MacBook Pro :: Eject A Stuck CD From A 15 Inch?
Apr 24, 2012How do you eject a stuck CD from a 15 inch Mac Book Pro?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
How do you eject a stuck CD from a 15 inch Mac Book Pro?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I inserted the cd in my MacBook. But I'm not able to take it out. I have also windows installed in the system. I'm in mac os now. But I'm not able to take the cd.
View 2 Replies View Relatedi have a macbook pro and i was looking up old cd's and one of them stuck in my drive there is no icon shown and the cd is slowing down my computer and i can't open finder, itunes and many more applications. How do i eject the cd?
MacBook Pro, 13 inch
Recently, I just discovered a stuck pixel on my 13-inch MacBook Pro. I got it in June 2010 and somehow, there is a stuck pixel near the bottom of the screen. I have tried the widget where it flashes red, green and blue on a small area, but it didn't work. Oh yes, it appears, that using the widget, the pixel only appears when it is green, but not when it is red or blue.
In addition, on a standard background like white or when there is a slight tint of blue like the slightly bluish lines in Finder (in list view). However, the pixel cannot be seen on a black background. Even when the brightness is lowered, the pixel is highly visible, until of course when the brightness is zero.
Can anyone please offer some advice? I believe that it is the only stuck pixel I discovered so far.
I did insert a dvd a few days ago and now it doesn't appear anywhere and I can not eject it. But when I turn on the computer the disc drive makes strange sounds. How can I eject it?
This is pretty urgent. I've got a late 2008 15 inch MBP (the one with the express card reader) and I put in a DVD and it wouldn't read it. As it didn't read it, I can't eject it, and this is pretty bad.
View 3 Replies View RelatedMy Superdrive was making a funny noise, so I quickly ejected my game disc so It wouldn't ruin it. A few minutes later, I had to burn a DVD, so I put in a blank DVD, and tried to burn my iDVD project to it. iDVD kept telling me to put a disc in. I hit eject, and nothing happened. I went to my desktop, and noticed that "Blank DVD" was not present. So, I have a disc stuck in my MBP, and my Mac doesn't think there is a disc in there, so eject doesn't work. What do I do? Should I just bring it in the Apple Store?
View 2 Replies View RelatedOver active 3 year old put two discs into our 13" Mid 2009 MacBook. How to remove them. Hitting the eject key does nothing.
View 1 Replies View RelatedA disk is stuck in the optical drive and the Mac isn't picking it up and I can't eject it.
MacBook Pro
I started burning a data DVD in itunes and I decided that it was taking to long so I canceled it, well now I have a disk in my drive the the computer does not recognize is there, and it is stuck! The eject button does not work at all.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI have a old 2.0 GHz MBP and there's a dvd in it that it wont recognize or eject.
View 8 Replies View RelatedOn my macbook the disc thing (where you insert your disc) might be broken. When I put a disc in there it becomes stuck. What should I do?
View 8 Replies View RelatedAs a new IMac user (24 hours) I decided to copy my entire CD collection on to my computer. I now have a CD that is stuck in my IMac. It doesn't read/display at all, nor will it eject when I select this option from ITunes. Is there a way to manually eject the disc or another way that I may not be familiar with given my lack of apple experience? I have over 500 CDs to copy and I have only done 10 or so when this occurred.
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can I make my imac to expulse a DVD?, the computer does not recognise it; it makes noise as if trying to read it but it does not come out; I have tried with "eject" when restarting the computer, restarting having the mouse pressed down.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
My Mac was acting up would not recognize my mouse. I inserted Mac Tool 6. Now computer frozen can't. Get it to boot. Can't get tech tool 6 out.
iMac (27-inch Late 2009), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Mac Mini CD will not eject from drive?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI went to install Windows XP via bootcamp as I no longer have a windows XP machine, but still need windows XP for a few things work related. The install failed, the CD I used was kinda scratched and it missed a few of the files during installation so I skipped them (usually not an issue as they were driver files and such). Well the installed failed and cannot complete. Now I'm stuck in a vicious loop where it wants to try and complete the install every time it boots. I'm using a non-apple keyboard, when I try to hold down what would be the equivalent of command+option+O+F it does nothing and either starts the windows installation all over or tries to continue and finish the current install. No matter what, no luck getting the windows disk to eject.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have a black Macbook that my son inserted a cd disc thinking it was a movie. I believe it was a CD from his mother's HP laptop computer. The disc icon does not show up on the desktop and the disc will not eject. How do I get this disc to eject? I have tried restarting my Macbook and have held down the eject button, but to no avail.
View 9 Replies View RelatedI inserted a blank disk earlier today. Automatically a hazard icon appeared where the eject icon should be. Now the disk wont come out and there is no obvious way to remove it.
View 4 Replies View RelatedMy Intel based imac (purchased in Sept 07) won't boot up because there's an unreadable movie dvd in the disc drive that won't eject... when I turn on the computer, all that happens is it plays the opening chime and displays a white screen... I'm wondering if someone can help or suggest what's going on: Basically I put a movie dvd in my imac that my regualar dvd player wouldn't play so I thought I'd try it in my imac. Once inserted, the disc drive tried to read it but it wouldn't mount, it just made an odd spinning/grinding sound. It wouldn't eject using the keyboard eject button so I shut down my computer so that I could call a friend to ask for advice.
