MacBook Pro :: Lion Saves ThunderBird Attachments To Desktop?
May 21, 2012
I have a Macbook Pro with Lion installed. I have a situation where ThunderBird automaticaly sends all attachments I open to the desktop. Unfortunately, this causes my desktop to get all cluttered up. Each time after opening 5-10 attachments, I have to go and delete all of them off the desktop to maintain order on my desktop.
I use Thunderbird for my email and Firefox for my browsing. For both Thunderbird and Firefox I have them asking me where to save files that I download. I have also changed in Safari, even though I do not use this, to save downloaded files in a temp directory I created. However, whenever I open an attachment in Thunderbird it saves a copy of this file to my Downloads directory.
Why are my attachments not showing up as attachments when recieved. They are sent from Mail as windows "friendly" - but never the less always show up inlaid in the mail. The recipient then have to ctrl clik on the documents, save them on the harddrive before being able to fx print.
All data saved on my iMac is saved at 10:23. This means when I go to get info to check when something was saved it says 10:23. The same goes for any instant messages. All logs report a save time of 10:23 regardless of what time it was actually saved.
I just went to Lion and the cloud and am no longer able to get my mail from my .mac address through Thunderbird. Can I fix this or am I stuck with Mail? I don't care about reading mail on my iPhone. The move to Lion and iCloud has done nothing but make life more difficult for me.
I am no longer able to open Mail. I get the message: "Mail can't open because you don't have the necessary permissions to change the folder where it saves information" It then goes on to tell me where mail stores information and to go to that folder and use the Get Info window to change the privileges to Read and Write (which they already were). I authenticate, change them to Read and then back to Read and Write, click the lock and try again. Same result. I tried to take a screen shot of that window and got this message: "Your screen shot can't be saved. You don't have permission to save files in the location wherescreen shots are stored." Last night I tried to take a screen shot and got the same message. I repaired permissions in Disk Utility and there were thousands of permissions repaired.
I'm using MacOSX and Mac Mail. The cub scouts send a weekly newsletter via Scouttrack. When I view this on the Mac, I cannot see any attachments; it's like they are not there at all. When I view it from Outlook on a PC, it doesn't show the little paper clip, but when I open the email, then I can see that the attachments are there.
Is there any way to get the mail application on the Mac to recognize that there are attachments in the email??
Why I'm no longer able to add attachments in ANY program? It isn't limited to email (hotmail, applemail, gmail - tried them all to no avail) nor outside applications that one can post attachments to (craigslist, blog posts, facebook). I've tried Firefox and Safari, they react the same way. Basically, when I go to add an attachment either the button isn't active or it is and when I click it the screen for the open mail (et al) greys out like it's freezing and that's it. No progress, no option, no explanation. It's killing me!!!
I am having trouble with attachments I send not showing up for the recipient when using Mail v5.2. It is a simple JPG, and windows-friendly attachments has been checked when sending.
Info:iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4), Mail 5.2
I fail to receive pdf attachments intermittently using Mail 5.2 running OS X 10.7.3 (Lion). When the attachments do not arrive, I see no paperclip in the attachments column. On a recent occasion, a colleague sent me three consecutive emails, each with 1-2 pdf files attached. The middle one (containing one pdf), shows no attachment in Mail. However, I know the attachment is there, because if I open it on my iPhone, I see the attachment. What's more, if I forward the email to myself from the iPhone, I can now see the attachment again. This has happened several times in the past as well.
I have a new MacBook Pro and when I get emails with attachments the attachments aren't showing up? What do I need to do so I can always see attachments?
I'm unable to send attachments using a either of my 2 Gmail IMAP accounts, one and the other is a business email (ie not a @gmail address). I can send them with no problem via my studio Mac Pro, but my MacBook Pro won't even attempt to send the attachment, with the email popping up saying it Cannot send message using the server.
At first I thought it was because I had Gmail's 2-step authenticaion but again, I've never had problems sending attachments from my Mac Pro. If I log on to my webmail, I can send with no problem on the laptop.
I've removed the account in Mail on my MBP and readded it to Mail with no joy. Does anyone know what could be causing it? I'm pulling my hair out trying to figure out why! My MobileMe account can send attachments, though the Mail seems to constantly forget the MobileMe passwords which is also really annoying!
