MacBook Pro :: Securely Format My Hard Drive Without An Installation Cd?
Jun 15, 2012
I have OS X Lion. I recently purchased this Macbook Pro 15" laptop, and I am planning on returning it, to get the newer upgraded laptop, as the store manager said I can do this, since I purchased my laptop within 30 days of the announcement of a new MacBook Pro. I would like to format everything, before I return it back to the store, however, it never came with an installation cd. How can I do this? I have tried ways that I have heard, such as creating a new admin user account and deleting all the other accounts. Also I have erased all the free space using the disk utility section. However, it will not allow me to erase the hard drive. Is there a way to do this without an installation cd?
Info:MacBook Pro (15-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 6, 2006
I am going to be selling my trusty 12" PowerBook G4 to a friend soon, and putting the money I get from that towards a last revision 15" PowerBook G4. After I transfer my data from the 12" to the 15", I want to completely and securely erase my hard drive. The thing is, I don't know how to do this! I've never formatted/erased a hard drive before.
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Nov 5, 2009
I'm running Snow Leopard on my new Macbook Pro. I've got a 1.5TB External hard drive that I'm trying to figure out how to format in HFS+ with Apple Partition Map. I can figure out how to format in HFS using Disk Utility, however it still does it in GUID format and I do not know how to do it in Apple Partition Map.
Googleing this for hours has lead with all kinds of information on how to go to GUID FROM Apple Partition Map but not the other way around. I know GUID is the new hottness.. but this drive will be used exclusively to connect to my XBOX 360 and it supposedly only reads HFS+ when its formatted with Apple Partition Map. (I have tried it with Mac OS Extended (Journaled) with GUID, and the XBOX does NOT recognize it) I do not want to use Fat 32, (I know that that is the other major option) beacuse it limits file size.
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Oct 13, 2010
Harddrive blew on my macbook and its out of warranty. Can I just buy a harddrive and install it and put in the Mac OSX installation CD and it will be ok. Or is there something fancy formatting i would have to do before installing.
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Nov 15, 2009
Macbook harddrive crashed (flashing question mark folder etc.). Bought new harddrive (2.5 in SATA), and reinstalled. Don't have original installation DVD so used legally acquired Mac OSX. Now instead of folder, the Apple logo appears with spinning gears but otherwise unresponsive. Can't install or eject DVD.
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May 7, 2012
I asked about running Snow Leopard on my mac after a hard drive fail. I'm having issues with formatting a new hard drive in my mac. I have a 2007 black macbook and I'm trying to run a 160gb SATA seagate hard drive. After replacing this hard drive, I booted my mac up from cd, ran through setup fine until I got to the 'select a drive to install to' - the point where my hard drive should be visible. Nothing there at all. Nothing to click on in the box. My question is, is there a process I need to undertake to format the hard drive or is this an indicator of a much bigger problem?
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
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Jun 26, 2012
I recently received a Macbook hard drive for my niece. She trashed her Macbook to the point that i is not worth repairing. I usually work with PCs and am a hardware familar with Macs. I have a ineterested party for the hard drive but they want me to erase the drive and reformat it so they can use on a Mac. They will put on the OS. Is it possible for me to erase it and format it for use on a Mac with a PC? I don't own a Mac.
iPod classic 160GB (Late 2009), Windows
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Mar 15, 2012
I have a Mid 2010 MacBook Pro with (upgraded) 8Gb ram and the original Toshiba 320GB, 5400rpm, 8mb, 2.5" SATA Hard drive, running Lion (upgraded through App store from Snow Leopard). I'm looking at getting a new Seagate Momentus XT 750GB, 7200rpm, 32mb, 2.5" with 8GB SSD built-in. I am fine with the hardware installation, though when I turn it on, as my original OS X was Snow Leopard, would I have to install that, then install Lion over it? Or is there an easier way of just installing Lion onto my new hard drive?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2), 8GB RAM, Lion OSX.
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Nov 22, 2009
I am having issues with formatting my main drive in my Macbook Pro (mid 2009) to install Leopard.
I have booted off of several Leopard and Snow Leopard install discs and attempted to use Disk Utility to format my drive. Everytime I try to format the drive I get one of two errors: 1. input/output error OR 2. Unable to allocate memory.
I have tried using several hard drives.
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May 2, 2012
Verbatim Store 'n' Go USB 2.0 Portable Hard Drive 500Gb
this is a external hard drive i am looking to buy,but it has Nero back it up and burn software already on it,so in order for me to use it on my macbook,would i need to format it?
