MacBook Pro :: Computer Takes Too Long To Connect To New Website?

May 14, 2012

Many times my computer takes too long to connect to new website. I have wireless internet (time capsule) and I am running a pretty powerful real time financial work program at same time, what is the best solution? Upgrading speed from cable network? is it a hard drive issue? do I only need to "clean out" the computer? Or all of the above...not to computer saavy.  It is a Macbook Pro  osx 10.6.8 (late 2010).

MacBook Pro (17-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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MacBook Air :: WiFi Takes Long Time To Connect

Jul 1, 2014

My MacBook Air (13-inch, mid-2013) takes a long time to connect to any wi-fi network (~ 30 seconds), including known/previously connected ones. Upon wake from sleep, the network will have disconnected and will have to reconnect, again taking about 30 seconds. Also, I notice that even when the display turns off briefly, the network will still disconnect. It does not matter which network it is. However, Power Nap notifications will still show up and be up to date upon wake, suggesting that the disconnection is happening only when I wake the computer. 

Things I have tried:

- removing all networks

- toggling wake for wi-fi network access and put hard disks to sleep when possible

- setting Location

- deleting all network system preference files and restarting

- resetting SMC

- restoring OS X Mavericks (10.9.3, clean install) with no recovery of network settings 

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MacBook Pro :: Internet Is Very Slow - Takes A Long Time To Connect To Sites

Nov 30, 2014

my internet connection is very slow - i get the twirling ball for several seconds before connecting

MacBook (13-inch Mid 2010)

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OS X :: Since 10.6.3, Ssh W/x11 Forwarding Takes A Long Time To Connect?

Apr 12, 2010

I'm not sure if the OS upgrade to 10.6.3 is involved or not, but I've noticed that all of a sudden, ssh connections to my Linux box would take like 30 seconds before I'd get a prompt. I tried lots of different things to resolve the problem, but what finally worked was disabling "-Y", forwarding X11. Can anyone give any insight into this and help me resolve it so that I can forward X11 without the connection taking forever to establish?

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OS X :: Computer Takes Long Time To Boot Up

May 3, 2010

My computer takes pretty long time to boot up and even though there is not much under /Library/StartupItems/ it still takes too much time.

mbp:~ alexus$ ls -la /Library/StartupItems/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 6 root wheel 204 May 3 13:18 ./
drwxrwxr-t+ 70 root admin 2380 Mar 12 11:42 ../
drwxr-xr-x 8 root wheel 272 Oct 26 2009 IPSecuritasDaemon/
drwxr-xr-x 5 root wheel 170 Apr 19 12:31 VirtualBox/
drwxr-xr-x 5 root wheel 170 Sep 23 2009 tap/
drwxr-xr-x 5 root wheel 170 Sep 23 2009 tun/
mbp:~ alexus$

Where else I can look what's being executed upon boot? because under process I see BlackBerry's Daemon (I'm no longer BlackBerry user, I'm okay to leave Application, but I don't want it to boot up during startup) and I'm pretty sure there is other stuff as well.

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OS X :: Turning On The Computer It Takes Very Long To Get All Log-in Apps Started?

Nov 10, 2009

When turning on the computer (from a completely off state) it takes very long to get all my log-in apps started. Safari pages don't just appear anymore, there is actually some loading time.... some apps just aren't as snappy....

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Restarting Computer Takes A Long Time?

Jun 23, 2012

My computer crashed last night. When I started it back up, the permissions on one of my internal drives in my Mac Pro that I store data on had changed. This caused some problems when trying to open applications with files stored on that volume (i.e. my Adobe Lightroom catalog). I fixed these issues, and then restarted my Mac. When I did, I saw this: 

I've since restarted my computer a few times, and it's doing this every time. 

Mac Pro 2.8 (Early '08), Mac OS X (10.5.2), 10 GB RAM, 74GB 10k Raptor, 2x 750GB RAID, 23" ACD

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OS X Mavericks :: MBP Takes Long Time To Connect To Internet When In One Room (not Others)

Sep 3, 2014

My brand new MBP is taking ages to connect to the internet when in the living room but not in the study (where the router is). 

Two things are odd about this: 

1.  It IS connected to wifi, i.e. all the bars of the wifi symbol are black, indicating a strong signal.  The problem is that, using Chrome (and Safari), when I enter a web address, it just hangs for ages then eventually, sometimes after 5-10 minutes, it connects, and thereafter things tend to be fine. 

2.  My very old Dell laptop connects MUCH more quickly; I simply don't have the same problem with it.  It seems to not only find the wifi signal but to access websites more or less immediately. 

On the one hand, given this only happens when in the living room, some distance from the router, I would think the problem is simply that the wifi signal is too weak.

MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2014), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)

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MacBook :: It Takes Long To Go To Sleep

May 30, 2012

My macbook used to take about 5 seconds or less to go to sleep when I would manually put it to sleep. It now takes about a minute for it to go to sleep. I read  on a forum that you may have a job stuck in the printer que. This is not my problem. I've tried to start in safe mode and it's still not fixed. I've also checked the permissions and repaired those.

