designed a website using iWeb a little while ago. I thought everything was fine until I heard from a family member that they were having trouble viewing it in Internet Explorer and even Mozilla Firefox in some instances. Right now, my homepage is only a navigation bar and a couple lines of centered text, and it is still having problems loading. I read from a couple sources that I may need to change some stuff in the CSS but my design is fairly simple and I don't see how it could get screwed up.