MacBook Pro :: Gray Screen On Startup
Sep 10, 2014
Last week when starting my Mac Book Pro I was faced with a gray screen. On start up the it won't boot fully. Turn onGray Screen with apple logo - loading bar and wheelOnce fully loaded it turns itself off..I have tried control R to do a reinstall of the OS, however it won't let me complete it saying Apple account does not match (yet there is no login for this).
Mac Pro
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Apr 20, 2009
I was using my computer normally, it started to move slowly, so I properly shut it down. After leaving it off for a few minutes, I started it up again. However, every time I press the power button, it comes on and there is just a blank gray screen. No folder with a question mark on it, just a blank gray screen.
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May 15, 2009
So my girl friend was using my IBook G3 and shut it down normally she says. We then went to turn it on and we will hear the chime but then it will get stuck on that first gray screen, nothing else comes up, no spinning no nothing. Hard drive is not making any different noise, I just don't know whats up.
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May 7, 2012
I still have the appearance of the gray screen after performing all the solutions provided by apple support. What shall I do now?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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May 7, 2012
I recently upgraded to Lion on my MacBook Pro but it didn't sit well with my compuer. It became sluggish and would take forever to load applications, pictures, music, movies, etc that only took SL a few seconds at most. I decided to downgrade back to SL so I put in my Install DVD (version 10.6.6) and tried to format the hard drive so I could start new. However it would not work with the CD, so I continued looking around online and I came under the impression that if you erase the hard drive it will allow you to start new (in my case, with SL). However now I get a gray screen with a folder with a question mark.
I do not have my files backed up through Time Machine.
MacBook Pro
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Oct 5, 2009
upon startup i see a gray screen, the apple logo, and spinning gears. Then the apple logo turns into a circle with a line through it and stays that way forever. I call apple support. They got me to run disk utility by booting from install disk. Then running repair disk and repair permissions. Then boot into safe mode and computer works fine...for a few restarts then does the same thing.
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Apr 23, 2012
Yet I see the white power light on and I can here it turn on but no screen it is just black?
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Jun 27, 2009
I have an old Macintosh II that someone gave me. It powers on but when it gets to the gray screen right upon startup, it hangs there and never shows the "?" Anyone knows why it does this? What can I do about it? Thanks.
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May 3, 2012
I have installed smartvoip app, i cant to sign in, but when i connect to my univeristy net it is working but when i come to my hostel it doesn't work, it says server timeout, try again later.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.3), smatvoip
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May 26, 2012
my mac book pro is giving me a blue screen, some days ago it gave me a message that the desktop has too much files how can i get it opened is there any shortcut that i can open my desktop?
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 14, 2012
I need to re-install this OS, but I don't have the DVD image for the disk. how to get a copy?Â
MacBook, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 17, 2012
I'm trying to setup my Mac Mini but get the grey screen with folder/question mark and I can't tell if the chips have been swapped. The brand is unfamiliar and my place hosted some creepy hackers while I was in the hospital. I'm still finding mysteries.
Info:Mac mini, MacOS X (10.5), cant identify RAM
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Aug 22, 2014
My macpro screen remains grey after I startup. How do fix it?
iPhone 5, iOS 7.0.3
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May 7, 2012
All I get is gray screen in start up.
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.4)
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May 14, 2012
Had to force quit a number of applications to shut down computer, restarted it but froze on opening. Shut down with the power button and now it won't get past Gray screen with rotating dial (thingy)...tried the safe boot option but this seemed to get stuck after identifying some issues.
MacBook (13-inch Late 2009)
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May 25, 2012
I click on the hd hard drive and change the settings to no one can read or write now I had problem to open the computer as soon I start it became gray screen so I re-stall the software and as soon I back up the computer is asking me the password I type it and can't enter after keep asking me the password is wrong
Info:iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
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Jun 14, 2012
i changed the name of the hard-drive for other reasons, and i guess i must have somehow erased the two which show up in the login box. And, i cannot locate the disks.
MacBook Pro, Other OS, no start up disk to be found
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Jan 29, 2010
Macbook Air, Rev A. Worked like a charm for 1.5 years.Upgraded to a Rev c SSD and gave the Rev A to the wife.She installed NOTHING.Within a few weeks it started running VERY slow. I'm talking 2 minutes of beach ball per click.I use Disk Utility to check the drive. No problems of any kind.
Rebooting would take -- and I'm not exaggerating -- over an hour. First it would sit with a grey screen for 5 minutes. Then with an apple logo for 10 more. Then with the little spinning circle for 30. Then the desktop background would show up and sit for 20 minutes, etc.
Was gonna upgrade to Snow Leopard so what the heck, backed it all up and installed Snow Leopard. To my surprise, it instaled Snow Leopard on top of the old OS -- it kept all the files around so no need to restore from backup.
Speed problem SOLVED!Then a few weeks later the same problems.This time I check the drive AND run the hardware test. No problems.I ERASED the entire drive. I installed Snow Leopard.All is good for a few weeks.Then the problem came back a 3rd time.
I go to reinstall a 3rd time and Snow Leopard doesn't even acknowledge that there's a hard drive in the machine! And when I look in system profiler it says there's no drive of any sort. Yet it will reboot and run... just VERRRRRYYYY slowly.
