MacBook Pro :: Won't Start / No Chime / Black Screen / Blinking Light?

Dec 1, 2007

I've got a nasty issue with my 13-mo. old MacBook.

I'm pretty sure it's a dead logic board and possibly a dead hard drive, which I really, really, really hope not as I don't have backups of everything on the drive. I just upgraded to Leopard this past week and did a clean install so not all of my stuff is setup yet.

Power adapter and battery are inserted. All 3rd party peripherals and RAM have been removed.

MacBook does not chime at boot. The screen flickers, but stays black. If I hold down the power button then try to let it boot the light on the front right flashes constantly (like when it's sleeping but a faster pace), like a turn signal on a car. I can hear the cd-rom drive whining but everything else is dead silent.

I've done everything here with the exception of calling Apple.[URL]

I've also tried FW Target Disk Mode, but the MacBook drive does not show up.

I've done everything I can think of and I'm out of ideas at this point.

Additionally, there's a cd-rom (Tiger Restore CD) stuck in the drive. Holding down the mouse button during restart does not eject this CD. Where is the force eject button (I see no pinhole)?

I have business documents, emails, etc. that I HAVE TO get off this hard drive. How can I do it? I don't have a 2.5" drive enclosure but if that will solve the situation I will pick one up asap.

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MacBook Air :: Doesn't Start / Black Screen - Only Gives Starting Chime

Dec 3, 2014

My macbook air 2013 doesn't screen. It gives starting chime but then nothing.

OS X Yosemite (10.10.1)

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Mac Pro :: 2009 Won't Start, No Chime, Black Screen

Apr 16, 2012

I am having a problem with my 2009 Mac Pro. It fails to boot. There is no chime and the screen wont turn on;stays black. It wont boot off of the system dvd and I even tried installing an HD that has a good version of the the OS on it. I also tried booting from the DVD with no installed drives to rule out one of the internal drives doing someothing funky. Nothing happens at all, the HD or DVD will spin for a moment and then all is dead.

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MacBook Pro :: Get Startup Chime But Screen Does Not Light Up?

May 12, 2012

Upon start up I hear optical drive checked, then get a start up chime but the screen does not light up. I have shut down by holding down power button for 10 seconds also pulled battery and A/C power.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.4), Mac Cube, Mini, iBook SE

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MacBook Won't Start / Half Of Start Up Chime / Flash A White Screen Then Die

Apr 14, 2012

My computer won't turn on. Earlier today while playin music it just paused itself. I minute later it resumed. Then tonight it just shut off instead of sleeping and now it won't start. All I can get if I'm lucky is the start up chime and a super quick flash of a white screen.

MacBook Pro

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Software :: Not Start Up And Blinking White Light

Jul 16, 2008

I'm a relatively new Mac user. In fact, I haven't had that much experience at all. I work in a donations store and today we got a donation of an iMac. I searched around a bit and I'm sure it's a G5 model. It looks like [URL]. It looks to be in great condition, no scratches, not even a fingerprint on the monitor.

However, when I turned it on, after plugging the power chord in, I started experiencing problems. The fans kicked on and I heard the chime (I assume that was a post?) but I was getting no video and the white LED on the front of the screen was flashing on and off. The exact pattern is strange - I don't think I've see it before. It flashes once, then stops, then flashes again, then stops. Over and over. No sequence. :| The computer did not come with a keyboard or a mouse. I was testing it to see if it actually worked, before I bought the keyboard and the mouse, so I'm wondering if it has something to do with that? I'm not really sure.

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MacBook Pro :: Black Screen At Startup Chime?

Jul 22, 2010

I just replaced my LCD. It was working fine, but now just stopped working. It's a mid-2009 A1286 15in Macbook Pro.

The computer itself works fine and I tested it using an external monitor. I can FAINTLY make out the display on the screen, so I'm guessing it is a backlight issue? Don't mid-2009 don't have display inverters?

I also tried resetting the pram and SMC.

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MacBook :: 2009 Black Screen With Chime Sound

Mar 5, 2012

I have a Macbook 2009 that wont turn on. When you press the power key you hear the normal boot chime but no picture appears. 

