MacBook Pro :: Mail And Some Websites Take Very Long Time To Load
Dec 1, 2014
mail and some websites, I.e.,, take very long time to load. Other websites,,,, load fast & normal.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 27, 2012
I have a very long delay in opening pages on my desktop. I have all the internet wireless bars lit up. I don't know if it is a connection issue or wireless issue.
iMac, iOS 5.1.1
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Jul 2, 2009
I have a MBP, the model before the new unibody anyways the last few days the tool bar above that has the wifi battery status and so forth takes a long time to load while booting what gives ? Anyways this just started a few days ago, do not know if I had installed something to slow it down.
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Jul 23, 2009
currently using a mid 09 13" Macbook Pro with 4gb of ram. Currently i have a Western Digital 1TB My Book External Hard Drive connected to the usb port. But everytime i try to access the ext hdd, there will be the dreaded beach ball ands takes around 3-5mins before the files can be displayed on finder. I never had this problem when it is plugged into my windows PC. My ext hard disk is currently formated in NTFS, im accessing the files through my mac using NTFS-3G. Could this be a reason?
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Jul 22, 2009
I have certain websites that just hang whenever I enter an area requiring a login.For example it happens when I log in to Facebook, or certain areas of Yahoo. It happens on both Safari 4.0.1/4.0.2 and FF 3.5. It's always the same, it just times out and then I get a message along the lines of "server reset the connection".
I also cannot send messages in Mail using the Yahoo server ( even though Connection Doctor tells me I can connect fine. I'm convinced this is linked to the problem above. have a PowerMac G5 (Dual 2.3GHz PowerPC) and a current model MacBook Pro, both using 10.5.7. They are synced via MobileMe, and both experience the problems described above. Meanwhile my wife has a MacBook which experiences none of these issues even when visiting the websites using my login details, and working on the same wireless network/broadband provider.
I have tried clearing FF and Safari caches, I have tried deleting any cookies with Facebook or Yahoo in them, and I have tried deleting & recreating my SMTP server details, all to no avail.
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Nov 9, 2009
why but lately all the .wmv videos I have watched have taken an extremely long time to fully load. Before the whole file would load and I would be able to seek throughout the video to any part which I liked. Now however, the video instantaneously pops up but I have to wait for it to load before I am able to seek but I can basically watch the whole video before it fully loads (as if it was streaming).
In the attached picture, the Quicktime seek bar looks like this as I open it.
I have the free version of flip4mac, quicktime and OSX 10.5.8.
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Jan 15, 2010
I own a MacBook Pro (bought new in June-July 2009) and are having problems with my WiFi. I mostly use FireFox on both my mac and windows computer. I use a linksys router and have AT&T DSL. A lot of times web pages take really long times to load or do't even load at all. Web pages on my windows computer load almost fine.
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Aug 7, 2010
I'm running 10.5.8 on my MBA. Lately I noticed when I start terminal, the program seems to launch right away. However the terminal window stays blank for a long time before the command prompt shows up. during this time usage of Safari becomes very slow too so feels like it's hugging on to some resource.
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Feb 24, 2012
During the past week or so, I've had difficulty accessing YouTube videos. At first, they would not load at all; now, in the past couple of days, they have been loading after a couple of minutes of leaving the page open. I have installed the lastest version of the flash play and emptied my cache on Safari.Â
Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 21, 2012
Certain webistes like [URL], take ages to load after i login. I have cleaned my cache , deleted cookies,etc.... In the apple store everything works fine , but not at home. When using other PC's / notebooks it all works fine, except my own Macbook. Other browsers on my Mc , have the same problem.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 27, 2012
For quite a while, any Java based applications on my Mac have been taking a long time to launch. When I start them, the icon just bounces on the dock for about 2 minutes and then once it stops I force quit it, start it again and it loads fine. I have the same problem with both Minecraft and Angry IP Scanner so I'm near certain that it is not application specific. All other applications load almost instantly and there is plenty of memory available (8GB installed) for them to launch. Just for reference: all of the updates available on Software Update are installed as well.
Mac mini (Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3), 2.4GHz Core 2 Duo, 8GB DDR3 RAM
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Apr 7, 2012
Just downloaded the Java update and now my entire mac is taking a significant amount of time to load applications, internet and everything. For instance I was doing some video editing and I couldn't even watch the playback.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jan 17, 2011
I am running a MacPro 2.66 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon with 8 GB RAM and OS 10.6.6 that is connected to an AirPort Extreme connected to a Westell DSL modem. Lately I have been experiencing strange behavior that I can not solve. When I first start up, Safari and Mail generally launch and work properly. But after a while, from 10 minutes to an hour, I get strange behavior. In Safari, pages take a long time to load- with a spinning beach ball for several minutes. Or they don't load at all. In Mail, I can't get new mail- a get a message that I'm not connected to the internet. When I go to System Preferences and check the Network, it says I am connected.
Rebooting usually solves the problem, but I am forced to reboot once an hour or so. Also, other programs show strange behavior- either failing to launch or crashing. This happens frequently with Photoshop Elements 9 and occasionally with Pages. I am also running a PowerPC Dual 2.3 GHz using OS 10.5.8 off the AirPort Extreme that runs fine and experiences none of these problems. Both machines are connected by ethernet cables to the AirPort Extreme.
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Apr 26, 2012
videos from web sites do not load or load slowly spins
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Oct 27, 2009
I have been suffering from this issue with Mail for a long time, and I have finally decided to attempt to seek out a resolution. I have noticed that since I began using MobileMe, Mail has taken an extraordinarily long time to send emails. It takes at least a minute to send around 5 lines of text, which seems rather excessive. I have noticed this on Leopard (10.5.8) and Snow Leopard (10.6.1).
