Mac Mini :: Airport Card Not Installed?
Mar 19, 2012
I have a 2010 Intel Mac Mini. The mini has worked great for a solid year plus on wifi, one day i decided to relocate my wireless router and it all went downhill from there. Wireless has worked intermittently since and now says "No Airport Card Installed" I tried it via ethernet as well and it says "Cable unplugged".  All other wireless devices work great (Ipad2, Macbook, Ipod Touch). I have reset the SMC and the NVRAM 3 times to no avail
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jul 6, 2012
Im abel to be connected to airport sometimes but then my airport stops working completly. the airport symbol is blank ( white) and when i hover over it it says its not installed.
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Jan 13, 2011
I've recently got a refurbished Mac Pro from Apple, and once I'd set my system up and tried to connect to the internet, I soon learnt that there was no Airport Card installed, so I'm unable to get a wireless internet connection.
Having looked in the Apple Store online, I can't see any internal cards, just base stations. I looked up the Airport Extreme Card, which I thought would solve my problem, but from what I could see that is only compatible with older Macs.
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Apr 22, 2009
i have a late 2007 macbook which came with pre-installed airport software. it was all fine and dandy up until this week when i got ethernet for my modem so my computer was connecting to the internet that way. i turned off the airport since there was no need and i have no service in the area.
however, around this time the ethernet cable was jammed and i had to tug really hard for about five minutes to dislodge it from the computer. the connection works just fine so that's not the issue.
i tried to turn back on the airport but it wouldn't. so i rebooted, installed all the updates from mac and then the options, even from the system preferences menu, said that there was no airport card installed.
what could be the issue? could the card have been dislodged? would i have to reseat it or did the updates mess with something?
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Mar 25, 2012
My laptop all of the sudden couldn't connect to the Internet and it says no airport card installed.
MacBook Pro (15-inch Mid 2010), iOS 5.1
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Apr 30, 2012
My macbook will not connect to wifi and is saying "no airport card installed", i have tried the csm and pnr ? and nothing working .. i have no warrenty left
Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 9, 2012
Last night I watched Netflix just fine, put my laptop to bed and this morning, no wif-fi connection!!. Blank airport icon reading "No Airport Card Installed." Recently installed new battery, not that that probably matters.Do you think my Airport Card died overnight? I have tried restarting twice and nothing. Other devices can connect to the wi-fi just fine.Staying tethered to the modem is a drag especially since I just forked over $130 for a new battery! I have a MBp-17 with OS 10.5.8, Mahalo from Kona Hawaii.
MBP-17, Mac OS X (10.4.7), Mac user since the early 80s!
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Sep 15, 2010
My new i5 was working for about a week now my AirPort status says No AirPort Card Installed and I am unable to connect.
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Oct 15, 2008
i just got my new macbook 2 hours ago. i came home to set it up and there was no "antenna" or "signal strength" icon on the top right in the menu bar. I went to system profiler and clicked on airport, and it said "no information available", so i assume there's not one installed. thats about my luck. ill be taking it back in the morning.
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Mar 25, 2009
I just got a new MacPro 2008 and had the Apple Store install the $50 card before i lugged it back home. I get home hook everything up and OSX doesn't see the AirPort card. I open up the computer and see the card physically there and it is. Is there something i need to do, to enable it so OSX can see it? Do the "Genius People" test everything before they give it to the consumer? Or am i missing something.
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Apr 21, 2012
I transported my Macbook and when I set it up again it does not connect to the Internet and i get the message "No airport card installed". Does this mean the airport card needs replacing? It also does not read a USB stick.
MacBook, Was working
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Oct 3, 2008
The Airport Card in my 2008 MBP 17" seems to work intermittently, sometimes when waking from sleep or restarting it shows up as "Airport Card not installed". Other times it will switch on fine. I phoned AppleCare (I have 3yr) and they made me reset the PRAM & SMC, which initially worked, but now it back to it's old tricks of not working. Not sure what to do, don't really want to send my MBP off for a week.
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May 25, 2012
Have been unable to connect to internet today. My airport icon says, No Airport Card Installed. M mac laptop is connected, and our Roku tv is connected as well.Have tried all the troubleshooting things here:Â [URL]...
iMac (27-inch Mid 2010), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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Jun 10, 2012
So I'm working on my macbook pro (core duo, 2.16, sys 10.6.8) when I notice the battery is running down. I plug it in. Nothing happens, no lights, battery continues to drain. So I go online, when I get the great news that my laptop doesn't think that there's an airport card installed. OK, I try the brick in another magsafe type Macbook, it lights up fine. I try that laptop's power brick in my laptop. No lights, no charge.
This computer was working fine the day before. The battery only has 117 charge cycles.Never had an airport issue. I tried resetting the power thing, (SMC?) the pram, no luck. As far as I know, the computer was unplugged and sitting idle until I started working on it today, transferring some photos from my camera to the laptop.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8), intel core duo 2.16 250 hd
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Sep 25, 2010
So I just got my airport card and it picks up the signal but when I try to pull up camino or safari it just says I'm not connected what should I do now?
