MacBook Pro :: Unibody Headphone Jack & Speakers Are Not Working?
Mar 15, 2010
I have a Macbook Pro 13" unibody I purchased in June 2009. Just recently, the headphone jack stopped working. I tested many different headphones and speakers, and none of them work. I am suspecting a hardware issue, because when I plug it in, i head the static while it is being plugged in. However it does not switch the audio. The only thing is, if it was a hardware problem, wouldn't it be stuck in the headphone mode because the switcher is stuck?
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Nov 22, 2009
speakers are not working, headphone jack is. Have tried reset pram, and reset the worked fine this morning, at the moment it showing a circle with a slash, and is greyed out in the volume control in toolbar
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Apr 24, 2012
This morning, the speakers on my MacBook Pro (Early '09) stopped working, but the machine transmits through the headphone jack just fine. I've done a PRAM reset, and that hasn't fixed it.
MacBook Pro (17-inch Early 2009), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Mar 3, 2008
My headphone jack for my iMac Intel (white) has stop working. When ever I try to connect a pair of headphones or external speakers, the iMacs internal speakers stop playing but no sound comes out of the headphones or externals.
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Jun 29, 2010
A few days ago I began hearing some strange high frequency noises coming from my internal speakers, and even higher noises when headphones or my external speakers were plugged in. A day later, the noise was only coming from the internal speakers and the headphone jack no longer works. I have the speakers plugged in and the sound still comes from the internal speakers with intermittent high frequency noises and whistling. I'm trying to get back my speakers or headphones in working order.
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Feb 9, 2009
If I pull on my headphones while they're plugged into my unibody any more than .5mm the sound goes back to the Macbook speakers. Are anybody else's headphones this sensitive? I really don't even have to pull on the headphones. The headphone jack doesn't securely hold the cord.
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Jun 19, 2009
Is it possible by any means to use the headphone output and the built in speakers together.The reason I ask is I have a wireless speaker which transmits from the headphone jack. When this is plugged in it sends everything playing on my MBP to the speaker. This is great but I would also like the music to play from my laptop speakers at the same time.
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Jul 18, 2009
Is there a way to play audio through the headphone jack and speakers simultaneously on my MacBook?
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Feb 13, 2010
ok the other day i opened my mac book and i couldnt listen to my music through my speaks and i tried to turn up the music cuz maybe it was on mute but i got a pic like this (If u cant see it but its the speaker up full volume and the not allowed symbol the circle w/ the line through it) and then i discovered that there is a red light coming out from speaker jack and i could only use my sound through headphones or a jack through other speakers (like a sound system) but no only that i can only hear through the right side of the headphones unless i hold the cord a certain way
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Jun 2, 2009
I have my stereo plugged into the headphone jack but would like the sound to also come from the internal speakers when the stereo is off without unplugging the jack in back.I tried going to the sound control panel but it only lists the headphone jack. Is there a way to do this?
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Dec 15, 2009
I feel like I once had a PrefPane for this problem but just am having a hard time searching for it. Currently I have my heaphones jack Line-In routed to my AV Receiver for iTunes music in my room, but whenever I am YouTubing or other stuff while listening to music the System Sounds come out of my Loudspeakers too. I am interested in routing only the iTunes audio through the headphone jack, and everything else to run through my iMac's internal speakers (2007 iMac AL).I saw the SoundFlower thing out there but didn't think that was the ticket
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Sep 12, 2014
The headphone jack on my MacBook Pro is not working properly.
When I plug in my earbuds or headphones only one side of the headphone or earbud is working and the other side is "muted".
I am certain the problem are not my earbuds or headphones because I use them with other devices and they work just fine.
iPod touch, iOS 7
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Sep 25, 2006
Just this past weekend after watching a DVD (used the headphone jack to listen) I am no longer able to hear anything out of the speakers. I also now have a red LED light shining through the headphone jack. Under the 'Sound' option in System Preferences, it says "Digital Out" instead of "Internal Speakers". I've called Tech Support and they haven't been able to help me. My next option is sending my laptop back in to them for service. I'd like to see if there if there is somebody out there that has had this same issue before I lose the laptop for atleast a week.
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Sep 16, 2010
I plug my laptop into external speakers for better sound. Now for some reason they are not working. Its not the speakers because I tried some headphones also and got no sound as well. I just downloaded itunes 10, but the speakers were working fine yesterday so I don't think that is it.
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Sep 29, 2009
I bought my unibody MBP back in late July from the Apple store here. It's been a great machine. Except all of a sudden my headphone jack won't play sound. I realized this last night as I tried to listen to music on it while surfing the web. I've plugged headphones into it maybe 10 times total. And they worked every time before. If I unplug the headphones and plug them back in repeatedly I can get them to work after about the 4th or 5th time. When they do work, the sound is great. Anyway, I made an appointment with the genius bar this afternoon to show them and see if there is anything they can do. Obviously, after paying $2,500 for a laptop I would expect it to run completely flawlessly. But at the same time, I'm hoping they don't offer to replace it with a refurbished one. In fact, I would prefer to not even get a new one. I love this one, I guess I just hope it's fixable.
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Jun 27, 2012
Is there anything I can do with software to get my headphone jack to play in both ears. The jack plays in one ear. I cant figure how to play it in mono.
