Mac Pro :: PicLens On MP Is Sick
Mar 21, 2008I'd forgotten all about PicLens plugin for Firefox when I got my new MP. I'd used it on my iMac but was before they had the 3D Wall. All I can say is "Wow". Browsing Flickr images on that 3D Wall is SICK! The photos loaded quick and flying/zooming along the wall was smooth.Just to compare, I installed the plugin on my T61p ThinkPad with 2.2GHz C2D w/ 2GB of RAM and ran it side-by-side using the same internet connection. On the MP, it rendered pics what seemed like 10 to 1 and the flying/zooming wasn't as smooth on the ThinkPad.
If you're a Flickr junkie like me with a MP, I suggest you give it a try. You'd be amazed. Unfortunately, the 3D Wall effect is not available on Safari.