The laptop was given to me without any hard drive, so I installed a blank 250GB HDD. The HDD has no OS on it, and I am not sure how it is currently formatted as it is new. 

Even when I use an external screen and regardless of whether a HDD is present the macbook does not show any sign of life on the screen or external screen but still chimes. 

I know it would be a good idea to boot with restore discs etc, but even if no OS is present surely the screen should still come on and display the gray and apple logo? I did all the resets and holding button configurations on startup, such as reset PRAM. 


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MacBook Pro :: Can Hear Chime But Black Screen On Bootup

Dec 5, 2014

I have a macbook pro retina display mid 2012 model.  When i boot up i hear a chime but screen is black.  I wait a few min to allow it to finish booting up with  a black screen.  I close the mac book for a few minutes to let it fall asleep.  When i open it , screen works and im on login screen.

MacBook Pro with Retina display, iOS 8.1.1

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MacBook Air :: Chime Then Grey Screen / No Apple - Start Up Commands Don't Do Anything

Dec 5, 2014

I have a Macbook Air.  I thought I had lost it, so I erased it from Find My Iphone.  Then of course I found it, my computer was completely erased.  When I started my computer I hear the chime, but then a blank grey screen (no apple).  I have tried every start up command and reset.  I have tried Command R, Option, with and without connecting an Toshiba hard drive that has my computer backed up. I have tried disconnecting everything more my computer. I'm not using an external keyboard. 

Again, when I try command R, option, command n, D,T, the shift button, etc. nothing really happens the screen is still grey.

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Intel Mac :: Keeps Repeating Startup Chime - Screen Stays Black

May 5, 2012

The latest iMac model. When I click on the power button: I can hear the Hard disk and the DVD drive spin up. The screen stays black. The startup sounds plays half way through the first time, like its being cut off. After the first startup chime has been cut, the chime keeps playing in a loop. The computer doesn't come any further than that.

I have tried: Unplugging all peripherals, with the same result.
SMC reset: Unplug power cord and hold power button for 5 sec. PRAM reset...

It seems like the computer does not even get to boot and ignores all keyboard input. I also tried booting from the DVD drive with the installation disk. But I can't get any further than the repeating startup chimes.

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MacBook Pro :: Faint Mark Of Light Color On Black Screen / Nothing Visible When Screen Is Off

Jan 4, 2010

I have a problem with my screen - when there is something black on, I can see a faint mark of a lighter colour. I have tried to take a picture, please excuse the poor quality. There is nothing visible when the screen is off, even under close examination. Is it less visible when lighter things are on the screen, and invisible when the screen is white.

No drops or liquid spills. Will this go away on it's own? Any fixes?

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MacBook :: White Start Up Screen With Blinking Documents Folder Symbol With Question Mark

Apr 11, 2012

Just came back from the Genius Bar at Apple Amsterdam. Both iTunes and iPhoto had problems launching and libraries were not loading. Ruled out hardware problems so they tried installing OS Snow Leopard over my 10.5.8 in a way to keep my documents safe. All went well until halfway it said it couldn't install succesfully. Made a new appointment for in 3 days from now. They would then overwrite the current OS with the new one so i should go home and make sure to back up all my files in the meantime. Problem is that when i came home and started my laptop i got a blank/white screen with a blinking documents folder symbol with a question mark in it! Does anybody know what it means and will i be able to ever make a back up of my documents?

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)

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Windows On Mac :: Black Screen With Blinking Cursor On XP Install?

Nov 10, 2006

my Boot Camp install of XP—I successfully partitioned the disk in my new Mac Pro to install XP, but my problem occurs when re-booting to install XP itself. When the machine rebooted the first time to install, it stopped at a black screen with a blinking white cursor, old-school DOS style. Second time when I rebooted and held down Option, it spit out the Windows CD. When I put it back in and it appeared and I tried to select it, it spun up, looked like it was going to work, and then spit it out again, whereupon I got a DOS prompt asking me to put in a bootable volume and press any key. When I inserted the CD, it spun up, but pressing keys on the keyboard did nothing. I tried rebooting again. This time holding option yielded both the Mac HD and the Windows CD (no spitting out!). Taking this as a good sign, I selected the CD and waited. Same black screen with blinking white cursor as last time, no other response, no prompts, never progesses to an installer, pressing keys didn't help.