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Feb 10, 2012
Sound is working fine on my MBA - but when i plug anything into the headphone jack i hear a millisecond of sound then nothing, as soon as i take it out again, it is still playing fine through built in speakers. I think it started happening after i downloaded and installed the latest update but i'm not 100% sure. Tested headphones, stereo etc. and nothing, working. (stereo & headphones work fine through iphone etc. so it's not the cable or the jack) It also does seem like it takes longer for the MBA to recognise something is plugged in? could be a software bug on the new update?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7)
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Jun 19, 2012
Recently I had a issue with my macbook pro so I had it repaired at the Apple Store(problem with the display). They replaced the logicboard(2nd time in 4 months) and the battery. Now after taking it hope and plugging in my external speakers into the headphone jack I get this weird thump sound. It happens twice and I'll watch the audio strength at the top right. Each time it goes from like it's working to a gray color as if it's not or locked. If I try to play something like music with the jack in my entire screen freezes and I have to restart my computer entirely for it to work. Btw there is no red light in the headphone jack. The last time I had the logic board replaced it was a sound problem.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), Just replaced the logicboard
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Jun 24, 2012
My headphone jack stopped working properly on my MacBook Air when running Windows 7 through Boot Camp. It has worked perfectly for the last month, but this afternoon it randomly stopped working. When I try to play music, the bass sounds fine, but the words/lyrics are garbled and softer than the rest of the song. The speakers work fine, its just the headphone jack. Headphones key to getting any work done around my office
Macbook, Mac OS X (10.5)
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Oct 10, 2007
first time i have ever come across. I have a Intel 2 MacBook Pro. There is no sound coming from the speakers even though it is not muted and the vol is turned to the max. There is sound coming if i plug headphones in the jack. Just noticed that there is a red light coming from where the headphone jack is...anyone have any idea how i can get my speakers to work again?
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Sep 19, 2009
I noticed today that the headphone jack on my 13" MBP is not working. I recall it working within the last few days but now nothing. I see no immediate evidence of external damage or foreign object intrusion, and the MBP has not even moved from the desk where it was last used.Suppose I have to go back to the Apple Store to have it fixed, which is a bummer because I literally just had it in there like a week ago to get the optical drive replaced.If the headphone jack does not work, is it required to replace the whole logic board, or is it a part they can typically replace individually? If the logic board needs replacing, do they have to order it in, or do they sometimes keep those in stock? I'd like to know as this might require me to leave the laptop there for several days again which might need some planning on my part.
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Nov 28, 2009
For the life of me i can't get the headphone jack on my mac pro working is there a setting somewhere I am missing?tried several headphones, none work they work on other machine etc
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Feb 20, 2009
I went on vacation to Florida this week, I come back, start up my iMac, plug my headphones in, only to hear audio to come out of my iMac's speakers. I called apple, and I did the whole restart and hold down command, option, P and R and still nothing, I have apple care and he said I should talk to small dog. I called Small Dog gave them a description and said they would have to send it to apple because my logic board might have issues. My question is this
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Aug 29, 2010
I recieved my 27" iMac a few weeks ago and everything has been perfect until a couple of days ago when the headphone jack stopped working.- The built-in internal speakers still work.- Cannot get any sound from any headphones/speakers attached.- Cannot adjust the volume when anything is plugged into the headphone jack. When I try a circle with a slash through it appears.- Under 'Sound' in system preferences the menu reads "Digital Out" and says that it has "no control properties"- Does not work when in Windows 7 under Bootcamp
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Apr 27, 2012
i just got my macbook pro unibody, and first time i insert headphone in the jack the little piece of the head phone gets stuck in the jack. what should i do?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Nov 5, 2010
I've read other threads similar to mine but none of them seem to be exactly what I'm having trouble with.My internal speakers work fine but when I put my headphones in, or any kind of external audio device, it doesn't work. When I press the volume buttons it has the "no sign" underneath the audio gauge. Oh by the way this is a macbook from 2008.
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Jun 22, 2009
I have a late 2008 MacBook Pro and while I think it's cool that I can use iPhone headphones with it I miss using my old school analog headset with a boom. I use skype for calls and find that people have a hard time hearing me with iPhone headphones. Is anyone aware of a splitter for that jack so that I can connect a headphone line and a mic line? I've seen lots of solutions that have a built in mic but I was hoping that there's simply a splitter out there somewhere.
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May 6, 2010
Just wondering does anybody else have a problem with the bad connection from the headphone jack on their Mac? It won't hold in any jack i plug into it and plays audio through the internal speakers unless the connection is pushed right in. It's not exactly the worst thing that could go wrong with your Mac but very annoying all the same!
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Jun 22, 2010
My 13" 4 year old macbook's headphone jack hasn't been working for the last week. I had been using a messed up cord (the adaptor part was bent) to plug it into speakers, and eventually it misplaced or bent something in the headphone jack. This is the important part, the headphone jack still works. If i put in headphones and push the headphone connector thing (sorry I don't know the word) forward (towards the screen) it recognizes and works. This leads me to believe the headphone jack has been knocked out of place or there is something bent in there. Is there any potential fix because I have a lot of plane flights coming up and don't want to be stuck with just the music on my iPod.
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Apr 6, 2012
The speakers arent working and this light is on inside the jack
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 13"
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