MacBook Pro :: Finder Shutdown Unexpectedly Containing A Message Box With A Long List Of Technical Gibberish?
May 28, 2012
macbook froze while online. hard shutdown. when it restarted, an error message appeared saying finder shut down unexpectedly containing a message box with a long list of technical jibberish. after clicking OK that it would send an error report to Apple, the same error message box appeared again and again every time OK was clicked. Now the macbook will not turn on at all
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Sep 17, 2010
I was a Windows user up until a few months ago so this isn't that big a deal, but lately, my MBP takes longer than usual to shut down. Usually, it's no more than 2-3 seconds. Now, most of the time it's normal, but sometimes it takes like 20-30 seconds and there is a spiraling icon (hard to describe, think of something refreshing or loading) on the blue screen. I know it's not a big deal, but I'd like some kind of explanation as to why my MBP is doing this and if it's a sign of worse things to come.
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Apr 1, 2010
I am having issues with the shutdown time of my MBP. Namely, until couple of days ago, everything was fine and the shutdown process lasted for about 5 seconds tops. The other day, when I was about to go to bed and shut it down, the shutdown took unusually long time to execute. From that day on, every shutdown is the same. It lasts for about 40 seconds. This is kinda not that funny, because from time to time, like every couple of months the shutdown would be long like this, but the next shutdown would be very short. I consider this to be normal, as far as I read the various forum posts. What bothers me is that since couple of days ago, every shutdown lasts for about 45 seconds and it is not a problem, since the computer works fine, but is kinda irritating. I also have to mention that no major changes (installation or removal of programs) have been performed prior to this issue, and that my login items list is empty.
I have tried the following:
* Zapping the PRAM
* Executing various Onyx scripts, and used Onyx it to clean various caches.
* Reading, verifying and repairing permission using Disk Utility.
None worked for me.
I am pretty sure there are numerous threads about this or similar subject, but I have not found the one that describes this issue that I have.
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May 14, 2012
My MacBook Pro (Mac Os X.7.4) is very slow for shutting down.
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Feb 18, 2012
When I try to start up my computer it takes between 3-5 minutes to start back up again.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
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May 9, 2012
I just updated now to MAC OX X Lion to 10.7.4 on my 2011 MB AIR. I noticed upon restart or shutdown, it takes around 15 seconds now. Before the update, it just takes less than 2 seconds to restart/shutdown.
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Jun 17, 2012
I keep getting a message saying image quit unexpectedly. Every time I click ignore, reopen, and report it keeps coming back. How can I fix this?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Sep 26, 2006
It's a G5 20" 2.0ghz machine and is 15 months old approx. He was running something or other, nothing very taxing, when the computer unexpectedly shut down. He restarted it and within a few mins it shutdown again. He restarted it again and used it fine for a couple of hours, shut it down and went to bed. Came to it the next day and nothing. No noise, no lights, nothing. He dropped it off at a local authorised dealer and they thought it was either going to be the power supply (�100 to fix) or the main board (�600 to fix). Sure enough he got the call and it's the logic board thats gone. He doesnt have applecare unfortunately but decided to try his luck and contact apple anyway. Needless to say, they weren't in the least interested and told him he'd either have to foot the bill or toss the machine in the bin. �600 to fix one of these is appauling and more than the machine itself is worth but the options are limited. Has anyone else experienced anything like this and if so are there places to get the machines fixed cheaper? I know this goes to show that it's a good idea to stump up the extra cash initially for applecare but �1200 (the price when new) seems pretty bad for 15 months computing and has really put me off recommending iMacs to anyone else. The days when I can construct my own computer with my own components and run OS X on it, and repair it myself cant come soon enough if this is how it's going.
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Sep 5, 2014
i was working on my macbook pro and it shutdown for no reasoned, no warring message. the power cord was more hot than usual. When i restart my computer the time was rest in 2000. i had reprove some only permission. google chrome don't let me surf the web your connection is not private. And i have some stange warring to in safari like it can be fake website.i try to instal Security Update 2011-003 but it tel me you need 10.6.7 to install you can not instal it but i have 10.6.8. Did i have ben hackor my powercord just heat up and my computer just shutdown for security, and have damage some setting that i need to restart. macbook pro, 2.4ghz intel core i5, 8gbmac os 10.6.8
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Feb 24, 2010
I've had my macbook pro for about a month. Its everything you read about when you make the switch. Great build, screen, keyboard, stable, ease of use. Everything...except internet surfing. It's a big disappointment. I spend a lot of time waiting for pages to load..or getting the safari can't open message. (When I refresh this page I often will get the page to pop right up.)