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Aug 9, 2007
I have an Airport card installed in my Cube. Whenever I turn it on it says "none of your trusted networks can be found. would you like to join the network named default?" default being the name of the network in our house. none of my other computers do this, they all join automatically. how can I fix this?
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Nov 11, 2008
I just picked up my iMac g5 20" (2.0 GHz PPC) from the Apple Store for having the power supply replaced. Now I've lost all traces of the built-in Airport Extreme Card: When I click on the now hollow diamond-shaped Airport icon, I get a grayed-out prompt stating "No Airport card installed". Any record of an Airport Card under System Profile comes up with "No information found". My Airport Express does not show up in Network settings either.
Airport Express works fine in my Macbook Pro, so I know it's not something wrong with my Airport Express. I tried installing the "Login & Keychain Update", but can't: "You cannot install Login & Keychain Update on this volume. This volume does not meet the requirements for this update". Ran Disk Utility and came up with errors and unable to repair disk. The iMac was fine going in - except, of course, for the random shut-downs from a failing power supply.
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Nov 22, 2008
I decided to get an Airport Extreme Mini PCI-E WiFi Card for my 2x3.2 Quad MP and after looking around for a while found several selling online for between $49.00-$89.00 which I thought is a little high for what after some research seams to be a pretty generic part. Unwilling to throw my money out the window I bought this part on eBay for a total of $20.00 including shipping: [URL] The card arrived today 9 days after the initial purchase. The installation took about 5 minutes and the card appears to be working perfectly. I'm unable to test the N protocol as my router does not support it but the Network Utility seams to recognize the card as supporting it.
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May 31, 2012
I was connecting via airport last night but when I tried to connect this morning it states that I have "no airport card installed"?
MacBook Pro (13-inch Early 2011), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
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May 27, 2009
I would like to upgrade my 17" Powerbook G4 to wireless n, but I'd like to upgrade the internal airport extreme card instead of using a PC Card adapter.
Are there any options for this?Will this airport extreme card from early model MBPs work?
my specs:
17" pwrbk Hi-res
1.67 G4
late 2005 model: Powerbook 5,9
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Apr 24, 2009
How certain are we that (physical?) interference between the airport card/wifi and the graphics card can be cured with a download, and not actual hardware fix/repair? I mean, I know technology is advancing rapidly, but I'm not sure I can believe that a download can solve the issue that the 4850s are experiencing.
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Apr 14, 2009
I bought my Mac Pro as a refurb from Apple, but it didn't come with the wireless card built in. This didn't bother me because at my old apartment my computer was near the router so I just wired it up by ethernet. I just moved into a new place and my computer isn't within router distance and I don't want to run a bunch of cable. My boss gave me a card to plug into Apple wifi card spot and OSX found the card and showed some airport info, but it didn't find any networks and if I run the Airport Utility it says it can't find an airport card. So I assume it's not compatible. What are my options? Oh yeah, I found this on ebay. Sound reliable? [URL:....]
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Aug 24, 2010
I installed a Kingston SSD drive in my 2010 mac mini. If I put the OSX install DVD (grey disc 1), the SSD is not visible in either the installer or disk utility.
The SSD is a Kingston 64 GB SATA 2.5-inch SSDNow V Series Solid State Drive. Cheap drive.
The funny thing is that before i started all this I restored a SuperDuper image of 10.6.4 from my old mini to the SSD using a usb to SATA adapter. Installed and it worked! The SSD booted OS X but the ethernet jack was not working.
Does anyone know of a workaround for installing OSX onto a drive that is not being recognized in disk utility?
I'd like to find a way to reinstall OSX using the grey DVD without having to remove the SSD drive.
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May 29, 2012
I delete iphone and connect to itunnes for recovery after my iphone3Gs installed i couldnt activate the iphone and my itunnes account display that sim card not installed. I tried few way that i watched in youtube like put in old nokia phone, put masking tape in the sim card tray but yet the problem could not resolve.
Info:iPhone 3GS
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Jan 22, 2010
Anyone tried swapping out the Mini-PCI-e for anything else?
Ive been following the custom upgrades and ive upgraded every Mac computer ive bought over the last few years - its now time for me to change the studio as its running an aging G5! But ive fallen in love with the 27" IMac - my head says no, my heart says yes yes yes!
The problem is it doesn't have the ins and outs for a proper pro machine and no PCI-E of course...but im willing to live without a couple of PCI-E cards for this beautiful machine, especially as im planning on putting two Intel X25-M G2's in, in a software raid 0 config by removing the opitcal drive (as I have done on my macbook pro)
which got to me thinking, i'll have all my network access via ethernet - so I wondered, any chance i can pull that wireless card out and swap it for something else...perhaps thread something out of the CD slot and around the back?
I need some bigger storage on here, so i'll be using the FW800 port for a 2tb 7200rpm external drive, however, i still need FW400 devices and I dont want to slow the FW800 drive down by daisy chaning them
Any chance one of the mini-pci-e to firewire 400 adapters will work in the iMac and in OS X?
