MacBook Pro :: Can't Copy And Paste Files Between The Two Partitions?
Jun 5, 2010
I am loving my new MBP to death but still grinding my teeth about some of the transitions to the Mac world... Two questions - I can click on my Bootcamp partition and see the files - why can't I copy and paste files between the two partitions? How do people do this? I am running OS X and Windows 7 in either partition - both 64 bit.
Ok - simple file management here that is driving me crazy... Copying a big directory as an over-write to another directory - and it gives me the "do you want to replace this directory" message... I click no - and am amazed to discover that anything new in that directory is NOT copied over. Is there any way - other than just replacing EVERYTHING - to copy a directory over when you just want to add every new file no matter what directory it is in ??? This would be a non-issue in Win 7
I got a Mac Book Pro Intel Core 2 10.5.8 from this morning I cannot drag and drop any files, I cannot copy or paste anything, anywhere. I've tried to fix permission, and disk but everything was worthless?
Is there a key command to copy, cut and paste FILES and FOLDERS in Leopard? On my PC I can select files in a folder and move them around with the standard cut n paste key commands.
this is my first imac, I dont operate windows on it and am stumped. I am trying to transfer my movies onto a media player and external hard drive but it just wont do it. when I just had my previous pc all I had to do was copy and paste and am ready to scream.
I have only recently become an iMac user and can't find a way to copy and paste photos which in turn is giving me lots more folders than I want.Is there a 'dummies' way of learning?
If I have a pdf file and I want to copy and paste it from my Mac's pdf to Word or Excel or to search a word from pdf, apparently I realized that none of these functions work, the command F (Search for a particular word) and Command C (Copy a text and paste) None of these work....
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
I m able to copy and paste selected files from external hard drive to my mac but not the other way around. Im not able to copy files from Mac to external hard drive.
The same is working fine with USB flash memory.
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), The same is working fine with USB
I am new to mac. I am having a Macbook Pro 15" with Intel i7 2.4ghz and AMD RADEON 6770 HD 1GB graphics. I can copy data from my Transcend 32GB pendrive to my MBP but cannot paste any data from my macbook to my pendrive.
i cant seem to be able to copy paste or drag anything on my macbook. I can copy its just when i paste it doesnt work as the 'paste' is grayed out but also keyboard commands dont work either. My drag and drop doesnt work either from itunes files to desktop documents..I havent downloaded anything, and i've restarted my mac to check if that works and it doesnt, i have also repaired permissions but that doesnt work either
I'm new in Lion. Why I can't use the copy and paste short cut if I use it from and to different application, for example from safari to Mac Office Word, from Word to dictionary. However it work if I copied it using the Edit menu and then copy it at the other application by using the Edit menu again.
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Safari, MacOffice, dictionary
My Macbook wont copy and paste anymore using the keyboard shortcuts or the menu options. When I go to copy something that is fine but when I paste it no matter how many characters I have pasted I get a one star character. For example if I copied this text. This is what I get below when I paste it. I don't think that i changed anything in my settings. My Macbook is only a little over a month old 2.4ghz 4 gigs ram OS 10.5.4.
I am not able to cut, copy and paste files on my mac air. I have version 10.8.5. This is a new issue and I now keep on receiving the error message, "The operation can’t be completed because you don’t have permission to access some of the items." I have checked permissions on my files and folders and I (the administrator) have read and write access.
where is the problem- my copy and paste doesnt work anymore. Neither shortcut cmd+c/cmd+v, nor any other way. I used it often and there was no problem before.
I don't know what I have done but recently after copying text, The computer makes a sound everytime I paste? Like an error sound. Before I would copy and paste without any sound now everytime I paste a sound follows.
Suddenly I cannot copy an image on the web and paste it on an email, I am using chrome. The image can be saved and then dragged, but not copied and dragged, not copied and pasted. I have cleared my cache, and rebooted.what should I do? this feature is essential.
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.3.x)
I want to partition my external hard drive for my g4 power based mac running Leopard.I will have one partition for Time Machine and the other for Carbon Copy Cloner.Here are my questions:1. Which partition scheme should I choose for Time machine?2. Does Carbon Copy Cloner work the same way for non-intel macs as it does for intel? Do I need to click on the OS 9 check box to make my version of CCC bootable (I want a bootable clone)? Which partition scheme should I choose for Time machine?
I'm thinking about straight up replacing the HDD in my Mac Pro. If I put the new drive in slot two, use a program like Carbon Copy Cloner, will the boot camp partition and my two OSs be the exact same on the new drive?
I am new to Apple and have always used windows in the past. I always found it easy to right click and copy and paste in windows, but find it very hard with my mac. I try to highlight words that I want to copy and find in hard to bring up the copy sign. What is the quickest way to C and P on the mac
Greetings -- I'm having trouble copying-and-pasting an image from a PDF. When I use Preview or Skim, I can select a region of a PDF and click "copy" and then paste that image into another program -- HOWEVER, the resolution of the pasted image seems to be fixed and not very good.
In Windows using Acrobat Reader, I would just zoom in and copy a region to get a higher-resolution copied image. However, no matter how I zoom in OS X I don't get higher-res copies.
I found a limited alternative, which is to use Previews 'grab' to select a region of the screen and copy as a tiff. This is essentially a 'print-screen' so that the resolution is as good as the current view. HOWEVER, this is rather limited and annoying because one needs to have the entire image able to fit on screen and because one has grab, then open the resulting file on the desktop, and THEN copy and paste from that new file.
Does anyone have tips on how to grab high res images off a pdf?
I have had my 15" macbook pro for about 6 months now. Amazing labtop...
Now i have learned almost all of the keyboard shortcuts and use them very frequently. The main ones I use are obviously + C followed by + V . However, recently my + C refuses to work! To copy something I have to manually go into the edit menu and select copy. Yet, all of my other keyboard shortcuts, including + V continue to work!
I don't understand. How do I fix this? Keep in mind, this has been going on for about a week so the computer has been turned on and off many times.
I have received a link via email, and i would like to copy and paste it to my desktop. I have a PC and have done this on that, but can't figure how to do that on my Mac.
I'm sure it's a very simple process, but I just can't get it.