MobileMe :: Lacking Permission To Delete Old Sync Files
Jun 25, 2012
In preparation for leaving MobileMe, I was clearing out my iDisk. Im noticing there are some old sync files in the Library/Application Support/ that cant be deleted (Contacts, Bookmarks, etc.).
I get the error: "The operation can’t be completed because you don’t have permission to access some of the items."
I believe these might be old sync files from back in the .Mac days. Not a catastrophe by any stretch, but I'd like to be able to clear everything out before being completely disconnected from MobileMe if possible.
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May 26, 2009
I've recently got myself a new PowerMac and re-subscribed to MobileMe, but it keeps giving me a password box for the Keychain of a old iMac G5 I sold a few years ago, how do I stop this. I've attached a picture of the problem.
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May 17, 2010
I've just purchased a new Macbook Pro for my mum and I need to find the simplest, easiest and most fail proof solution to sync the two machines together. She is an author and works off an iMac in her study and will use the laptop in another room, but also when traveling around. She is a pretty much a computer novice so I need a method where she won't have to do anything or manually sync and won't have any issues with duplicate copies of files etc. If I was doing this I'd definitely be looking at something like Chronosync as I have a large hard drive full of music and video files but my mum only really uses word documents that don't take up much space. The guy in the Apple Store suggested moving all of her documents and files (only about 8GB) to MobileMe and then accessing them via iDisk from both machines. Would this be her best option?
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Apr 24, 2012
I moved the files from my external hard drive from the back up files made by Time Machine into the trash, as I've always done. This time I get an error message (error code 8003) and am not allowed to move the files back onto the drive or out of the trash, even after changing the permissions. I've searched the support forum for error code 8003, but find nothing that relates to back up files.
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Jul 2, 2012
how do I delete idisk?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Mar 6, 2009
I dual boot my iMac using Boot Camp and I'm having problems deleting a bunch of files in my Trash. A short history. I purchased a OWC external hard drive case and I've been going through my old hard drives which originally were used in my Windows XP computer. The drives were contaminated with Windows viruses and so I installed the drives one by one in the OWC case and proceeded to delete files and programs which I didn't need in each drive while in OS X and keeping the files I wanted to save in each respective drive. Now what I'm faced with is a Trash bin filled with Windows XP software (including Windows XP itself) which I cannot delete because OS X says I don't have permission to delete those files.
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Jul 1, 2012
How do I remove iDisk from the sidebar and clear that folder on my mac? If I click on the icon after closing the account. I am asked to log back in to MobilMe. Mobil Me is over. I don't have iDisk anymore, so how do I clear it from my computer?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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Jul 21, 2009
I just got a MacBook Pro and want to set it up to Sync on mobile me with my other macs (iMac, Iphone, the Macbook Pro this one is replacing, etc.) But when I go to Mobile Me in preferences and go to the Sync tab, it won't let me click the Synchronize with MobileMe option, and all the choices below are greyed out and unavailable.
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Sep 15, 2009
I'd like to synch my Windows Outlook (Calendar & Contacts) with MobileMe, but I am not sure about what information will actually synch, and what information takes priority when synching. Will my contacts & calendar entries on MobileMe be synched/copied to Outlook as well, or will the Outlook contacts/calendar entries be added to MobileMe, and everything that is on MobileMe now will be deleted?
There is no option in the Windows MobileMe Control Panel to determine which one, MobileMe or Outlook, is the Default information to synch, and I don't want to lose the contacts on MobileMe.
I am particular concerned about conflicts, and how to determine which, MobileMe or Outlook, will override the other in case of conflicts.
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Jan 6, 2010
I have an iMac at home and a MacBook Pro for school and I'd like to sync them together. More specifically, I'm looking into syncing my iCal database as well as my Address Book database. I do not wish to pay for MobileMe, as I find it too expensive and don't have so much money to waste at this moment of the year, but I tried it and it worked like a charm. It's just overpriced though, especially for a particular (maybe for an enterprise they will use every buck out of this service, but not me). I was wondering if there was a nice application for that... or an Automator script, of if I should try and figure out how to code my own Automator script?
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May 16, 2010
I've just renewed my MobileMe account after several months of it lying idle, but I can't get it to sync with the Mail application on my mac.
