Hardware :: Pioneer External 116d Dvd Burner Not Recognized By Leopard
Nov 24, 2008
I have an external Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-116d burner hooked to my Duo iMac and since I updated the software with software update, Leopard only recognizes it as a Mass Storage Device. Says it's manufacturer is Prolific Technology Inc. So it doesn't recognize any DVD or CD that I put in it, blank or not. I've tried putting it on different USB ports and Firewire even with no success. I was about to reinstall my entire system just to get things back to where they were before, but those same updates solved a different problem I'd been having.
The built-in drive is unreliable after using a game disk that had too much art on it or something, making the drive make noises. Since then the internal just hasn't been the same, hence I purchased the Pioneer external from OWC.
I believe the reason why I can't seem to burn either type of disc anymore is because I have plugged them into different USB ports over the many days I've been using these devices. They work fine on other computers and were working fine on this one, but Final Cut Pro uses a "Create Disc" program that I believe gets confused by which disc drive is to be used.
Final Cut Pro X completes the transcoding and goes to burn the DVD or BluRay disc (depending on which I selected in the Share menu) but nothing happens anymore.
How do I flush the hardware cache (if there is one) and restart with these external devices. The Mac Pro only has 4 USB ports but I needed more so I swap out the cables from time to time as I sync iPhones or upload memory cards to iPhoto.
I have been thru 2 external DVD burners Maxwell & LG with USB connections. Both worked OK until I used Lightscribe then they are not reconized. They show up in system profiler but dvd icon will not come up on desktop. I threw out light scribe, disconnected the drives and still will not work.
I've got a 1.5Ghz PB G4 (128MB Radeon 9700 model), and it would appear that the DVD burner is no longer being recognized. It's out of warranty. I've opened it up and verified that the cables are all connected. I know it is receiving power, because it spins up when I tell the computer to shut down. Symptoms: disc in the drive does not mount, eject key does nothing, Disc Burning in System Profiler says "No burning device was found. If you are using an external device please make sure that it is connected and powered properly.", disc in drive is not seen by Disk Utility, ATA in System Profiler only shows my hard drive.
I have a MBP 13" 2009, and had a HDD fail yesterday. I have an external HDD for backups with timemachine (WD 1Tb), with daily backups.I bought a new internal hdd, plugged it in today, and when presented with the install options, I selected recover from backup. There, my drive appears (in yellow), but when pressing continue, I get a message: No system backups found.
I looked around on forums and people suggested that a normal installation should be done followed by migration assistant. When I try using migration assistant and select Time Machine backup, the next page just shows up empty with a rotating thing in the middle.
When I browse the Backups.backupdb folder, everything is there, including my last backup from Saturday. I see that I can recover my files, which obviously is the most important bit, but I would like to restore Applications, settings etc, as to not waste too much time.
an External Blu-Ray reader/burner for my computer and I assume it's best to have FireWire for my Mac but also i want USB since I'll use it on a Windows machine that has USB only.I have considered the below drive by OWC which is 12x
I have two early 2008 Mac Pro 8-core computers, both running Leopard 10.5.8. The backup computer has a system hard drive that is an exact clone of the primary computer. They both burn data or video dvds fine using their internal drives. I just got an external USB Samsung bluray burner. It burns dvds and blurays (data or video) fine on the backup computer using Toast 10, or the finder burn function for dvds). But the external usb Samsung will not burn either dvds or blurays (neither date or video) on my primary computer. With blurays it just stops, and with dvds it gives some sort of error message. Since both computers have exact same system drives.
Info: Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.8), early 2008, 8-core, 10G Ram
I already have an External enclosure that turned an old HDD into an external HDD (IDE to USB and a Power cable). Now, if i had an Internal DVD burner, can i plug it into my HDD enclosure and use it to burn DVDs?
I know it wont fit INSIDE the enclosure but luckily the enclosure has a back panel with all the hookups that come off completely so i could just plug it in and sit it on a desk while its in use.
However, many burner has system requirement that only lists windows. Does these dvd burner actually work with mac by just plugging it in? I have Toast already installed, so the system requirement is only for the software.
I have a white MacBook and want to burn something to a DVD but it is too big. I have an external DVD burner (LG GSA-E60L 20x DVD�RW DL USB 2.0 External Drive) that does dual layer burning but am not sure how to use it on my mac. Can I just plug it in and use Toast Titanium to burn?
I've been using my external burner for sometime now connecting to my G4 with the firewire. When I connected recently by firewire the computer does recognize or mount on the desktop like usual. When I tried the USB connection the burner is recognized and mounts fine. I repaired premissions and repaired the disk from the install disk I also reset the Pram
My Macbook (1.83 Ghz Intel COre Duo, Mac OSX 10.4.10) won't recognize or find my external LAcie Porshe dvd burner... Although I have used it many times since buying it 18 months ago. Suddenly, Toast doesn't seem to see it, neither does iDVD 6.0.3... The burn button doesn't activate and stays closed. The weird thing is that when I check the system profiler, it sees it. What gives?
