MacBook Pro :: Use BootCamp As A Virtual Machine ?

Mar 21, 2010

I have some games do not work well on XP via VMware virtual machine. Someone recommended me to install BootCamp on my mac to have games worked perfect.

and I'm wondering if BootCamp can be installed as a virtual machine or not.

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MacBook :: Bootcamp Vs Virtual Machine Win7

Jun 17, 2010

I want to run Windows 7 somehow on my new 2009 Macbook (2.4ghz, 2gb ram, 250 gb HDD). Now, is it better to have a separate partition through bootcamp or run it through a virtual machine (Vmware Fusion or something). I need to run windows for very light video streaming programs and maybe some very very light management games.

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MacBook Pro :: Using W7 System Image To Convert Virtual Machine To Bootcamp?

Jun 19, 2010

I'm taking an opportunity that just came up to upgrade to a 15" i7 Macbook Pro and wanted to run something by the community here. I currently run Windows 7 under Parallels 5 only and would love to convert to a bootcamp so I can run Windows 7 under both Bootcamp and Parallels. I know from my research some say this is impossible.

But I just thought of something and thought maybe someone else tried this. Windows 7 has a backup/restore feature that can make a system disk image. So I was thinking of trying that. Uninstalling the Parallels tools then creating a disk image. Then making my Bootcamp partition and copying my disk image created earlier onto that partition.

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Windows On Mac :: Bootcamp+virtual Machine?

Aug 15, 2010

I was under the impression that a Windows license is per machine (i.e. a single license can be used to install it in bootcamp AND in a virtual machine) -- is this correct?

Is it the same for Office 2010 Pro?

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Mac :: Windows Can Install With Bootcamp Or Virtual Machine Or Both?

Jul 16, 2009

I have a few relatively light-weight Windows-only programs that I need to start using on my Macbook Pro. I'm deciding whether to install them on Bootcamp or use VM Ware Fusion.A couple questions please1) To use Windows with Bootcamp, do I need to install Windows XP on Bootcamp?2) What is your opinion? Go with Bootcamp, or install a virtual machine? I am aware that Bootcamp requires a restart to return to my Mac - and that programs will work faster on Bootcamp over a virtual machine.3) But what if I installed BOTH (Bootcamp and a virtual machine using VM Ware Fusion) just until I figure out what I prefer? Does that mean that two separate instances of Windows XP installation will occur on my hard drive?

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MacBook Pro :: How To Run Proprietary Windows App, BootCamp Or Virtual

Jun 9, 2010

At work we use a proprietary Windows only application that is not too much unlike Microsoft Outlook (as an example). It's the only windows software I will need to run on my Mac.

My question is what is the best way to run it, so my Mac stays cool, and reliable? I'm not interested in running any of the "free trials" they offer as time is at a premium, as I'm sure it is for you.

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MacBook Pro :: With Windows XP Virtual Machine Resolution?

Nov 20, 2010

I just bought my first Apple, a 13" macbook pro. I'm using VirtualBox to run windows xp 32bit to run a few windows only applications.

I can't seem to adjust the screen resolution in windows to 1280x800 (fullscreen for my laptop display). Please let me know if there is a nvidia control center software or something else I need to accomplish this.

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MacBook Air :: VM Fusion - Virtual Machine Disappears?

May 8, 2008

Windows XP on my MacBook Air for a few months. However, for the second time, my Windows XP Virtual machine has disappeared as if I never installed it. I recently ran a suggested Apple OS update. Could that be resetting VM and causing it to wipe out my VM? 60

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MacBook Pro :: Virtual Machine Vs Real Install

Apr 13, 2012

I have a mid 2010 MacBook Pro, just that you guys know. For my programming work with the robot (C/Assembler) I will need either Windows or a Linux OS. This is why I'm asking. I really hate Windows and I don't want to install that and besides, Linux is a much better option for compiling my code, etc..Should I use a virtual machine or should I install Linux (Ubuntu) on another partition of my internal HDD.

I will need to install quite a lot of stuff and I'm not sure whether my 4GB of RAM will be enough to run Ubuntu on top of Snow Leopard using a virtual machine. I will need to use another old computer or my parent's desktop for loading to compiled files onto the robot (my IR Tranceiver has a RS 232 connector). I have another old laptop which we commonly use as a 'tryout' computer, but for the most part I want my MacBook to be the computer I use because I cannot take that old (and really heavy) laptop with barely working batteries and super-laggy Win XP to school, where I will do a great deal of the work. So I definitely want Linux on my mac.The partition can be small, I will only need about 15-20GB of space (including the Linux).

MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Pro :: Increase The Partition Size Of Virtual Machine?

