Intel Mac :: How To Set Up Internet Sharing
Jun 5, 2012had internet sharing on my imac before upgrade to lion, now nothing.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), had it before update to os x lion
had internet sharing on my imac before upgrade to lion, now nothing.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), had it before update to os x lion
For specific reasons, I needed to connect my Synology DS211 NAS to my iMac directly via its ethernet port. I discovered that if I share my wireless internet connection (coming from my cable modem/wireless router) from wireless to ethernet, then the NAS would get the IP stuff it needed to show up. did that, voila, NAS is acting like a glorified external hard drive. BUT, when I did that, I lost all internet connectivity on my iMac. Still have full wireless signal. preferences pane says I'm fully connected to my network with an IP address, but safari always fails to pull up any webpages, saying I'm not connected to the internet.As soon as turn off the ethernet PORT, it all starts working again. And to make it even crazier, I discovered that if I leave sharing my wireless internet via my ethernet port ON, but turn off the ethernet port (in pref pane), I can STILL access the NAS just like before. That makes no sense - I'm sharing my internet via a port I have turned off, but it works? Anyway, why would Iose my airport wireless internet connection when the ethernet port is on - configured manually?
eMac 1.25GHz & iMac Intel 2.0GHz Intel, Mac OS X (10.5.8), 80GB external FW, 1GB RAM, Superdrive(DL)
After applying the recent software update version 10.7.4 to OSX Lion, the internet sharing gets disconnected periodically. But when I look at the internet sharing icon on iMac, it states that it is still on and according to iPhone, it is still connected to the wifi, however, there is no internet connection. I have to turn off the internet sharing and wifi from the iMac and turn it back on and switch channels in the internet sharing and it works again. But this is getting to be frustrating as I have never encountered this issue since the update. I think the recent updates is bugged.
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.4), iPhone 4S
i just updated my 2.7 GHZ intel core i5 to lion 10.7.4 mac update today. About one hour later, my iPad 2 didn't have internet but had wifi. This problem was from my mac, as my iphone was having the same problem.
iMac, iOS 5
My iMac's Internet Sharing since one week still be very slow. I have a realy fast Internet on my computer, so, that's not a problem. I use IS for my iPad and it opens only 1-3 pages, then it just stills loading. One week earlier I could watch films etc, so it worked. The same problems are also with catching it on my iPhone, so the problems is by iMac. It writes "connection timeout" or something like this.
iMac, iOS 5.1.1
I'm am currently sharing my Internet via Airport to my MacBook and PC. The only problem is that the PC won't connect unless there is no password protecting the network. Why is this? What am I doing wrong?
View 4 Replies View RelatedSo far I haven't been able to get an airport connected computer to share its connection via ethernet with another. Am I doing something wrong or is this not possible?
View 2 Replies View RelatedMy macpro for some reason doesnt have the signal catching strength of my macbook. I want to temporarily use my macbooks internet on my mac pro. I went to sharing and clicked share internet and plugged them into eachother via ethernet, but it didnt work...or i just did it wrong. Is there an easy way to do this?
One weird thing, I clicked on the wireless icon nd clicked create network. i created a network and enabled data sharing...i was able to access all the file on each computer respectively without plugging them into each does this work? If they can share data without being plugged in why cant they share internet!?
Ok... So I set up my MacBook a day or two ago to share my Ethernet internet connection via WiFi for my iPhone. All and dandy. Cue about an hour ago. It just stopped working.
I can access the internet via my Ethernet connection when Internet Sharing is un-ticked. I then proceed to tick it and the Internet connection drops. So I un-tick again and internet is working again. My Airport creates and connects to my iPhone all ok. But, I cannot access the internet.
Also, when Internet Sharing is ticked, Little Snitch tells me that "natd" is trying to talk to via Labrat (DIVERT port 2560).
I tried searching but wasn't able to find anything extremely helpful. But I want to share files to a PC over the web. I have a TC and mobile me as well and not sure if the PC can get to the shared disk. I know my mac can connect to server in finder. I've read things about hamachi and that seems like a viable option. Sharing iTunes would be nice as well. But I imagine my computer would have to be awake for it to work. Would it be best to setup an FTP client or SSH?
View 3 Replies View RelatedI can't seem to get internet sharing working on my mac after installing a new router. I want to share my airport connection with my ethernet port so I can get on the internet with my Windows 7 test desktop that doesn't have wireless capabilities.
I used to have a DLink DI-614+ router and it just broke on me last week. Now I have the Belkin N+ Router model F5D8235-4.
Before, when I turned on internet sharing with the DLink router, everything went smooth and I could automatically connect via ethernet to the internet, but now when I attempt to connect it says that there is no internet access on the Win7 box. I assume this has something to do with the new router that I installed.
