MacBook :: Get Seagate Momentous XT Drives?
Dec 6, 2010
I am looking at getting the Segate Momentus XT for my MacBook, its the first model to come out with aluminum body. I have seen people online praising it and saying it is broken. So now they have been out for a while and people may have some amount of experience with the drive, what are the facts.
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Dec 2, 2010
Just curious as to whether or not there is a consensus on a recommended hard drive other than an SSD or the Seagate Momentus XT hybrid? I received my new 2010 13" MBP yesterday and installed a new 500GB Seagate Momentus XT into the unit. Off of a clean install of OS X, the system worked fine. I did the obligatory software update to 10.6.5 as well as four other updates and it never got past the grey boot up screen. Couldn't get past that no matter what I tried.
So unfortunately, this has soured by tastebuds on the Seagate. There have been numerous posts about issues with this HDD on and I knew that going in, so I'm not looking to particularly rehash it. I tried, it didn't work, time to move on. It will go back. I'm not interested in paying the steep price for performance that an SSD involves. I would prefer to have the additional capacity (320GB+). That said, are there any particular recommendations for a reliable, fast 500GB HDD for my new MBP? Or is it more of a situation where they're all with 1-2% of each other? The unit with most/best reviews seems to be the Seagate Momentus 7200.4. I'm still a little bit bitter about Seagate at the moment, but I'm willing to keep an open mind.
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Jun 10, 2010
ive read many threads on this but havent received any conclusion to the battery life. and mixed opinions on the noise....anyone have both stock 5400rpm along with this one and done a comparison? is the speed worth it? is it still faster than the average 7200rpm once the 4gb SDD flash has been used up? my biggest concern is noise and battery life.
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Sep 25, 2010
- Intel Core 2 Duo 2.66Ghz
- 320 GB 5.400 RPM
I needed to upgrade this unit in order to increase performance with VMWARE Fusion as I needed to use a few Windows 7 features and Applications... and although Mac OS is OK... I have to recognize that some features of Windows 7 are better and I need some only windows applications.
So I researched online the option of upgrading memory and HD. I read mixed opinions and experiences with non Apple Memory. But took the chance and during a recent trip to the US I purchased the Kingston upgrade kit... installed it... and so far no problems. I got a very noticeable increase in startup and working performance with Windows 7 and Fusion. Unfortunately I lost my notes regarding performance readings... sorry.
I was very intrigued with the Hybrid Seagate 500GB Momentus XT. Also read a lot of mixed experiences. I also picked up a unit during my trip to the US but waited to install it when I got back to Spain. I just installed it and made some simple timings to check the performance......................
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Jul 22, 2010
I want to speed up my early 2010 Mini with a faster drive and with a budget under $150. Seagate Momentus XT 500 GB hybrid drive ($130 at Amazon) and Kingston 64GB SSDNow V Series ($98 at [URL] after $35 mail in rebate) are my choices. I am having a hard time deciding which is the best fit for my needs since I have no prior experience with any of these drives. If I get the SSD, I will need to keep all my files in an external drive, possibly the 5400 rpm 2.5" HDD that is currently in the Mini, in a cheap USB enclosure that comes with the SSD bundle. Momentus XT will allow me to have a tidier setup in an already cluttered TV cabinet.
If this specific Kingston SSD is much faster than the Seagate hybrid drive, I will consider getting the SSD. But will it make it slower to open picture and video files stored in the USB drive? Since I primarily use the Mini as an HTPC with Plex, this will defeat the purpose of upgrading. Which one of these two solutions would you choose? My other question is about read/write/transfer speeds. Generally speaking, is a 3.5" 7200 rpm external USB HDD with 32 MB cash, faster than an 2.5" 5400 rpm internal HDD for watching HD videos?
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Dec 7, 2010
I just upgraded my 13" Macbook Pro 2.53GHz Mid 2009 to the Momentus XT 500Gb and its pretty quiet, but not practically silent like the original Hitachi 250Gb drive. It sounds like a little fan is going pretty much all the time. I also tried the Western Digital Scorpio Black and it wasn't much quieter. Are there any almost silent (fast would be nice) drives other with 320Gb+ other than SSD? Might there be a hard drive controller or something Apple loads onto their factory drives that makes them quieter?
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Mar 11, 2009
Just found out today that my hard drive is dead. Looking into purchasing a new one and am having trouble making a choice between the Seagate and Western Digital. Are either or both compatible with tiger operating system?
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Mar 7, 2008
Well just switch to macPro to find out I can't use my Seagate 15.5 146Gig SaS drive unless I want to not use my SATA drives?
