Mac Pro :: The Mythical Midrange Mac Minitower?

Feb 20, 2008

Sure, we've all THOUGHT about it before... but I found an article (about 7 months old) were Dan Frakes has put it into WRITING.

If only it were true: (URL)

It could certainly fill the role of a gaming mac (without the cost of the Mac Pro)

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OS X :: Mythical Shortcut In Cocoa Applications?

Aug 17, 2008

Recently, I have discovered a quite strange shortcut � first in Safari then in any cocoa apps. If you select some text in browser url bar and press Cntrl+L then the text will be shortly highlighted. It looks very similar to the keyword highlighting during search trough web pages. Take a look on short screencast and you will get what I mean � on my blog (in russian) or youtube.

Such yellow few seconds highlighting happens also in Google search bar of Safari, in TextEdit and so on. Interesting is that the Control+L shortcut disapear in Safari 4.0 Preview.

I have no idea what is the reason to use this shortcut. Is it programmers error? Easter egg?

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PowerPC :: G3 Beige Minitower Failing To Boot After Processor Swap

Jun 1, 2010

I have a G3 Beige Minitower (233MHz model) that I recently upgraded with a A/V Personality card I got from a friend of mine. It booted with the new personality card just fine. Now I got a hold of a G3 450MHz ZIF processor card and I put it into my G3, swapping out the old 233MHz one. I also took off the red jumper block and put some jumpers in place for a 450MHz processor. (Thanks to MacAddict Issue 30 for the pinouts, see "Overclocking your G3"). Now I got it booting, chiming and the power light going green, but no video coming out of the onboard video card (that came with the machine). I also have another Hard Drive, a Ultra-Wide SCSI card and a USB card, all 3rd party.

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