Mac Pro :: Having Some Graphical Problems With Mac Pro?

May 21, 2008

My new Mac Pro arrived the other day, and I've been having some graphical problems with it, mostly is Finder. The computer itself runs great, and it surpassed my expectations running Final Cut Pro. But these graphical errors never happened on my old Powerbook, and they're reminiscent of the days when I used PC's. Basically, sections of the screen don't get "erased" or "refreshed," so portions of old windows will stay on the screen after it's been closed or moved, kind of like it's leaving behind a trail or ghost after it's gone. The clock wasn't graphically updating, either, so at 6 tonight it said it was 2:25 p.m. Has anyone else had similar problems?

I'm running on 2 x 2.8 GHz Quad-Core processors, 2 GB of RAM (soon to be upgraded), 8800 GT graphics card, and my display is a Samsung 2253BW. Unlikely it's the monitor, but possible, I guess?

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OS X :: Getting Graphical Glitches (Snow Leopard)

Sep 5, 2009

So turned on the computer today after installing Snow Leopard yesterday and first the menubar had graphical glitches but it disappeared when I clicked the icons. Went to my desktop sometime later and I saw this Bug or is my display giving up?

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Applications :: Keynote 09 Graphical Capacity/handling?

Nov 11, 2010

So I'm doing a presentation about Playing Cards for a contest. I design a full deck of cards on Photoshop and them convert each card to .png to insert them on keynote one by one to arrange them like a spread deck, I put 40 cards in one slide with some object animation as well as slide animations The problem is: when I run the "view test" to see who the slides looks like, it takes FOREVER to jump to one slide to the other, and the animations barely play, I tried to make a QT video to try to see, and Keynote doesn't handle it and crashes.

I looked up to the Activity monitor, and it told me the keynote was using almost 800mb of memory (out of 4gb), to be fair I quit all the apps running just to make keynote "feel better", no progress.
The only solution was to delete the slides with the 40 cards and just work on the slides with less than 10 cards and add those 40 cards slides back when the presentation is done.

But it is so inconvenient as some objects animations on some slides are related, including all the slides with the 40 cards, furthermore I have to present it, the solution would be convert to QT movie but again keynote doesn't handle it.

I'm very disappointed with keynote, I wasn't expecting this malfunction at all.
What should I do?

Any bad experiences with keynote as well?

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MacBook :: Graphical Glitch On External Display?

Nov 12, 2008

I am seeing graphical glitches appearing on the 2nd screen hooked to my aluminum MacBook (late 2008) through Apple's mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter. Dancing pixels, of a sort.

They are not there initially, but appear after an hour or two of use.

Unplugging and re-plugging the screen into the MacBook clears the issue...for a while...

The monitor in question is an Apple Cinema Display with an ADC connector, going through and Apple DVI to ADC converter before getting to the mini DisplayPort to DVI adapter. It's a lot of adapters, but it should not be a problem. And the glitches were never seen when this external screen was (until recently) used with my MacBook Pro rev 1.

See a poor-quality video of the glitches here:


Is anyone else experiencing this?

I have since returned my 2.0GHz MacBook in exchange for a 2.4GHz unit (I could not live without the illuminated keyboard I was used to on an earlier MBP). I see the glitch on this unit as well...

I recently launched Unreal Tournament 2004 while the glitch was evident and the dancing pixels became dramatically more prevalent - maybe 1/4 of the on-screen pixels were affected. When I exited the game, the external screen went back to the "normal" level of dancing pixels. Sleeping and waking the laptop, as expected, removed the glitches...until they come back.

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Windows On Mac :: Major Graphical Glitching In Games

May 18, 2009

I'm using one if the first gen Macbook Pro's and I seem to be experiencing major artefacting and ground just disappearing. I was thinking that it may have something to do with the fact that whenever I play a game(unless it's ancient) the fans rev up to 6000 rpm and the base of the computer becomes way too hot to touch. But I have also heard that it could be something to do with not having up to date drivers though I don't know how to check this or even where to download the correct ones. Oh and by the way, the games I tend to play are mostly games that have come out between about 2-6 years ago though I occasionally play a more recent one like Fallout 3(though for some reason it didn't appear to be so bad on this which I found weird considering I had to play it on the lowest settings in order for it to be at all playable)

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MacBook :: Graphical Corruption Around Edges Of Apps

Apr 4, 2010

I've got a late 2007 SR whitebook 2.2ghz 4gig of ram with intel gma x3100 using Snow Leopard 10.6.3. Last couple months (I think) I've experienced some graphical corruption around the edges of apps (it goes black mostly but sometimes looks like lots of lines) it also happens in expose around the windows, also on dock icons. It happened in 10.6.2 and now 10.6.3, its not happening at the moment which is annoying as i can't show you, my macbook seems to run very hot (well it feels hot underneath though the iStat dashboard shows it idling cpu at 57 degrees c).

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MacBook Pro :: Late 2011 IPhoto 9.2.2 Graphical Glitch?

Mar 8, 2012

see the following video I have posted on youtube. The problem is happening on the late 2011 13"inch Macbook Pro with intel 3000 HD graphics. The problem is limited to iPhoto window. Is it a faulty GPU? or a Software problem? [URL]

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IMac :: Graphical Glitches On The System, Have The Faint Line That Would Run Across The Screen?

Sep 6, 2010

I have an early 2008 Imac with an Nividia 8800 GS graphics card. It apparently failed two weeks ago, and I just got the machine back after the Apple Store replacing the card.The only graphical glitches I had on the Imac, was the faint line that would run across the screen that you could see on a white background if I left a program's window opened to long; and when using Safari, while encoding a dvd, trying to open up a new tab I would get images of whatever I was encoding in the new safari tab for half a second. Then it would correct itself and bring a blank safari page.

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Mac Pro :: Mix Of Freezes / Hangs And Weird Graphical Artifacts Showing Up On Screens

Jul 1, 2012

I own two Intel-era Mac Pros, one at work, the other at home office.couple months ago both started having the same problem: a mix of freezes/hangs and weird graphical artifacts showing up on the screens.Usually I need to reboot. Usually a reboot fixes the problem for a while until it recurs. If it was just one computer, I'd figure disk problem or graphics card.But the fact that both have been affected at the same time makes me suspect some software issue or possibly a trojan/virus.

mac pro, Mac OS X (10.4.8)

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OS X Mountain Lion :: In Mail How To View Graphical HTML Emails

Dec 12, 2014

I have received an email in graphical HTML format — a series of venues and dates for a band in the form of a grid. It shows up beautifully in webmail, but in Apple Mail it shows uselessly as unformatted and unpunctuated text. Is there any setting in Mail prefs., or some other subterfuge, that would allow such emails to show properly in Mail?

Mac mini, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.5)

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