Intel Mac :: Can't Save Pdf From Safari
Apr 15, 2012saving a pdf file from Safari?
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
saving a pdf file from Safari?
iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Just recently have been unable to save or print PDF documents from two different websites using either Safari or FireFox on Snow Leopard (10.6). The same websites can be accessed, saved or printed on a different computer using Safari and Lion (10.7).
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.7)
I work for a University and the school bought me an iMac in January. Before giving it to me they had a username and password put on it so that only I could access it. I took it home for the summer and realized that the login info would only work on the school's network. To get around this I erased the account by holding down "command +S" during startup. It solved the problem and I was able to login and use the computer however now it says iTunes cannot be located and therefore cannot be used and when I use Safari it will not save any of the settings changes like changed startup pages etc. I reinstalled Lion by pressing "command + R" during startup but still encounter the same problem. how to completely erase everything and go back to factory settings?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I have some PDF files that I need to download from the internet/Safari. How do I do that? There is a button that I can click on my PC using Firefox but I can't find anything in Safari of my iMac.
View 5 Replies View RelatedAfter the security update I can no longer save or save as in Adobe Illustrator. The program has become useless. I tried the Rosetta Fix to no avail. How can I fix this?
iMac, Mac OS X (10.6.8), 27" iMac 2010
Cannot save as or save new documents in Office:mac.
Office:mac, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I've had Snow Leopard since launch. I want to do a fresh install, and then copy the files I want onto it from my external hard-drive. I have some questions though:
Will I have to redownload all the system updates that came out since Snow Leopard's launch? Is there a way around that?
Is there a way to save Safari's bookmarks?
If I want to keep a certain application, do I save the DMG or the installed icon onto the hard drive?
I copied the Pictures folder onto the hard-drive, which includes the 'iPhoto Library' file. Will this put my events back onto iPhoto?
How do I save address book contacts?
How do I save iTunes playlists/play counts/library etc?
Maybe there's an easier way of doing a fresh install while still being able to select these things to keep?
My Mac has been having some issues with "Kernel Panics" and after taking it to the Apple store and them finding nothing wrong with it while doing their tests, their advice was to just do a clean install without using the "migration helper" feature. I already know how to move over my music files, documents, etc. However, I have a ton of bookmarks saved and I'd hate to hate to build my bookmarks from scratch after doing a clean install of OS X. How can I save my bookmarks?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am on a MacBook (OS 10.5.8) running Safari (4.0.3). All of a sudden I have noticed that when I try to set a new bookmark, it appears in the folder on the bookmark menu bar, until I shut down and then it disappears. However, when you go through the Bookmark Bar, through the open book icon, the bookmark is there.
I tried exporting the bookmark.plst and then deleting it from finder and trying to import them back. This resulted in the bookmarks appearing to be there, until I shut down safari. When I restarted, I was left with the default bookmarks. I then tried to restore Safari from a back up a month ago and one 6 months ago. This got me my old bookmarks back, but didn't solve the problem of the disappearing bookmarks.
I'm not sure how uninstalling safari and reinstalling.
Up to now it hasn't bothered me much, but today I wanted to download iBank 4 Quick Start Guide. When I clicked on the link for the guide, Safari went to a pdf page and displayed the first page of the pdf. When I selected "Save As" it gave me a name for the file and the download destination. When I said OK, I got this error: The document “iBank_4_Quick_Start.pdf” could not be exported as “iBank_4_Quick_Start”. This happens for every pdf page I try to download. I get an error every time. The only work around I've found has been to right click (control click) on the button that takes you to the pdf file and select "Save linked file to the desktop" Safari used to allow you do a "Save As" for all pdf's.
Info:Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
First of all, my history does not save. I don't have any private browsing thing on.Also, if I add bookmarks, they dont save. If I try and delete existing ones, they dont delete. They just... regenerate
View 6 Replies View Relatedi can't get safari 5.1.5 to save preferences
Info:iMac (27-inch Mid 2011), Mac OS X (10.7.3)
im not sure but Safari 5.1.5 will not let me save pdf?
MacBook Air, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
I keep getting this error when in safari when it does not appear that the pdf is protected in any way. It happens when I run a save as. For instance this page [URL] results in this: "The document "Bio-logic of Architecture.pdf" could not be exported as "Bio-logic of Architecture.pdf"."But it seems to be happening for a lot of other pages.
View 3 Replies View RelatedWhen I try to save a "pdf" doccument, I get the following: The document “xxxx.pdf” could not be exported as “xxxx.pdf”.
Mac mini, Mac OS X (10.7.4), New Mac mini -- mid 2011
I have been retrieving PDF documents from In short: you get a link, you click on it, the document appears as PDF, you save it as PDF from Safari. After doing the update, now I can't save the PDF documents as I was able to do it before the update. I get the following message:
The document “english media kit.pdf” could not be exported as “english media kit”.
