Has anyone ever come across this weird shading before? I've only just noticed it on my display, and while it is not noticeable when loads of windows are open or when there is a complex photo, it does show up when the background is plain like this. It doesn't appear to be a backlight problem, and I cannot see that it would be a pixel problem.
So, my photo booth booth effects are not working. They were working perfectly fine before, but now comic book, color pencil and pop art aren't the same. Any figure that its photographing looks black and comes out black. Theres no shading.
• The answer is "no", Unsanity haxies are unusable with 10.7.x
• Unsanity isn't showing signs of life and, even if they revive, it may be impossible for a third party to implement haxies in 10.7+
• Apple is showing no signs of providing these functions built-in.
• Some people --including me-- are very frustrated by the lack of some functions formerly provided by these haxies.
I'm going to concentrate on the most significant issue for me and for at least some of the people on the above-referenced thread: Windowshading. How can we live without windowshading in 10.7 and beyond? Windowshading, long ago, was built in to the Mac OS. I liked having many, sometimes dozens of files open, easily identifiable, easily restored to full size, arranged on the desktop, generally approximating my workflow, without taking up more than a thin horizontal strip of the desktop for each. I liked being able to arrange these on the desktop as required by my workflow, especially when things are evolving.
Since Apple does continue to support windowshading in one 10.7 app --Stickies-- it is clear that this function still has some validity. Should this give us windowshading-wanters hope?
Probably not. I'm guessing that Apple Human Interface designers made a special exception for Stickies, as this app has doesn't save any visible files. My guess is that the HI folks feel strongly (VERY strongly) that any kind of desktop workflow-representation should be done with the file icons themselves, on the desktop or in folders. I'm guessing they see the windowshaded representations as bad compromises. I've also seen some evidence that Apple is going in the direction of reducing the distinction between "open" files and prospectively open ones. (D'oh! I wish I'd recorded some links to the articles describing this.)
Well, all in all, it seems we're not going to get windowshading. Juggling lots of open files all at once? Organizing according to workflow? What are the current options? To start: we can shove open windows partly off to the side. That's good for at most 2 or three files per screen edge, left, right, and bottom (with some interference from the Dock) and isn't necessarily so helpful as left and right-shoved files are likely difficult to identify as their titles fall off-screen.
Shrinking to the dock? Yeah, that works -- but in my view only for a very limited number of files. What about using the solution the HI folks seem to be pushing for, organizing the file icons on the desktop or inside folders? Credit where credit is due: for image files in folders, in cases in which the file icon is a representation of the image, with Finder View-->Show View Options-->Show icon preview enabled, the HI folks have provided a brilliant solution: just use the icon size slider at lower right as necessary. For most images I've worked with, the icon preview can easily be made big enough to recognize and sort each image. None of the image files need be open. Cool.
For me this applies less well to non-image files. Text: I'm imagining sorting hundreds of short files each with a brief bit of text inside (e.g. quotes) all formatted at 9 point. I don't think this will work so well: for me, such text isn't readable even at maximum icon magnification. I simply don't have enough experience with miscellaneous files that don't fit in these categories. Do "minor" 3rd party apps provide icon preview images? (Full disclosure: just now is the first time I've even tried this with non-image files. D'oh!) Another approach that works for me is to use Mission Control and multiple Desktops/Workspaces. In general, this gives me access to many more open files in workflow-related groups. In my opinion, Mission Control still needs some improvements, and I understand it doesn't work for everyone.
My external display (HP w2207) seems to conflict with my MacBook Pro (15 inch Retina display, early 2013) since I upgraded MacBook OS to 10.9.4.The external display works at initial boot of Mac but does not work after OS sleeps and I attempt to awaken, and while the external display is not waking, the Retina display flashes through different screen views, which only partially reflect my normal screen, or do not reflect my normal screen at all.
I am considering upgrading my RAM from 2GB to 4GB today at the Apple Store, and was wondering if I will notice a significant performance boost. 2GB is fine, but occasionally I'll get that annoying beach ball. It's $150 for a 4GB boost, and I have the 2.0GHZ aluminum MacBook. Would it be worth it for me to upgrade it?