I loaded a plug in recommended in the site "my first mac"...but no difference. I loaded firefox but get the same results. My 3 year old sempron dell inspiron and my wifes new Dell studio 17 both kick the macbook pro's butt in surfing so i don't believe its my home network. I have gone to the genius bar and they did some minor stuff but I have the same issues still.
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Apr 4, 2008
My G4 xserve has shutdown for the second time. The console shows: Forced Shutdown cause - 127. It then restarted. I cannot access it on my network list from any of the PCs this may be unrelated.
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Sep 11, 2014
I cant shutdown my macbook. tried removing the battery. also finder wont open.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 5 years old
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Oct 30, 2010
Is there a way to add a column in the list view that shows what folder a file is in? I know it shows it at the bottom of the window, but that doesn't help me.
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Jun 21, 2014
Whenever I try to open iTunes I get this message saying that iTunes quit unexpectedly while using the libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib plug-in. It did this a few days ago so I tried re-installing iTunes and it worked after rebooting but it didn't work this time.
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Jun 1, 2012
My Tv read Only subtitles that are UTF8 (in order to watch Hebrew subtitles). Until today, I had also a pc and it worked just find there. When I do it on my MacBook (in TextEdit or textWrangler) it shows gibrish.  For sure I encode the srt file to UTF8 but still gibrish subtitles? Does any one know a UTF8 validator so I can double check my files?Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.6.8), Been tested also on MacBook Air Lio
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Apr 29, 2009
It is widely known that the macbooks screen has poor viewing angles and black glowing problems. I found an article that explains why this is so and why the macbook air does not have this problem. Originally all TN based lcd screens suffered from this. To help this problem manufacturers came up with the idea of adding additonal films to fix these viewing angle difficulty which increased the viewing angle threshold before that screen inversion occured (black becoming white/white becoming black and so forth). This article gives a technical explanation of it.Quote:Birefringent film increases LCD viewing angleSunny BainsTwisted-nematic liquid-crystal displays (TN-LCDs) have two major disadvantages when being viewed by more than one person. The viewing angle of the display is limited, and there are gray-level "inversion zones" in which black becomes white and vice versa. Researchers at the Fuji Photo Film Company Ashigara Research Laborato- ries (Kanagawa, Japan) have developed a method of pre- and postcompensating for the birefringence of liquid crystal, thereby increasing the viewing angle but without sacrificing brightness.
The link between birefringence and viewing angle in a TN-LCD is not obvious. Displays are generally backlit with a wide-angle light source. The light first passes through a polarizer that discards about half of it and allows the remainder to pass. This light is now polarized parallel to the direction of the liquid-crystal alignment at the bottom of the liquid-crystal cell. The orientation of the crystal changes gradually, however, twisting and tilting so that the alignment at the to�of the cell is perpendicular to that at the bottom. The polarization of the light will be rotated with the orientation of the liquid-crystal molecules. The light can then emerge through a polarizer at the to�of the cell, which is crossed with the polarizer at the bottom.
This technique only works properly, however, for light coming in at right angles to the cell. Though light entering at, say, 30 has the same nominal polarization as the light that is normally incident--because it passed through the same polarizer--the 30 light experiences the liquid-crystal cell very differently. The polarization components are effectively tilted and so are not as compatible with the birefringence of the tilted, twisted-nematic liquid-crystal molecules. Instead of being neatly turned, the polarization of wide-angle light can be severely skewed by the cell, with perpendicularly polarized components being "pulled" in different directions. Such unwanted manipulation means that much less of this light makes it through the second polarizer and so into the corresponding output angle for the display.
The only way to work around this problem is to make the light travel through the same kind of chemical structure but with opposite (negative) birefringence properties (see Fig. 1 on p. 53). In this way, any polarization skew can be inverted and subsequently neutralized. Fuji researcher Hiroyuki Mori has accomplished this by using a negatively birefringent discotic compound--a substance made u�of disk-shaped molecules--and tilting them to emulate the liquid-crystal structure.1,2 The "twist" is achieved by "crossing" the films--matching their orientations to the rubbing (alignment) direction of the to�and bottom of the liquid-crystal cell (see Fig. 2).
By using the compensator film, Mori was able to enhance the vertical and horizontal view zones of a TN-LCD and completely eliminate the upper inversion zone. For instance, the upward vertical angle at which the contrast ratio dropped to 10 (from 100) increased from about 25 with a normal display to 40. The lower inversion zone, which could appear when viewed from almost any angle below the normal, was pushed down so that it could never be seen above -20. It could not be eliminated, however, because the compensation film is not active and cannot, therefore, compensate for pixels that are off.
Though making the compensation film switchable is not currently being researched, other improvements are possible. In particular, Mori`s simulations show that birefringence compensation would be more effective if the "twist" of the compensator more accurately imitated that of the liquid crystal.This is now referred to as TN+FILM and is used in almost every desktop lcd.
