I am considering making the switch from PC to Mac, the desktop switch is easy, I would simply replace my Dell with an iMac, but I also need a portable computer (running OS-X not iOS) to replace my netbook. I will be using it for Internet access, light audio editing and streaming with Audacity, QuickTime and VLC (Ogg, FLAC, etc), some light spreadsheet work (I will switch to Numbers), heavy writing (I will switch to Pages), Sykpe, iCal, Mail, and Google Earth. I need to check the output of the headphone/lineout port, to see if it can drive the monitors that I use for linguistics. (16 Ohm Beyerdynamic DT100 and 24 Ohm Sony MDR-XB700). I have looked around but I cannot find any detailed specifications for the headphone/lineout on the MacBook Air 11.6, the Apple Technical Specifications simply list the port as "Headphone Minijack". If any of you have low impedance headphones with large drivers and could spare the time to plug them in and let me know what the volume is like.
i just got my macbook pro unibody, and first time i insert headphone in the jack the little piece of the head phone gets stuck in the jack. what should i do?
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Late 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Which earbuds/headphone can I use for this the 2011 Macbook Pro? My iPod's jack is too big for the audio port on this computer. Do I need to get an adaptor?
First, When I connect the headphone some times I can not hear anything ,However , If I hear the sound I can not understand .It spoils everything.
Second,the brightness of my screen could not be fixed sometimes are too light and sometimes are too dark with out I change it just automatically change.
I have a late 2008 MacBook Pro and while I think it's cool that I can use iPhone headphones with it I miss using my old school analog headset with a boom. I use skype for calls and find that people have a hard time hearing me with iPhone headphones. Is anyone aware of a splitter for that jack so that I can connect a headphone line and a mic line? I've seen lots of solutions that have a built in mic but I was hoping that there's simply a splitter out there somewhere.
I upgraded to 10A432 last week. Today I plug in my headphones and to my surprise they dont work. If the headphones are plugged in audio comes out of computer speaker. Under Sound in Syspref it doesn't see the headphone. My mac is still under the 90 day warranty but I am studying in Purdue and don't know where the nearest apple store is.
I went to plug my headphones into my Macbook and I noticed that the tip of the plug was glowing red, when I turned to look at the side of the computer I nonticed that there was a red light being emitted from the headphone port and the sound icon on the menu bar was grayed out. Is there actually a light in there? What does it mean? I'm uploading pictures right now, they'll be up in a few minutes. My MacBook is a late-2007 White MacBook running 10.6.1.
Just wondering does anybody else have a problem with the bad connection from the headphone jack on their Mac? It won't hold in any jack i plug into it and plays audio through the internal speakers unless the connection is pushed right in. It's not exactly the worst thing that could go wrong with your Mac but very annoying all the same!
My 13" 4 year old macbook's headphone jack hasn't been working for the last week. I had been using a messed up cord (the adaptor part was bent) to plug it into speakers, and eventually it misplaced or bent something in the headphone jack. This is the important part, the headphone jack still works. If i put in headphones and push the headphone connector thing (sorry I don't know the word) forward (towards the screen) it recognizes and works. This leads me to believe the headphone jack has been knocked out of place or there is something bent in there. Is there any potential fix because I have a lot of plane flights coming up and don't want to be stuck with just the music on my iPod.
i have no sound coming through my headphone port on my macbook pro os x. I can hear my music through the internal speakers but when I plug in my speakers or headphones all i hear is static of the song if i put the volume full blast.
Info: MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have a very new Mac Book Pro, but suddenly I only get sound in one of my headphone speakers. I've restarted it, but it didn't work. Also tried different headphones.
i have tried apple earbuds and sony earbuds and neither will fit into the jack. they seem to be too thick for the plug, it looks like there is a gray plastic lining around the hole but i dont know if that needs to be removed.
So last monday I was recording my guitar (via the audio line ofc, not mic) on my macbook. I plugged the cable in the wrong hole from my speaker. I turned the volume all the way up. Then I noticed I plugged it into the wrong port on my speaker, without remembering it was on maximum volume. Then I played a note on my guitar, and my macbook imediately shat down, by the fact it wasn't plugged into the wall. There is no damage for the internal sound. But when I plug in my headset/mic, there is barely no sound, unless I use a booster, but then I get uncompleted, bad, distorted sound!
I plug my laptop into external speakers for better sound. Now for some reason they are not working. Its not the speakers because I tried some headphones also and got no sound as well. I just downloaded itunes 10, but the speakers were working fine yesterday so I don't think that is it.
i just got a macbook pro from my fiances sister as she broke the headphones off inside of it and just decided to buy another one.....so ive tried everything to get it out...crazy glue and every object imaginable tweazers you name it ive probably tried it....so my question is can i use a hot needle to poke through the backside of the audio out on the logic board? and if that wont work i want to completely disable the audio out jack and just use the speakers....(PLEASE NO POSTS ABOUT TAKING IT TO APPLE CARE THEY WANT $700 TO REPLACE THE LOGIC BOARD AND IM NOT DOING THAT...MAINLY JUST IDEAS ON HOW TO DISABLE THE AUDIO OUT....TRIED SYSTEM PREFS BY THE WAY....