Just recently my iMac has started experiencing a noticeable delay in waking up from sleep. It is set to have a password to allow access and normally, a nudge of the mouse and up pops the password entry panel. Now the screen stays black for 10-15 seconds which in the grand scheme of things is neither here nor there but still annoying. Nothing changed to the best of my knowledge in the system. Probably a corrupt preference file maybe but if so, which one?
I did some searching on this topic but couldn't really find any info. I have a 2006 24" iMac with a 250gb HD. I just upgraded the ram to 3gb and have done a fresh install of snow leopard but my machine still seems to struggle with applications and accessing files. I was looking at replacing it with either a WD Caviar Black or a Samsung Spinpoint 1tb. the extra space is not my biggest concern, just wondering about performance increases?
Just got my brand-new 24-inch iMac yesterday, unpacked it and hooked it all up last night (2.93 Ghz, Nvidia120 card). First off, absolutely beautiful computer. But... I'm already noticing a loud "pop" from the speakers on occasion. In doing a little research, I've seen where others have had this problem, but mostly with external speakers. Mine is with the built-in speakers.
Seems to happen when I open a movie or sound file --- and only when one hasn't been opened in the last few minutes. I get a fairly loud "pop" upon opening the file, then everything's fine. If I immediately open another movie or audio file, I don't get a repeat of the pop, but if I wait, say, 5 minutes before opening another movie or audio file, I get the pop again. No peripherals hooked up (other than cable modem) and no software installed that didn't come on it.
I have a 1,1 Mac Pro. Am I going to see a good difference in performance? I mainly do motion graphics and Photoshop related tasks. Gaming is secondary. Just wondering what your guys' thoughts are and if it's worth the price upgrade.
Aside from more screen real estate which is not that important to me, will i really notice the difference between std and hi res glossy in the 15" MBP? I am coming from a late 2007 core 2 2.2 ghz system that I mostly used for photoshop work, email, web surfing and for watching movies once in awhile, so I think for me the deciding factor comes down to will the the hires display have a significant enough difference over the std display on my photos?
I noticed from the start that there is a noticeable noise to it, not loud. But noticeable. I can feel some vibration under both my hands when typing. I have used one of my friends white mabcbook and this does not have any such noise to it. I did opt for the 7200 RPM HD and now my question is is the sound coming from the HD or the fans? The sound has been on constantly since I first turned it on. Downloaded SMC Fancontrol and it's showing 2000 RPM on both fans, but that's normal isn't it?So is there anything I can do? Is this normal or did I get unlucky?
I purchased a MacBook 2010 from bestbuy almost two weeks ago, I have only really internet surfed and added some songs from my ipod using senuti. Yesterday I started noticing this little noise sort of a sounds like a bug like a scratchy hiss (or something spinning kind of like the noise my ipod classic makes every now n then) its very quick but it happens every few seconds. Now mind you it is very faint cant hear it if there's noise around me but if its silent I can hear it. I wanted to know am if its something I should be concerned with or was this small noise there from the beginning and i just started paying attention.
I own a 17" MacBook Pro i7. I have noticed a very buggy sound from the top left corner of my MBP. It sounds like the HDD rotating but when observed carefully, its a some mechanical sound from the logic board (left hand top corner). The sound is comparatively lesser when I switch to 330m gpu using gfxCardStatus. I want to know if this is an issue only with my machine or it a common problem found on the this series of MBP ? Should I contact Apple for a repair or its a normal behavior of Flash on OS X ?
I've been wondering about this for some time now but never took the time to ask. Why is it when the machine powers down, there is a very noticeable click from the power supply? This happens when it shuts down or goes to sleep mode. Before the Mac Pro, I've always built my own system and none of the OEM PSUs ever did this.
Is anyone experiencing a very slight clicking noise coming from their new 24 in LED? I just noticed a very slight clicking noise. I've had the monitor for 3 months now and just started to notice it today. I am running XP at the moment.
I know this topic has been gone over several times, but I'm still having trouble deciding on which to get in a new 15", 2.8Ghz MBP - 5400/500GB, or 7200rpm/320GB (or 500, really). I'll be using the machine largely for graphic design, but also for various other tasks as my main computer. I've heard the faster drive IS a noticeable difference, but it also drains battery life and runs hot. There doesn't seem to be a consensus on this anywhere. Is the 7200 worth it?