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Sep 4, 2014
I have a macbook pro with a water damaged keyboard that I am selling for parts. I need to know if there is anyway to delete all of content and or format the HD without the use of an apple keyboard. I have a cheap external keyboard i am using that does not have the apple command and options key.Â
MacBook Pro
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Jul 17, 2009
I just replaced my hard drive today. I booted it up and went to disk utilities to format it and all of that. When I finished I went to restore system from back up and plugged in my external hard drive and the computer said there was no history of back up from Time Machine. This was strange because before I formated the hard drive and tried to restore the information, it recognized that there was back up information. I decided I would re-install the os and try again.
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Apr 1, 2012
Which is the best way to format external hard drive to be compatible with both Lion and windows, and at the same time support high data transfer?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.1)
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Apr 8, 2010
got a real basic question to ask and you're gonna think im an idiot for asking...I just bought a 320gb western digital elements hard drive and want to reformat it so that its compatible for both mac and pc's. i intend to format it as NTFS-3G as it would allow me to use it on the 2 platforms without having the 4GB file size restriction that fat32 has, anyway.....
when I go to reformat my external hard drive in disk utility, I see my external hard drive to the left, and there's a "sub" hard drive as a child of the external hd listed uppermost. just wandering which one of the two do i select before going to Erase>Windows NT filesystem (NTFS-3G)>erase? Do I select the uppermost drive and erase that or the lower one? or both
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Jul 27, 2010
I just got my new Seagate 640gb external hard drive and am in the process of formatting it on my MBP. However, I am not sure which format to do? My main use for the hard drive is for transferring media files back and forth between my MBP and PC using just one partition on the drive. I already know I'm not supposed to pick 'Mac OS Extended (Journaled)' because I believe that is to use it as a boot drive. So should I pick 'Mac OS Extended' or maybe 'Free Space'?
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Sep 8, 2014
How do I format a new (replacement) hard drive without a disk for a 2012 13" Mac Book Pro? I was running 10.7.5 Lion.
MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), iOS 7, Just replaced a failed hard drive.
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Oct 27, 2010
Four days ago my Macbook pro stopped working while I was doing internet. I had to shut it down but it never booted up again. I tried multiple times to format it with disk utility but it never worked utile at my 25th attempt, disk utility finally detected it so I formatted it but when I tried to install OS X, the disk couldn't be detected just as before. I thought that my HD was dead so i bought a new western digital scorpio blue 320 GB 5400 rpm. Now, it's the same story as before, my new hard drive is never recognize by the installation cd.
More infos:
- The drive is turning (it has power)
- With my first HD, i couldn't open the OSX partition but I could open the Windows partition.
- With my new HD in, the installation cd of OS X and windows cant detect the hard drive.
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Mar 15, 2009
Hey guys, sorry this may seem like a basic question but here goes. There are many, many pages, websites and videos on how to install a hard drive into the MP, no problems there what my question is, is what's next?
The HDD is arriving Tuesday, once I have installed what will I have to do to it to make it a part of my current HDD. I assume Im looking at a RAID 0 using disk utility?
Before I do that will I have to install 10.5 on the HDD or just use disk utility to format it?
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Nov 19, 2009
I am having a huge dilemma with my new Western Digital 4TB Hard Drive. It came formatted for Mac OS and I need to format it under NTFS. The problem is Windows will not format it, I always get an error message. I have tried two different machines. The major issue is that I cannot format it to FAT32 first before formatting it under NTFS bc the drive is larger than 2TB. My media player will not recognize Apple's format...
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May 22, 2012
I want to format my Macbook Pro (Intel i7 2.7 GHz) and give it a fresh installation of Snow Leopard. I currently have two partitions on my 500 GB hard drive: the first one with the operative system, and the second one with all the backup data I want to save. Anyone can assure me that, if I install Snow Leopard again through the installation DVD, the second partition will NOT be erased? I have partial backup of the data, but not enough space for everything on my external drives. I just want to make sure that the second partition remains untouched during the installation.Â
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Nov 21, 2007
i tried the online support procedure and all i get is a message to fill in my serial number followed by "your model is no longer under waranty. contact a dealer..." although the link that brought me to that page is supposed to be for do-it-yourself-instructions. thx for a lead. my G5 is sitting in pieces til then.