Info:MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Startup Takes Indefinitely Long

Mar 21, 2012

Lately I have been having troubles with my Mac Book Pro 13", updated to OS X 10.7.3.

I noticed it takes reaaaaally long to startup after updated OS to the latest version, as with the previous one it was working just fine. 

Most of the times, it crashes before being able to load all information on desktop (Note: I always quit all applications before switching it off, so it doesn't have to load any of them) 

Once it started, then it works ok, not even particularly slowly. 

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1)

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MacBook Pro :: 13" Occasionally Takes Too Long To Shutdown

Sep 17, 2010

I was a Windows user up until a few months ago so this isn't that big a deal, but lately, my MBP takes longer than usual to shut down. Usually, it's no more than 2-3 seconds. Now, most of the time it's normal, but sometimes it takes like 20-30 seconds and there is a spiraling icon (hard to describe, think of something refreshing or loading) on the blue screen. I know it's not a big deal, but I'd like some kind of explanation as to why my MBP is doing this and if it's a sign of worse things to come.

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MacBook Air :: Battery Takes Long Time To Recharge?

Feb 17, 2008

Does any of your macbook airs take super long to recharge? Mine was at 33% and it took almost 6hrs. I already tried to re-calibrate the battery and did the PMU reset thingy

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MacBook :: Takes A Long Time To Find Network?

Jan 28, 2009

I recently had to have my Macbook Unibody screen replaced. After they replaced the screen, they forgot to install the airport card. They had to take the computer back and replace the airport card. Now every time I turn on the airport card it literally takes like a minute to find any networks. That doesn't seem like a long time but next time you open your macbook see how long it takes to find networks. What should I do? Also when ever I click on the airport logo it says it is constantly scanning. Even when i am connected to a network.

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MacBook Pro ::takes Long Time To Load While Booting

Jul 2, 2009

I have a MBP, the model before the new unibody anyways the last few days the tool bar above that has the wifi battery status and so forth takes a long time to load while booting what gives ? Anyways this just started a few days ago, do not know if I had installed something to slow it down.

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MacBook Air :: Final Cut Express Takes Long For Exporting

Jan 22, 2009

Anyone using final cut express ver 3.5 or 4 on their macbook air first generation? I use that on my MBA and everything seems alright except takes damn bloody long for exporting to quicktime HD and rendering too.

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MacBook Pro :: Battery Recharging Takes Long Time?

Jun 4, 2012

Battery takes a long time to recharge on this 3 year old Mac Book Pro--looking for ways to speed up?

MacBook Pro

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MacBook :: Pasting Into Textedit Takes A Very Long Time?

Jun 23, 2012

I'm not sure when it started, though it was definitely after I updated to Lion, pasting into Textedit started taking longer and longer!

It doesn't seem to matter how much I'm pasting; I tested it by pasting one word, and pasting a paragraph, and they both took long enough that the spinning wheel came up for several seconds. 

MacBook, Mac OS X (10.7.4)

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MacBook Pro :: Takes Really Long Time To Restart After Battery Drain

May 13, 2012

Last night I had a weird experience with my mid-2011 MacBook Pro; I went out to dinner and came back to find the cat had kicked the power cord out, draining the battery. I've had this happen before and wasn't too worried; it's always just restarted after I plugged it back in. This time, however, I plugged it in (getting, perplexingly, a green light on the cord) and nothing happened except for the sleep light slowly flashing; it didn't respond to any pressing on the power button, and the sleep light disappeared if I unplugged the cord. The battery test button on the side got one flashing light (meaning, I believe, a dead battery), which also didn't work if the computer was unplugged.

I left it plugged in while I hunted for info on the problem and about an hour later had just decided that I was going to have to take it in to the Genius Bar when it suddenly booted up. The cord light turned orange and it proceeded to fully recharge over the next two hours. Is this normal behavior after a battery drain? Should I be concerned? Is it worth taking the computer in to get the battery checked, or some other element of the comp? (some of the things I looked at were talking about the logic board, which is not a happy thought) iStat Pro claims the battery is at 41% health, 111 cycles, which I would think would mean it has some life in it yet.

MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.7)

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MacBook Pro :: Safari Cannot Open Message - Pages Loading Takes Long

Feb 24, 2010

I've had my macbook pro for about a month. Its everything you read about when you make the switch. Great build, screen, keyboard, stable, ease of use. Everything...except internet surfing. It's a big disappointment. I spend a lot of time waiting for pages to load..or getting the safari can't open message. (When I refresh this page I often will get the page to pop right up.)

I loaded a plug in recommended in the site "my first mac"...but no difference. I loaded firefox but get the same results. My 3 year old sempron dell inspiron and my wifes new Dell studio 17 both kick the macbook pro's butt in surfing so i don't believe its my home network. I have gone to the genius bar and they did some minor stuff but I have the same issues still.