Has anyone else run into this problem? This is a brand new Mac Pro with the Radeon in it, I have a USB keyboard and mouse hooked up, and it has the latest firmware update.

EDIT: Seems the CD was bad. Slipstreamed SP2 into my original CD and went. Now I just need to get those ATI drivers.

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OS X :: Unable To Setup MBR / Black Screen With A Blinking White Underscore

Aug 12, 2009

I am running OSX 10.5.8. A little while ago I successfully Boot-Camped my hard drive and installed Windows 7, but i recently got a new hard drive. I copied over my OSX partition successfully, but didn't copy over the Windows partition. On my new drive I went through the boot camp assistant and created a partition and inserted the Windows 7 disc. But when it restarts, it just seems to hang there- it's just a black screen with a blinking white underscore(_).

I have been told that because I copied over my OSX partition it didn't set up the MBR on the new disk, is their any way to fix this? (besides doing a clean install of OSX)
Are there any software or guides available to help me fix this?

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Intel Mac :: When Turn On 27" Can Hear The Hardware Moving And The Starting Chime But The Screen Stays Black.

Jun 15, 2012

additional information: 27" Intel based 64 bit 8GB ram dual boot with windows 7 I tried resetting my pram

iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), iOS 4.3.1

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MacBook Pro :: Just Getting Light Blue Screen On Start Up

Jun 2, 2014

Just geting a light blue screen after Apple logo has loading on start up!! And fans go in high speed and nothing more happens...

MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011)

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MacBook Pro :: Appears To Turn On But Sleep Light Remains On And No Start Up Screen?

Jul 18, 2010

This morning, I synced my iPod with my MacBook and upon completion and permission to disconnect the device, I pulled out the USB cord. At that point the computer instantly turned itself off, and when I hit the power button, I could hear the system trying to start up, but the screen remained black and the sleep light glowed continuously. I unplugged the charger, took out the battery and put it back in, and tried all the troubleshooting tips under the Apple Support guide with no success. I also discovered that when I closed the laptop while it was "on," it would seem to boot up a little more before returning to the black screen. I left it alone for a few hours, and when I tried again to turn it on, it booted up normally and as I was searching for updates, it shut down again as it had earlier.

Does anyone have anything for me to try? I don't want to have to take it into a shop because I can just barely afford to, but I need this computer! Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :-)

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OS X :: MacBook Pro Light Not Blinking On Sleep?

Feb 15, 2009

I have the older MacBook Pro with the sleep light on the front button that attaches the screen to the main computer. I noticed that the light no longer blinks when it is on sleep. I recently upgraded my internal HD and have no idea if that could have caused it or not. I guess, since my Mac is three years old, there is also the possibility that the light just got old and went out.

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MacBook Air :: Mac Air Get Black Screen And Can't Start?

Dec 10, 2010

We just get a new mac air. We were trying netflix video, and the browser did not response. Now It get a black screen and can't start.

I tried to press power button, etc, but nothing works.

We are rather new to Mac world. What are the things I could try?

BTW, the Mac air comes with a power supply only. There is no DVD drive or thing like that. How do I re-install OS if I need to?

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MacBook Pro :: Black Screen On Start Up?

Jun 8, 2012

I attemped to download windows 7 into my macbook pro last night, didn't end up finishing the download due to a few problems. Now when I try to start up my computer it goes to the white screen first, than to a black screen where a little "  _  "flashes. how to get it to boot up in Mac OS? I'm using the newest installation of lion.

MacBook Pro

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MacBook Pro :: Intermittently Won't Start - Black Screen?

