MacBook Pro :: Macbook Pro 13" 2.53 Integrated Graphics Running External Monitor?
Sep 2, 2009
i have a 13" macbook pro 2.53 and i will be running alot of photoshop and illustrator in the near future.. obviously i have an external screen for this (24" led cinema display) but will it run much slower using the external? ..would the dedicated graphics of the 15/17" benefit in this department?any experience of using photoshop and creative suite with the 13" 2.53and what does the gpu actually do? ..sorry i have read afew posts on what the gpu does but will it help in creative suite and garage band and office applications?
I'm considering purchasing someone a 15-inch MBP that only has the 9400M. This machine after rebate is $1499 from Mac Connection, which makes it only $200 more than the high end 13. Yes, you only gain the screen on this configuration, but $1499 is an attractive price for a 15. However is this model seen as a bit of an odd model, in that it only has integrated graphics? The user would never play games, so it seems paying for the second graphics card would be unnecessary ? Whereas the benefit of the extra screen real estate, would be nice for them surely.
anantech reports on Intel's graphics card statement posted yesterday which notes that there will be no Intel discrete GPU (duh) in the short term and that Intel is focusing with "laser like precision" on integrated graphics.Not too much here, except that it indicates that Intel will be sticking to their own integrated graphics strategy for the long haul. As the author notes, it also validates AMD's approach with ATI.The article says to expect a 2x improvement over current Intel graphics for the early 2011 chips, and another 2x for the following chips.
I have a mid 2010 MacBook, and I recently upgraded my RAM to 8 GB. Given I have this awesome amount of RAM, I am curious if I can allocate some of this to my Nvidia 320M from 256 MB to 1 GB?
I may have sold a PC user on buying a mac and she's interested in the MBP. I noticed that some models of the MPB have a "NVIDIA GeForce 9400M + 9600M GT with 512MB" while others have the "NVIDIA GeForce 9400M." Are either of these integrated graphics? And what is the advantage of the models with "NVIDIA GeForce 9400M + 9600M GT with 512MB?" That sounds to me like it has two video boards. Why would Apple do this? And is there a big difference in video processing power between the models with one video board and two?
See the new Macbook Pro that I recently got has two graphics cards. One, the integrated, standard issue Intel HD4000 and the other one, a Nvidea GT650M. Personally, I was thrilled to learn this. However, my Macbook Pro seems to switch in between these two and I really don't want it to do that. I would rather just make the GT 650M the main graphics card and avoid using the integrated graphics.
I have an 09' 13 inch Macbook Pro and I want to get an external monitor so I can use my laptop screen and the monitor at the same time for more space. What type of connection capabilities should I be looking for in the monitor to ensure that my macbook will be able to connect with the monitory?
Since it has built in graphics, will running a 23" ACD slow the rest of the computer? I'm thinking about Photoshop and Flash here. My work computer is a 15" MBP at 2.0 Ghz and I think a drop to 1.6 Ghz wouldn't be so bad if I could use a separate monitor and not see anymore of a performance drop.
I have a mbp 15" and it runs at 1200 x 800 (for example)let's say I have an external monitor which is 24" Can I run that external monitor at 1900 x 1200 (I don't know the real resolutions)would it work? If not, why? Is there a way I could make the MBP run at a higher resolution so it looks like iMac resolution?
you can upgrade your ram change your battery even your hard drive this macbook is very user friendly but can you upgrade you video card? i have no clue to the layout or if it is intergrated onto the motherboard? yes or no and if you can answer why not
I want to run an Imac and an external Monitor, but I want to use the complete graphics power on the external Monitor, so no mirroring of the displays. Is there any way to shut down the internal display?
Occasionally however, I have video graphics glitches on my MacBook Pro. Sometimes it happens when using an external monitor, sometimes it also happens on the notebook display. I often get a distorted task switcher:Also, Safari sometimes renders the content in a weird way, with yellow and red blocks:And finally, the translucent part of the taskbar sometimes looks funny, with stray pixels running through: I wanted to mention that it's not a big concern, but when typing the previous version of this message, I detached the external monitor and then all I got was a black screen when opening the lid. I had to power down the MacBook.
Info: MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), Mid-2010 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
I just hooked up my 24" samsung to my macbook pro, and it is very nice. I have a few questions which may have been answered but perhaps I wasn't searching right. Since the thread titles didn't seem to match right.First question, what kind of life does the macbook pro ( june 09 model)display have if I don't run the computer in clamshell mode. Just curious if I will burn it out quicker just running it like this.Now on to clamshell mode, is that the preferred mode to run? Or does the laptop get to hot. Once again just not sure on that one.Last question would be with regards to the graphics adapter. Typically unless I am playing a game I run with the 9400m. With the monitor connected, should I switch to the 9600m? I don't know if it would yield any different results.
