MacBook Pro :: Retina Display And Streaming Non HD Video
Jun 21, 2012
how does non HD video content look on the MBP-R in Full Screen mode?Â
Is its blury like the non optimized Apps or website content? Is it even more blurry?Â
Reason why I am asking:Â
Watching series online on a regular screen pretty often looks ok but not great. Depending on the internet speed and the movie qualitity you can see the compression in the picture and so see the pixel. How does this look on the new retina display?Â
Has anyone of the early owner time and motivation to check and post a screenshot?
How do software that aren't retina compatible yet look on the MBP Retina Display? From my own experience as a developer when using regular sized images and resolutions on the iPhone 4, they come out as blurry. I was thinking perhaps the same thing will occur if the software isn't retina compatible? I e 2x in GUI size and scaled down?
I have an Ibook g3 700mhz 384 MB and having dificulty watching streaming video for ex. or any other. I can watch movies on flash drive and dvds no probs or from harddrive but streaming is very choppy. I know connection is not the issue (I have broadband) and streaming works fine on sony desktop running xp 1ghz with 256 mb ram. What gives?
My external display (HP w2207) seems to conflict with my MacBook Pro (15 inch Retina display, early 2013) since I upgraded MacBook OS to 10.9.4.The external display works at initial boot of Mac but does not work after OS sleeps and I attempt to awaken, and while the external display is not waking, the Retina display flashes through different screen views, which only partially reflect my normal screen, or do not reflect my normal screen at all.Â
I'm used to using the keystrokes control-shift-eject to put the display to sleep without activating the screensaver or putting the whole computer to sleep.Â
Since the new Macbook Pro with Retina Display lacks an eject key, the best I have been able to do is set a hot corner. I don't like this as much -- especially since it is possible to trigger the hot corner without intending to.
I have a macbook pro with retina display that was purchased in 2012 and I am running Mavericks. I have been trying to mirror my mac to my apple tv but the the airplay icon will not display on the menu bar. I have tried turning airplay on and off on the apple tv without success. Under the display settings in system preferences it says No Devices Detected.I have already tried all the suggestions in the support pages to no avail.
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.4)
Anyone know of a Mac OS X software that will capture streaming video and save in a playable format in Mac OS X? Kind of like Download Helper for Firefox captures FLV, MP4, MP3, etc... and saves it to your hard drive.
Yesterday, I bought an hdm cord and adapter so it would fit into my MacBook Air. I also bought a separate speaker system. When I set it up, it worked perfectly. I had to disconnect my MacBook and when I set everything up, it did not work. I could see my MacBook's background colors on the TV, but the video would not stream. I could see it on my computer, but not on the TV.
So, at the moment I'm torn between the Rev B 1.86 SSD MBA and a fully loaded (2.4/4GB/128 SSD) MB to replace my aging MBP. As a student, my usage is light, with the caveat that I watch an awful lot of streaming video in Safari - sites like Channelsurfing, Megavideo and especially ESPN360. Am I likely to run into major fan/heat issues with this kind of usage profile, or have the revisions Apple has made to Rev B made a big enough difference to assuage my worries?
I just got a macbook. I love it with the exception that when I stream sports, the picture and sound are clear but the picture's streaming speed isn't steady.
For instance, a watching hockey, it looks like the players are speeding up and slowing down the entire time.
Does anyone know of a driver that I can run to stop this? Maybe a different browser. I have tried firefox and safari and the problem is the same on both.
I am new to Macs (the MBA will be my first) and I was wondering if it was possible to stream video from my new MBA (OS X) through iTunes via airplay to an Apple TV and what I would need to do this. When I search all I find is how you will be able to stream through iOS 4.2 and there is not much on OS X.
I have a Macbook Pro with 17" monitor that I use in my middle school class daily. I have it connected to an external monitor and had no problems until a student fooled with it when I hasn't looking. Now only Power Point works on the external monitor, I am not able to use the iphoto as a slide show any more, nor can I use streaming video. While both show fine on my computer the external monitor only shows my screen saver.
I'm getting a MacBook pro very soon and am doing some research. Is there an easy way to stream media from snow leopard to a ps3 and 360? On xp I just used windows media player.
I can't imagine why I would need any more than 8GB since I'm not a professional photographer or video editor or whatever, so I'm planning on going with the base model. Smart idea? The only reason I'm even considering getting the 16GB is because the RAM isn't upgradable and I'm somewhat scared I might regret not getting the 16GB when the computer's a bit older and 16GB start to become the standard amount of RAM- if that ever happens? Â Â
Currently I have a MBP 15" and use it on a daily basis with both the built-in display and an external 20" (1680x1050) display. I'm getting a new MBP retina and don't know how OS X is going to manage two displays with such a big difference in dots per inch. Will the "retina-ready" apps look just fine on the retina and enormous on the external?
I've had two different MacBook Pro's since 2006.I went through 4 magsafe power adapters as the cable coming straight off the connector always began to permanently bend at the magsafe connection point such that I didn't trust it from an electrical safety point of view (after seeing one arc at that point a time or two).Then when I bought what would be my 5th power adapter, much to my positive surprise, Apple had done a redesign that had the cable coming out at a right angle with repect to the way the older ones had the cable come out.They also beefed up how the cable comes out of the magsafe end.Now I see a picture of the 85W power adapter for the new Retina display macbook pro I am planning to buy soon. And it looks like they've reverted to the old "wire straight out from the connector" approach.
