MacBook Pro :: There Is No Sound Output After Waking 13' Up From Sleep Mode
Apr 30, 2012
when i wake my 13' mbp up from sleep mode, there is no sound, i have to reboot it to get the sound back, does everyone know where the problem is? and how to deal with it?
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Dec 28, 2010
I was wondering if anyone knew how I can wake up my computer when it's asleep or on the screen saver not with a password, but with a sound like a short whistle tune or something along those lines.
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May 31, 2007
I'm using my Mac on an external monitor with a USB keyboard/mouse and the lid closed. When I put it to sleep using the remote, it switches off but then re-awakens about 5 seconds later. It's really annoying as it's usually when I'm in bed after watching a video and am too tired to get up and switch it off manually. How to make it sleep? Could it be the USB peripherals making it act this way? If so, how can I stop my Mac from waking on USB?
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Feb 2, 2010
Whenever I close my computer to put it to sleep and then open it up later, the computer freezes and I am unable to type in my password to unlock my computer and am forced to hold down the power button until it turns off and then reboot it. This has become a major pain and has only started today but has happened 3 times already. I have an Apple Bluetooth Keyboard and a Magic Mouse connected to my computer and am running 10.6.2 if that helps. I'd rather not have to shut down my computer all the time and I'm no longer covered by any protection.
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Oct 29, 2008
I'm on my third MacBook Pro and all three of them keep waking up from sleep mode. I have reformatted and reinstalled the OS each time. I have reset the SMC and the PRAM. Still no resolution. It happened again this morning and I started digging thru the Console logs. I found this.
10/29/08 8:33:11 AM kernel Wake reason = OHC2
Can someone please tell me what the OHC2 code means? I have no idea where to find the documentation on these codes. If I wake my computer up from sleep by pressing the power button, the Wake reason code is PWRB.
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Jun 11, 2012
After waking up from sleep mod,it won't accept log in password
MacBook Air
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Oct 6, 2010
the topic pretty much says it all. i put my mbp to sleep last night and this morning when i opened it to wake it up, i heard the trash sound go off, and i realized my counter strike source icon was missing. i opened the trash and their it was. strange...i don't know if it may have been some of the sites i've visited in the past that may have given me spyware or anything sketchy. anyone had this issue before?
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Nov 21, 2010
my mbp i7's double tap doesn't save when i set it to a certain "double-click speed" so when i put my mbp to sleep or restart it, i'm forced to go back to the settings and set my double-click speed again. The point of me doing this is because for some reason, my double-click doesnt register or hi-light the text in the URL or text in essays etc. when its set up to the fourth notch on the slide bar. so i have to put it down to 0 on the bar in order for my double tap to register. Its really annoying to have to redo this every time i come back to my mbp.
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Sep 30, 2010
And I can hear my Mac Pro waking itself up from sleep every so often. What does this mean?
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Sep 24, 2008
I had this problem since I used the power schedule to shut down my mac a day after I went on vacation. Now every morning I see the macpro awaken from sleep mode. The mouse is in it's stand so it can't be that. I disabled everything in power settings.
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Jul 9, 2009
I am trying to access my computer remotely via Logmein however it is either in sleep/suspend mode and the remote software is not active as a result. Anyway I can wake it up and prevent from happening in future?
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Nov 5, 2009
The AirPort on my new iMac 21.5'' 4670 is having problems these past couple of days. Every time I put the machine to Sleep and wake it up again, the AirPort cannot find any network. My wireless is fine and there are other wireless networks the machine can detect when it functions well. I have to restart the computer to have the AirPort work properly again. I thought it was a temporary issue, but after repeating a couple of times, it seems to be very easily recreated. And sometimes the AirPort does not function even from a restart. I have to restart another time to have it work.
Does anybody else have the similar problem? I hope it's just a software problem that will be addressed in 10.6.2.
(I posted here because it never happened on my other Macs before.)
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Apr 6, 2012
Why does the computer show disk improperly ejected error message after waking from sleep mode? Hooked up external WD sata HD for itunes and getting this message more than a few times. What to do?