Dual Core G5, 4GB, 20" Cinema Display, NV7800GT, 4GBRAM
Mac OS X (10.4.10)
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Aug 28, 2009
I just bought this and i have 24 MB left on my macbook, is there an option in the installer to format the hard drive?
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Feb 11, 2010
I've been looking into this a lot the passed few days, but there are a few answers I just can't find.
First of all, I know how to physically take apart my mac and put the new hard drive in. I have the new hard drive, and the tools I need.
The method I chose (before I looked into how to xfer data using macs) was to use time machine to make a backup of my entire hard drive on an external, which I did successfully.
However, before I take apart my mac and instal the new hard drive, there are a few things I want to be clear on, and I can't find the answers to.
Will I need the leopard OS disc for the new hard drive? Or does time capsule back up the OS as well, and give me some sort of prompt (doubtful)?
I have the pre late 2008 macbook pro, and it came with leopard. I haven't upgraded for several reasons I won't get into. My question now is, should I have the leopard OS disc? SHouldn't something like that have come with my mac? I ask because I feel like I should have one, but I don't remember getting one and can't find it anywhere. I always keep things like that.
And lastly, if I don't have the leopard OS disc, what do you think is the cheapest way for me to back up and xfer my data?
I have external hard drives, my new hard drive, and my old hard drive. Would it be cheaper for me to buy one of those things that directly xfers the data from one internal drive to another, or to buy another leopard disc? Is there a way I can just order the leopard disc I should have already for cheaper?
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Jan 8, 2009
I just brought a Western Digital 1TB USB drive for my Mac Pro. Now when I try and format it in Mac OSX journaled it keeps coming up in an error saying it can't be done, It will format as FAT32 but I need it to be Mac OSX formatted. Does anyone know what might be wrong?
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May 5, 2009
I just bought a new WD Elements (1tb) and I am getting an error when I try and format. I wish I could tell you what that error says but I was trying to figure something else out so I chose the disk6s1 and formatted it to os extended but it seems like it is frozen. I am afraid if I force quit it will screw up the drive. This is the 2nd one I have tried, I returned the 1st one thinking the drive was faulty. Now I think I screwed up the drive when I formatted it in disk utility. I have installed 2 western digital internal Hard Drives into my Pro and have used 2 other external HDs both western digitals. If there was any problems with any of my HDs, I would open up Disk Utility and Erase them to be Mac OS Extended (My WD TV won't read Journaled drives).
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Apr 30, 2010
I'm trying to work out how to format my external hardrive so my MacBook Pro, Windows and PS3 can all have read and view access. If it can't be done can this be done: MacBook Pro: Read and View Access Windows: View Only Access PS3: View Only Access My external hardrive is WD 500gb Passport and i'm running Snow Leopard
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Apr 13, 2012
Im trying to install a new g-tech external hard drive and i'm following the instructions to format it as MAC OS EXTENDED.In disk utilities it is only giving me the option of Mac OS (Extended journaled), (journaled encrypted), (case sensitive journaled) and (case sensitive, journaled, encrypted).
Info:iMac, 27 3.1ghz. 1TB 4MB
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Feb 11, 2006
I recently installed a new 250 GB hard drive in my 800MHZ emac. I did a nice clean install of 10.4 on it and all was going well. The problem is that it randomly freezes after about 10 or 20 minutes. Mouse locks up, keyboard doesn't work.I tried pinging it from another computer and there was no response. I hold the power button in to shut it down and when it reboots it works fine for a while and then freezes again. I checked the console and it had this:
Mac OS X Version 10.4 (Build 8A428) 2006-02-10 20:36:25 -0500 2006-02-10 20:36:26.072 loginwindow[84] FSResolveAliasWithMountFlags returned err = -1407
I ran the disk utilty checks and they come up clean. I have tried reinstalling os x with no luck.
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Aug 28, 2009
fresh install after two years. So I need explicit instructions, please:-) I know I have to go to Disk Utility to initiate the install, and I have my HD cloned on an external.
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Apr 20, 2009
I am going to be buying an external hard drive soon (Seagate FreeAgent Go 250GB 2.5" External Hard Drive - Black) and I want to double format Or double partition it. I am pretty good with macs, I just don't know much about time machine and external hard drives. What I want to do is either:
A) Make a partition in which I can make backups, and make a separate partition in which I can store files
B) Make a single partition in which I can save back ups (from time machine) and my files (Music, Movies, Applications)
Also, would I be able to run Windows (XP) from my external hard drive somehow? Also, could I run mac applications off my external hard drive, is there a certain procedure?
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