Oct 6, 2010

I have a MacBook Pro 2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, running Tiger 10.4.11. It has an issue where it takes a LOT of tries (10 - 20 tries) to get it to start up. When I hit the power button, it will turn on, the hard drive spins, the fans go, the usb ports work (I had a laptop cooler hooked up to it that would spin when I turned the computer power on), BUT the screen stays black, no chime. If I keep trying, by holding the power button down for 10 seconds and then hitting it again, it will usually start up on the 10th or 15th or so try.

I've tried varying amounts of time between tries, five minutes, ten minutes, overnight, etc. I haven't done any recent software or hardware updates. Once the computer starts up, it works just fine, aside from running quite hot (typically 60+ sometimes up to 80+C when I'm running photoshop or illustrator).

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MacBook Pro :: Black Screen At Start Up And After Sleep

Apr 30, 2012

My macbook pro is only a month old, and I've done nothing to it besides write documents and use facebook. Every time I close the lid so the computer can "sleep" it does, but when I open the lid back up, it refuses to wake up. My friend has the same computer and automatically her screen lights up when she opens the lid from sleep. My screen will stay black up to 10 minutes sometimes. Why is this happening? Should I bring it in to Apple? Also, when I shut my computer down, starting it up is another hassel in itself. The screen goes white like it's suppose to, but only for a split second. The apple in the center never shows up, and the screen just goes black. It's very aggravating and I feel like I'm the one with the only messed up mac.

Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: Get A Black Screen With A Cursor When Start Up

Jun 2, 2014

I get a black screen with a cursor when i start up. I have tried the cmb pr fix and that gets me here, but des not solve it and the first letter of my login, enter followed by my password and enter does not work either.

MacBook Pro, OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)

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Hardware :: MacBook Sleep Mode And Blinking Light?

Aug 9, 2008

I have the new 2.4 GHz MacBook model since last Thursday, and something throws me off a little bit.

When I close the lid, putting the MacBook to sleep, I can still hear the inner workings (fan, maybe hdd) of the laptop for a while. And the light doesn't blink softly and slow like it did on the iBook.

As I come from the iBook, I was used to wait one to ten seconds to get it to sleep after the lid was closed, and the blinking light showed me it was asleep. But the MacBook's doesn't.
Is that normal?

PS: I made two tests. It took 28 seconds until the light started pulsing, shortly after the fan stopped spinning and the hard drive reading/writing head (?) stopped in its safe position.

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MacBook Pro :: Blinking Light Solid And Running When Lid Closed

Nov 5, 2010

im new to macs and have just bought myself a mac book pro a week ago. its been amazing but yesterday i closed my laptop and then the flashing light stayed white. i opened it and it froze for a few seconds. it is still running when the lid is closed. What do i do?

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MacBook Pro :: Closed Laptop Lid - Sleep Light Not Blinking

Jan 13, 2011

I have a macbook pro 13" and I'm running on Snow Leopard Mac OS X 10.6.6. What happened is that I close the laptop while it was turned on. After a while I opened it and the screen wouldn't turn on. Other thing I noticed was that the sleep light was also turned off, instead of blinking.

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MacBook Pro :: Lid Illuminates And The Blinking Sleep Light Becomes Solid?

Oct 12, 2009

my MBP has been asleep for quite some time, im ready to go to school or wherever, and as soon as I pick it up to put it in my backpack the "apple" on the lid illuminates and the blinking "sleep" light becomes am i holding it wrong? I dont want to risk damaging my hdd.

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MacBook Pro :: Caps Lock Light Keeps Blinking Randomly?

Jul 15, 2010

I've noticed that my caps lock light keeps blinking randomly. It usually happens in groups of blinks every 5 minutes or so. It started doing this after I upgraded to snow leopard. Why is it doing this?

Early '08 MBP
2.4 GHz

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MacBook :: Continuous Orange Blinking Light On Charger?

Aug 7, 2010

I put my MacBook on charge but nothing happened there was no orange or green light and in the top right hand corner it said 'not charging' . I tried it a few more times and then the led just flicked from green to orange so I shut the mac down just before it ran out of battery. I then borrowed my friends macbok charger the same power as my other one but now the led just flashes orange and as it mac won't turn on I guess it's not charging it properly.

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