I inserted a usb memory device into my macbook's usb port which had virus on it. After that if I insert any usb into my mac, all the files are seen by link extension not only in my mac but also in other windows computers.
Is there any way to remove that virus from my mac, as I cannot use any usb?
I have the aluminum MacBook (<3) and it is often found on my desk, in front of my aluminum desk lamp. I was writing a paper and had one hand on my touchpad and touched my (off, but plugged in) light with my other hand. My screen dimmed just a little bit, approx the brightness between the two highest lighting levels. Even when not touching my touchpad, just touching my light, my screen did the same thing. Depending on WHERE on the lamp I touch, it affects the brightness... but only on the bell surrounding the light bulb, no other components of the light.
I know this happened before in the old Macbook Pros by the look of things when I searched around.Basically there is a noticeable high pitched whine when the screen brightness is either not completely off or max.
I'm trying to update my girlfriend's iPhone for her but unfortunately it won't let her on her own MBP because I've apparently authorized 5 devices with my iTunes. So I was going to use the 'Deauthorize all' function but my only question is will anything be lost or affected, e.g., purchased songs, synced Calendars, etc. when I do this requiring a resync and authorization, or will everything remain on the devices until I reconnect them to my MBP?
is attached to word documents. a friend rid it from my husbands resume which he was trying to upload to monster. there doesn't seem to be a program to get rid of it on a mac. so everythng i open just gets infected on my 3 machines. other than taking it to a pc and running the program my friend had, is there a (program) that will allow me to get rid of it? i know it doesn't affect my machine but pcs will not take these docs. I don't work in word, just use it to open client documents and copy into quark.
I used to be able to use various shopping websites (Land's End, Nordstrom, etc.) without a problem. Recently I tightened the privacy and security settings on my computer and now these sites no longer work. I can access them, but when I go to choose a size or color, or put an item in my shopping cart, it doesn't work. Is this problem related to cookies, to plug-ins, to the firewall, to other browser settings? I changed a few different settings, so I'm not sure which change might be causing these and similar shopping websites not to work properly.
I'm using an iMac (OSX 10.8.5) running Safari 6.1.6.
How many of you would like to see a HDMI Port? Why the miniDisplay port? Why not remove ethernet jack and miniDisplay port and replace it with a HDMI port. That way one HDMI cable feeds digital video AND audio. Am I the only one thinking of this?
My girlfriend downloaded a bunch of programs and I noticed her Windows installation was a lot slower than when it was fresh. She has an antivirus program called "Uniblue RegistryBooster" and I was wondering if that was a reputable antivirus program or something malicious.
I have just ordered a new MacBook Pro and it does not have enough USB ports for my needs.If I have a USB 3.0 hub and I mix USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 peripherals on it, will the whole hub/computer USB 3.0 port be slowed down to USB 2.0 speeds?I am thinking back to Firewire, if you have Firewire 800 and 400 devices on the same chain, the whole chain slowed to Firewire 400 speeds.I don't think this is the same with USB but wanted some reassurance..
Info: iMac, Mac OS X (10.7), MacBook Air, Mac Mini
I am having issues with my Dual Band 1TB time capsule for some reason the damn ports won't forward I have enabled the correct settings with the ip address and the ports, but when I use a program to test if the ports are open they are always closed, regardless on pc or mac. Does anyone have a solution to this? I even reset my Time capsule to see if it would work, but no luck.
Here's the deal, I am so frustrated. I am trying to open port 59152 for Transmission on my Macbook Pro. I have the latest releases of everything, I am using an Airport Extreme base station with an older airport to boost my signal/connect my tivo w/out a wireless adapter. I have managed to get it open in the past but there was an update or something a month or two ago and at first it was still open and then it closed. I don't know what changed with the update, all I know is that I did n't change anything.
I have granted permission for Transmission to accept incoming connections on the firewall, little snitch allows it too. I have lighthouse, which worked at first but now I don't even know why I bother having it run. I have the port mapped through the airport utility.
PLEASE don't say to go to portforward.com because they haven't updated the Airport section since Leopard came out, yet every search I do someone repeatedly tells the person needing help to go to [URL]
I am going to attach some screen captures so you can see what I've got going on and maybe point out something I've missed.
Relevant newbie to the mac world. I have a MBP late 2009. I bought a third party Mini display port to HDMI converter so I can hook the MBP to my 46" Samsung screen.
