Mac Pro :: Video Card For Triple Monitor With World Of Warcraft

Nov 20, 2010

I want to set up a triple monitor (3x27" 1920x1200) and using the Ultra setting in WOW, what video card(s) would/could I use to drive this?

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Mac Pro :: 09 For World Of Warcraft?

Jul 10, 2009

Im specifically looking for folks using a the Apple 4870 512Mb , any PC 4870, or a 4890 (Hell let me know if you are using the GTX 285 Mac edition also) in combination with a 30" monitor.

Im looking at this setup and I play WoW frequently , but that is the ONLY game I play..

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Mac Pro :: Can't Get 60 Frames Per Second - World Of Warcraft (WoW)

Feb 18, 2008

I am new to macs, wanted the best they could offer before i became assimilated into the mac world so i waited for the new Mac Pro. Just got it and the only game i am playing is World of Warcraft. I have the 8800GT video card and 4gb of ram, the rest is as they ship it in their "standard version" of the new Mac Pro's.

I can't get over 60 frames per second with the settings maxed out. Even when i take the Multisampling to 24-Bit Color 24-bit depth 1X Multisample.

Everything is maxed out, everything. I know when i have the multisampling turned up to 4x i should be able to get over 60fps when i am like, looking at the sky or something, but i cant get it over 60fps. What do i need to do? I have read on some Blizzard forums about typing in commands like "/console GLFaster 0/1/2" but none of that is changing anything. I am running 10.5.2 of Leopard.

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OS X :: Blocking World Of Warcraft?

Mar 15, 2009

I'm tired of my brother getting terrible grades, not doing anything, and complaining about lagging all the time so how can I go about blocking world of warcraft from our network? I have a time capsule and found out that WoW uses port 3724 but that's all i know... If it can't be done with the network then how would I be able to block it on his computer without him being able to fix it with just a reinstall? (he has a PC)

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OS X :: Backing Up World Of Warcraft?

Aug 27, 2009

Ah, nothing like zero-ing out a disk and installing from scratch.

Except, like 13 World of Warcraft discs say otherwise.

My question is whether or not I can just drag my entire WoW folder to an external drive and drag back after the reformat. I don't want to use time-machine or migration assistant, because I specifically want to wipe everything else out, just not WoW.

Also, bonus question: iLife 09 is on which disk from the bundle that came with my iMac? And I can install that after I install SL right?

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MacBook Pro :: Best Settings For World Of Warcraft?

Aug 26, 2010

I'm ordering a Macbook Pro next week and I'm curious as to which is going to be the best setup. I plan to play World of Warcraft on it (as well as use it for my work). Ideally I'd have liked the 13" because I prefer the smaller size but out of these setups which would be best?

13-inch: 2.4GHz with SSD (would the 2.66GHz make a significant difference?) or Baseline 15-inch: 2.4GHz

I don't mind running the game on medium settings, although I'd prefer not to run it on it's lowest. I would be using it for raiding 10 and 25 mans. I'd expect 25fps min in most situations, but would like more.

Is this achievable on the 13"? I just don't want to order one and find I'm disappointed, given the cost.

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OS X :: Defrag Files For World Of Warcraft?

Nov 30, 2008

Since I got my Macbook Pro back in June, boot times and loading times of apps seems to of gotten longer. I ran iDefrag to see what was going on and the most fragged file was lichking.MPQ which, as most of you may know, is the new World of Warcraft expansion. it is a large file (2.4gb).

iDefrag reported my HDD being 28% fragmented.

My question is, should or do I need to defrag? It has been asked a 1,000,000 times I know but I just can't seem to get a simple yes or no answer anywhere.

Some people say yes, some say no and some say defragging my mac caused a hard drive failure etc..

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Mac Pro :: WoW (World Of Warcraft) Freezes In 8-core

Dec 5, 2008

I have totally standard new Mac Pro (8-Core etc).

I usually have a few simple apps running at the same time...

Currently a UML App, Adium, Firefox, Skype, Mail & iTunes, and obviously... WoW.

For some reason, every now and again, it freezes, then returns to it's normal (high) FPS... anything I can do to speed it up? I'm thinking whether it's really worth buying it 8800 GT?

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OS X :: ITablet Able To Play World Of Warcraft?

Aug 5, 2009

I'm really interested in the itablet or macbook touch as they call it. I'm also an avid player of world of warcraft. Do you think the game will work on a tablet?

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MacBook Pro :: World Of Warcraft Hi Res Screen?

Apr 29, 2010

I am going to get a MBP i5 2.53ghz with 7200rpm 500gb hd. And a Hi Res AG screen.

Is this bad for playing wow?

Anything will be a step up from using an ibook g4.

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MacBook Pro :: World Of Warcraft On The Base 13" MBP?