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Oct 16, 2006
I'm really interested in buying a 2 drive miniG FW800 enclosure for my powermac G4. I have two 400GB seagate 7200.8 drives that I want to use with this enclosure. The only thing stopping me from buying the miniG is that their site says that they don't support Seagate drives becuase they are too hot compared to other hard drives. Does anyone have a miniG with Seagates inside? I know the power supply is outside and it only has a small fan inside, I don't mind if the fan works harder or I'll even replace the fan with a better one if i have to. I just want this enclosure bad but can only have it with seagate drives since that's all I buy.
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Dec 2, 2009
My local Mediamarket (in Germany) has them on offer and I was gonna buy my girlfriend one to back up her photo collection. But the sales assistant told me they are not compatible with Macs. Given that Mediamarket staff are renowned for being clueless, I was hoping somebody could elaborate on potential compatibility issues? The box does state FOR PC on the front, and only lists Windows OS in the system requirements but the Seagate website contradicts this and says Mac OSX 4.8 upwards will work.
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Aug 7, 2010
I think I have a slight issue with my 7200rpm 500gb seagate drive. Once or twice every hour it seems to stop and start up again. Kinda klicks. It causes my computer to freeze for about 3 seconds. Whats causing it? Is it faulty? I should also mention that it didn't do this when i first got it. This is the model without the SMS.
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Sep 13, 2009
I'm looking at the specs page for the MacBook Pro and it reads this...
Your MacBook Pro comes standard with a 5400-rpm Serial ATA hard drive. Choose a hard drive with a faster speed for greater performance. Or you can choose a solid-state drive that offers enhanced durability.
Basically suggesting that the HDD option has a performance advantage over the SSD, but is this the case? I always thought SSDs could read & write quicker because they use solid-state flash memory as opposed to hard disks.
I want to go with the 256GB SSD but I want to know how it ranks in speed.
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Sep 6, 2010
first of all I would like to say that I am new to macrumors but not new to macs. I'm currently using a 15" MacBook Pro i7 with HR-AG. I have owned a 15" uMBP 2.8ghz (mid-2009), a 13" uMB 2.0ghz (late-2008) and a 13" Blackbook (late 2006).
i know it's alot of macs in a small timeframe but i love macs and always want to upgrade...which brings me to my next question..
Has anyone tried the Seagate Hybrid XT SSD, 7200RPM?
I want the performance of an ssd but not the high price tag. If someone is running this drive, I would like to hear about your experience with it.
I don't use my computer for editing, just browsing, notes and e-mail. However i am very curious about boot times. I love how fast an ssd boots up, and since i don't run any data intensive apps at all, i think a hybrid drive may be all that I need.
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Dec 24, 2010
does anyone have any experience with this drive?i have the momentus xt which i love . but i just got as a gift , the intel x25-v and i would like to put it on my macbook pro and also throw another hard drive only for storage .is the momentus lp a good hdd ? or what do you guys think is the best ? buying a new hard drive (5400rpm ) or keep the momentus xt (7200rpm) just for storage ?
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Jun 12, 2010
Hi, I bought a 160 gb Seagate FreeAgent Go 160gb a while back and it's formatted as Mac OS Extended (Journaled). It's working great but lately a lot of my friends have been wanting the files I have on my Mac and when I go to plug it into a PC it doesn't read the drive. Is there a format where I can plug it in on my Mac and add files and use them and then also plug it into a PC later and take the files off? Some of these files are pretty big.
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Sep 27, 2010
I have a question regarding Time Machine functionality. Here's my situation. I have two hard drives in my Pro: one that operates as a Boot drive, and one for storage. Right now I have Time Machine set up to backup my storage drive, but I was wondering if it was possible to have plug in a second external drive and use it to back up the Boot drive. I searched for a similar thread, but couldn't really find anything. Has anybody successfully done this?
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May 15, 2009
As the title says, can you combine 2 drives to one large without the expensive raid card?
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Oct 4, 2010
Any advice on the below ExpressCard 34 SSD card for an OSX boot drive on a unibody 2010 MBP? [URL]
I'll be running Snow Leopard and would plan to create a partition on my internal to clone the OS and apps on the card just in case something goes wrong.
I've heard (and seen) really good things when people have successfully used these FileMates for boot drives. On the other hand, I've also read about people having issues with sleep/wake functions when booting from ExpressCard SSDs. If it's likely to perfect aside from sleep / wake, considering the speedy load times, I may be willing to take the leap and give the sleep function a miss.
Too good to be true?
If so, my plan b is the SeaGate Momentus XT Hybrid Drive, 320-500gb with a 4gb flash:[URL]
Both options look good, just not sure if one would turn out better in reality than the other.
I have a 2010 unibody 15" 2.4ghz core i5 with 4gb ram and a 320gb hdd at present. I use it predominantly for video editing, using FCP, Motion, Nuke and Shake mainly.
As such, I'm interested to improve the setup of my machine by adding an SSD (in express 34 form) or increasing the rpm of the internal to a 7200 (as per the SeaGate). Any ideas which would benefit more?