This works fine, no major issues here. However the picture is not great. I compared watching a standard definition TV show through the MBP then burnt it onto a DVD. The DVD (using the PS3 as my DVD drive, connected via HDMI) had superior quality than through the MBP.
Also the picture does not quite fill the screen. There is a small black border running all the way around the screen. Does not sound significant but when doing the same comparison as above, you notice the difference when via DVD the movie fills the screen. I have played around with the resolution settings. Those that fill the screen chop bits of the mac desktop off, so thats no good either.
So I am wondering why this is? Is it because the mini display port is not a DVI port, hence I am not getting true HD quality picture? How can I overcome this if at all. I'm thinking of getting a mac mini as a media hub/HTPC but want to ensure I dont encounter the same problems.
I recently got a Macbook. I love it so far, I've had it for less than a week. I had been using it at my mom's (she uses on of those Timemachine things. They double as a wireless router right?)Anyways that was working great. Now I'm at my dad's where the computers (PCs) have had histories of viruses, worms, and other bad stuff; this is mainly cause my dad and step family are idiots about downloads and aren't very responsible.
Anyways, I was just browsing the internet today - no weird sites that would be fairly dangerous - and a message popped up saying that I could be infected! I was feeling safe just the other day learning that Macs are very safe from computer viruses and stuff. A windows message popped up to notify me (which is really strange because I had only installed Windows office on this Macbook). But I'm thinking that its a fake message and instead some sort of trojan horse. Could it have come through the wireless network to reach this Mac? I dunno what happened, but I'm scared because this Mac is new and I would really like it to not screw up.
But if it does, I got this Mac through my university, so I have support and a warranty, so I could get this replaced if it got really bad right?
i think my Macbook has a virus I have people telling me that they are getting alot of emails from me what should i do? i changed my password on my email and i deleted all of my emails and restarted my computer?
When I checked my inbox yesterday morning I had several mailer daemon failure notiices. It appeared that during the night my email system had sent out an email to addressess in my address book that I had not used in a long time, a few of which were no longer active emil accounts hence the failure notice. The emil that was sent apears to people as being sent by me and is directing people to a web site. I immediatley updated with the latest apple updates & there were a few old ones that I had missed. Does this mean my computer has a vius? Or has it been hijacked in some way? Also has the time now come to install some form of third party anti-virus/spyware software?
Info: MacBook Pro (15-inch Core 2 Duo), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I know most people say Macs don't get viruses..but earlier I received a notification on twitter that I had a new follower.I clicked on the persons name and it brought me to a new page. It wasn't her twitter profile, but one of those scam-looking- type pages. I didn't even read it, I just ex-ed it out.
In the past, sometimes things pop up, I ex out, and thats the end of it. Every time I try to open a new tab, new window or click into something (like pressing "submit", or "next", or a name on Facebook), one or two other tabs open, obviously those fake/annoying pop up sites, come up.
On my preference settings on safari, it is NOT clicked to go to the new window/tab when opened, and I have "block pop-up windows" selected. (All of the options are selected on the security tab)
I haven't recently changed any settings and this extreme amount of pop ups with every click just started happening after the twitter page thing. Should I avoid putting any personal information into my computer (Ex: checking bank account) until the pop ups stop?I don't think its happening when I try using chrome… Could it just be a safari thing?
i got my macbook pro a few days ago and i'm enjoying it. the only concern i have is that it might get a virus and and i don't want to put 1.5k of US dollars to waste just like that. i always thought a mac could never get a virus so thats why i bought it but i read that there is a chance that getting a virus might happen. so i am wonder should i pay for a virus protection or does it already come with a virus protector and i don't have to worry?
i heard its almost impossible for macbookpro to get viruses but its possible still?? I want to make sure i never get viruses or anything like that so do i need some kind of virus protection? I have a pc and it keeps getting viruses and getting fixed and getting viruses again all cuz im a comp noob lol . This is gona be my first mac..i just bought it on apple online store... And i wana do stuff like stream anime from random sites and my pc got spyware and totally messed up when i streamed anime and accidentally got tricked into clicking an ad..and i also wana download stuff from limewire and stufff like that..would it be safe to do that kind of stuff without protection on a mbp?? Had anyone even got a virus on their mac ??
My computer seems okay, but it has been a little off lately. I don't think anything is wrong, but to be safe, I want to see if i have a virus. Also, it may be a good idea to scan my computer for virus' every once and a while.