I'm looking to replace my current external drive with a newer, larger drive. My current drive is connected via Firewire and houses my iTunes library, plus movie files, documents, etc. I'm trying to decide between a portable drive (the Western Digital Passport, for example), and another desktop drive (like say, this one [URL:..]Questions I have:
- Is there any reason to be concerned about longevity when using a portable drive? - Does a desktop drive typically perform better than a desktop drive? - Is there a noticeable speed difference between USB 2.0 and Firewire?
I just purchased some logitech 2.1 speakers for my Macbook Pro, and unfortanetly, there is a pretty noticeable hum or buzz coming from the speakers. When I have the volume for the speakers turned all the way up, and the volume on my computer on mute, it's most loud. It's quite annoying.
I feel like I had this problem with my previous speakers (without a subwoofer) but I resolved it somehow...What to do, what to do...
I tried to use some software to test the display. I found when the screen goes to completely dark with the backlight on, the bottom side of my screen is brighter than other parts.... have u guys met any problem like that, or is this some problem with my MBA?
Whenever I try to use Screen Sharing to control this one particular Mac Mini, and someone else is using the mini, and I pick "Connect to Virtual Display", I get dropped to a grey linen screen. Like the login screen, but without a list of usernames or anything. There it sits. Here is what I see in the console of the mac mini when I try and use a virtual display from the other machine:
3/10/12 7:30:04.291 AM mds: (Error) Backup: Couldn't stat source path '/Users/glados/Library/Saved Application State/com.apple.finder.savedState/window_3.data' -- importing from backup path instead 3/10/12 7:34:01.706 AM [0x0-0x9009].com.apple.systempreferences: System Preferences(148,0x7fff76017960) malloc: reference count underflow for 0x400440ce0, break on auto_refcount_underflow_error to debug.
I just purchased a Mac Mini and am using a DVI to HDMI cable to connect it to my 42" Sony KDF-E42A10. I am unable to achieve full-screen resolution and downloaded SwitchResX to manually adjust the display. Does anyone know the timing parameters for the Sony or how to achieve full-screen resoltuion?
I'm sitting here thinking I made a mistake by being cheap and just upgrading the base model to 2 GB when virtually everyone else is going for 4 GB... I do realize that this is mainly because most people choose to upgrade themselves, and then there's no point in not installing 4 GB. The thing is that I don't think I would benefit at all from having 4 instead of 2 GB of memory, since I won't be doing any "heavy" work on it whatsoever.
I might use Photoshop now and then, but that's about it, and that works just fine on my current MacBook with 2 GB ram (white 2006 model). Also, my memory usage most often shows that I have 1,2 GB of free memory, which isn't even close to "maxing" it. I've been looking for benchmarks comparing these two configurations, but I couldn't find any. I know that it's quite easy to upgrade it yourself later, but I'd rather avoid it...
So I've bee tinkering with my energy preferences in order to get the best battery life I can, I've turned down the brightness to 1, my keyboard back light, to 1 (when I'm watching a movie in a dark room) and I've set it as the 'better battery' option. But now i'm a bit confused. What's the point in the screensaver if you can set your display to sleep (which i'm sure would save more energy). Is it just to look pretty? How does everyone have their notebooks set-up to get the most out of their battery? Lastly, the 'better battery' option in energy preferences, does this do anything apart from adjust the display/computer sleep? I read that it reduces processor power hence the 'better performance' option.
I have a Mac Pro (Early 2008) running on 10.5.8 OSX with apple 20" display and 16G RAM.
Initially started with my MACPRO not waking up from sleep and has to force the shut down with power button. Finally realised it was due to my Epson scanner connected via USB...
The main issues now is with the display, black screen on startup. I can still control the volume and disk eject/close, just no display. Force shut down with power button numerous time but futile. Finally solved it with SMC reset.
it becomes an on and off issues... and continuously I solved it with SMC reset.... sometimes needed 2 or 3 resets to get it to work,and finally for the past few days... SMC reset can't solve it either... no display on startup, and same thing I can control the volume and disk eject/close. Have tried my monitor on other mac and it worked fine.
Now this is strange. if I let the mac cool off totally,after a SMC reset. the display will comes up fine...