I'm ready to replace the drive with a Runcore SSD or some such other device but I want to be sure the problem is the drive and not some other aspect of the hardware (motherboard, RAM, etc.)Anyone ever seen this? Anyone have any ideas as to how to investigate, solve, conquer, save myself from madness??
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Apr 9, 2012
Mac stay on gray to long before it turn on
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 20, 2014
My Powebook G4 12" (model A1010) during its start-up phase remains stuck on the "initial gray screen" without displaying the apple logo. However, I can access the system through the console provided by Open Firmware.Â
I would like to ask you what could be the problem and where such problem may reside (hard drives, memory, main board, etc).
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Sep 11, 2014
on startup, macbook pro showed flashing gray folder with question mark, but no startup. After several retries, now shows circle with diagonal diameter, and still no startup. worked fine yesterday.
MacBook Pro
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Dec 6, 2014
IT does this every time, but when I do command and r or other such keyboard commands, it goes I the recovery pahe with no problem. Whenever I tried erasing the iMac to reset it, it said the disk was locked.
iMac, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5), April 2008 model
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Jul 12, 2006
I have a Rev A 12 inch Powerbook - 867 mHz, 640 RAM, 40 GB hard drive. The machine's always been reliable and has performed great over the years. I bought it the last week of July, 2003.
Yesterday, the Pbook was shut down, and I press the on button so it would boot up. Almost immediately, the hard drive makes a loud, whirring noise. The computer advances to the gray screen with the Apple logo, but it doesn't get past that point and the noise continues, as if it's a car engine that just won't start...
I'm going to take it to my local Apple Store in the morning, and hopefully the data, including my nearly 22 GB of music, can be saved. Any thoughts on how to get my computer working again? By the way, it's the original hard drive installed. Hopefully this is enough info to generate some ideas, I'm stumped.
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Apr 25, 2009
Last week or so my Mac (10.3 or 10.4, I think, was the model.) froze up while I was surfing the web. I clicked all over the place, let it sit for fifteen minutes, and came back to find nothing had changed. After shutting it off with that little button on the tower you're not supposed to use to shut it off (but it was frozen, so..) and leaving it to sit for another five or six minutes, I came back and turned it on. That's where I had issues. It only boots up to that gray screen with the Apple logo and the spinning wheel that means it's loading (lies. It never does. I thought it might just be slow so i left it like that for an hour; came back, still there.), and then it just stays there.
Now, I looked on the web for some suggestions and tried the stuff here: [URL] and went some other places that told me I needed some system CD that I don't have. Also, I looked on here and found someone with a similar problem (computer froze, turned it off, turned it on, got stuck on screen with apple and spinning wheel), and they told them to try something with the CD. They didn't have one either, and no one really commented after that. Does that mean I'm seriously up a creek with fixing my computer? I've left it unplugged for a few days at a time, too, just in case it needed some serious cooling down time, but nothing happened then, either. I'm not very computer savvy, but my Mac's future looks pretty bleak.
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May 8, 2007
Unfortunately I bumped the switch on the power strip that my Mac Mini (1.42ghz G4, OS X 10.3) is plugged into while it was running. Now it won't boot up. All I get is the gray screen with the gray apple logo and the spinning wheel but no OSX.
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Apr 5, 2012
My one week old iMac 2.7GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i5. first started problems by not goping to sleep even when I forced it.
I shut it down using the shut off button and unplugging it from power for more than 5 munites.
I turned it back on, it does the usual startup chime and then gray screen. I have restarted twice from the shot off button and still getting the same result.
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
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Jun 2, 2014
I recently noticed the Apple logo is magenta at start up, when it is centered on the screen, before it turns gray and moves up the screen to make room for login details. I cannot replicate the issue on restart but only see it when it starts up first thing in the morning. It literally flashes up for just a second or two then normalizes to gray.
MacBook Pro (Retina, Mid 2012), OS X Mavericks (10.9.3)
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Apr 5, 2007
My brother's iBook G4 (I think it's a 2003 model) has a problem with the screen. When the computer is turned on, the screen stays black, although the backlight is on (the apple glows). Sometimes, on start up, the screen works normally for a random amount of time before going fuzzy and then black again.
Any ideas on how to fix this? Is it likely to be a problem with the hardware in the actual computer, or just the screen? Or is it a software thing?
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Apr 6, 2012
I called in and asked about a slowly running computer and Applecare suggested holding Option+Control+Shift+Power Button for 5-10 seconds and then releasing and then hold the shift button while powering on to go into safe mode. I did this on my macbook pro as he told me and decided to go ahead and do it on my IMac and mac pro as well. It worked on the MBP and IMac but on the Mac Pro the computer came on when I held the first key combo and is taking a really long time (hours) to start up. I need the computer to work, for work. I tried just restarting the computer, unplugging it, etc but each time it has the gray progress bar and takes a really long time. Of course I downloaded and updated to the newest operating system through mac app store so I don't have a start up disc...
Mac Pro 8 Core / 16GB DDR3 / 3 x 2.0TB + 500GB HDD / 2 x NVIDIA GT 120, Mac OS X (10.7.1), 2 x 23' Samsung Syncmaster 2494 / Bella Pro 3.0 / Apple Magic Mo
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Apr 17, 2009
Been on a Mac in one form or another but never saw this. It's not even mentioned on the site under startup problems. Started up on my eMac and got this blinking blue dot that looked a bit like earth in a gray square. Whole think was about an 1" square in the middle of the screen. The startup tone was normal.
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