The macbook does not have those compensation films which is why it has a poor contrast ratio and has poor viewing angles. The macbook pro and air have these additional films as do most non apple computers with the exception of a fewer low end manufacturers.
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Sep 19, 2009
Have re-installed 10.6 and migrated stuff from a backup made on a external drive - any ideas what this messahe means? keep getting it pop up every hour!
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Jul 27, 2008
I can't get Safari to launch. I keep getting the error message that Safari unexpectedly quit. I am using OS X 10.4.11 and Safari 3.1.2. Firefox works. I tried launching Safari with another user and the same thing happens. Do you know what the problem might be?
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Mar 16, 2012
At startup of my macbook pro with all latest updates installed I keep getting a message that "hlutil has quit unexpectedly". How can I troubleshoot this further?
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Sep 5, 2014
What happens when the error message in the Mail program is long that you cannot get to the bottom of it? I cannot click it or even access this email from a folder or mailbox to delete it. Am I going to be stuck with it for eternity???Â
MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.1)
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Apr 12, 2012
my mac shuts down with the message "unexpected shutdown due to RAMBoostMaster.tmp" I am running OS X 10.6.8.
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Sep 18, 2009
In Mac Mail, any images attached to a message are reduced to 320 pixels on the long edge, this happens with all image file formats pixels including .jpg, .png and .tif etc. regardless of original resolution if larger than 320 pixels, it even happens when I simply forward a message that someone has sent containing hi res images.
The only way I can see to get round this problem is to put the images in a folder and attach this to the email.
The system is MacBook Pro, OS 10.5.8, Mail version 3.6 used as an exchange client, it also happens on 10.5.5/Mail 3.5
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Mar 5, 2010
It happened 3 times today and at most 20 times within the last 3 months. When using Quick Look to view movie files, the movie freezes and the Finder restarts. Kinda annoying. No error message shows up after the restart.
MBP 2.66GHz
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Jan 14, 2010
I am having intermittent problems with MacBook Pro Intel Core 2 Duo 2.2GHz with 6GB RAM (yes, six GB) and a Seagate 500MB/7200RPM Snow Leopard OS 10.6.2
Mail will quit when I try to add an attachment
If I go to the Finder from another application, the Finder quits and windows disappear. If I select "new finder window" finder repeatedly quits. After 10 or fifteen times (usually I just restart) I can get the finder window to stay open.
Using Safari and selecting a file to upload causes Safari to quit. Firefox works fine.
I have done a clean install. Problems persist intermittently.
Any advice on how I can fix this?
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Feb 27, 2012
I can't get my Outlook to print a list of attachments when I print a message.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 20, 2012
I've recently migrated to Lion and am finding the new layout of Mail frustrating as it shows my mail by the recipient rather than the sender. As the recipient is usually me, I have what appears to be a inbox of emails to myself but I have to open each email (or preview it) to reveal who actually sent it to me. Is there a way to have the sender (From field) showing in the list rather than the To field?
I need to have them sorted by Date so that the most recent messages are at the top. But when I choose View > Message Attributes the option to select "From" is already ticked but it is also greyed out. I have temporarily fixed this by using the classic view but I would really like to know how to do this in the new view?
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May 22, 2012
Finder bouncing in dock, splash screen says finder has unecpectedly quit while trying to restore its windows. button for restore or don't restore don not fix problem
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Apr 13, 2012
I've update my hdd from my macbook pro 13" mid 2010 to an ssd. I've done a fresh install and imported all my apps and settings from my old hdd. Since that time I have 2 problems: when my mbp goes out of battery it shut down instead of hibernating and when I turn it on my finder is indexing my home folder! I have hibernate mode set to 3 as normal.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 15, 2012
1) I can't launch Finder, the message box "Finder Unexpectedly Quits" appears repeatedly 20 to 20 seconds.
2) Finder Menu Bar is desappear, i can't get acess to any folders.
3) I can't acess the "Trash." Â
* Note: I create another account and in this new account the Finder / Finder Menu Bar and Trash works perfectly. But i want to try to solve my problem on my actual account.Â
* Note: Before this Problem appears i installed the WineSkin app, and then i recieve this kind of issues:
1) I "catch" the "Kernel Panic Box" twice. (At the moment this one is solved)
2) I was stuck on the Login Screen. (This one is solved, also)
3) Now i tried lot of solution's from this forum, no success
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jan 13, 2009
I am having problem with my Mac Air. For some reason when I go to Finder, there is no list of Shared computers. However, when I open Finder on my MacBook Pro it shows all shared computers in the area. From my MacBook Pro I can see the shared Mac Air, but nothing in shared of Mac Air. All shared setting on on MacBook Pro. Plus there more shared computers on the network. I think something wrong with Mac Air settings.
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