MacBook Pro :: Downloading Yahoo Messenger For MAC?
Feb 23, 2012
I am trying to download and install yahoo messenger. Everytime I try to download it, it tries to download a binary file, not the .dmg file necessary to install it. How do I get the .dmg file to download?
Every time someone sends me a file, usually jpg, i 'accept' and the file doesn't automatically download. I tried to put it into the pictures file. Where do yahoo messenger file transfers normally save on your Mac?
i have a question here. I wanna chat with my friends in overseas and should i buy the mic with earphone or its not necessary? coz i think my macbook air comes with built in mic. Is the sound quality will be better if i am using additional mic use for chatting or is the same ? sometimes i wanna play guitar and let my friends there can hear me clearly.
I bought a MacBook a few months ago. I downloaded the Yahoo messenger just fine. I use the webcam when my boyfriend and I am iming. A few days ago, the messenger just "hangs." I just get that little circle and I can no longer view my webcame at the bottom of my screen. My BF says he gets my transmission from the webcam just fine as the messenger menu at the top still works. But it bugs me I can't see the image he sees. Also when I go to photobooth with the messenger on, the camera does not work. There is a camera icon with a line across it. When I sign out of the messenger, the still camera works just fine.
I am playing with my new MBP and wanted to know if iCHAT supports talking to buddies from Yahoo Messenger too, just like it does for AIM? I got the AIM one to work, and it says something about something called Bonjour (?) but nothing about Yahoo? Please let me know how to set this up as possible, that way I won't need separate programs for AIM and Yahoo Messenger. PS- Does windows media player have a program for MACs? If not, whats the best program similar to Windows Media Player that I can use to view all the same video types as that?
So I just got a MacBook Pro a couple months ago, and I am having issues using webcam chat in Yahoo Messenger for Mac. The built in iSight cam doesn't seem to turn on (no green light) when I try to use it, and the person on the other end just sees a black screen for my webcam.
How would i go about getting the windows versions on yahoo messenger and msn on my macbook. I installed the windows version Yahoo messenger through crossover. It downloaded and installed fine but its really buggy and i cant start conversations and when i leave the mouse over contacts names instead of showing details it shows just black, and more buggy stuff. And i couldnt install windows version of msn at all.
Prefer the obvious q's appear likeWhy not use mac versions of both the software ?They complety suck i hate them
Boot camp ? I dont want to use windows but i want the windows versions of programs
I might try download a portable .exe of Both of the messengers and try them through crossover since the two .exe installers of the messengers i got were web based installers.
I've been using Yahoo Messenger with Snow Leopard just fine for a while, but now all of a sudden the webcam feature does not work. When I try to invite someone to view my webcam they just see a black screen that says "Starting Webcam Session...", but it never loads. Similarly, when I try to view someone's webcam, the same thing happens on my end. Has anyone else encountered this problem? Like I said, it was working fine until a few days ago.
I have noticed recently that the only applications/software that is working on my iBook G4 (running MacOSX 10.3.9) are: Firefox, Microsoft, certain games, but when I try iPhoto, iTunes, realplayer, safari, textedit; I just get the spinning ball and when I click on icon on the dock it says "application not responding". I have tried the disk utility and repaired permissions but still have problems. I also downloaded new version of Yahoo Messenger and other software, they load and when I try to click on the icon, nothing happens.
While iSight works for my MBP, and Skype uses it just fine under XP....Yahoo Messenger says it cannot use it.Anyone have any luck getting it to work? It seems to not support the right resolution, is what I have gathered.
I have installed Yahoo Messenger for mac, when i chat with my windows friends, I could not able to start voice conversation. Please let me know, how to start voice chat.
and my windows friends informed, while start the voice conversation, they are getting feedback that the version i am using is not support.
Is there any possible way to do this? Does it have anything to go with jabber? I love the idea of Adium, but it's too limited in functions (doesn't support webcam, and sometimes I can't send files).
With the new iPhoto '09 having Flickr support, a site owned by Yahoo!, I was hoping we would see some updates for iChat support with Yahoo Messenger. Does anyone see this happening? It would be very convenient as opposed to the Jabber hack job.
Not sure what's going on, but my Adium is unable to connect to Yahoo Messenger since 2-3 days ago, it's working fine in the past months, and I don't think I made any change recently. MSN is working fine though.