Trying to output via Displayport using my white macbook but for some reason Windows can't detect my monitor or the DVI output.. anyone able to successfully output from bootmcamp?
I picked up a new MacBook yesterday and I noticed a weird issue when coming out of "monitor sleep" mode, not regular sleep mode.
When I move the mouse, the external monitor shows what you see in the picture, kinda like a TV with no signal. The MacBook screen works fine so what I just do is unplug and re-plug in the DVI plug and everything is good again.
My 24 inch Dell monitor worked fine with my M1330 and other computers so I know it's not that. Does anyone have the same issue or maybe give me some light on this?
I have a 22" Dell external monitor on my MBP. I know that I just close the cover to my MBP to shut off the screen. What do I do in those instances that I want to use both screens? There has to be something simpler than restarting the MBP?
As said, my current set up is an HDMI - DVI cable (HDMI to monitor and DVI to adapter) and my DVI - mini DisplayPort adapter, everything is connected fine but when I turn on the monitor, it says cable not found... and nothing is displayed on the screen but on the Macbook side of things, it sees the monitor is connected (I can extend the screen and leave the screen) but other than that, it appears I cannot get an image on the monitor, pressing every button on the monitor does not work either.
Any other information that may seem necessary, let me know. I tried clearing my PRAM and clearing the power and such but nothing seems to work.
I'm wanting to hook up a computer and use my MBP as the monitor, it's only so I can change some settings and then have it running on the network. Is this possible? I'm currently in my home in Germany, where I have 3 laptops and 0 Desktops. So I don't have direct access to a monitor... Unless I steal one from work.
here is what I have:Quad-Display Monitors (all working from PC, 2 VGA and 2 DVI) PC Windows Vista Desktop 1 Keyboard 1 Mouse and a Macbook Laptop.
I do software development (for PC AND MAC) and need the ability to switch between the PC / MACBOOK on my Quad-Display monitors and use the same keyboard and mouse.Please let me know what I need, I assume some kind of switch but in hours of searching google was not able to find anything to handle this. Also what keyboard would i need to handle MAC and PC functions (prefer wireless)
Several manufacturers have tried to produce external graphics card boxes to connect to your laptop. Most have given up, but it seems the only real barrier is bandwidth.
MSI have this:,10527.html
using the Expresscard 34 (max 2.5Gpbs) and say they will switch to USB 3 (4.8Gbps) when it goes mainstream.
Do you think 4.8Gbps is enough to make connecting high end external graphics cards to your laptop a possibility?
I just plugged in my Cinema Display to my MBP for the first time, and for a while couldn't figure out why the heck the computer wasn't recognizing it (though maybe I'd gotten a bad MDP/DVI adaptor).
Then I'd noticed I'd set it via gfxCardStatus to use Intel graphics only. I released it to Dynamic -- and voila! Display recognized. Interestingly, it now also will not accept being set back to Intel only with the monitor connected.
I have a 2011 Macbook Pro, quad core, RAM maxed at 16gb, 250 SSD, and SSHD to replace optical drive, but wanted to know if there was a way to add an external graphics card via Thunderbolt for more screens and faster work in VIDEO editing on-the-go?!?!
I DO have a 2006 Mac Pro that I've also maxed out and it's STILL a BEAST and i love using it... but wanted to see how i could increase my macbook pro too, seeing it can run mavericks and ALL my adobe CC apps too.
Searched and only found info on using a single external monitor, is it possible to run two off of a macbook (not pro) with some sort of external graphics card? It would be outputting to two 1680x1050 monitors. Currently have it with the single one and don't wanna just let my other monitor go to waste (use it for 360 so its off most of the time).
I have been with this problem since 4 months ago. I think after I updated Flash Player it stopped working. I have tried to restart the SMC but it didn't work. I have been taking care of my Mac Pro very well since I bought it last november 2010.
I have a 27" i7. I have a 24" DVI Montior hooked up to it via MDP->DVI adaptor. When the 24" Monitor is on, everything is fine. When I turn the monitor off, the magic mouse tracking on the 27" screen stutters. I am not kidding - it took me ages to figure out that to fix I either need to turn the other monitor on OR disconnect the MDP->DVI adaptor.
I have a late 2008 aluminium macbook, recently "clean" installed snow leopard, everything cool apart from the recurring issue with adobe acrobat pro 9 64bit pdf printer driver, anyway. How do I know whether or not I have the apple firmware updates from this site [URL]. Is there any way of checking or have they just be integrated with the snow leopard install. Also is it still ok the drive makes a noise when you either turn the macbook on and / or when the macbook comes out of sleep. Apple fixed this with a firmware update for the imac and etc, has there been one for the Macbook?