Our internal drive for iMac is dying. I am looking for recommendations (seem to only have older ones on the boards) for an external DVD burner/drive (blu-ray not required) that we can use for a while.
My iMac (Model 4,1 operating 10.6.4) drive has made some funny noises recently when inserting disks. I want to back up Pages documents to DVD's so that I can take them to a print shop if needed later. I have an Iomega back up hard drive but I really want an external burner. I used to have a Tower years ago and loved the front loading slot (great for burning Word, Excel, Pages and PDF files to DVD's}. While I have the Iomga back up drive, that will not help if my computer sighs it's last breath & I need to access some of the back up files.
I have Canon HD Camcorder that I use to record family events, sappy stuff, etc. I haven't purchased Final Cut (mostly because I don't know how to use it), so I use iMovie to edit the video footage. I'm sick of having to "down-convert" the footage to get it onto a DVD so others can view it, so I'm looking to buy an external Blu-Ray burner (external because I have a newish Macbook). It looks like I have three choices at this point: LG (model BE06LU11), LaCie (d2), or Buffalo Technology. Has anyone tried (and been successful) at accomplishing what I'm trying to do, and if so, with which burner?
I'm wondering if there is a product like this available... ideally it would be a attractive external Blu-Ray burner/player that I could connect to my Mac Pro to burn/read Blu-Ray discs (FW800 would be a bonus ), and then transfer to the living room to connect to my TV and view DVDs and Blu-Ray discs in 1080p.
On my G4 800MHZ Power PC I run OS 10.1.5 while running OS 9 in the background - I never upgraded my system out of FEAR - I publish 2 monthly magazines and have never been crazy enough to take the step.I have just encountered a HUGE PROBLEM because my superdrive has decided not to burn any type of DVD I have purchased - I HAVE PURCHASED THEM ALL. and it just does nothing when I put the disk in. What I am hoping to find is an external DVD burner that will run using OS 10.1.5 - I am happy burning through the finder - I do not need any fancy software just a drive that will work and allow me to mount the DVD so I can drag and drop files.
I own a mac mini and i purchased an external dvd burner. When i first hooked it up it worked, after disconnecting then moving it, i tried hooking it back up and now it doesnt work. i searched for drivers but nothing. is there something im missing?
i've recently ask in the forum for expanding my G5 and G4, because the DVD-RW stop working on both. I've bought a Pioneer DVR-112 and install it on the G4 (under panther). Startup the mac and it was there on the system profiler, but when i'd tryed to open the tray, it couldn't go out because it was getting jammed bye the mac tower (some plastic thinggis around the drive hole), so i've notice that the previous DVD-RW didn't had the front part on the drive that says DVD-RW and all the stuff. So, shutdown the mac and removed the drive to see what it can be done. Installed again and now the mac don't recognize the drive.
Information: G4 AGP 400mhz, Mac Mini, Powerbook G4 12 Mac OS X (10.4.11) External DVDRW 16x DVDirect GSA-5169D, 768 RAM
My '08 mac pro has a pioneer dvr-112D in it and it seems to be extremely slow when ripping DVDs in windows/bootcamp. It will take 30+ minutes to rip a DVD whereas it only takes 9 minutes on my PC. I ran the Nero discspeed benchmark and it says the drive is only reading at ~10X max at the end of the test. The drive should be good for 18X right?
This happens in both XP and windows 7.
I've checked that DMA mode is enabled so it's not an issue of it being in PIO mode.
I have a PowerPc Mac G5 running Leopard 10.5.8 and I have been upgrading some parts. I installed the Pioneer DVR-A18L, which is the European version of the DVR-118L that is being sold as Mac compatible everywhere. When checking on System Profiler it is recognized as the Pioneer DVR-118L and the following:
So, at the moment the drive reads CD's but it doesn't get to play them; on iTunes it reads the tracks and gets the titles and stays hanging and doesn't get to play them at all. When inserting DVD's it spins for a while until it says that a blank DVD/Media have been inserted. I thought it would work straight away as the DVR-118L.
I recently bought a 2.2 Ghz Macbook Pro, and one of my external hard drives isnt recognized, its a USB powered Western Digital Passport [URL]. (Same as this one, but only 120GB). It runs fine on my old iBook G4, but when plugged into my new MBP, it doesnt run at all. Has no recollection of the hard drive at all. I've tried reformatting it, still nothing.
I use my external harddrive for Time Machine on OSX. I also happened to put other files on there too. But once I run bootcamp, it seems that Windows cannot recognize harddrive. Is that normal? And is there a way for me to reach the files in Windows?