I'm using Yahoo Messenger for Mac version 3.0 beta and recently my display images have stopped displaying when logged in or when I open a chat window.
When not logged in and I am selecting a user the display images show, but they go out as soon as I login to any name. When I go to the window to set my browser image, the image field displays blank even after I try reloading the image. I have trashed my Preferences and that doesn't work.
So I just bought my Macbook Pro with Lion a month ago. When I downloaded Yahoo Messenger 8 for mac, the chat rooms wont load when I try to access the chat room directory!
I'm trying to find a solution to an issue a family member it having with Yahoo Messenger and an iMac. The computer is an early release aluminum iMac, running Mac OS X Tiger 10.4.11. Yahoo Messenger is the most current version installed. A transparent image of the Messenger icon is on the dock and seems to be stuck between the dock's line near the trash can. It won't delete, even deleted the normal version of Messenger, shut down the computer and restarted it. The image was still on the dock. Are there Messenger files in other folders, that somehow didn't get deleted when the application was deleted, causing this?
I got a Mac OS X from my brother, we set up the internet on it and everything. I clicked on the messenger, but it won't work. It told me: Sign in to Microsoft Messenger failed because the service is not available or you may not be connected to the Internet.
So I downloaded MSN Messenger for Mac, installed it, tried to sign in but again it said the same thing!!!how do I make it work?!
I downloaded msn messenger for mac when I got my mac about two months ago.
It stopped working a few weeks ago (not sending/receiving messages) so I deleted it the other day out of my applications window, and tried to re-download a different version of it. When I do this, and try to log in, it tells me that the system cannot log me in. I don't understand if it is just the msn or if I need to completely remove the msn from my computer, and if that's the case, how do I do that?
I want to use MSN Messenger on my MacBook Pro. All my friends use PCs and can chat easily, transfer files and can use the camera too. I can't do any of that.
I wanna get a messenger bag to carry my 13" Unibody MBP in. I have a black Incase neoprene sleeve already so I don't really need it to be super cushiony. I just want to be able to carry my Macbook, the power cord, and a few accessories like my iPod Touch, Magic Mouse, maybe a notepad and some pens.
Hoping someone here has experience and can clarify.
The bag is going to be dual purpose, to carry either my 13" MBP (with SecondSkin) or my DELL 14" work laptop.
The 'true' width/dimensions fit within the Timbuk2 guidelines by about 1CM on both. I emailed Timbuk2 and they said it would be too tight for a medium, but having read all the posts about M fitting a 15" laptop I'm some what confused.
When I try to upload Messenger Mac to my computer (Macbook Pro 2012 OS X Lion) it tells me that it doesn't support it or something along those lines. I've seen people use it before and have no problems. What could possibly be wrong with mine and how could I get it to work properly so that I can use it? It would be great if I could use it.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I downloaded msn mac messenger then it won't sign me in, keeps saying : id or password incorrect. I couldn't fix this bug so I deleted (uninstalled it) by moving all files to trash . now the trash won't empty and it's annoying. is it a bug ? any clue? the trash won't say anything , just the "are you sure" message, then makes the "trashing" sound. but nothings changes.
I'm wanting to order a custom laptop messenger from timbuk2 here, but I don't know what size will fit a current unibody 17 inch MBP. According to the dimensions listed by apple here, the medium would bag would fit it fine. On timbuk2's site the large says it fits most 17 inch laptops, but the true width is too big. However, the true width on the medium bag would seem to fit. Does anybody use the medium timbuk2 messenger bag for their 17 inch MBP?
I've searched and have found a lot of people using the medium bag for their 15 inch MBP and they say it fits "perfect". Some people mention that they use the large bag for their 15 inch also. The site's specifications would seem to fit perfect with a medium bag, so i'm not really sure. I would prefer the medium bag, but I don't want to waste my money since you can't return custom bags.
I keep getting a popup box that asks me for my Yahoo password. It doesn't look anything like the Apple Mail reminders (the ones that make my Mail icon bounce up and down), so I haven't filled it in. I have also changed my Yahoo password just in case that account was hacked, but the popup keeps showing up. All of the answers I've seen in the forums and elsewhere on line are fairly confusing. This seems like some sort of virus, but no one seems to believe that Macs can get viruses.