I just sold my 24" iMac and I'm looking to buy a notebook. I'm moving to Japan and I figure I want something smaller. I mostly use computers for iTunes/iPhoto/Safari and some video watching.
I'm curious if anyone uses this as their primary computer.
I'm looking at buying an MBA to replace my current rev D MB - there's nothing wrong with it, necessarily (I've become adjusted to the audio out red light of doom)
I don't really do anything more intensive than occasional Handbrake conversions and sometimes work in Flash, so I know that these would be suited to my needs.
Having said all of that - do any of you guys use the 11" as a primary computer? My roommate uses an Asus eeePC as her only computer, and I don't know how she functions on such a tiny screen.
I know a lot of people think that the MBA is intended to function as a secondary computer. However, in some light users like me, I don't see why it can't be your primary computer. So out of curiosity I want to ask the question:
Besides me, who else in this forum uses MBA as their primary computer and how is computing experience with setup so far?
I'm planning to buy a macbook and and one of those awesome Apple LED Cinema Displays (24� flat panel)... Many people say the Macbook air isn't built to be a laptop AND the main computer, BUT I'll have an external hd anyway, I don't need more power than needed for playing full HD and I haven't used a real dvd/cd in months...
For those who use a 13" notebooks as their main computer or many hours a day how do you find it?Do you feel the advantage of smaller size and lighter weight outweighs the smaller screen real estate / resolution?Is the screen size perfect or do you wish you'd went larger - 15/17"? Are you often plugging into an external 22/24" monitor?
I want to use a macbook air as my primary computer [URL:...] and as it seems like mac codecs suck, I'm thinking about installingWindows 7/XP on it. Is that a good idea?(Especially if I want to link it to an APPLE LED?) Are there going to be any hardware issues/problems?
My wife's macbook monitor is destroyed due to happy 2 year old. It won't be worthwhile to replace the monitor and it is not fixable without some expensive work being done on it, therefore I would like to use our TV as an external monitor and retire the macbook to being a mediia computer. I have connected it to the TV, and I see an empty desktop, as far as I can determine it looks like it is treating the TV as a secondary display - that the desktop is extended onto - so I cannot actually interact with the normal desktop. When I try to run things using keyboard shortcuts I hear some sounds of things starting, but I don't see anything on the TV.  So what I need to do is to have some way to tell it to treat the secondary display as the primary display. Â
I love the small foot print & great portability of the new MBA 11" but I am not sure how I can get around the storage issue since I keep lots of home multimedia files on my laptop. I do have a recent iMac with lots of storage in our basement and do have the Mobile me account.
I think this has been discussed but can't find it. In a SSD+HDD setup, should I put the SSD in the primary bay or in the optibay (replacing the superdrive). I believe there is a setup that has issues with sleep or motion sensor whatever, but I can't recall what the preferred setup is.
I installed a second HD in my Macbook Pro via Optibay.1st drive is SSD and second "normal" HD for data.When I boot I get a strange loop with the apple logo appearing and disappearing. It looks like my Mac does not know which of the two drives to choose for booting. Only when I press the options button before booting do I get the Bootcamp selector for Mac or Win which are both on the SSD.
As I use the second drive only for data, I want to make the SSD drive the "primary boot drive" without me having to press the option button on startup every time.
I'm thinking about replacing my 24" iMac with a 15" MacBook Pro, however I'd like to keep my 20" dell monitor and use it as the primary display for the MacBook Pro, is that possible? By primary I mean having the dock and everything else on it, with the built-in display being like an external display that I can use for extra space. Also, would the same be possible at all with my iMac?
i am usning Preview on my MacBook Air, when ever i try to mail a documenet or a pdf in outlook, te Mail stamp jumps up which i do not use. My primary and only email sysmtem that i want to use is Outlook. can anyone suggest how to find where i can place the needied setting?Â
Apple ID and Primary Email Address are locked and cannot be edited... I accidentally clicked "make my apple ID and Primary Email address one" and now I cannot edit it. I don't use my @mac account and am not receiving any notifications. How can I change my primary email address back to an address I actually check?
Whenever I want to open an image or document on my external display, it is displayed on the primary display (the MBP one). It's annoying, the image or document should open on the display from where it was double-clicked.Â
I have a macbook air, I'm trying to use my airport extreme with a 1 tb hard drive plugged in over my network to store my iTunes etc i change the preferences but it always seems to forget it when the laptop is turned of..