May 10, 2012

Is there an easy way to increase the partition size of my virtual machine?

MacBook Pro

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Windows On Mac :: Is Bootcamp Better Than Virtual Pc

Jan 24, 2009

Just wondered what the difference was as I have a copy of Virtual Pc 6 and cant yet have bootcamp til I upgrade everything.

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MacBook Pro :: Create A Virtual Machine Of Lion OSx 10.7 Server On It Running 10.7?

Jun 27, 2012

I'd like to create a better disaster recovery plan. My thought was to create a virtual machine of Lion OSx 10.7 server on my MacBook Pro running 10.7. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Air :: MacBook Air With Parallels Accessing Virtual Machine Or Boot Camp?

Jul 9, 2008

The MacBook Air video card is very limited to run HD movies, and when you run Parallels accessing a Vm, the video performance is very poor. I would like to know if installing Windows through BootCamp, could increase this performance.
1 - Any one knows if there's some advantage on installing Windows through BootCamp instead of Vm?

Note: One desvantage is that TimeMachine can not auto backup BootCamp partition, but it "yes" do backups the Vm.

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MacBook Air :: 13" 256GB Built To Order - 4GBram 2.1GHz C2D Capable Of Running Virtual Machine?

Nov 17, 2010

I am an IT student who is studying Vmware, Oracle11g, MCITP, Linux ,CCNA, and etc.. Is it good to have a "Built To Order MacBook Air 13"" (256GB SSD 4GBram 2.1GHz C2D ) to run a windows server 2008 virtual machine with oracle 11gR1 installed on it? Or is it better to run that VM on a mac book pro 17" (Core i7 2.66CPU, 4GB ram ,500GB 5400rpm harddrive)? or 7200rpm HD? Air got a faster Storage drive (SSD) but slower CPU. Pro got a faster Cpu but slower storage drive (HD drive). I am so confused>< Pro or air which one has a better performance for running that vm? which one's battery life last longer for running that vm?

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OS X :: Java Virtual Machine?

Jan 28, 2010

I just bought a mac last week and i just play to one game: Football Manager 07.

I tried to install it but the install assistant said to me that he can't found the Java Virtual Machine.

I have the new mac OS X 10.6.02 ...

Does it happened to anyone else? Someone can help me ?

PS: I'm sorry for my bad English, but I come from a French country so I can't speak English at well ...

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OS X :: Run Mac As Virtual Machine On Host?

Feb 13, 2010

Is there a way to run Mac OS X as a virtual machine on a Mac OS X host? My Mac OS X system is configured as a server for my home network. It provides mail, DNS, and DHCP services to other systems on my home network. Occasionally, I need to establish an IPsec VPN connection to work from the Mac OS X system. When I do this mail, DNS, and DHCP are not available. Are there any options aside from purchasing another system to be the server for my home network?

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OS X :: Virus Protection On My Virtual Machine On Mac?

Jun 10, 2010

I run Windows 7 on my Mac using Parallels Desktop and the virtual machine is protected by Kasperky. My question is, will this virus protection conflict with ClamXav or Norton 11 if I were to put either into my Mac or should I remove the Kaspersky first. In addition, if I did have to remove the Kaspersky, would any AntiVirus/Spyware specific for Mac also protect the virtual machine?

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Applications :: Connecting OS On Virtual Machine To Net?

Oct 12, 2010

How can i connect to internet on Windows XP using Parallels? How can make a network adapter for the virtual machine?

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Windows On Mac :: Application Can Not Run In A Virtual Machine?

Jul 7, 2009

trying to open DVDFab 6 under VMWare Fusion 2.0.5. All of my other needed applications run fine in VMWare, and DVDFab runs great via Bootcamp (Windows 7 RC 7100). My last hurdle to be fully switched over from my old PC is to get DVDFab up and running, preferrebly in VMWare so I don't have the hassle of having to reboot.

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Windows On Mac :: Virtual Machine On External HDD?

Aug 10, 2009

I'm not very good at computers, and I don't know a lot about them, so please bear with me.

I want to install VMware on my iMac, so I'll be able to use Microsoft Office 2007 for Windows, which supports VBA, which I need for my work.

But I've heard a lot about how it's possible for something to go wrong while using the virtual machine, which might cause the whole HDD to get corrupted, as I've read here.

So I'm going to install VMware on my iMac, and partition my external HDD (111GB) so that I can install a virtual machine (Windows OS) on it, without risk of corrupting the whole HDD.

Now here's the big question:

If I were to install the virtual machine onto this external HDD, would I still be able to disconnect it from my iMac when I'm not running neither VMware nor the virtual machine at all? Would my iMac be alright if I were to start it up without the external HDD connected?

