MacBook Pro :: Had To Reformat MBP After 6 Months?

Oct 16, 2010

I was let down when I found that I had to reformat my MBP 13" after 6 months of use. I also had Bootcamp installed but I found that my MBP would take a long time to boot into OSX and when I did, I had a lot of spinning beach balls. Even my Bootcamp began giving me errors. After using the utilities to find out what the health issues were, I found that my repairs to the hard drive were unsuccessful and I had to reformat.Mind you I had a time machine back up, but I was frustrated that after just six months of owning the MBP I had to reformat. It brought back memories of dealing with Windows. I mean, if I have to do this again in 6 months, I mine as well use Windows since I basically did the same thing then too. (And it was cheaper!)

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MacBook :: New System Batteries Saying Its 123 Months Old?

Feb 19, 2009

My macbook is a week and a day old. It is the newer whitebook with nvidia and all that. Coconut battery says its 123 months old? why is this? The only thing i can think of is that apple possibly had a used macbook come in and they switched out some parts and changed it to the new one? btw it was bought new at best buy.

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MacBook :: Battery With More Capacity After 8 Months Use?

Apr 4, 2009

Got a question about the battery in my wife's white Macbook. I just downloaded (and ran for the first time) Coconut Battery and it reports the following info:

Current Battery Charge: 5281 mAh
Maximum Battery Charge: 5281 mAh

Current Battery Capacity: 5281 mAh
Original Battery Capactiy: 5020 mAh

Battery-LoadCycles: 60
Age of your Mac: 8 months

Now, I'm no rocket scientist, and I'm definitely not complaining, but how in the world does my battery have More capacity now than it did when it was new? Is this an error in Coconut? System Profiler reports the same capacity and my research online seems to concur that 5020 mAh was the original capacity.

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MacBook :: New Model But Unit Six Months Old

Jun 3, 2009

So I got my Macbook Aluminum 13 inch 2.4GHz for a few days ago, and I just downloaded coconut, and it says that my Mac is 6 months?! And my battery mah is like 4200, with 6 cycles. Is this bad? and should I get a refund?

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MacBook :: Kept On Turned Off For Few Months Now It Won't Turn On?

Jun 15, 2012

I had my Mac book off for a few months, I went to turn it on today and it is not working any idea why?

MacBook, Mac
OS X (10.5), not sure about the os x version

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MacBook Pro :: Finance - Deferred Interest For 12 Months?

Feb 8, 2010

What is the best way to finance a MacBook? I was looking at the deferred interest for 12 months from Barclay's on Apples site. However, I have not calculated how much interest that would really be but is it a guarantee that they would give me enough credit limit to cover that MBP I would want?

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Laptops :: MacBook Pro Riginal Dying Leg For The Past Few Months?

Sep 17, 2010

Are there any cons to purchasing a refurbished MacBook Pro? My original has been on its dying leg for the past few months. Had it since 2003! I'm not in a position to spend so much money on a brand new MBP. Has anyone bought there Mac refurbished?

What has been your experience thus far?

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MacBook Pro :: 2 Months Old - 6 Kernel Panics And Applecare Useless

May 30, 2012

The first couple kernel panics I had appeared to have been caused by Trend Safe Web Surfing for MAC i have since uninstalled that and it keeps panicing.. programs i always have open

- safari

- firefox

- skype (text chat only .. never video)

- Outlook for Mac

- Adobe CS5 Dreamweaver   

there is never anything consistent about when it happens


Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook Pro :: 17" Battery Status - After 10 Months Daily Usage

Sep 26, 2010

I think you guys will agree with me, that I have powercycled my battery too much, resulting in a serious loss of performance with my battery.

I have been unplugging my MBP each, and every night, and then using battery during th day until I got the low battery warning, then plugging it in until the evening, and so on.

Looking at the status below, 50+ powercycles in 10 months has reduced the life of my battery by half. Looks like I will invest in a new battery at some point, and follow Apples guidelines to the letter in future.

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MacBook :: Macbook Has Been Overheating And Freezing For Several Months

Dec 24, 2010

My macbook has been overheating and freezing for several months now. I bought a cooling fan to put it on which has helped. What is the best fan replacement brand and how difficult is it to instal?

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IMac :: Pc Get Speedbumps Roughly Every Six Months?

Apr 5, 2009

This seems to be the case, but was wondering if anyone knew for certain?

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OS X :: Magic Mouse Battery Does Not Last 4 Months?

Nov 26, 2009

it's been exactly one month that I've used my magic mouse and it died out already

Has anyone else experience this? I was under the impression this mouse was great on battery, correct me if i'm wrong but I read it can last up to 4 months on a single set of double A batteries?