Is anyone else having problems using their headphones with the Macbook Air? My Shure E500 headphones have a loud hiss and instead of playing music properly, the music is filled with odd bleeps and bloops. I have a similar problem with my Etymotic headhones. I *think* the standard iPod headphones worked fine, but I no longer have them on hand to test.
Has anyone used the MBA with Ultimate Ears headphones? If so what was the fit with the jack like? Any problems like needing an extension due to to a dodgy fit?
I just got one of the new aluminum Macbooks and everything works great... except when I plugged in some headphones. Whenever audio of any sort starts I get an almost silent static like noise in the background... be it sound from a Youtube video, Ventrillo, iTunes... anything. After a couple minutes the static goes away. But if any sound occurs the static returns. Most of the time you can't notice it because the audio that is playing is louder. But when its silent you can hear the quiet static like noise. I have some Sony In-Ear Earbuds. I tried plugging in the gross default iPod earbuds and I couldn't hear the static with those but that may of just been because I can't fit the damn things in my ears. I don't know if its my Macbook or the headphones just don't like the Macbook.
I was just listening to some music through some speakers on my old 1.8ghz cd macbook and then I unplugged the cable from the headphone jack and noticed that there was a red glowing light coming from the headphone jack. Now my sound is messed up, sound works properly only when something is plugged into the headphone jack. Nothing will play through the internal speakers when I try to adjust the volume with nothing plugged in I get this.
If I pull on my headphones while they're plugged into my unibody any more than .5mm the sound goes back to the Macbook speakers. Are anybody else's headphones this sensitive? I really don't even have to pull on the headphones. The headphone jack doesn't securely hold the cord.
Is it possible by any means to use the headphone output and the built in speakers together.The reason I ask is I have a wireless speaker which transmits from the headphone jack. When this is plugged in it sends everything playing on my MBP to the speaker. This is great but I would also like the music to play from my laptop speakers at the same time.
I was using my 13" White Macbook (Spring 07) all day today, listening to music on headphones while working. I brought my computer over to a friend's house and attempting to line out some audio from Garage Band to speakers through the headphone jack and suddenly all audio began to have skips & spaces every second or so. I can still the hear songs but they are constantly interrupted. I tried Itunes & audio from the internet, and two different pairs of headphones I know work. Same problem every time. The strange thing is that the audio works perfectly out of the internal speakers. Has anyone had this same problem? I haven't seen anything on the web that was similar. I tried the Q-Tip/Toothpick trick suggested on a bunch of other threads. But I don't think it's an issue of the computer not adjusting to the headphone setting. Also tried to resetting the battery, but that didn't work either.
When I plug a set of headphones on my macbook pro, it no longer recognizes that headphones are plugged in. I have tried three different sets of headphones just to make sure that they are not the problem. In Sound/Output section of system preferences, it still says internal speakers even when the headphones are plugged in all the way.
Is there a fix for this I can do myself or do I need to take it in to an Apple Store?
I would like to connect my XM Radio received through the headphone jack on my MPB 13" using a mini stereo cable so the sound will play through the 24" monitor. I have changed "Use audio port for" - Sound Input, but no sound.
I have a dried skittle stuck in my headphone jack, and can not get it out for anything. My MacBook Pro thinks that there is a headphone in the jack, but there isn't so it doesn't play any sound from my speakers. I was looking to disable digital out but don't know how.
I bought my unibody MBP back in late July from the Apple store here. It's been a great machine. Except all of a sudden my headphone jack won't play sound. I realized this last night as I tried to listen to music on it while surfing the web. I've plugged headphones into it maybe 10 times total. And they worked every time before. If I unplug the headphones and plug them back in repeatedly I can get them to work after about the 4th or 5th time. When they do work, the sound is great. Anyway, I made an appointment with the genius bar this afternoon to show them and see if there is anything they can do. Obviously, after paying $2,500 for a laptop I would expect it to run completely flawlessly. But at the same time, I'm hoping they don't offer to replace it with a refurbished one. In fact, I would prefer to not even get a new one. I love this one, I guess I just hope it's fixable.
Last weekend, after I took my headphones out of the computer, I couldn't get any sound from the mac, and the volume controls on the keyboard didn't work. 5 minutes later I noticed a red light coming out of the headphone jack. I looked around for answers and apparently all you need to do is stick in a matchstick or Q-tip and wiggle it around to fix the sensor. It worked the first time. I could get sound from the mac and the next couple of times after unplugging the headphones, everything was normal. The problem has come up again, and I'm looking for a permanent fix. Am I looking at a trip to the Apple Store to get it fixed, or is there something I can do?