Info: MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3), using 3rd gen airport extreme
So my old 15" early 2006 Macbook Pro (1,1) no loger recognizes the primary display. I can use an external monitor just fine, but when I go into System Profiler, it's like my primary display disappeared. I reinstalled Snow Leopard, reset PRAM, NVRAM, repaired my permissions, tried to update my mac, but litterally nothing I have tried has worked.Â
It started when I tried to install both Windows 7 and Ubuntu. After completing the Windows 7 installation, I restarted my computer and it just hung on the Apple logo. I could feel the fans begining to spin really fast and it felt like my laptop was on fire. I restarted my computer, let it cool down, and it hung at the Apple logo again. I rebooted it a final time, and nothing. Black screen. No backlight or image...nothing.Â
I use my Macbook + Boxee to watch videos via a projector as my secondary display, but when I'm watching videos the bright macbook screen can be distracting next to my projected display. I'd naturally 'sleep' my display (I even have that function set as one of my 'hot corners') but if I do this then the secondary display, i.e. the projector, also loses picture. I'm therefore left with the options of dimming the brightness of the macbook's screen right down to its lowest setting (which seems to be 'off') or shutting the macbook lid, which naturally causes the whole system to sleep unless I use one of those reportedly dodgy kernel-hacking apps like InsomniaX.
if i hook up an external 7200rpm drive via fw800 to my mini, will this drive be faster to boot from than the internal 5400rpm drive? Could I use the external drive as my primary drive?
I had wanted to get a dual 2.66 with the ATI 4870 card. A client ordered it with the Geo 120. One option seems to be to buy an upgrade so here are my questions: 1. Is there anything I can do with the GEO 120? If I leave it in, will it do anything useful? When you have more than one card in, is their a "primary card"? How does the computer know? 2. If I buy another card, should I buy the ATI 4870 or the GTX 285? I've been reading about the 285 here. Will installing either of these cards void my warranty and/or AppleCare? There seems to be a question as to whether the 285 is "supported" by Apple, whatever that means. I do a lot of Photoshop editing and some video -- that's why I wanted the ATI. Suggestions as to what to do will be greatly appreciated.
I'm unable to find out how I can create a primary partition on a USB stick using OS X (I could just go to my Windows or Linux machine and do it there, but it just annoys the hell out of me that I haven't been able to figure out how to do it on my Mac so far).
I want to make one partition of the USB stick bootable (to keep a Windows 7 installation CD image on it) and use the rest of the USB stick for a data partition, but while the Disk utility allows me to generate two paritions, I can't find a setting that allows me to specify that one of them is primary.
I'm running three Apple Cinema Displays... I have two cards installed, the GTX 285 in Slot-1 and the GT 120 in Slot-3, which card is primary when it comes to gaming etc?
I have a Mac Pro running 10.6.8 with 2 identical monitors. Each time I reboot the primary display changes. Tried resetting the primary display in screen prefs but each time I reboot the primary display shifts to the other monitor.
I've got my MacBook attached to my 40" Sony Bravia HDTV (KDL40W4500), and when I mirror the display or use the HDTV as the primary screen it cuts off portions of the screen like the main toolbar on top, as well as some of the dock. I tried to change the Screen Format on my TV but that doesn't seem to work, does anyone know how to fix this?
I have a fresh install of Windows XP, service pack 2 on a boot camp partition on my macbook (13" first gen aluminum case) and a Apple LED Cinema Display attached to the mini display port.
I can't seem to make the Cinema Display the primary display (the "Use this device as the primary monitor" checkbox is always greyed out in the Display Property Settings tab). I also can't shut the macbook lid and continue to use it closed (with kb, mouse and monitor attached) like I would when booting OSX.
Is there some other way to make the Cinema Display the primary monitor, so I can leave the macbook closed when booting into Windows?
I have a Macbook with Snow Leopard and I plugged an auxiliary display on mini-dvi port. The display of the Macbook is my primary display and the other is the secondary. Is there any way to set the auxiliary display to be primary and the Macbook display to secondary?
I've been having problems booting into my OSX partition. At the time it started I wasn't using my Macbook Pro (Late 2009) very often so whenever I needed I just booted up into my BOOTCAMP partition. Anyways, I decided to finally stop being lazy and do a clean install. There's nothing on either partition of the same hard drive that I want. I put together a bootable USB drive and boot from it. From here I go to the Disk Utility and try to erase the entire drive. It gives me this error: URL....
Now, that's not a screenshot from my mac but its the exact same error. Anyways, I've tried to find something on point but I just can't. Some posts have stated that the hard drive is broken, but if that's the case why can I start up the BOOTCAMP partition of the exact same drive flawlessly? I can even manipulate files on the OSX partition from Windows 7.Â
My primary HD (Macintosh HD), which has all of my System, Application, Library, etc files on it...doesn't show up in Finder any more, or...I should say...as of tonight. It's there when I do a search. I can open it and all the files appear to be intact. All of my applications seem to running normally (except for Lightwave 3D, which can't find the softward key that's stored in the library file). I can install software to the Macintosh HD as well.
I'm thinking about buying a mac mini to use with an HDTV as the primary screen. I've read some other posts regarding this. My question is, which method of hooking the setup up (i.e., which cables) provides the best picture. I've done this with a PC before but the connection was crumby... is this the case with the mac mini? Will I be able to get the same resolution that I can in a monitor? Also, I have looked at a ton of HDTVs and find the picture to be pretty bad compared to older TVs. Can anyone reccommend a model in the $500-700 range that has a good picture.