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Dec 6, 2014
I have a 2008 MacBook Pro and recently installed Yosemite. Ever since then, the startup sound of the CD drive being checked has been occurring spontaneously when it's in sleep mode with the lid shut. It's driving me crazy because it wakes me up in the middle of the night and I can't figure out why it's happening. This never once happened before the OS upgrade.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), OS X Yosemite (10.10)
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Jun 19, 2012
My sound keeps turning off. When I check the settings, the output device switches randomly between Internal and Digital output. I have no idea where the Digitial Output is coming from and this started about a month again. It switches randomly and then I loose all sound for a few seconds. Sometimes it happens once then stops for a few days, other times it switches back and forth for 5 min. No idea!!!
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jan 25, 2009
Just installed a second Samsung F1 500GB (HD502IJ) hard drive in my 2x1.8 G5 Power Mac. I have the "Energy Saver" option on default and the system turns the hard drives off when they're not being used. Everything is working good with this drive except one thing: When the system turns the Samsung to sleep, there's a tiny beep/sound, like coming from the motherboard or something. So I was wondering:
1. Should there be a beep on sleep?
2. How do I turn this annoying beep off?
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Aug 23, 2009
I'm having a problem with my PowerBook G4 where is goes into sleep mode at random times. Mostly when I am streaming video..or at times the fan comes on, it sounds super high then boom. sleep mode again. After hitting the space bar, it comes back on, but it'll happen again shortly after. I've played with the sleep settings
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Dec 29, 2009
As of last night, my MBP started acting very strangely. After entering my username and password, it would enter the desktop for a short period of time and then kick back into sleep mode; the screen would turn back to black. Sometimes it will let me stay on the desktop for a long time and other times it will hardly let me stay on the desktop. I called apple support and they had me start the computer in safe mode; even then it occasionally kicks me out.
The tech guy said that it was a "strange software issue" and not a hardware issue. I thought it was a hard drive issue; my hard drive makes an odd sound when it unlocks (a grinding sound), but it has been doing that for quite some time with no issues. I tried to reset the SMC and it didn't do anything.
How should I remedy this problem? Is this a hard drive issue? Hard drive failure? Has the grinding sound finally caught up with me? I am running OS X; not leopard or snow leopard. I know I need to upgrade, but this shouldn't be happening.
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Dec 13, 2009
This started happening randomly earlier tonight, and I haven't managed to find a fix just yet.I was encoding a video file for quite awhile (I don't think that parts important, but I thought I'd include it anyway) and then I tried to play a youtube video. I noticed there was no sound, so I tried to up the volume using the Volume Up key on the keyboard. The volume visualisation appeared on the screen like normal (albeit a bit laggy), but the sound still didn't change, neither did I get the usual 'click' noise you get when you change the volume.I went looking into the sound options in the system prefs. only to find that the Output Sound device was headphones. For a test I plugged in some headphones to see what happened and, low and behold, the Output Sound device changed to the Internal Sound and my speakers were working again, but only with the headphones plugged in.
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Jun 23, 2012
Macbook Pro suddenly has no sound output. The menu for sound is greyed out. System preferences/sound doesn't alow me to set volume or mute.
MacBook Pro 2.2, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 4 GB
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Mar 7, 2009
i have had the same setup as before (external monitor, apple bluetooth keyboard, mouse) and up until yesterday its been waking up on its own. is there an option to stop usb from waking up the computer since i have my mouse connected?
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Apr 13, 2009
I just occasionally have noticed my Blackbook, running 10.5.6, when I open it after closing it and moving elsewhere say, may have lost a lot of it's battery power. I think what's happening is it's not going to sleep properly (or it's waking up) when closed. This of course leaves me with not enough power (today 8% when I opened up). What concerns me much more is that the HD arm might not be in the parked position and damage could result with me travelling around. I have in fact had two complete HD failures in 2 1/2 years (though I have no reason to believe this is the cause, in fact I doubt it). I'm aware I can press the power button then select SLEEP and I often do when I'm just charging at home and want to keep the temp down (it's hot here!). Very interested to know what's going on fact interested in the bigger picture of HD arms when the things spinning as I use my Macbook outside and on my lap a lot, and can't help some movement of course. I emphasise when I shut the lid it normally sleeps as normal, this is just an occasional thing. So is it dangerous, what's causing it, and what about the bigger pic on HD arms when moving the laptop around?
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May 3, 2009
My girlfriends Air has suddenly gotten a weird problem lately. Every now and then when she wakes it from sleep it seems to think that it has a second display connected to it. Even rebooting doesn't always solve the problem.
She has never used an external display with it before. The port looks clean (I thought there might be something there causing a short) and as far as we know there hasn't been any tinkering with any system files on her computer.