Jul 3, 2009

I have a previous gen iMac (got it in Aug 2008) and It runs well.. And was wondering how WoW runs on the base MBP.. And in comparison to the base iMac from last year?

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MacBook Pro :: Performance Of World Of Warcraft With Core I5

Apr 14, 2010

This is what I'm thinking of going with:

2.53GHz Intel Core i5
MacBook Pro 17-inch Hi-Resolution Antiglare

I'm wondering specifically, but in general relating to games, how the performance is in World of Warcraft, or similar games.

Anyone have a similar config and some results?

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MacBook Pro :: World Of Warcraft Might Have Broken System

Aug 17, 2010

Ever since I started playing WoW my MBP would get pretty hot to the point were my keys were burning my fingers, this would happen after around an hour of playtime. Two days into playing my laptop started freezing a lot, it started freezing up everything being unable to do anything (it would freeze for around 30sec then unfreeze for about 10seconds then freeze up again) This also kept happening even after I wasn't in game, so it came to a point were I had to format the mac, it works fine now but I'm afraid to play WoW again because of this freeze. Also, I played SC2 & Heroes of Newerth with no problems.

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MacBook Air :: World Of Warcraft Display 1920 X 1080?

Oct 21, 2010

I saw a few videos on youtube of the previous revision models and it seemed OK.

So this will run WoW on mediumish at 1440x900? I take it if I connected it to a 1920 x 1080 display in windowed mode it would probably lag?

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MacBook Pro :: World Of Warcraft Compatibility With Base 13" MBP?

Jul 3, 2009

Is it better spend the extra for the Pro as opposed to the regular MacBook performance wise?

I have a last gen base 20" iMac (from Aug 2008) .. the game seems to run pretty well, except now that I am in the Wrath part of the game it is starting to stutter more frequently.

Does the base 13" MBP run the game good? in comparison to the last gen base iMac?

Just looking to find some justification into purchasing either the MacBook or base MBP

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Mac Pro :: Snow Leopard - World Of Warcraft Resolution Won't Change

Sep 10, 2009

Now I know something is up here, however I dont know what. I have an Early 2009 Mac Pro 2.66, 6GB , 300GB Velociraptor and a GTX 285. I stood in a very visually intensive area of Sholazar Basin and got 37 FPS @ 2560x1600 with everything at max.

I then changed ALL setting s to the LOWEST possible and resolution I took down to 1920x1200 .. guess what? SAME EXACT 37 FPS....

To make sure I do not have a faulty card I went and installed CUDA and an app that forces the GTX 285 to run full speed 1.48Ghz... I got the exact same results...

IS this the Card? the drivers? Snow leopard?? This SAME card runs at 80+ FPS using Bootcamp in the same machine so Im leaning toward Snow Leopard or the drivers... Anyone? Thoughts? I want to ditch my windows Gaming box but this is frustrating me to no end! My preference is to game with WoW in OS X but I cannot like this..

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IMac :: World Of Warcraft On 27" - How To Check Performance

Oct 23, 2009

Could any 27" iMac owners post their framerates for WoW here so we can get a feel for how the systems compare to the 24" iMac.

test and report back the following:

1. Processor, GPU, Vram
2. Videosettings used
3. Framerates (ctrl-r) at native resolution in the following locations:
a) Dalaran
b) Stormwind or Ogrimaar
c) 25 man raid

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Mac Mini :: Playing World Of Warcraft, With 1680x1050 Monitors?

Aug 15, 2010

So is the 320m capable of pushing that high of a resolution in game with highest settings (Minus AA and AF, both of which would be near lowest, shadows would also be on medium-medium high)? I ask because, before I buy one, I want to make sure I know what I'm getting. I know the 320m isn't a gaming card by any means but I'd love to crank up the settings on WoW. I also wonder if it will still be able to push near max settings (in the case that it already does) when Cataclysm comes out.

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Hardware :: Airport Extreme Disconnects While Playing World Of Warcraft

Nov 27, 2010

I have a Airport Extreme connected to two Imacs with eithernet While playing we get suddenly disconnets we have great game preforcmane low latency and no lagg but suddenly we disconnect both disconnects just a couple seconds apart

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Applications :: Custom Icon For World Of Warcraft Results In Error?

Feb 16, 2009

Installed WoW a while ago, and played a bunch. Then I installed CandyBar, and changed some icons (including the WoW icon) and then WoW no longer worked. It gave me an error message about changing files or something I can't remember now.Anyway, has anyone else run into this problem, or know how to avoid it (aside from the obvious 'don't use CandyBar')?

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MacBook Pro :: 17" Stock - Can Play World Of Warcraft With Ultra Settings

Jul 21, 2010

I've searched and couldn't find anything on this, anyone got this setup and could let me know what the average fps is and can it play on ultra settings and be bearable (25-40 fps)?