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MacBook Pro :: Starting Apps Takes Extremely Long Since Upgrade To Lion X

Mar 18, 2012

My MacBook Pro seems to take long to start any application, especially when it was in standby. I bought it in 2009 and wanted to use iCLoud. Therefore I bought Snow Leopard, Lion and new version of iPhoto. Is it just the consequence of the upgrades that are too heavy for the "old" processor?

MacBook Air

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MacBook :: Trash Takes Amazingly Long Time To Delete Files

Mar 25, 2012

it takes a long time for my TRASH CAN to delete even small files.

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MacBook Air :: Thumb Drive Takes Long Time To Show Up On Desktop?

May 30, 2012

I have a thumb drive that if i plug it into my MacBook Air in the left usb port, it takes at least 3 minutes before it shows up on my desktop, sometimes MUCH longer.  If i plug it into the right USB port, it shows up after a minute.  If I plug this same thumb drive into a PC, it shows up within seconds.  If i plug a different thumb drive into either USB port on the Air, it shows up within seconds. 

It's a FAT32 thumb drive, and i've already tried reformatting it and the same stuff happens.  I've even had disk utility check it out and nothing's wrong.  I'd guess the thumb drive is bad but it works instantly if i plug it into a PC, so guessing that's not it. It's a 10.6 MacBook Air.

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OS X :: Mac Takes A Long Time Logging In

Aug 6, 2010

Basically I have a MacBook Pro which logs in fine when I'm at work but when I'm on my home network it takes like 5 minutes to authenticate. All appearances are that it's trying to reach my work network to authenticate. Short of disabling wireless or having it prompt for my home network password before joining wireless, is there any way that I can either shorten the timeout or have it bypass network authentication when I'm at home?

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Mac Pro :: It Takes Long Time To Start Up

Mar 30, 2012

My Mac Pro takes two minutes to start up.  It is also sluggish during normal operation.  I have Parallels and a external hard drive installed. Do either of these contribute to this problem? Or is there a program that can be used to defrag the hard drive. (I recall having similar problems with my IBM computer.  When it was defragged the performance of the unit improved).

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)

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OS X :: Snow Leopard Takes Too Long To Sleep?

Aug 30, 2009

I recently upgrade my leopard to snow leopard and when ever i put the computer to sleep it takes quite a while for it to actually go into sleep mode.

Now I tried pmset with no success like so: sudo pmset -a hibernatemode 0

Why does snow leopard take so long to go to sleep, does anyone else have this issue? Is there anything else i could try to fix it. It says hibernatemode is 0 in pmset info table.

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OS X :: Web Pages Takes Really Long Time To Load

Jan 15, 2010

I own a MacBook Pro (bought new in June-July 2009) and are having problems with my WiFi. I mostly use FireFox on both my mac and windows computer. I use a linksys router and have AT&T DSL. A lot of times web pages take really long times to load or do't even load at all. Web pages on my windows computer load almost fine.

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Applications :: ChronoSync Process Takes Too Long

Jun 10, 2010

I just installed chronosync to sync the Home folders of my two macs together. I think everything is syncing fine but the process takes so goddamn long that I'm wondering if it's normal. The first sync took like 5 hours just as I expected because I have a lot of files. I thought all syncs following that would be shorter, because the program would only look for the changed files right? But it looks like it's analyzing every file again.

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OS X :: Terminal Takes Long Time To Load?

Aug 7, 2010

I'm running 10.5.8 on my MBA. Lately I noticed when I start terminal, the program seems to launch right away. However the terminal window stays blank for a long time before the command prompt shows up. during this time usage of Safari becomes very slow too so feels like it's hugging on to some resource.

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Software :: Takes Long Time While Booting

Apr 29, 2008

so a few days ago I tried to install a package of new fonts using font-book. I tried to (stupidly) install something like 1500 fonts at one time, which eventually crashed my machine. When I restarted my computer, it loaded all the way to the desktop where it stalled for like 10mins and then eventually started working OK. Now everytime I restart it, the same thing happens- I get to the desktop and all that loads for the first 10 mins is the little search icon in the top right corner. I tried the restore disks and used the 'store everything in a "previous system" file' option because I am really trying to avoid a clean erase. I've also tried clearing my cache and doing a nvram clear. Nothing has worked so far. The computer is acting like it is doing a lot of extra work in the background but I can't figure out what. I am tempted to think it might have something to do with some junky fonts I tried to install but that sounds too simple. I am running a g5 Imac on 10.4.11.

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Intel Mac :: Takes Too Long To Startup And Bluetooh Isn't Available?

Apr 29, 2012

Hours before the iMac was fine but the next time took too long to startup and when it worked there was not Bluetooth available. I did already repair permissions and disk, everything seems to be fine, the status of the volumen is "verified", but still taking too long to start up and no news from bluetooth. In /Library/Preference Panes/ there is a Bluetooth pane.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.4)

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