MacBook :: Keeps Awaking Itself Up When Put To Sleep
Nov 27, 2010
For info, I have a 2006 Macbook running Snow Leopard. Whenever I put my Macbook to sleep, it keeps waking itself up. I tried the ethernet solution, resetting PRAM, even disabling the Bluetooth device. They've been short fixes but end up coming back a while later. For the record, Bluetooth is listed as "unavailable." To add, I don't have anything plugged in barring my charger. Also, this showed on my console, the bolded parts are interesting:
Nov 27 18:17:59 rikos-computer configd[18]: Sleep: Success - AC 96 - Software Sleep
Nov 27 18:17:59 rikos-computer configd[18]: Wake: Success - AC 96 - USB4 USB7
Looking through some previous threads, I couldn't seem to find a set of circumstances that exactly mirrored what I'm encountering. I have reset the SMC and disabled the "awake with lid opening" function in terminal to no avail. Hoping to find any insight. So this is the typical path leading up to the symptom.
End of the day. Shut down all of my programs save for Finder. Eject all drives. Unplug the computer and put it to sleep. (The symptom occurs whether I put the system to sleep through the OS or simply close the lid.)
I put the computer in my briefcase and drive home. Occasionally, I'll open up my briefcase to find the computer is incredibly hot and running while closed and enclosed in said briefcase. It's been a minor annoyance up to this point, but yesterday I found it literally hot to the touch and with a completely discharged battery when I went to grab it yesterday.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Early 2011, 2.3 GHz i7, 8GB
I am looking to get a bluetooth mouse soon. Im not the biggest fan of the apple mouse because I personally don't like how it fits to my hand. I like logitech mice alot, their nano ones are nice. My only question is that theres some issues with bluetooth mice awaking from sleep mode. The reason why I'd prefer bluetooth is so I can always have the two usb ports open on my macbook. I have a usb hub but I don't want to take it anywhere.
I leave my Air on pretty much all the time, and put it to sleep while moving around etc. Sleeping it disconnect the Airport connection - which if very annoying. At a desk I've just been dimming the display all the way off in order to keep my connection.
However, I recently noticed that by setting a "sleep display" hot corner, my network connection is maintained.
I have 2 questions: 1) Is sleep display equivalent (functionally) to simply dimming the display all the way down? 2) Is there a way to either set up a shortcut to sleep the display (other than a hot corner) and/or set it so that only the DISPLAY sleeps after 'x' minutes?
I set the MBP to sleep in 10 min through the Energy Saver pref with the option to sleep the hdds. When it's about to sleep the screen dims, then turns black, then the sleep light comes on but does not blink no matter how long I leave it. The blinking only happens when I close the lid or when I select the Sleep option under the Apple logo. Is that normal behavior?
I have a macbook pro 13" early 2011 and I'm se as shown in the pictures (since i upgraded to os x yosemite) . It happens after display sleep or computer sleep on login not on boot up .I've noticed that i run out of ram when the problem appears (only 15MB RAM available out of 4GB), though i doesn't happen every time . I've talked to service and told me its either motherboard replacement or because the ram isn't enough (gpu shares with main ram) so maybe i should try upgrading ram. URL....
I have torrents going all the time. If the computer goes to sleep, the internet disconnects, so they stop. Display sleep wouldn't disconnect though. Is it OK to have computer sleep on "never" but keep display on "15 minutes"? I don't usually even leave the computer on overnight.
i tried mroogle and search but i couldn't find exactly what i was looking for and i know this community knows it all.
i am trying to prevent my new 2010 macbook pro from going to sleep when the lid in closed. i know there are programs that do this but they keep the display on as well. I wanted to know if there is a program that does it and has the option of turning off display. i am running snow leopard 10.6
Recently I've started connecting my 2.5GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (pre-unibody) Macbook Pro 17" to an external monitor (via DVI).
Since then my computer goes into Safe Sleep instead of Sleep (it's plugged into power).
This is an annoyance I'd rather avoid because even if all programs relaunch:I have to wait for them to launch (longer)Programs like Excel seem to have been quit in an unorthodox fashion: when it starts back up I get an error notice that it was shutdown inappropriately & the doc which reopens is a rescued version of the doc I had open before the safe sleep.
In tiger you could easily disable safe sleep and remove the sleep image file but in Leopard this seems to have changed. Yes you can disable safe sleep & remove sleep image files but only temporarily. As soon as you restart or change energy settings back to default, leopard automatically reverts the safe sleep settings to default and starts creating an image file again
Is there no way to permanently disable/remove these?
I am running Mac Mini as a home server (turns out to be not a great idea, btw), and even though I set the preference to never sleep or shut down, it does go to sleep when there is no activity for long time. Since I am using it as home server, it should stay awake all the time or at least wake up from sleep when there is incoming ping from other computer, but it just goes to sleep.