When I'm in Mail and try to open or save to my computer and then open a pdf in Preview, I get an error message -"The file “Proposal to Seattle City Light - Wolverine Study 6Mar2012.pdf” could not be opened. It may be damaged or use a file format that Preview doesn’t recognize." This happens with all pdfs in Mail. However, if I go to email account on the Internet and download the pdf it opens no problem. This is a new problem, though I can't say if it started happening as soon as I upgraded to Lion or if it happened sometime after (definitely not before).
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Since switching from Entourage to mac mail - having issues with incoming mail PDF attachments. The attachment isn't available in the email so have to go to webmail and open attachments. This is happening with my macbook pro and ipad2.
The new Mail with Lion doesn't display received attachments any more. I just got an important attachment and can't find it. The paperclip icon is visible in the list. In Mail Prefs the Desktop is selected for attachments, but it's not there. It doesn't show up in the body of the email message as it used to in 10.6. Why is that? Is there a folder where Mail attachments go?
Cannot open mail attachments from acrobat 7 with Lion? closing loan, sent me documents - could not open? Why would Apple sell lion when incompatibility with third party software of sender of mail to me?
My .jpg attachments open as a picture inside the body of my note, and do not show up as openable attachments. How do I get them to show just as attachments when sent to a PC? I already have them formatted for Windows in the Mail program. This problem is something new with Lion.
I am trying to send two images as attachments to a user on a Windows machine. The attachments are appearing in-line in the body of the email and do not show as attachments on Windows. I am attaching the 2 images by clicking the paper clip on the new mail message and browsing to the image location to select them. I am selecting both images and they appear in-line in my outgoing message and as attachments. I have checked the 'Send Windows Friendly' box. The Windows recipient can only see the in-line images.
When I email a number of jpegs as attachments (from newly acquired iMac) to pc users they are unable to view them as attachments.
I have removed the auto signature and also changed to Palin Text as suggested in other threads but still no joy!
I also tried a solution suggested in another thread that involved typing something into Terminal which shows works at iMac end to show jpgs as individual attachments but there is no clip when it arrives in outlook on pc just a joined up line of thumbnails.
we regularly have to send emails with several images attached - I know you will suggest using the zip folder but many businesses block these from their systems and the folders are stripped from the email.
Is there a way to have attachments default to appear as icons, rather than previews? wold have thought that would be in preferences, but I can't find it.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacAir, IPad, Iphone 4s
When I try to open a Word attachment to an email I receive an error message stating that the file cannot be opened as it is in use by "another user" and prompts me to open a copy. I click OK and another message tells me the file is not a valid word file and cannot be opened. I have tried saving the files but they still cannot be opened
I've tried the various fixes, including Java prefs, restarting mail and computer, re-installing Java....but still can't see the mail attachments. I send or receive. I get the "missing plug in" message...
When I scan a document with Preview, and I want to attach it to an email, it will not let the attachment show just as a PDF file.It always opens the document in the email. Can this be changed?
I just had to clean-install OS X Lion (10.7.3), I synched my e-mail accounts (Gmail apps account) with Apple Mail (5.3) and some attachments (mainly PDFs and DOCs) are now corrupted when trying to open up in Apple Mail. In the Google Mail web access the corrupted attachments can be opened perfectly.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have Mac Mail 5.2 (for lion). The program run great except when I try to send an attachment (especially a pdf file) which does not reach the sender. The sender receives the email except for the attachment.
The problem is that Mail version 5.2 (1257) doesn't show html content or attachments. Even Apple's own templates from the application itself doesn't show correctly.
I've made sure that the "show remote html content in the Preferences is checked.
I've also tried to rebuild the mailboxes without any changes. Html-content and pictures stil doesn't show. Is there a command for the Terminal that can fix this? MBP 15" 2.2 GHz (10.7.2) 4GB RAM
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
This didn't happen in the past and now if I send any type of attachment from work (png or zip for instance), the attachment only appears as a winmail.dat file on both my MacBook Pro running 10.7.3 and my iPhone running iOS5.1
The important thing here is the attachment is actually being set out correctly. I know this because if I pick it up using the web interface of my mail provider, the attachments are all present and correct.
Therefore the problem lies somewhere in iOS5.1 or OS10.7.3
Occasionally when I remove attachments from a sent mail message, the remainder of the message becomes corrupted and unreadable. I am using OS X 10.7 Lion, latest Mac Mail program. The mail server is a MS exchange server. The attachments are usually pdf files.