One thing to note is that My Ethernet in Network preferences says that it "has a self assigned IP and may not be able to connect." Is a self assigned IP the problem and is there a way to fix it by modifying the network preferences or is there something I have to do to my router to get this to work.
Since I have installed Snow Leopard I can't use the function in internet sharing that allows you to share your connection from ethernet to computers using Airport. Has anyone else had this problem? Anybody have ideas for a fix?
View 16 Replies View RelatedI've got an LED unibody MBP and for a month or 2. I've been internet sharing my connection from my HSDAP broadband dongle to my Xbox 360 through an ethernet cable. It took me AGES to get going! A while ago I upgraded to Snow Leopard and it broke it. I have no idea why, and i spent hours yesterday trying to get it to work again to no avail! [URL]. That is the guide I am using and for the most part its fine. Long story short, the DNS keeps failing. "Move onto DNS. Enter the IP address of your wireless router (in my case, "") in both the primary and secondary IP address fields". Thats the part I am having problems with, as I don't use a wireless router, i dont know what to put in.
View 1 Replies View RelatedMy xbox and mac are both connected by router by an Ethernet cable. When I go to internet settings it say I might violate the terms of service of my isp(att yahoo dsl) Does doing the steps in the above link, will it affect anything that will violate the TOS, is their another. Safer way to connect the 360 to my mac?
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have my cool new mac here and it's got a great printer connected to it via usb. My mac is accessing internet via an ethernet cable, awesome! I have internet AND can print on my mac. now we got the old family PC in another room and it really wants to print and have internet access. So I try to get my mac to help it out by using the built in airport to give it some wireless, and access to the printer via wireless. well I do that and the PC can connect to the shared network, but uh oh! we might have a few pesky snoopers around so I want to put the WEP on just to be on the safer side. Ouch, turns out PC and mac WEP aren't so compatible so what is my PC gonna do now. Well what it's gonna do is connect to local wi fi for internet, but now it can't print! I wonder if theres a way to SECURELY connect to my macs airpot from my PC or maybe theres a way to print wirelessly from my PC thats on a different network.
View 4 Replies View Relatedmy imac is connected to a wireless network that my psp cannot access, and im trying to enable internet sharing through the Ethernet port and connecting the ethernet to the WAN port on my wireless router. but for some reason this wont work because my psp says there's no internet connection through the network.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI used to be able to use Internet sharing without any issues. I share from ethernet 1 to wifi so my iPad etc can have strong wifi everywhere etc.Â
Everything is the same, I can set it up but when I check the box and then hit start, the airport icon flashes between a hollow shape and the bars a few times and then nothing happens. When it works the icon has an arrow in it.Â
2010 2.8 Quad MP  15" Late 2008 MBP 2.53Ghz 4GB  16GB iPad  32GB iPhone 4 , Mac OS X (10.6.5),  External WD 500GB  My Book Studio 1TB  Seagate 160GBx3 
My trouble is this:
i am currently connected to a wireless network.
i want to share this network with my ipod touch
is there a way using the computer's built-in internet sharing or a 3rd party app that i can have my ipod touch connect to my macbook, while my macbook is connected to a wireless network?
I have a Mac Mini connect to my Wireless Router (Gateway I have enabled Internet Sharing on 10.5.8 on Ethernet and have a Cable Running to my Samsung LED 40" HDTV and can happily access the Internet@Tv functions no problem.* My problem is the Mac has assigned the Tv on gateway which is different from my Hardware wireless router of* I have the Samsung Tv IPhone Remote App. My iPhone is connected via the Wireless router on and my Tv is on so they are not picking each other up and not connecting.* How can I change my shared connection to use the hardware routers gateway of to allow my networks media sharing capabilities and connection of other wifi devices on the hardware router?
View 3 Replies View RelatedSince it's possible to use a Mac as a wireless access point. I want to share my Ethernet connection through WiFi (not vice-versa), can I connect my Xbox 360 easily with that network or I have to painfully change the settings?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI'm new to Macs. I live ~200 yards from my Mom's house. I set her up with a b/g/n router. My Imac picks up the "n" signal just fine. My ps3, which only does b/g, gets no signal. I have an old linksys wrt54g wifi router. I tried plugging it into my imac and setting the imac to internet sharing through ethernet, but it didn't work. Stringing an ethernet cable isn't an option. Am I missing a step in the system preferences for internet sharing? Is there another way to get internet to the ps3? I would rather not buy any new equipment, but I'd spend up to $50.
View 2 Replies View Relatedive successfully done this before with 10.5 and xp and am trying to replicate with 10.6 and win7.
my imac connects to internet via airport. i want to share that internet with a win7 box via ethernet cable. i've turned on internet sharing in sys prefs but to no avail.