In my head it makes more sense to go for the SSD as it will relieve the internal hdd from having to deal with running the OS and apps, it can just be used for footage, audio and other media. Not sure if that'll work out in reality though
Quite confused, sorry for the ramblings, if you're still reading - "well done, and thank you!".
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Nov 8, 2010
I have had a seagate hybrid for a semester of school. I recently open disk utility to realize there's a big chunk of the hard drive allocated as "free space." I never partitioned the drive yet in utility it show's the drive as 2 partitions. Is this normal?
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Aug 15, 2009
I'm trying to find out if this is the same seagate drive. I have searched around but could not find anywhere saying its a 7200.4.
It has a different number ST905003N3A1AS-RK I know RK means retail kit, but I just wanted to make sure it is the same drive before I go and buy it.
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Nov 2, 2009
I purchased a Seagate Momentus 2.5" Internal SATA 500 GB 7200 RPM hard drive. I put it into an external USB enclosure to clone my existing MacbookPro 160GB hard drive and then planned to swap them and install the new 500 GB HD. But when I plug in the external drive case, I do not see the Seagate drive mounted and cannot see it in Disk Utility either.
The external enclosure comes with a USB cable with two USB connectors to provide data transfer and power.
Any suggestions how I can mount this drive so I can clone the internal drive?
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May 24, 2010
Been on these forums browsing around snooping info for a while now. I'm in the market for a 2010 MBP and i am really looking into the SSD's. The downside is there price and the relative small storage space.But now i read some post on a tech website about the seagate momentus XTWhich is a 500Gb HDD @ 7200 RPM with a 4GB flash memory. Now i'm intrested to see what you guys think of this concept would it be a good deal to get this into a MBP or just stick with the 500Gb apple HDD till the price on SSD's drop.
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May 24, 2010
The new hybrid went on sale today, I ordered a 500GB. Figured I would let you guys know how it works out.Here's some numbers with my traditional Seagate 500GB 5400RPM in my 13" Macbook ProLaunch Photoshop CS4 (following reboot): 18 Seconds Transfering a 1.4GB file from a Sandisk Cruzer (Flash Drive): 58 Seconds* I will update as soon as the XT arrives. The reviews make it seem like a great alternative to an SSD.
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Feb 3, 2012
I have a portable hard drive, Seagate FreeAgent GoFlex 1 TB. It says it's works with both PC & Mac. Can I use it to backup my Macbook which has OS X version 10.5.8?
MacBook (13-inch Aluminum Late 2008), Mac OS X (10.5.8)
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Jun 21, 2012
As above i need to know if this hard drive the seagate momentus xt 750 gb will work with my macbook pro the mac is a 2010 model 2.66 i7,8gb ram,500 gb 7200 drive someone told me that it wont as my mac is sata 2 and the momentus drive is sata 3 just need to find out before i go a buy one of these drives.
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Sep 21, 2010
Just ordered a Momentus XT 500 GB to install in my current model 17 inch MBP. I was wondering if anyone had any experience with this drive, and if there were any special tips along the way as far as installation/data migration goes?I generally format my drives as Mac OS Extended (Journaled), is this drive OK with that as well? Do I need to do anything special in partitioning for the 4GB SSD portion?
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Jan 13, 2011
I have been looking at this [URL] Seagate Drive to replace the 250GB that came in my MBP. The thing is, is that its 9.5mm thick as opposed to the standard 9mm thick. Would this fit inside my 13" MBP?
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Nov 11, 2008
This guy claims they're available for Apple corporate accounts:[URL]
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Jan 16, 2009
I'm aware that there are probably a dozen of these threads around in the forums, but if you have the time to tell me to search it up, then you have the time to answer my question. I am fully aware that this may void my MBP's warranty. I've decided to go with either the 500gb 5400rpm WD or Seagate. I'm just wondering which drive is more reliable and faster. Also, when installing the hard drive, is it ok to use a magnetic screw driver. Someone told me that there's an application called Superduper. It clones the original hard drive to make the upgrade easier. Is this a good application, or are there better options?
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Jul 27, 2009
I just bought a Seagate FreeAgent XTreme 1TB.
After I went home, I checked online and found all these horrid stories about how this HDD crashed after just a month, or two months, or even 2 weeks (there are like 10+ stories about this problem).
What bugs me more is that on the box it is actually written "Designed for Windows Vista" (which I didn't read before buying, a lesson I learned for future reference) so I'm afraid that it won't work that well on Mac OS X.
I did find out that it works on Mac and I only need to format the drive, but I think, logically, if it works as well for Macs, why did they have to put a label that indicates it was designed for Windows?
I want to know this product IS that bad.
I haven't opened the seal or the plastic at all, just in case everyone says it is that bad and I should to return it to the shop.
I'm using a 15" MBP (not the NEW MBP), Mac OS X v10.5.7
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