I ask this because I use this same external HDD to transfer big data files to and fro from different computers. So I will need to disconnect it from the iMac frequently.

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Windows On Mac :: Internet On Virtual Machine?

Aug 19, 2009

I have tried both Parallels and VMware, but neither one will connect to the internet. I've searched all over for solutions for both and have yet to find something that will work. I've tried setting in each app as well as in OSX, but to no avail.

Let me know what information you need about my setup.

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Applications :: How To Backup A Virtual Machine

Oct 16, 2009

So I have VMWare fusion and Windows XP on it...I have read to exclude the virtual machine from time machine backup as any changes made in the virtual machine will cause time machine to recopy the entire thing all over again.

So...I was thinking could I just copy the vmware file into a partition on the external hard drive and periodically replace the vmware file in order to update the settings and changes etc.

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Windows On Mac :: Virtual Machine With Own IP Address?

Dec 19, 2009

I am trying to setup an XP virtual machine with its own IP address on the iMac so I can remote into it from my laptop. I have tried both VMWare Fusion and Parallels to do this. But the VM only sees the network in Shared mode (called Bridged mode in VMWare). But in that mode, the VM gets a random IP address not in the same subdomain as my local network.

When I change the networking mode to Bridged (called NAT in VMWare) the VM gets an IP in the correct sub domain ( and it gets the auto configured Gateway ( and DNS Server ( but I can't see any machines on the network. I can't even ping the router ( The only thing I can see (Ping) is the host iMac ( But I can't see any other machines or connect to the internet.

I am getting identical behavior in both Parallels and VMWare fusion which makes me think I am doing something wrong.

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Windows On Mac :: Virtual Machine That Can See A Third Partition?

Jan 3, 2010

I just bought my first mac a few days ago. It's a white macbook with snow leopard. I'm still getting used to everything on the mac side

I partitioned the 250 GB hard disk as:
Partition 1: 70 GB, Mac OS X
Partition 2: 150 GB, FAT32 for data sharing
Partition 3: 30 GB, FAT32 for Windows XP running through bootcamp

Everything works fine so far, OS X and Windows XP can see all three partitions. Now I'd like to run Windows in a virtual machine. I've done a lot of searching and can't find a solution where both Mac OS and the virtualized machine can see the large FAT32 shared Partition. Is there any way to make this work, and should I use VMware fusion or parallels?

If this is not possible, can Mac OS at least see the shared partition and copy files to the windows partition while the virtual machine is running so that the windows parition can access some of the files that were originally on the shared partition?

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Applications :: Running SL In A Virtual Machine On A Mac?

Mar 31, 2010

I haven't posted in a while, but now I have a question for you all.

I just started a new job, that requires the use of my macbook, and I would like to keep my home and work systems completely separate. My first thought was to install Snow Leopard in a virtual machine on my mac. I already have Parallels 5 for a bootcamp installation, so I tried using Parallels to install SL. No dice, it only works with SL Server. I have two separate SL discs, both standard versions.
I've searched the forums and haven't come across any results for running SL in a virtual machine that is installed in SL.

This is child's play on Windows machines, but seems pretty difficult for OSX. Does anyone have suggestions or recommendations for VMs that will work for this application?

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OS X :: Dual-boot Or Virtual Machine?

May 4, 2010

I have a Macbook Pro with a 2Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo and 2GB RAM. I want to install Windows 7 to run some Windows apps that refuse to work under WINE.

I already have the disk, so should I dual-boot using Boot Camp, or use VMWare Fusion?

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Applications :: Network XP Virtual Machine?

Jun 18, 2010

is there any software that will let me install windows XP onto the Mac but will also let me join that virtual machine to our domain?

Currently used boot camp to duel boot but when i want to access a windows program urgently and I'm in the mac side it's just a ball ache would love to open a window and boot up a networked XP virtual machine where I can log onto the domain etc?

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MacBook Pro :: Delete Osx 10.7 Virtual Partition On Virtual Box?

Mar 27, 2012

How do I delete macbook pro osx 10.7 virtual partition on virtual box?  I already deleted the virtual machine and the app but the partition is still there.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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OS X :: Print Screen Command On A Virtual Machine

Mar 3, 2010

I am running Snow Leopard on a MacBook Pro using Bootcamp and Windows XP. On the Windows side, is there a way to print screen, full or partial?

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Windows On Mac :: Uninstalling Parallels And Virtual Machine?

Apr 3, 2008

I had Parallels installed on my Mac and a Virtual Machine set up. I then installed Fusion and made a Virtual Machine with it. I am MUCH happier with Fusion!!! How do I uninstall Parallels AND the Virtual Machine associated with it? When doing this, my Fusion and its Virtual Machin

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