Recently got a Mac pro. However my room only has one network socket going into my router, this goes to ethernet port 1. Internet works fine, no issues. However my old desktop (that the MP replaced) can't get online now - no second network port from the router into the room the computers are in. I have a crossover cable that I've used to connect the 2nd MP ethernet port to the PC ethernet port. However I can't get internet access on the PC. If the PC and port 2 are on their own subnet (not the router/port 1 subnet) I can get file sharing going between the MP & PC, but cannot figure out how to get the router/MP/PC on the same subnet together using both ethernet ports of the MP. I have already tried enabling internet sharing under system prefs etwork, but it doesnt work. Network: Router (connected to internet) at - connected to mac MP port 1 - - works fine in connecting to the net MP port 2 - - works in networking to PC for filesharing PC - - works in networking to Mac for filesharing Any combination of for the MP port 2 and PC, they can't fileshare anymore and there is still no internet for the PC. Anyone know how to do this?
View 17 Replies View RelatedI'm trying to setup my MacBook to allow internet connections to devices via Bluetooth PAN. In other words, getting a Palm Centro/Motorola Q9h to access the internet via the mac's internet connection over Bluetooth PAN.
I've enabled Internet sharing correctly, checked all the relevant boxes.
When the device connects to the Macbook, the Bluetooth PAN connection shows 'active', but it seems that the Macbook is not assigning an IP address, nor routing the packets.
Has anyone had any success with this?
I want to share my connection over ethernet, but it is critical that it is passworded as its a large semi-public network and I dont want anyone else using my internet.
System preferences makes it easy to do this over wireless but it gives no password options for over ethernet.
So i've had my iPhone 2G for a few years now and recently the WiFi has stopped working. Im getting it replaced on the 9th of July so thats not the problem. The problem is I would like to use the internet from my MBP through my USB cable to my iPhone. Its on 3.0 and I added the ethernet port in Network Prefs and used sharing prefs to share that port.
View 12 Replies View RelatedI have my xbox 360 connected to my macbook through ethernet. On my mac i have internet connection sharing enabled from airport to ethernet. Everything works fine apart from the xbox saying I have a strict NAT.
I made sure the ports were all configured to work with my router, and UPnP is defiantly enabled on my router. I even tested to see if it was something to do with my firewalls, but even with them turned off, I still get this NAT error
How to share my Mac's Internet Connection to my Xbox 360. I have enabled Internet Sharing from my AirPort to the Ethernet, and changed the IP settings on the Xbox 360, but I keep getting "cant connect to your network hardware using a static ip".
View 1 Replies View RelatedI've been having a few troubles sharing the internet from my MBP to my Xbox 360 lately. My university only lets us have ONE wireless card registered on the system for security reasons, or else I would just use the Xbox 360 Wi-Fi Adapter. I share the internet over an ethernet cable to my Xbox. Lately something weird has been happening, internet sharing stops working.
Not just a simple drop in the Airport connection, but the actual setting for Internet Sharing changes on it's own. My computer isn't restarting when this happens, it's random when it's still online. Usually if it drops signal from the access point it still starts working again after the signal picks up. I go into the Sharing preferences to find that the Internet Sharing check box has unchecked itself. Once I check it back and restart my Xbox 360, it works again.
I've a Macbook, PS3 and Linksys ADSL Gateway that can be put in Bridge Mode.Macbook is connected to the internet via 3G USB modem.I was able to tell Macbook to broadcast it's 3G internet connection via AirPort and use it from any other Machine, such as iPhone.
But the problem here, is that I want can't use it in my PS3, because it's the old 20GB model which doesn't have a wireless connectivity.So, I figured out that I might be able to tell Macbook, to share it's 3G internet connection with the Linksys ADSL gateway while it's out in Bridge Mode, and this gateway can send the internet connection to PS3, all using Ethernet cables, as follows:
Macbook --> Linksys ADSL gateway in Bridge Mode --> PS3
But I couldn't make it work.
This is what I've done so far:
1- I plugged the Ethernet cable from Mac to Linksys ADSL gateway
2- I put Linksys ADSL gateway in Bridge Mode
3- I plugged another Ethernet cable from Linksys ADSL gateway to PS3
4- I went to network preferences in Mac and choose the Manual settings
5- I gave the Mac the IP address:, Subnetmask:, Router: and DNS:
6- I went to to PS3 wired settings and gave it IP:, same setting with other fields as Mac Ethernet
7- While testing the connection in PS3, the IP check went successfully, and the internet didn't
Note: I do not want to connect Mac to PS3 directly via a croseeover cable because I want to share the internet connection in mac with Xbox 360 as well, which also doesn't have a Wireless connectivity.