Sleep seems to have stopped working all of a sudden on my recently upgraded iMac. The only thing I remember doing was repairing disk permissions and changing a few iChat preferences.
iMac (24 inch Early 2009, 2.93 GHz Core 2 Duo, Lion 10.7.3) randomly goes sleep. No hot corners, never sleep setting. It seems it goes to sleep more often when CPU is busy and graphic intensive jobs running (videos, gaming). I cleaned up air ways by vaccume, but it did not help.
Temp monitor showed
CPU 55C power supply 95C northbridge 89C graphic processer goes up to 86C
when it went to sleep for no apparent reason./private/var/log/kernel.log says "Previous Sleep Cause: -100"
Info: iMac (24-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a late 2008 15" MBP, and I often leave it playing videos while I go to sleep. Lately, it's stopped sleeping the display and/or going to sleep (depending on whether something's downloading in the background) after the video is finished, which is quite annoying as the screensaver's glare normally wakes me up in the middle of the night (and it's probably not too good for the display either).
Before a few weeks ago, it would quite happily sleep the display a few minutes after the video (in Front Row or otherwise) finished playing, but it's now consistently ignoring the sleep and display sleep settings (which are all correct). I even set the display sleep timer to 1 minute, waited without anything happening in the background, but nothing happens.
Anyone have any idea how to get the timers to work again?
I'm having a problem with my PowerBook G4 where is goes into sleep mode at random times. Mostly when I am streaming video..or at times the fan comes on, it sounds super high then boom. sleep mode again. After hitting the space bar, it comes back on, but it'll happen again shortly after. I've played with the sleep settings
As of last night, my MBP started acting very strangely. After entering my username and password, it would enter the desktop for a short period of time and then kick back into sleep mode; the screen would turn back to black. Sometimes it will let me stay on the desktop for a long time and other times it will hardly let me stay on the desktop. I called apple support and they had me start the computer in safe mode; even then it occasionally kicks me out.
The tech guy said that it was a "strange software issue" and not a hardware issue. I thought it was a hard drive issue; my hard drive makes an odd sound when it unlocks (a grinding sound), but it has been doing that for quite some time with no issues. I tried to reset the SMC and it didn't do anything.
How should I remedy this problem? Is this a hard drive issue? Hard drive failure? Has the grinding sound finally caught up with me? I am running OS X; not leopard or snow leopard. I know I need to upgrade, but this shouldn't be happening.
i have a little problem with the sleep light... i don't know when this started, but i notice today, that when i put my macbook pro to sleep, the light just stays on and not "pulsing" like it used to do... is that normal?
Info: Macbook Pro 13, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 4 gb ram, 2.53 ghz intel core 2 duo
Strange behaviour of my MBA today. When I close the lid to put it to sleep, the little white light remains on (as opposed to going to the slow on and off it does usually when sleeping) ??
so I've had this issue for a couple of weeks, hadn't really bothered me until recently though. My Macbook isn't going to sleep. I've had it to go to sleep in 15 mins. of inactivity but I've noticed when I am away for a while and comeback only the display is off. I logged out and tried it on my "Troubleshooting" account which has everything at the default settings came back an hour later and it wasn't asleep. Right now I changed the sleep time to one minute and only the display shut off. I don't have any background apps running (that I am aware of) the only thing I could think of is bowtie but I quit that before I tried sleeping it right now.
Last night proved what I've thought for a while. I was online (safari and mail were the only apps running) and left the computer and went to bed. I woke up this morning and the battery was completely dead regardless of the fact there was about 8hrs of battery remaining and it was set to sleep after 20mins of inactivity.
Somehow the switch thing in my macbook died. This means it isnt triggerd to go to sleep when the MB closes.I have to manually push the sleep button and then it works well, except for me forgetting it all the time, which leaves me with an empty MB I've set the configurations to auto sleep ater 5 minutens, but that doesnt seem to help either. Installed snow leopard after leopard, no difference. Deleted the sleep prefrences, doesnt help anyone has an idea of what to do? Some kind of script...?
I have the 09 13" MBP, lately it's stopped going into sleep mode automatically. I think it's something software related but not sure. Is there some tool or log built into OSX 10.6.4 that can be used to see what activity is going on in the background to keep the MBP awake?
I have reinstalled 10.7.2 with combined bundle. I have repaired the authorisations. I have installed 10.7.3. I have reinitialized the CMS. I have trashed the power management pref file. Now i don't know what else to do. When I close the laptop, the disk goes on and the fan gets very fast.
Before, when I closed the lid on my MacBookPro, it would go to sleep and it would resume when I opened it. Now when I close the lid, nothing happens. It just kicks to the lock screen but doesn't got to sleep. For last resort, I can go to Apple Store, but I want to try anything else first.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), 17 inch, Intel i7 Dual Core Mid2010
My MacBook pro won't go to sleep I chose sleep under the apple meny but nothing happens.
And when I close the screen the apple logo on the back side goes dark but I can still heere the fans and when I open the computer agen I can see the login screen and then the screen goes black and I need to puch any key for about 3 to 6 sec then the screen is lit agen and can use the laptop.
Info: MacBook Pro (17-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)