Mac Pro :: How To Restore A PPC Architecture
May 6, 2010I removed the PPC architecture through monolingual;
is there any way restore it?
my Intel Mac based snowleopard becomes unstable.
I removed the PPC architecture through monolingual;
is there any way restore it?
my Intel Mac based snowleopard becomes unstable.
I have Monolingual, and was wondering if I should delete PPC and ARM architecture? Any reason to keep it on my Core 2 Duo iMac?
View 3 Replies View Relatedarchitecture of MAC Operation System?I am make a work on mac and i need help, i am not to find nothing...Â
Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Im thinking about buying a 13" mba to be my computer everywhere i go, but I have some doubts about it's performance because there are a lot of different opinions around the web.
It will not be my primary machine, since I have a sony vaio F (heaavyy for carryng around!) and a powerful desktop for gaming and rendering, but i will ocasionally need to do some work on adobe cs5, autocad, and google sketchup light work on the mba. Have you guys ever tried one of this programs? how is the performance?
So I went down to the local Apple store to have a gander at the new iMacs the other day. Think I'm going to get one.
The weird thing is that I opened up Terminal on one and had look at mach_kernel in the / directory, expecting to see two kernel architectures, x86_64 and i386. Lo and behold, there was a third one; architecture ppc.
Ive recently purchased Photoshop CS4 and I am having trouble making it work on my macbook. I believe I have met all of the requirements, and I have uninstalled it multiple times using the uninstaller. I need some new ideas on what could be going wrong.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI thinking to buy the new Imac 27 I7 for architecture studio.. any sugestions? is for advance cad user and 3d programs such as Cinema 4D rhino and 3d studio.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI bought Photoshop cs4 extended student version and installed it on my mac (Imac os X 10.5.8) but when I wanna open it, it says " cannot open Photoshop because it's not supported on this architecture. I tried to reinstall it a few times but still doesn't work. I don't know what it means "not supported on this architecture" ?
View 6 Replies View RelatedI need to file an amended tax return for 2010 but when I start the disk I get the "not supported' message. I'm running 10.5.8 which I probably installed after I did the original 2010 taxes.
iBook, Mac OS X (10.5)
I am a novice at computers. I downloaded an application, nook for mac and the message I got was as follows;Nook for Mac is not supported by this architecture. What does this mean and how can I correct this? I want to be able to download library books to my mac and then transfer them to the Nook.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.4.11)
My G5 is popping up with architecture not supported.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI run a small architecture firm and I'm in need of a database program to track projects, clients, and employees.
I'd like the ability to create project reports that illustrate how much time and money is spent on all aspects of a project (predesign, site analysis, schematic, etc.), reimbursables, direct expenses, etc.
I'd also like to break that down further to what individual employees have worked on. On individual projects as well as all projects worked on.
Is this something that can be done in Bento or is Filemaker needed? Some have recommended Access but I would prefer to stay on the Mac side for this information.
the graphics processor on my computer broke so i had to pull files off using the firewire system to connect two computers and when i went to open the address book this appeared "cant open application address book because it is not supported on this architecture".
MacBook Pro, iOS 5.1
I am an Architect and i am planning to buy an iMac soon. Unfirtunately not all architecture software works on Mac OS.Is it sensible enough to install windows 7 on iMac and use for aechitecture purpose ?
Hp, Windows Vista
After updating itunes thsi morning I then tried to download Skype. It seemed to download ok but when I went to open it I got the message "You cannot open the application "Skype" because it is not supported on this architecture"
skype, Mac OS X (10.5.8)
How long should I be stuck on the screen "calculating space required to restore data"? I've been on this screen for about 20, 30 minutes. The "hash mark wheel" is spinning, but just not seeing anything new. Is this normal? My backed up data is ~100 GB.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have an external hard drive which shows all time machine backups but I cannot restore to an earlier time, restore button blanked out.
iMac (21.5-inch Mid 2011)
So here's my question:I've owned my share of MacBook Pro's, so I'm somewhat familiar, but not an expert. I got my mini last Friday from cowboom (a Best Buy affiliate), and since it's a pre-owned, it only came with the power cable and HDMI to DV-I adapeter. For those that ordered these, a majority of the people posted that it did not come with an OS, but the Internet Restore option fixed the trick. So I powered it on and got the flashing folder with the question mark. No OS. I did the Internet recovery and ran it through all the way to the the reinstall Lion screen. When asking what drive to install it on, there were no drives. I closed the installer and ran the disk utility and the only available drive was some basic drive that had a capacity less than 2GB. No other drives. I booted from my Lion that's on USB, but there's no drive to install it on. Any suggestions? I checked the warranty and the warranty cannot be verified. Some buyers said they had warranty from 8 months and up. One said his warranty showed starting from the day he restored his mac. I'm guessing because it was never registered I made an appointment tomorrow to take it to apple but is there something that can help avoid the trip?
Mac mini
the operating system could not work fan is running and desktop show but get not any function i want restor my operating system.
View 1 Replies View Relatedi would like to know if there is a way i can restore my desktop mac to its original settings just like you do the iphone?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI can boot up to my backed external HD. I'm having a few issues with Iphoto. It hangs every time i open it. Yes I have check disk permissions, and repair disk. and still the problem. seeing that i backed up only a few days ago.
View 6 Replies View RelatedIn an attempt to mount an external hard drive onto my iMac, I attempted to put in the original install disk (10.4.7) and re-installed my OS. I was upgraded to Leopard but now I accidentally re-installed Tiger. When re-installing it told me that Leopard would be saved under "Previous System" or something like that. I've looked for this folder or a way to restore my system but nothing has worked. I was not using Time Machine. All of my applications (such as Final Cut) are still there, but "cannot be opened on this OS".
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am selling my mini to a friend and want to restore it like the way it came from apple, i.e. first time you turn it on you do all the settings (language, Internet connection, registration etc)
how do i do this?
I'm unfamiliar with how to perform a system restore on a Mac. On my PC I can just go through the System Tools > Sys. Restore and have my PC almost back to how it was when I bought it.
How can I do this on my Mac?
I don't have the discs it came with, nor can I get new ones.
I have been using Time Machine for backups. Now I'd like to use Time Machine to have the same desktop as my last backup on another Macbook.
How do I do it?
i am selling my imac tomorrow and i want to restore it to the way it was when it came out of the box. i want it to have the leopard video and everything the first time the new owner cuts it on. the only problem is, that im not that tech savoy and i have no clue how to restore.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am a former Acer user. On my old Acer notebook when I had to restore, it contained a partition. So all I had to do was drag and drop my important files to that little spot in the corner of the HD and everything ELSE would be erased, and my files would be safe when it was done.
View 8 Replies View RelatedHow do I go about sorting it? I'm sure it's something fairly innocuous.
View 6 Replies View RelatedI backed up my system on an external drive. I need to restore from that because I can no longer partition my HDD for Boot camp. How do I do this?
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I looked at the Install disks, one reads "For Mac Computers" and is labeled OS X Install Disk 1. The other one, however, reads "MacBook" and is labeled OS X Install Disk 2.
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