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Mac Pro :: Will A Second Video Card Help Performance On Only One Monitor

Mar 22, 2008

this is kind of a dumb question. I have a Radeon 8500 in a Power Mac G4 that I'm repairing. I have a PCI Radeon 7000, and I was wondering, if I put it in too, would having two GPUs affect performance even though the monitor was only attached to the 8500?

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Mac Mini :: World Of Warcraft On Base Mac Mini?

Mar 20, 2010

i was just wondering if anyone had installed world of warcraft on a base model mac mini (2.26ghz) 2gb ram) or anything above that and if it was played and what fps you get

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Mac Pro :: Adding Video Card For Connecting Second Monitor

Mar 5, 2008

I'm thinking of adding a second monitor and instead of using the second DVI port on my 8800GT I'd like to just add an ATI 2600XT and plug the second monitor into that, saving extra strain on the 8800GT.

My questions are:
1) Do the 8800GT and 2600XT play nice together in one box?
2) Can an application grab just one monitor without using windowed mode? (simple e.g. WoW running full screen on the 8800GT and the desktop showing on the 2600XT).

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Mac Pro :: Gaming At Triple Monitor Resolutions?

Jul 2, 2010

I know that you'd need at least 2 graphics cards to run the 3 monitors. Is there a way to play games using all 3 monitors (if the game supports it). I know that with Windows, you would just use software supplied with the video card and make the computer "think" that it's 1 big display. With OS X, is there any way I can play games at triple monitor resolutions? I am also open to Bootcamp ideas, but then don't you have the same problem again because you have multiple video cards instead of just one?

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MacBook Air :: World Of Warcraft On 11.6 MacBook Air?

Oct 29, 2010

I didn't see a thread on this yet and I assume there are probably others out there who want to know if the 11.6" MacBook Air can play WoW so I thought I would post my experiences.

My particular 11.6" MacBook Air is of the maxed out variety (1.6GHz, 4GB RAM, and 128GB HDD) so I can't speak for the base model. I am happy to report that WoW is perfectly playable on the MacBook Air with "Good" level graphics. Outside in Northrend produces an average of about 30 fps, which is perfectly playable. You could always turn the graphics down further and bump up the performance a little more if you needed it, say in Dalaran perhaps.

The flash memory makes the game load very quickly and characters and environment details appear the moment you log in which makes the game feel a lot faster. The fan will get VERY loud however. You can tell it's working that little processor and graphics chip hard. The machine will also get pretty warm on your lap but nowhere near as bad as my 15" MacBook Pro does.

The verdict? I wouldn't go raiding on it, but for casual questing it's just fine. It's no gaming powerhouse but the Air can hold its own, at least with the upgraded processor and RAM.

I'd love to hear from someone with a base model Air to see how it performs as well!

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MacBook Air :: Macbook Air - World Of Warcraft Fps?

Feb 27, 2010

i was just wondering if anyone had installed wow to there macbook air 1.6ghz 120gb hdd nvidia 9400m if so what fps did you get

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Desktops :: Need A Video Card/Replace A Video Card?

Sep 4, 2009

Ok so I have a old Mac Performa 640CD/Dos that I am trying to to get up and running again. I had a monitor for it but it fell off the couch and broke. So I thought maybe I can use an adapter with it in order to use PC VGA monitor. Well after getting the first adapter and trying it, no luck, then I tried one that had dip switches on it. Tried 640 x 480, 800 x 600, almost all the dip switch combination with no luck on getting anything on the screen. Could it be that I might have a bad video card and it needs replaced? Or is this particular model not compatible with PC VGA monitors?

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OS X :: Unable To Save Flash Video / No Video Link In Activity Monitor

Aug 6, 2009

I ordered NFL game rewind so I can watch all of last years games. I was wondering if anyone knows how to save the videos I watch. The videos are in flash, but when I view activity monitor there is nothing being downloaded.

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PowerPC :: Video Card For A G5 - For Video Editing Watching Hulu And Youtube And Netflix

May 25, 2010

Well I got rid of the quicksilvers since they died. Power supplys gave out and took the motherboards, So I sold what was left on EBAY.

My G4 Ethernet was sold to a co-worked and he is quite happy.

And I got this off ebay today:

Dual 1.8GHz PowerPC G5Procs
Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-117D
Samsung HD160JJ/P 160GB SATA HDD (not apple labeled, not original to this system)
(1) Power Cord
pci106b,9 PCI Ethernet Controller

Well I didnt' read the fine print and BAZINGA! I noticed that it comes without a video card.

So For video editing, watching hulu and youtube and netflix What do you guys recommend.

I do have a PCI GEforce at home with 512 megs for PC and I was wondering if I could flash it and if so, does anyone know of a good walkthrough?

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