I got this utility that allows me to use my Mac keyboard as a midi keyboard, called Easy MIDI. I want to chnge out some of the white keys with black ones, so I can make it more "piano-y" . Is it possible to do this on a late 2009 Macbook or a bluetooth Mac keyboard?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Wireless Aluminum Keyboard
Some of you might remember some of the posts I was making before. Well, I finally got the balls to order a Hitachi travelstar 500GB and 2 x 2GB ddr3 crucial ram. I first cloned over the hard drive from my black macbook to the Hitachi 500gb and installed it, along with the RAM what seemed to be flawlessly. Then booted from the newly cloned HD and everything seemed to perfect.
Everything is still fine but I can't help notice a difference. Someone please explain to me: how the hell could my new 13" MBP with 2GB MORE RAM, along with a 7200rpm HD have more "beachball" time than my black macbook?
It is very fast, it's just that there is a lot more freezing than with the black macbook and render times in FCP, PS etc don't seem noticeable.
Is there anything I can do via software updates, tweaks etc? Seems like I spent money for no reason. If the Unibody mBP was not sleeker, nicer to type with, LED screen and only cost me $700 mint, I would of definitely stuck with the black MB.
I didn't get ripped did I? $700 for the MBP 13" 2009 barely used snow leopard, then put $200 worth of upgrades into it?
I have a Macbook 2009 that wont turn on. When you press the power key you hear the normal boot chime but no picture appears.Â
The laptop was given to me without any hard drive, so I installed a blank 250GB HDD. The HDD has no OS on it, and I am not sure how it is currently formatted as it is new.Â
Even when I use an external screen and regardless of whether a HDD is present the macbook does not show any sign of life on the screen or external screen but still chimes.Â
I know it would be a good idea to boot with restore discs etc, but even if no OS is present surely the screen should still come on and display the gray and apple logo? I did all the resets and holding button configurations on startup, such as reset PRAM.Â
I recently bought a replacement keyboard on ebay for my MBP and just installed it. It's been about a week, and just today, I noticed the capslock key doesn't work.. I'm not sure if it has been this way, or if it recently just stopped. The light doesn't come on at all.
I was curious if this was a common problem? If not, is their anything I can do as a substitute for caps lock? Another key perhaps? Or, a button on the task bar or something?
I am having a problem with my 2009 Mac Pro. It fails to boot. There is no chime and the screen wont turn on;stays black. It wont boot off of the system dvd and I even tried installing an HD that has a good version of the the OS on it. I also tried booting from the DVD with no installed drives to rule out one of the internal drives doing someothing funky. Nothing happens at all, the HD or DVD will spin for a moment and then all is dead.
if caps lock is off, shift of course makes the letter you hit capital. However, if caps lock is on, and you hit shift, the letter is capital, not lowercase. In Windows it would be lowercase. Is my MacBook acting how is should?
I just got a new aluminum macbook, and the only thing that seems like a problem is the caps lock key is not sensitive like the rest of the keys. I tap it like every other key and it usually takes 2-3 or more times before it changes. Is there really anything to do? I hate to take it back for something so trivial. But I am afraid it will bother me more and more.
I got a new Macbook Pro in December and straight away I noticed I have to really jab at the Caps Lock key to activate it, sometimes several times. Pressing it on the left hand side (where my finger naturally reaches to) almost never works. Anyone else have this? Is it a known problem? Would Apple be likely to be able to sort it out if I took it to a store, or am I wasting my time?
So I basically just opened my MacBook Pro from when it was charging and the Caps Lock key randomly popped off. It's a brand new i5 15'' HR AG model, really no excuse for that to happen. The closest Apple Store is about 40 miles away, so if you can tell me how to put the Caps Lock key back on myself I would really appreciate it. I tried just putting the bars through the circles and pressing down and it just falls back off immediately, doesn't click on.
This is for people who want to know if the Macbook Air is on, because Jobs decided to remove the power indicator led. It turns on the Caps Lock LED in Windows, without actually changing the state of Caps Lock. This script is for AutHotKey, so grab that first. The script is an adapted and fixed version of the script here (http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic10532.html) [Code]
This is for all of you with your shiny new macbooks. I've got a 1.83 version, and found out a little glitch. When I press caps lock (at the top of the button), the key actually pops out part way at the bottom until I press it again to go back into place.