Anybody ever heard of this problem before? Or have any idea how to fix it?
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Mar 28, 2008
I am not sure if this is related to the other wifi issues posted on this thread. I am hoping it is an easy Leopard configuration thing. But my wifi used to work perfect--until I patched my OS version. Now, whenever open the lid, it can never connect to my wifi router immediately like it used to do. It spends cycles hunting, and I end up having to manually go into network preferences and try a few times to connect, including rekeying the password.
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Apr 15, 2009
I have a late 2008 macbook, and occasionally after going into sleep via closing the lid or according to the sleep timer, it doesn't really want to wake up. I open the lid/press spacebar and the computer sounds like it's waking up, the keyboard lights up, but the screen stays dark. I've tried waiting for up to 30 seconds before eventually I just hold the power button and hard reset. Upon restart, there is an error message stating that os x crashed. I haven't been able to let it sit for more than a minute or two, as it usually happens when I'm getting ready to give a presentation or something, fun right.
Wed Apr 15 11:28:25 2009
panic(cpu 0 caller 0x001A9C68): Kernel trap at 0x00143b90, type 14=page fault, registers:
CR0: 0x80010033, CR2: 0x000003ad, CR3: 0x01879000, CR4: 0x00000660
EAX: 0x00000001, EBX: 0x00000002, ECX: 0x0052ad64, EDX: 0x00000000
CR2: 0x000003ad, EBP: 0x60e3793c, ESI: 0x00000000, EDI: 0x0714f454
EFL: 0x00010246, EIP: 0x00143b90, CS: 0x00000008, DS: 0x0b970010
Error code: 0x00000000
Backtrace (CPU 0), Frame : Return Address (4 potential args on stack)
0x60e37758 : 0x12b4f3 (0x45b13c 0x60e3778c 0x1335e4 0x0)
0x60e377a8 : 0x1a9c68 (0x464700 0x143b90 0xe 0x463eb0)
0x60e37888 : 0x1a038d (0x60e378a0 0x0 0x60e3793c 0x143b90)
0x60e37898 : 0x143b90 (0xe 0x52680048 0x60e30010 0x7a40010)
0x60e3793c : 0x767a790 (0x1 0x0 0xb97e650 0x0)
Backtrace terminated-invalid frame pointer 0x2160c8
BSD process name corresponding to current thread: mDNSResponder
Mac OS version:
Kernel version:
Darwin Kernel Version 9.6.0: Mon Nov 24 17:37:00 PST 2008; root:xnu-1228.9.59~1/RELEASE_I386
System model name: MacBook5,1 (Mac-F42D89C8)
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May 28, 2009
I have a 2.4 Penryn black MacBook. It's been waking up on it's own, overheating and shutting down since I installed 10.5.7. This happened when I first got it, and I took it to Apple. At that time, seems the RAM wasn't seated properly. It hasn't been a problem again until now. Yesterday, it did it twice. The RAM seems to be seated properly. Is there a firmware update or something I'm missing?
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Apr 23, 2010
Everytime I put my Mbp to sleep it will wake up after 10 minutes on it's own all the time, I don't have low batteries on my magic mouse and keyboard, this never happened on my older Mbp. This is the new 2010 model. I have wake for network connection turned off. Anyone esle have this issue?
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Dec 28, 2008
my air is rev B with SSD. when i open the lid to wake it up from the sleep, the mouse is freezing for couple of seconds and then back to normal.
it's not tthe whole OS freezing i believe, because ical event suddenly appears on the desktop when the mouse is freezing. so it's not the system i guess.
could it be the lack of voltage because of coolbook? but the system is so stable with these new lower voltages settings i applied a week ago.
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Aug 13, 2009
When I wake my 13" MBP from sleep, the fan speed ramps up to about 2700 or so RPM even though the entire machine is cool. It eventually goes back to 2000 after a couple of minutes.
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Oct 3, 2009
Sometimes when I let my MBP (see sig) go to sleep with the screen open, I come back and hit the spacebar to wake it up and it doesn't give me the password dialog box to wake it from sleep. All i see is a black screen with the mouse pointer on it. This sometimes happens when I wake and DO get the password box but if I wait and don't enter the password right away, the box disappears and wont come back. In both cases I'm forced to push the power button to shut it down and restart. Any solutions to this, or is it just a fluke?
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