Also ive seen this "PEMINI2X1 is a PCI Express Mini to PCI Express X1 adapter"[URL]
Any chance you could use "some" PCI-E cards with that outside of the imac, im thinking specifically the UAD-2...
Getting either extra FW400 port, or a PCI-E card externally via that slot would enable me to go one of two ways to having the perfect system for me.
Any just to confirm, im right in thinking the 4 USB ports run on two separate USB buses?
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Aug 5, 2010
So the other day I came home to find my powermac g5 frozen with the fans going crazy. After a hard reset the machine would no longer boot any further than the grey apple (kernel) stage. After pulling the video card the machine would boot up and I could log in using remote desktop from my laptop.
The machine ran that way for a couple of days until I got a new video card. When I put the new video card in the machine would not boot again.(The new card is exactly the same one as the old one)(ATI Radeon X800 XT mac edition).
After pulling the card the machine still wouldn't boot (exact same behavior as with the card) until I let it sit unplugged for 20 minutes or so. Also when it's not booting I can see that a little red light comes on on the logic board behind the cpu's.
Anyways I'm thinking it may be a power supply issue but if any experts wanna help me out with some advice I'd be very grateful.....
Well Today I tried using a pci video card from a g5 xserve and it exhibited the same behavior so now I know it's not the agp slot.
When it has the cards in it won't do anything except make the bong and the fans come on and then after a minute or so a red light comes on behind the processor and the fans start revving up super loud.
At first it would display up till the grey apple stage of the boot sequence and then hang.Now the display does not come on at all. When it is doing this the machine will not respond to any keystrokes etc.
When I pull the cards out all is normal and I can boot into target disk ,safe boot,whatever except I need to connect to it via remote desktop to see anything. Like this the machine is stable and will run normally. I also tried disconnecting the optical drive and hard drives and swapping the ram to see if that helped but it didn't. Of course I have reset Pram and the pmu also. Is the logic board toast? I can't run any hardware test or asd's with no video to see if there are any errors...
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Apr 22, 2009
1)How much ram do I need? 2)What kind of video card? 3)The G5 has Tiger installed now. Do I need to upgrade? 4) Any other suggestions?
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Dec 15, 2009
I am getting an i7 iMac in the near future (ordered yesterday, won't arrive til Jan. 3rd ) And I am getting it stock with just the 4gigs of ram, and don't plan on upgrading anytime soon, but I probably will at some point when prices come down. Anyway, I use photoshop some (not a power user or anything but I use it for some stuff) and I was wondering if you could use a mini sd card as a scratch disk, and if you can, is it a good idea? Thoughts/opinions/comments.
On to my HD question: should I pay apple to upgrade my HD to the 2TB drive? I think I will definitely fill up the 1TB so I'd like the extra space, but would prefer to buy the drive from ifixit or owc or something to save some cash, but the thought of having to remove the huge glass screen with suction cups and disconnecion the LCD seems a little daunting so I was wondering if I should just save myself the hassle and get the upgrade done by mac (it'd be $225 instead of $250 because I get the student discount) Of course I'd lose out on the 1TB HD that I could later stick in to an external HD enclosure, so its a pretty big hit in terms of cash.
From watching the teardown on ifixit changing he HD looks like it could be a little tricky, but I'd like some input from you guys. I am pretty tech savy (former PC user so I've replaced a lot of components like ram, video cards, HDs, ec cetera) but getting past the wall of glass is daunting, but I may just be hyping it up, so I wanted some input.
Third and finally, I got the wired keyboard because I wanted a # pad but I just found out my old Logitech G13 has mac drivers so I was thinking of switching to the wireless one just so I could have a wireless mouse + keyboard for when I want to watch a movie or something from further away, though ideally I think I'd prefer a keyboard with a built in track pad or track ball, but I don't really want to fork out the cash for it now. So is there any advantage of the wired numeric apple keyboard compared to the Logitech one? I can still control media, I have a remote, and it can do expose and screens and all that good stuff. But as always I wanted to make sure I wasn't over looking anything.
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Aug 21, 2009
I have the current generation $599 Mac Mini, with Nvidia graphics (just to clarify the model).
My wireless network is setup from an Airport Express.
My iMac, Powerbook, iPhones, Apple TV, Wii, etc. can all stay connected without problem.
However, my Mac Mini loses the connection constantly. It shows full signal, but then it drops out 100 percent for a few minutes, nonstop all day. It makes it completely useless effectively.
What kind of settings and things could I try to change?
Or, is this likely a hardware issue?
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Feb 26, 2009
I just installed a new hard drive successfully (I think) onto my Powerbook G4 after my original died. I installed Leopard from the legal CD - but now I can't find the Airport program. I know I have the original wireless card because my computer was running wireless on my old hard drive. Any advice out there?
I also realised that Dashboard didn't install with my OSX dvd. On the apple website that program is specified (as with Airport). Am I doing something wrong?
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