MacBookPro Intel Core 2 Duo
Safari 5.1.7
Running Snow Leopard 10.6.8
Adobe Reader 10.1.3
Preview 5.0.3
MacBook Pro (15-inch Early 2008), Mac OS X (10.6.8)
Safari won't save any bookmarks or start page... I've restarted machine... re-downloaded Safari...
View 3 Replies View RelatedBefore the problematic ridden Lion OS, I was always able to save a pdf page in Safari simpy be Save or Save as. Now I always get the annoying message ''File xxxx can not be exported as xxxx.pdf". What? Been doing this for years until the new OS. Is there a magic setting somewhere to be able to save?
iPad, iOS 5.0.1, MacPro, MacBook Pro, iPad, iPhone
When I try to save a pdf, safari says that it cannot be exported. The pdf's save fine in other browsers and it isn't any particular pdf.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.4)
It seems that regardless of how I save them, my Top Sites keep changing. What's the magic trick?
I clicked EDIT, then I dragged URLs into the order that I wanted. Then I clicked the BLUE PUSH PIN to save, and clicked DONE. And then it was different the next time I did Command-T.
MacBook Pro 3 GHz; Quicksilver twin 1.25 ghz; Cube, Mac OS X (10.6.8)
I just reinstalled Lion on my MacBook Pro and everything is great except for one small problem that I can't seem to solve. I'm using Safari 5.1.7 and it just won't save my Top Sites. I deleted the TopSites.plist, rearraganged and repinned the Top Sites as was instructed here and here. The Top Sites do stick for a while but then they change again. I repeated this process several times and they still keep changing.
Info:MacBookPro, Mac OS X (10.7.4), 13-inch, Mid 2009
I have the latest version of Safari (5.0.2) on Snow Leopard 10.6.4. I'm also using 1Password (3.4.4). I'm encountering two issues:
1) Safari rarely Autofills user/passwords when surfing. Autofill is checked off for "User names and passwords".
2) I keep getting prompted over and over again to save my login information in Safari. I continue to click "Yes" but neither Autofill remembers the information and I get prompted again the next time I login.
I just installed a new Modem/Router a Speedport W 502V (I am not impressed with it but my old one died and this needs to do for a few weeks). I like it to store my password but it does not.
I have Autofill on and I have a extension installed called "autocomplete" but it still does not do it. I am also not sure if it still works as there seems to be no download anywhere anymore.?
MBP, MM, MBP - 10.6 + Windooz XP on a hard partition
I´m running Lion, we´re getting better acquainted. However, with Safari I´m having problems when I try to save a web page as a PDF using the Print-Save PDF options. It tells me the file cannot be saved. I try duplicating, exporting, etc, and the only solution I´ve found is to email the document, which, when attatched to the email arrives as a PDF with no problem whatsoever. This is silly (close to dancing infront of my MacBook Pro with a black chicken spitting rum in all directions).
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.2)
I'm using Safari 5.1.5 on a MacBook Pro. After using Chrome for a year I have switched back to Safari. I set up all my bookmarks & extensions and it worked great for a few days until I had to restart the computer. Then Safari opened up with only my OLD bookmarks, and no extensions! *This has happened twice now!!* Also, when I go the Extensions panel under Preferences, it says my extensions are "installed" yet they are nowhere to be found.
Is there something I need to do to SAVE my bookmarks and extensions, because there's no way I'm going to putter around re-creating them each time I reboot the computer.
MacBook Pro, Mac OS X (10.7.3)
Have recently started having an issue where when I open a PDF attachment from Safari, it will not allow me to print it or "save as". When I attempt to print, the window comes up, shows a blank preview in landscape mode. When I attempt to "save as" it states The document “201205210502092.pdf” could not be exported as “201205210502092”. and nothing saves. It used to work great every time, now, it does not work at all.
View 6 Replies View RelatedRecently when trying to save utility bills from Safari (pdf files) I get a message saying that the file cannot be "Exported" although I am using the "Save As" command.I have recently upgraded to Lion, could this be responsible? I also cannot print off the bills even though they are displayed clearly on the screen.
MacBook Pro
I had this app a while ago that I could use to save a full page in Safari (scrolled down to the bottom) and export it as a PDF, but I forgot the name of the app and I'd really like it back.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI continue to have problems with Safari after the Version 10.2.8 Apple pulled a year or so ago. It Unexpectedly quits everytime I hit any arrow, delete or modifier key. I decided for some reason to once again delete Safari and everyhing I could find. Anyway I want to get all the Safari bookmarks from my powerbook which works fine, and get them over to my iMac. There appears to be no way to save or transfer them! Unless I use .Mac which I can't afford.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI bought my first MacBook three weeks ago and was using Firefox for the first two but then I decided to switch to Safari. I love it but I have a couple of questions/problems. I did google it but found mixed responses.1) Safari sometimes doesn't save passwords, even does't ask me if I'd like to.It shows every time I launch Safari. I'm deleted Saft (used AppTrap) but looks like there are sill some files left.
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