So now I am going to get some new rechargeable batteries. What are a good kind to get that last pretty long?

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MacBook :: Old Emails Gathered In Inbox / Emails Marked Unread 3-4 Months Old?

Mar 17, 2009

I am new to Mac-have recently migrated from PC to a dear little MacBook. This may be a server problem, but thought I would ask. Suddenly my inbox filled up with 1500 old emails (3-4 months' worth all marked "unread"). Have I inadvertently done something?

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Windows On Mac :: Install Vista On MBA Then Move It To MBP In A Few Months?

Sep 7, 2009

I have a MBA, and have decided that I want to have Windows on it as well, since although I hate Windows and love OSX I use quite a lot of Windows only s/w, and I only want to carry one computer.

Couple of questions though:

How big a partition does Windows really need (I have 128GB SSD, about 80GB free right now)?

If I get a new MBP a few months down the line, how easy is it to move the copy of Windows to that? And do they honestly expect me to pay �250 a time to install Windows on two laptops if I decide to keep the old one, even though they are both for me and would never be used at the same time?

This is an honest question, I don't want to cheat anyone, but I'm not exactly made of money, and the price of the Windows os scares me!

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: It Keeps Re-opening Saved State From Months Ago?

Feb 7, 2012

I have a MacBook Pro ca. 2010.  It's on 10.7.2.  For the past few months I've been fighting this particular problem, and have not been able to get a solution on other Mac forums.  Hopefully someone here has some insight. Every time I start or restart the Mac it restores the desktop, including the dock and apps, to a state from a few months ago.  It opens Safari, iPhoto, System Preferences and the Real Player Downloader (which I just this moment deleted).  iPhoto immediately wants to repair its database, Safari opens the tabs that were open that day, and System Preferences goes to Network.   

I have tried deleting the folders in /username/libraray/application saved states.  I have locked that folder.  I have unchecked the option in Preferneces, and I always uncheck the option to save states when shutting down.  Based on a suggestion from a user elsewhere I repaired disk permissions on the hard drive. 

MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.7.2)

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Any Reason To Wait Several Months For Next Update

Apr 9, 2012

Is there any reason to wait several months for the next OS update? I presently use Snow Leopard on all  my machines, but using ICloud on my IOS devices is pushing me to a download of Lion. I just don't want to pay for it again in June or July.

iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3), MacAir, IPad, Iphone 4s

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Intel Mac :: 2011 14 Months Old Won't Startup - Keeps Powering Off?

Jun 19, 2012

A few weeks ago I had problems with my iMac freezing and also had a few Kernal panics.  I ended up doing a disk utility with the actual startup disk and since then it worked for about 10 days but just recently froze again (while in Firefox) and started making a continuous loud beeping from the speakers  and kind of a staticy I turned it off but now it won't stay started.  I hear the "bong" noise and then see the apple logo and the bar under apple logo starts to come on but disappears And then it powers down to black screen and off. I have tried putting disk in but it spits it out at startup I have also tried Resetting pram and smc...I hope I did that correctly I believe I did? What other steps can I take?


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OS X :: Best Way To Reformat My MacBook Pro?

May 23, 2007

What is the best way to ReFormat my MacBook Pro ?

I currently have 60 GB of Apps and other stuff, and want to do a clean install of my entire harddrive....

can i just move all my apps over to an external harddrive and then put them back on after my re install ?

Will i have to re type in all the serials for photoshop and dreamweaver, etc....?

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OS X V10.7 Lion :: Samsung SE-S084F DVD Burner, Used With It For Months Is Now Suddenly Unsupported?

Apr 15, 2012

My Samsung SE-S084F dvd burner, used with lion for months is now suddenly unsupported... how can it be possible? I can now read cd/dvd but trying to burn them gives me "Internal error". Disk Utility report: "Burn support: not supported". I burned my last dvd three days ago, running lion 10.7.3. The only thing I can think of is a software update done few days ago, something about java. Samsung says that lion isn't officially supported, but i've used it a lot and I know it works…  Things that i've tried:1) reboot2) firmware update3) many different burning software including "drutil" from the shell4) I've tested the device on another computer (ubuntu 11) and it works like a charm Additional information (drutil info):

Vendor          Product                          Rev
TSSTcorp      CDDVDW SE-S084F      TS00 
Interconnect: USB
SupportLevel: Unsupported  


Any burning software, Mac OS X (10.7.3)

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MacBook :: Reformat But Lost CD's?

Dec 16, 2010

I lost my silly Disk DVD. I have the ones for my iMac, however they don't work. I get the message (you cannot install os x on this computer).

What I want.... this computer is about 2 years old. I want to reformat it to square one. Like brand new. I already backed everything up.