All the settings are still the same from when the subscription expired. The MobileMe only offers help in setting it up to sync for the first time.
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Jul 19, 2010
How can I sync my apple address book between my imac and laptop without using mobileme.
I'll like to use the gmail sync, but didn't have much luck with it
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Jul 4, 2009
I decided to sort out and merge the bookmarks on the three computers in our house. MacBook on 10.5.7 and MacMini running the same. Third laptop is not yet done and I've left it switched off so far until I sort things. Sync is set to "Manual". What I have done so far is sync the Mac Mini with the iDisk. So as there were no Bookmarks synced on the iDisk before the two should be the same. When I did this I was asked if I wanted to "Merge" or "overwrite". I chose "Merge"
Then I merged the iDisk with the MacBook, giving me all the bookmarks in one place. Again I got the pop up asking whether I wanted to merge or overwrite. I have worked on the bookmark list on the Macbook and edited out most of the duplicates. when I then try to sync with iDisk there is no pop-up box. So it doesn't ask me whether I want to merge or overwrite. It assumes I want to do a merge as I did before. But I want to overwrite!! Where can I change/reset this? Doesn't seem to be in the Mobile Me Prefs.
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May 10, 2012
my 17' MacPro running 10.6 or my iPhone 3G when MobileMe is killed? Really need calendar and contacts.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 17"
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Jun 8, 2012
I don't have a mobileme account but it is always trying to sync my address. when I allow it, it doesn't sync them correctly. deleting some, modifying others incorrectly. How do i just shut mobileme off??
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Jun 15, 2012
How can I tell when mobile me idisk sync is complete A disc icon has appeared on my desk top is that it?
mac osx
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Jul 14, 2008
I have an Apple laptop and an Apple desktop. Both are running 10.5.4 and have the MobileMe 1.1 s/w update.
On the laptop, I've set up my Mail accounts, contacts, keychains, bookmarks, etc. as I want them.
I access MobileMe in System Preferences and indicate I want all data on MobileMe replaced by the data on my laptop.
As soon as the sync has completed, I access MobileMe in System Preferences on my Desktop and indicate I want all data on my desktop replaced by the data on MobileMe. Unless I'm missing something, the laptop, MobileMe, and the desktop should all by in sync at this point.
Without touching either computer or accessing MobileMe, I'll get a message on my laptop and/or desktop within an hour telling me that more than 5% of my Mail accounts have changed and asking me what I want to do. If I look at the details of the change, the before and after views of the account are absolutely identical. I've tried resetting the sync history via iSync but that doesn't help. I really don't want to alter the changed percentage that triggers the message because it could be useful for Contacts, etc.
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Jun 3, 2010
For a long time I've successfully (and happily most of the time) synced iCal, Address Book, bookmarks, etc. with MobileMe. So my desktop (Mini), laptop (Macbook Pro), iPhone, and iPad stay together. But yesterday syncing went nuts. I was alerted that more than 25% of my calendar items were changing and 1,600 items would be added. I canceled that sync. Then it said 3,800 items would be added, then 11,000, then 85,000! And whole calendars were being duplicated in iCal. (I think most problems occurred in iCal but Address Book seems to have had a few problems too.) Mostly I was able to stop syncing before too much damage was done. But as soon as I turn syncing back on, it goes nuts again. I've deleted as many .plists as I think safe.
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Feb 22, 2012
Before iCloud I had a paid MobileMe account which I where using to sync preferences, mailboxes etc. using MobileMe Sync. After I migrated to iCloud, this feature were no longer available. It is about 1/2 year now, and I think it was a very essential feature for us having multiple Macs.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7), 27", 3.4 GHz i7
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May 4, 2012
How to keep the same functions that Me provides, such as synch keychains etc?
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May 22, 2012
how will I sync my calendar if I do not move to iCloud
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Jun 19, 2010
Something seems to be wrong with my MobileMe syncing. I recently did a hard drive replacement in my MBP due to a failing hard drive. I did a complete mirror of my hard drive and everything is working fine except for MobileMe. I am able to sync all MobileMe items except for the Calender. When it gets to �alendar syncing a window pops up with the following:
You need to replace your Calendar information on MobileMe
If this computer has the most current information, click Replace. If the most current information is on another computer, cick Fix Later and replace your information on that computer.