My friend gave me several options to try - holding the left mouse button at start up, hold C down on keyboard, command option O F to open firmware, reboot pram but non of them work. Basically when I start my imac it immediately tries to read the unreadable dvd and doesn't get to the normal start up procedure, it just shows a white screen and chokes on the dvd. Is there a way to manually eject the cd or does the machine have to be opened up and the cd physically removed? Is it likely that my imac will start up normally once the unreadable dvd is removed? I hope my hard drive hasn't gone bad because I haven't backed it up in a long time... Is there a strong possibility that my hard drive is toast?
long time user of "tray-based" CDROM drive PCs, I never thought of checking what could happen with an iBook and a small form factor CD (mini-CD, as they also call them) ... that is untl today, when I pushhed one of those into my new iBook drive. Now the CD is neither inside fully (to be - I was hoping - pusdhe back by the "eject" key), nor having anything to grab it from, sticking outside the drive. Anybody having run into this problem before? My laptop is brand new, and I would hate to start disassembling stuff, thus loosing the warranty, if I could avoid it.
View 7 Replies View RelatedBattery
I had a 11 inch air 1.4GHz/4GB/128GB for two weeks. I usually set the brightness to 75% and for consistent web browsing (no heavy flash) I can get about 5h15min battery life. I noticed someone here claiming 8+ hours battery on 13 inch so I decided to give it a shot.
I got a new 13 air with 1.86GHz/4GB/128GB yesterday and start to run on battery immediately. I was disappointed. The brightness was also set to 75% and I start to count the time from 25% while browsing And it only took 1h38m for battery descending from 25% to 0%. Again, pure web browsing and no heavy flash.
So here is my conclusion: On 75% brightness, 11 inch air's battery performs beyond advertised 5 hours and 13 inch's battery performs fair and normally should give you around 6h30m~7h.
I don't have equipments for measuring the noise, but while copying the same 10GB files from external drive to the machine, the fan noise from 13 inch is much louder than 11 inch.
Now I like my 11 inch more in general, although I really hate the 1366 x 768 screen. I don't know if I should sell the 13 inch or 11inch...
On my 11 inch air: battery capacity 4664
On my 13 inch air: battery capacity 6634
I will do another test to see how long exactly my 13 inch can last after a full charge
How to eject an installation disk, the eject button won't work?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.6)
To those contemplating on picking up the 11-inch MacBook Air or the 13-inch MacBook Air, I thought it would be helpful to list the differences between the two.
Below is what I've compiled so far (in no particular order):
1) SD Card Slot is on the 13" MacBook Air, not present on the 11"
2) Higher clock speed configurations on the 13" (1.4 GHz/1.6 GHz vs. 1.86 GHz/2.13 GHz)
3) 6MB of shared L2 Cache on the 13" vs. the 3MB on the 11"
4) 1066 MHz frontside bus on the 13" vs. the 800 MHz on the 11"
5) Larger capacity battery and an extra 2 hours of battery life on the 13" (7 hour 50-watt-hour battery on the 13" vs. 5 hour 35-watt-hour battery on the 11")
6) Slightly larger trackpad and more room for your palms while typing (hey, it's true!)
7) 16:10 1440 x 900 13.3" Display vs. 16:9 1366 x 768 11.6" Display
8) The 13" model weighs in at 2.9 pounds while the 11" weighs in at 2.3 pounds. .5 pound weight difference
If you have anymore differences between the two models, post below and I will add them to the list!
I am trying to use my HD Sansui 32 inch LCD TV as a monitor for my Macbook. I can't work out how to set it up properly. My macbook is running OS X 10.5.8. My TV supports 1920 * 1080 HDMI 60Htz NTSC and various other resolutions. I am using a mini DVI to DVI adapter and then a HDMI lead to the tv. Problem one is that when I switch the Macbook on and close the lid nothing comes up on the TV screen (meaning it is supposed to only driving one screen, the TV). If I do this with the VGA connection it will. Momentarily the apple symbol will come up and the little circle below it but then my TV says signal not supported.
If I have the Macbook lid open when I switch the computer on both screens will work and I can select 1080P, however it is very grainy and not pleasant to read text. I think it looks better using the VGA. I have heard of people getting nice crisp display with HDMI so I am wondering if I am missing something? Is there any other software that can be used to get better results? Which text smoothing settings should I use? Are there other settings? I am using it on my desk so I guess it is about 2 foot from me. I will post my display details in a minute but my computer details are the following:
2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
1 GB 667 MHz DDR2 SdRam
I'm getting one for school and i'm going to have to carrying it aroound quite a bit, so the 11-inch seemed appeling at first, but then i noticed that there is a few pros to the 13-inch than the 11 inch: There's an SD card slot on the 13 inch, which i could care less about, the screen has higher resoulotion, which i don't really care about eiether, but the one difference was that the 13 inch has two hours more battery life, which kinda got me thinking towards the 13-inch. So what do you guys think, is it impossible to work on the 11.6 inch and should i go for the 13 inch, or should i go with the ultra-portability of the 11-inch?
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View 3 Replies View RelatedHello everyone, I'm currently looking to buy a 27 inch imac and can't decide whether to get a base i3 27 inch or a refurbished i5 quad core 27 inch. With the i3 I can get the student discount and qualify for the ipod, but the i5 is 23% off right now. Which should I get? Also is there a benefit of getting a 5 series graphics card over a 4 series graphics card?
View 4 Replies View RelatedI'm not a total newbie with mac and computers in general, but I cannot get the one and only super drive to eject... yes, I have hit the eject button, it shows the eject icon in the screen and can I get the thing to eject?
View 17 Replies View RelatedI rarely use my superdrive, so I thought it might be more practical to have the button eject my external hard drive(s). Is there a way to do this through OS X or a third party app?