When I called apple, I mentioned I just purchased Snow Leapord.. they said.. no biggy, just install that and it will replace everything back to square one. Well, that didn't work. I still have all my old programs.

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MacBook Pro :: Seems Slower After Reformat?

Aug 22, 2009

After reformatting my macbook, it seems to be running considerably slower than the "out of box" condition. For example, before reformatting restarting the system was quick. Now, when i want to restart, i have to wait 30 seconds before it restarts.

What should i do?

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MacBook Pro :: Need To Reformat But Have No Disks

Feb 11, 2012

I bought my macbook off my friend a few months ago and then all the sudden it don't want to load. I get the apple logo then a screen that says I need to restart my mac using the power switch. I don't have any disks to reformat my mac and my friend says she don't have any either. How can I get the disks to reformat my mac?

Pro, Mac OS X (10.4.11)

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MacBook Pro :: How To Reformat 15"

Jun 30, 2012

My 2012 15" Macbook Pro (updated to Lion, and assume I have the most recent updated version) is running excruciatingly slow.  Takes forever to start-up, and to wake up from sleep.  It acts as if it is running a billion tasks at once. I updated to Lion with backing up (I know, I know, I screwed up).  I then created another Admin profile, which runs MUCH better. I have run "verify disc" and "repair disc" numerous times and have not seen any improvement. I want to erase the drive and reload the system.  In PC parlance, I want to reformat. 

MacBook Pro

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IMac :: Unable To Switch On System / Vertical Stripes Appeared Two Months Ago

Aug 25, 2010

Its a G5 iMac ihave been using for abt three years now. first i got the vertical stripes about two months ago and today when i tried to switch it on, it won't. I turned it off last night after use and when i tried this afternoon, it was hot and it does not turn on?

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Software :: Unable To Get Grip Of Imoves Program / 6 Months Old ILife09 Installed?

Jul 20, 2009

I hve a imac desktop 6 months old with iLife09 installed. I have been for 4 one to one lessons but still can not get a grip of the imoves program .My previous mac with tiger worked fine, I wondered if it was possible to install the old system in my mac to run allong side 09. My local mac shop was not sure but thought I would have to remove Ilife to do so they allso said they no longer support the older system. I wonder if you san confirm this or are they talking mince

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MacBook Air :: Reformat - Use As USB Reinstall Drive?

Nov 7, 2010

Is this posible? Could I use it as a normal USB drive?

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MacBook Pro :: Possible To Reformat With New System SL Discs?

Dec 17, 2010

Just bought a new iMAC 27 and I want to sell my MBP 17". I want to wipe the HD clean so the new owner doesn't get any of my stuff. Can I do it with the SL discs that came with my new iMAC because when I bought the MBP, it came with no discs. Or is there a quick way to remove all personal information? (like delete the admin account a create a new one)

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MacBook Pro :: Way To Reformat Mbp - Install The Leopard From CD?

Apr 16, 2010

As the title states, I plan on reformatting my mbp. I'm quite new to this so I really need your help. My mbp came with leopard but I later on upgraded to snow leopard. Knowing that I bought it as an upgrade, I should install the leopard cd that came with my mbp. This is where i'm getting confused, should i install all the updates before installing snow or can I immediately pop in snow and install it? And what else should I keep in mind when reformatting? Thanks in advance!

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OS X :: Trying To Reformat Macbook From Install Disk?

Apr 23, 2010

I have a 13" white macbook with leopard on it that I got about 2 years ago. Anyway, the other day I was cleaning stuff I didn't need anymore off it and I somehow accidentally moved the "library" folder that's in the "system" folder in to the trash. I tried removing it but it wouldn't let me, then my mac froze and I restarted and it just showed the Apple logo while flashing an anti-logo and a folder with a question mark on it. I took it to the Genius bar and the guy asked me if I had my files backed up and I said no, but he told me a way I could back them up on my girlfriend's mac using a fire cable and then just reformat it myself. So I bought the cable and put the files on my girflriend's mac. However, now when I'm trying to reformat it from the installer disk, it doesn't seem to be working. It shows the Apple logo and the loading gear underneath and then it switches to that anti-logo (circle with slash through it) and the loading gear continues. I let it run like this all night but still no change. I tried resetting the PRAM and other things. I've held C and held D to run a hardware test and it says there are no problems. I've held Alt/Opt and it recognizes the disk but it doesn't seem to load anything from it.

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MacBook Pro :: Ways To Reformat The Applications From MBA?

Aug 7, 2010

I'm still relatively new to the Mac world but I was wondering something about reformatting. I've only purchased one application and if I go to reformat in the future, would I have to buy it again?

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