Alright, well, my caps lock key on my new Macbook has been acting up. It's very unresponsive. I Googled this, and all I found were a few problems with caps lock being inverted. Well my problem is this; I push caps lock, and quite often it doesn't turn on. I need to give it a fairly firm push for it to turn on, however I don't tend to push it hard enough when I'm typing fast. Is this a normal problem or should I have it looked at? (Below is a video I made to show exactly what is happening; sorry for the bad quality) [URL]
i was just typing in my new MBP and i realized that only sometimes my CAPS LOCK would activate. I did some research and found this: [URL:..] It basically says that apple has made the caps lock key so that you have to push it for more time. can you make the caps lock key to actovate quickly?
since day 1 of unboxing my 15" i7 mbp, ive realized that the caps locks button doesn't register sometimes when pressing it. I would test it out by pressing it a couple times and see if the green light will go on and off as i click.....and i've had times where i would press it 3-4 times in a row and it wont register. But for the most part it would register 60-70% of the time. ever other time i press it, it wont register.
Pretty much its not 100% accurate. anybody have this issue? or ways to fix it?
So I got my Core i5 2.53 GHz MacBook Pro back in April when they came out, and it has had some problems. All the the issues have been minor, but still annoying. First of all, I get the scroll wheel all of the time. Way more than a new computer should. Also, I have to press the Caps Lock key several times before it actually comes on. In addition, often times when I open iTunes, it just bounces for a long time until I have no choice but to force quit. After a few attempts it opens, but I feel like it shouldn't do this. Also, when I put headphones in the head phone jack, they don't work right away. Either they don't work at all and I have to pull them out and try again, or it takes several seconds to come on. Again, these are minor issues, but I still don't like it.
My cap lock is reversed. PRAM reset was of no use. Restart was useless. also reinstalling maverick was useless. what can it be? if I disable the caps lock from the keyboard preferences, the led turns on, meaning that for my mac the lower case is set when the led is on.
I have a macbook pro 13" late 2011. 8gb ram. 2.4 ghz intel core i5Â Mavericks ios, up to date 10.9.3
I've had my MBA 1.8 since the beginning. Just recently my my caps lock and mouse pad button doesn't work:
1. Caps lock It technically does work, but I have to press the dang thing like 4 or 5 times until the green dot lights up on it
2. Mouse pad button This also technically does work, but not properly. It is currently semi-broke. It's hard for me to explain in words. So I'll will try my best here. It's almost like a teeter-totter, I.E. the bar is never level. One side is always raised and the other is always lowered. If I click on the raised part of the mouse pad, it will make a clicking sound
I do not currently have apple care, but still have some time left to purchase it.
I've noticed that my caps lock light keeps blinking randomly. It usually happens in groups of blinks every 5 minutes or so. It started doing this after I upgraded to snow leopard. Why is it doing this?
The MacBook has starting typing everything in caps, even the number keys are printing shifted characters. The caps lock key seems to be functioning normally, so I don't believe that is the cause.
MacBook 2.26GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 2 Gb RAM 250Gb HD OS 10.6.8
I'm looking for a few good ways to transport and use my UMB. I figure buying a hardshell case & a timbuk2 bag seem like a good combo. Question is - which do you guys think is better, the Speck or Incase cases? Anyone have any experiences? I had the Incase hardshell for my old whitebook.
Seemed to work out alright. The other option I thought of was getting the invisible shield. Anyone have any thoughts?
My cat walked my keyboard.Then my problem started. I can not hide keyboard & Cahracter Viewers in menu bar. So I cant use caps lock key. I tried to reset,,, but did not work.
I have a 2008 black macbook with 10.7.2 installed (2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM). When I press caps lock, no green light turns on and letters remain in non-capital form. Even when I hold Caps lock for a few seconds, nothing happens. If I physically connect an apple keyboard via usb to my computer, caps lock doesn't work.Â
I'm yet to figure out a pattern, but my Macbook Pro's keyboard will just stop working for several minutes at a time at random points in time...Even if I hit caps or num lock, they don't turn green. Sometimes it'll just happen once every few hours, but I was in class the other day and it would work for a minute, then not work for a few, than work for another minute, etc.
is it me or is there something wrong with the caps lock key on the new aluminium keyboards? i like the keyboards but for some reason the caps lock just doesn't engage most of the time. someone said it was because firmware stopped it from coming on instantly to prevent accidental presses, but to me it seems like a huge design flaw - in my experience it comes on instantly if you press it in a certain manner. i've already got a replacement keyboard from apple because of this but the new one has the exact same problem.
For the past couple months,I've had to deal with shift+r not working . the only way i could get a capital r was with caps lock. and its gotten very annoying lately.
i know its a software error because ive used 3 different keyboards and i get the same problem with all of them. What could be wrong? I have a PowerMacG5 on OS 10.5.8.