When I send emails from my MobileMe account on my iPhone, it takes seconds, so I haven't noticed any similar issues there. I opened up the connection doctor in Mail and found that it took a long time to report a successful connection to both MobileMe and the MobileMe smtp server. I allowed Snow Leopard to automatically set up my mail account, so I don't believe that it is an issue with settings. Has anyone experienced something similar, and is there a fix I could try?
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Mar 19, 2012
Some websites don't load in my browser or take ages to open examples are , google maps, etc... Or they don't load at all. What is wrong with my mac?? I have cleaned my cache , browse history , etc.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 8, 2009
I just noticed that my umbp is kind of slow. For example, safari used to load up less than a second. Now it takes about two to four bounces. Then, it will take 1 second to start up. On Firefox, it usually takes 5 to 6 bounces to start up as well. Could there be a lot going on through my activity monitor?
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Mar 28, 2010
My Macbook has been running pretty slowly recently but only at log in. Its been taking ages to load my name at the top of if you try anything before is loaded my user profile I guess it just crashed. Also every now and again the wallpaper doesnt load up. Anyway to fix this is booted into safe-mode, verified the disk and repaired the permission. My work insists I use McAfee enterprise edition for Mac if connecting their servers so I am also protected from viruses and mal-ware. Its just got worse. And stranger still Safari still loads but thats all. Any other program will bounce a few times and then do nothing. Even mail, pages, dreamweaver, terminal, settings - everything. Safari is the only working program I have found that actually still loads. The internet connection works find and everything else. McAfee is sitting in my status bar so I am guessing that has also loaded properly.
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May 25, 2010
For some reason, certain websites (like IGN, Mac Rumor Forums, Gamespy) take 5 minutes or longer to load on my Mac Mini than on my other machines. I have a PC running Vista, Mac Book Pro, iPhone, and iPad and they have no issues loading these websites normally. Both my Mac Mini and Mac Book Pro are running the exact same setup and have 10.6.3. This happens with in both Safari and Firefox. It isn't my wireless router because the other machines are fine and don't have this issue. I did however reset the router a few times to see if that might be it... and no go. Still the same. I have the latest versions of the browsers too.
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Apr 10, 2012
This problem is constant with no bearing on location, websites and about 75% of the images frequently won't load. When entering websites, maybe 10% of the time, the browser will tell me that the page is no good/can't find the server. When I come back later in the day I can view the site. Also with images, on blog websites, photosharing sites, or Facebook, some images will load but most won't.
Things I've already tried to fix the dilemna:
I have tried with both Safari and Google Crome.I have restarted my computer.I have restarted the browers.I have gone in to Sytem Prefences/Network and reestablished my internet connection.I have given Flash permission when it asks(although it usually doesn't ask on the websites I'm trying to access)
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 13, 2012
There are some sites, like url...that won't load properly in Safari, Chrome, nor Firefox. I'm not able to hover over my account to sign-out, as well as not able to paste links to get them to shorten it. The site loads fine on my iPhone and iPad, but not on my Macbook Pro.Other sites like Mashable, I'm not able to view any of the galleries.I've tried logging in as a guest, still the same issue. I even tried disabling ALL the plugins that are on the mac, still, same issue.
MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 26, 2009
Firefox refuses to load swf on any website. I can view youtube just fine. This is what it looks like. The first pic is a article on gizmodo (I am sure most of you read it). The video is supposed to be where the white box is but it doesn't load. The second pic is supposed to be a music player on myspace. Before you ask, yes I did install flash correctly. I am computer savy. I don't have any problems on safari
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Dec 1, 2010
I upgraded to AirPort Extreme from the previous router because my Mac would drop the wireless 802.11n connection way too often. I setup AirPort Extreme to connect through PPPoE to my optical fiber cable device. Since then the connection is fast and never drops. On the other hand it seems I cannot access some websites. These include quite a few domains, and also almost all https secured connections. For example, in a website like [URL] everything seems to go well until I need to access a secure page over https. Same on [URL]and several others. Switching back to the old modem seems to solve the issue, but then I get the old problem of the connection constantly dropping.
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May 27, 2012
I am having problems loading websites. Takes about 5 min to load.
Mac mini Server (Mid 2011), iOS 5.1
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Jun 22, 2012
How long does it take to load iCloud on my Mac? I am up to the part where it is 'accessing account information' and its been going for hours. I dont have a huge amount of things on mobile me.. What sort of information is it accessing, from mobile me or my computer too? Where can I check to see how long it has to go, or in fact has it crashed and I dont know? The wheel is spinning!
iWeb '08
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Jan 18, 2010
Just installed a new router - a D-Link Dir-825. I am unable to load anything in Safari or Chrome, and Mail will not go online. Only Firefox works. I've flushed my DNS cache in Terminal (I think...) but that didn't work. D-Link does not "support Safari".
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Mar 31, 2012
After restarting, Safari suddenly doesn't load any webpages. It shows all the top sites in the favorites area and actually updates some to the most recent versions, but when you try to get to the site it shows the loading bar to about an 1/8th of the way and then just pin wheels. Firefox works fine. I have used the reset to no avail. Have the current version and have been running it for a while with no problems. Â
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 9, 2014
I downloaded AdMedic yesterday and now my Safari won't load some websites or it just freezes.
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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Nov 20, 2010
I'm trying to put Window XP with bootcamp,
the CD is a bit long to load for the installation it's normal?
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Sep 10, 2014
I have a mid 2011 iMac, OS X 10.9.4 and i recently installed maverick. Â
For some reason,using both Safari and Firefox, it can't connect to most websites and if it does the pages don't fully load( pictures and videos won't load) but my network works fine with other device like my phone and I'm still able to download updates. Ive tried restarting in safe mode, clearing caches, Safari without extensions. Â
iMac, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
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