That would be a significant step backward for me as where I have to plug in my mac (to the right of where I sit) having a straight cable coming out from the left of the mac is just going to cause me to start wasting power adapters again.Might I be able to continue to use the 85W power adapter I currently have on my 17 inch 2009 macbook pro? And it's not the original power adapter but one I bought maybe in 2011 or so.I love this one where the cable leaves in the direction heading out away from the top of the mac rather than the ones that came out straight to the left.And the picture of the new one appears to come out straight to the left again.And what do you even call the power adapter I have that I bought in about 2011 where the cable comes out at a right angle to the magsafe connector itself?
I first noticed this after my MBP [Retina] had gone to sleep, but: when returning to the login screen (since I have it set to require a password whenever the computer is idle long enough) I noticed what appeared to a very faint ghosting primarily noticeable on darker backgrounds. After messing around with it a bit, there seems to be a fairly consistent in-display ghosting that occurs without much time at all; I was able to leave my screen on (a little above half-brightness) for about 10-15 minutes and the ghosted "burn" would be of the screen I left it on (which I deliberately reconfigured so that everything would be a new position). Is this a normal thing that I just have to get used to? It's not really noticeable at all in standard use.
Info: MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I got a new macbook pro with retina display. It says on the website that there should be two USB 3.0 on both side. I have a external hard drive that is 3.0 USB i plug it to the right side and the colour indicates that it is a USB 3.0, plugging it to the right side, turned green and that indicate a 2.0 Instead. So what is going on?
I just bought the Mac Book Pro with 500 GB and am concerned about burning DVD and also downloading CD music onto my computer. Has anyone bought the USB superdrive to hook up and does it work well?Â
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
I am ordering a new Macbook Pro - Retina Display for a cooworker but they want to keep the two monitors that they already have. They are both DVI monitors. Can you run two DVI monitors off the new notebook? I know I cna convert the HDMI over but does anyone know if it is possible to convert Thunderbolt over to DVI?Â
I've been using a pretty high specced iMac for video editing for a couple of monthes;Current model 21.5 - 2.8ghz with i7 processor250GB SSD16GB RAMI also run off a second 24inch monitor My main workflow is Premiere Pro 5.5 for editing, After Effects 5.5 for compositing and effects and Da Vinci Resolve 8 for grading. I push the software reasonably hard (footage doesnt stray above full HD res so far though, I use 5D mk2 video footage 99% of the time) and I've been super happy with how the iMac keeps up.Â
The general work that the iMac has to chew through is - big Premiere Pro projects with a reasonable amount of dynamic linking with AE. After Effects is used for mostly compositing with quite a lot of visual effects. Resolve is used for grading with a lot of 3D tracking, noise reduction and normal grading stuff - same as the others...quite intensive).Â
However..... I have no portable computer and not enough money to invest in a decent one in addition to the iMac. I don't go a week where having a good MBP wouldn't have been a massive help. I'm not a massive geek when it comes to macs. I appreciate that the iMac is a desktop and should outperform any laptop but there are loads of things on the MBP retina that seem to level the field. I'd look at the following spec;Â 2.3GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7, Turbo Boost up to 3.3GHz16GB 1600MHz DDR3L SDRAM256GB Flash StorageÂ
As far as I see the MBP has;the better USB3 sockets (a godsend when you have 64 gigs of footage to download).More thunderbolt sockets (I could use two external monitors).Faster RAM (1600mhz against 1333mhz).Better screen res (although I have some questions on that).More graphics RAM (1GB against 512mb)Â
So thats a lot of things that look better. Im not worried about the small 256mb HD as only the footage Im currently using will be on the MBP's HD itself.Â
So my questions are as follows;Â How should the two units stack up against eachother performance wise when being given quite intensive tasks from Premiere Pro, After Effects and Resolve (the MBP just simply being a notebook.....the MBP having faster RAM....the iMac having a faster processor etc)?How should the graphics compare (the iMac having a 6775 chip with 512 memory and the MBP having a 4000 chip with 1GB memory)?How should the screens compare. The MBP obviously has a massive PPI boost the colour balancing meant to be good enough. So far I've been more than happy to use the iMac for colour grading).Am I asking too much of the MBP to run two extra monitors when at home...?Am I just being stupid getting rid of a desktop for a notebook as my main working computer...?Â
Info: MacBook Pro with Retina display, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
Where has the MacBook Pro badge gone from the bottom of the display on the new Retina display MacBook Pro’s? That’s an iconic badge, not the same without it.
Just like the title says I wanted to know what is the max and/or average dB value / noise level for the cooling fans of the new MacBook Pro with Retina Display.I saw that there are asymmetrically spaced impeller blades to reduce noise, but also it says "reducing tonal impact". So there seems to be a noticeable noise level? I work in very quiet locations and have good ears, so I wondered if I better don't get one of these. I'm currently using an iMac 27" and once the hard disks are running at full speed after starting up I cannot hear anything.