Obviously my only two options to click are Fix Later and Replace.
The problem is while I was unable to use my computer I was using my iPhone mostly with the calendar which of course synced to my MobileMe account.
I don't want to choose Replace since this computer was not used for approximately 2 weeks so is not at all up to date.
I can choose Fix Later but I never get any other options.
I simply need to have this computer get the information from MobileMe and place it on this computer since both my iphone and MobileMe is up to date but I never get that option.
How do I do this (take info from MobileMe and put on this computer)?
Thank you for your help.
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Jul 24, 2008
Am I the only MobileMe user that suffers from the issue of not being able to sync my address book with MobileMe contacts? I have an 18month old 24" iMac and a 12month old MacBook Pro. As suggested, I synced everything prior to MobileMe going live. When MobileMe kicked off I tried to sync everything up. I constantly had problems with contacts, being told to check that the data on my computer was valid and then re-syncing. I tried all the suggested articles from MobileMe Support but none helped. I became very frustrated with the whole thing and decided to re-install Leopard on my MacBook Pro. After installation I installed all the software updates and then atempted to sync with MobileMe.
With a fresh OS X installation I selected the option to "replace all data on my mac" - YET AGAIN I WAS GREETED WITH THE SAME MESSAGE: "Contacts could not be synced due to inconsistent data." It doesn't make sense. I have an iPhone which syncs pretty well with my contacts held on the MobileMe servers. I'm able to make changes on my iPhone that are reflected on MobileMe and vice versa, so why the problem syncing conacts with my Macs? What's the craic Apple, why can't you boys and girls in Cupertino clean up this mess? There's a lot of unhappy MobileMe users out here with renewals pending...
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Oct 31, 2009
I am getting an error on my iMac (running SL) that says: "You entered an invalid MobileMe member name or password. Verify your MobileMe member name and password in MobileMe System Preferences." Now, the thing is, I don't not have (nor have I ever) had a MobileMe account. This error only starting popping up after upgrading to Snow Leopard. It only gives me the option of clicking OK and pops up about every half hour or so.
I've check the MobileMe preferences and there is nothing entered in the username or password slot. I called AppleCare and they were not really familiar with the error either but gave me two options. They asked me to
(1) Reset my keychain to defaults and if that didn't work then
(2) Delete the SystemPreferences.plist file. I have done both and the error message continues to pop up.
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Jan 22, 2010
I upgraded to Snow Leopard last week but before I upgraded I exported all the Little Snitch settings. After the upgrade to Snow Leopard, I installed Little Snitch and imported the settings that I exported. Now everything works fine except MobileMe sync. I suspect Little Snitch is blocking some process that is causing this. I turned off the Network filter in Little Snitch and was able to do that MobileMe sync perfectly.
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Apr 27, 2012
I installed Lion on one of my MacBooks and am moving to iCloud from Mobile Me. I need to keep using 10.6.8 on my work MacBook for use with Adobe applications that I use daily. Will I stilll be able to access my Mail account on the MacBook that isn't running Lion?
Info:MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 21, 2012
the emails I have not deleted from my mac-book will not be available after I switch to iCloud? Also, I have an iPhone4 and an original iPad. Will these, along with my mac-book, still be compatible? IE synched?
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Jun 12, 2012
My wife has a MobileMe family account email address - I want to make sure I don't lose her email when I switch to iCloud. Anything I should know or do before I switch?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.8)
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Jun 25, 2012
In the past, if I didn't move forward when Apple moved forward, all that happened was that I did not have access to new features.This time, with the demise of MobileMe and the introduction of iCloud, if I don't move forward I lose features, but even worse, even if I do move forward, I still lose features. In particular, the lack of syncronization under iCloud of Mail's Rules, Accounts, and Smart Mailboxes means that on our several machines I have to manually do updates multiple times, which of course leads to multiple mistakes. In my view, what Apple has done has the look and feel of customer abuse, something usually attributed to another large tech company. I can't avoid losing functionality, whether or not I move forward with Apple.
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Jun 26, 2012
How do I sync MobileMe contacts to my MacBook pro running Lion?
iPhone 4S, iOS 5.1.1
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